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2008-08-16 3:34 AM

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Subject: Nightmares!
Just one week to go before my first olympic distance tri and the nightmares have started. Last night I arrived late for the race, having forgotten to bring (or even pack) my bag. My husband had to dig around at the bottom of his bag and find an old 6mm wetsuit that my son used to use - freyed, faded, broken zips and way too big for me. When I finally get to register, the swimmers are already in the water, and they're struggling to find my name on the list...
Guess this is my subconscious sorting out a few of my anxieties.
Any genuine tips greatly appreciated.

2008-08-16 5:37 AM
in reply to: #1607625

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Trinity, Florida
Subject: RE: Nightmares!
Alcohol. I have never had a nightmare after enough of it.

Also going through your list for each events equipment helps. Set it aside or pack it but I found due to my OCD that if I pack it too soon I will unpack to recheck it several times.
2008-08-16 6:19 AM
in reply to: #1607625

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the Alabama part of Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Nightmares!

I find that nightmares like this are indeed the subconscious sorting things out.  Use it.  You are obviously worried about forgetting something for your first tri. Make sure you have a list, practice all your transitions with everything on the list, then keep all that stuff in one place if possible. If you still get the nightmares, when you wake up, review what happened in the nightmare, and "talk back" to it - e.g. "I know I won't forget the wetsuit because it's in the bin and ready to go".


I love the avatar, btw. Is that you ironing underwater?

2008-08-16 7:54 AM
in reply to: #1607625

Subject: RE: Nightmares!

1. Make a list.

2. Get all items on the list.

3. Realize that you forgot one of the items.  Panic.  (Is that the only one?) Go back to step 2.

4. Realize that you left something off the list.  Panic.  (Is that the only one?) Go back to step 1.

5. Repeat. 

2008-08-16 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1607625

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Simi Valley
Subject: RE: Nightmares!

Totally normal IMO.  And I agree with the above, do your best in this week to eliminate the controllable.  Also consider a prayer/meditation at the end of the day before you go to bed where you are consciously breathing, honoring that you did all you could to be ready in that day, and inviting rest in acknowledging that the rest is a way that your spirit and mind can continue that preparation.  That being said, you may have these substate dreams until you are through the event.  If they do wake you up, take time to breath, acknowledge your fear, and ask yourself, "Am I safe?" (yes), thank your fear for reminding you of the need to be prepared but honestly say to your self - we are ok. 

Might sound a little hokey, but from personal experience (where every Friday for 6 months I would have a dream that I forgot my sermon notes) and my work  in pastoral care - it does help.


You are ready.  You will be race day.  You will do great! 

2008-08-18 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1607625

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Nightmares!

Oh and for what it's worth, you don't need that wetsuit to swim anyway.

2008-08-18 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1607625

Extreme Veteran
West Windsor, NJ
Subject: RE: Nightmares!
I have these all the time, usually starting 3-4 weeks before a race. Typically I am at the swim start and I forgot either my goggles, my timing chip or both. I call them tri-ghtmares.

But totally agree with the above posts. Being organized..and packing well in advance of the event will probably reduce your anxiety a bit (and alcohol doesnt hurt either

I like to pack everything up a day or two in advance..and then I basically unpack it..setup a transition area...and mentally walk through everything. Usually by the 2nd or third time...I have everything I need and I feel comfortable that I didnt forget anythng. And I ALWAYS have a race-day list where I go through it one last time.
2008-08-19 5:46 PM
in reply to: #1607625

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Marin County, California
Subject: RE: Nightmares!
I sometimes dream that I forget to take my hearing aids out before the swim....this would be about a $3000 mistake.
2008-08-19 5:49 PM
in reply to: #1607625

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Nightmares!

Yes, very common and normal, even healthy I'd say. You're probably right about the subconscious working out its anxieties ... I think of it as getting all the bad vibes, worries and scenarios out of the way before the race so that race day itself is FREEEEE! of them.

Good luck!

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