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2008-12-16 8:31 PM

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
NAME: crea0029- Pam
STORY: I'm a recent college graduate from the University of Minnesota. I started training for triathlons the summer of 2005 after reading a great book called Slow Fat Triathlete. Except for my required hours in high school Phy Ed, I couldn't run a mile or even ride my bike for more than 10 minutes nor did I really want to. During the summer of 2006 after lots of long hours of training and dedication, I completed my first sprint and became instantly addicted. It became an early goal to complete an Ironman and that is where I am today. An important note I want to mention is I am not on a regular work schedule. I am a psych counselor at a hospital and work a rotating weekend/holiday schedule with switches during the week between the 7-3 and 3-11 shifts.
FAMILY STATUS: I am currently single and living with my parents after my May graduation from college.
CURRENT TRAINING: My current training until January is a build up plan for my 36 week Ironman plan. These few weeks are a schedule I made myself. I normally form my own schedule except for major races like HIM or IM. I am going to use that 36 week plan until the Ironman in September, but it will get modified as needed as my schedule changes.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: This past year I completed an indoor triathlon, quarter ironman distance triathlon, half ironman distance, several running races, and a duathlon in the fall.
2009 RACES: The main "A" goal race of the year is Ironman Wisconsin on September 13th. I have plans to do a half ironman (the same one as last year), possibly a marathon, several longer bike rides, and a few running races. The additional races will be something I decide as I see how training is going at the beginning of the year.
WEIGHTLOSS: From my start back in 2005, I have lost about 30 pounds. This weight loss has changed my life a lot; however, I have about 30 pounds to lose before Ironman day in September. I have always struggled with the weight loss and would love to work with others who have either been successful or struggled as well.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I am not the perfect mentor for everyone and you will see as the group gets going that I know far from everything (not even close) that there is to know about triathlons, but I have a passion and dedication to triathlons that keeps me going strong all the time. I am a sponge for any knowledge I can find about triathlons, nutrition, or training. I enjoy not only racing but volunteering at triathlons (ask about my 275 Ironman WI pictures from 2008 ) I will talk to anyone I can about triathlons, wear my race shirts proudly, and when I am not thinking about something important like work, family or something else will always find my mind drifting back to the sport. It took a very special person to get me started in the sport and I want to help others find what I found and hopefully become a better person from it. Plus I just love BeginnerTriathlete!

Edited by crea0029 2008-12-28 9:18 PM

2008-12-19 4:08 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - OPEN

Hi, Pam!  

NAME: Velcromom - Linda
STORY: I'm a 45 year old mother of 3 - one in college, one in high school, one in middle school.  I'm married to an Ironman (Canada, 2008), and the bug has bit me.  I did a couple of sprint triathlons 8-9 years ago, but have been pretty inactive for years.   I've got Rheumatoid Arthritis, so I'me struggling a bit with physical limitations, but I think that big goals are really helping! 

I made the decision in September to enter Ironman Wisconsin - hey, I had a year to get ready! I then immediately entered and finished the Rock-n-Roll half marathon 3 weeks later, and I'm feeling like I can do this!  I'll do a full marathon 3/1/09; a HIM in May, and then Ironman Moo (as my hubby calls it) in September. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married, homemaker, 3 kids. my kids are swimmers, polo players and triathletes.  It's contagious in my family!

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm trying to get out 5-6 days a week.  I train with different partners, always looking for more.  Nobody else around here is doing IMW, except my hubby, and he's light years ahead of me.  My schedule can be tough with kid commitments, so I need to stay flexible. 

 THIS YEAR'S RACES: ....Just the Rock-n-Roll half!   Plus, I was the Sherpa at IMCanada!

2009 RACES:  The main "A" goal race of the year is Ironman Wisconsin on September 13th.  I will also do the Wildflower HIM, the Napa Marathon, and who knows what else...

WEIGHTLOSS: I've struggled in the past, and hard as it is for me to believe, now I'm trying to put some back on

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I've made a commitment to this, and am looking for all of the support, suggestions and advice that I can get!!

2008-12-19 6:39 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029's group - OPEN
hi Pam.  May I please join your mentor group?  I am a stay at home mom of 2 girls aged 10 and 7. I have 2 1/2 marathons under my belt ( albiet slow times) 1 sprint triathalon and was on a team as the swimmer last summer for a 1/2 iron man. i struggle with contolling my eating. and also with focusing on or around my cycles. i'm 47 and fast approaching menopause. i'mmarried . lets see what else.  my dream is canada iron man, my goal is 1/2 iron man in july of 2009 with a 1/2 marathon in may of 2009.  i have good access to the gym and an indoor pool.  we get alot of winter here (canada) so cycling outside can't happen till the end of may usually.  cycling is my weakness. my motivation for triathalon was to help me with anxiety of which I am a life long sufferer. the endorfins from distance training helps so much!!!!  my plan is to incorporate the beginner 1/2 iron man training plan from this web site into my routine starting in january.   take care.  Cath
2008-12-19 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - OPEN
Hi Pam...

Name: kew - Karen

Background: I am 44 years old and have been running for quite a few years. I have completed several half marathons, 10 & 5 k's. Have wanted to give triathlon a try for years and finally completed my 1st (sprint distance) triathlon last April.

Family Status: Recently divorced. I have two boys (one is 14 and the other is 17). My brother and sister-in-law will be doing IM Canada this August (his third and her first). I plan on being part of their cheering squad.

Current training: I am trying to follow the 16 week Olympic Distance Training Program from BT. I have been suffering from an ear/sinus problem since August and this has affected my training (especially swimming). Working full-time, raising two boys makes training a bit of a challenge at times, but I feel if you want something bad enough you will find a way.

This Year's Races: Completed a half marathon in February. My first triathlon in April. A 10K in October and November.

Races for 2009: 15K in January, Half Marathon in February, my first Olympic distance triathlon in March and a Sprint distance triathlon in April. We will see about the rest of the year :-). My goal is to complete a few Olympic distance ones this year. Train for a Half Ironman for 2010 and hopefully shoot for IM Canada for 2011.

Weightloss: I have to constantly watch what I eat as I gain weight really easily. I would like to lose at least 10 to 15 lbs before March.

Looking forward to meeting and making new friends. We sound very much alike as I am also a "sponge" and love to read anything to do with triathlon and nutritian.

Hope to chat with all of you soon.


2008-12-19 7:40 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - OPEN
Pam, I'd love to join the group if it's still open. I loved the book Slow Fat Triathlete, totally inspirational.

NAME: lufferly-Lisa
STORY: For my 50th birthday, with some extra time on my hands after my daughter graduated from high school, I decided to become a triathlete, having never been involved in any athletics EVER. My family thought I'd finally lost my mind. I've always liked to swim, enjoyed biking, and HATED running. I literally couldn't run from one street light to the next in my neighborhood. Since then, I've lost 25 lbs, completed 2 mini-sprints, 1 sprint, and a half mary (just two weeks ago). I've worked full time as a legal nurse consultant for the past 16 years, after working as a CCU RN for 8 years. I have a 30 mile commute each way, so spend that time catching up on my reading. If I spent as much time actually running, etc as I do reading about running, etc, I'd surely be a pro!

FAMILY STATUS: Married with four kids - son, age 28 (employed-yes!); son, age 21 (employed-yes!, still at home); daughter, age 20 tomorrow! (actress living her dream in NYC); and son, 10 (5th grade, plays select baseball).

CURRENT TRAINING: The last three months I've been working towards completing my first half marathon, so haven't done much except running. I've finally been able to change my mantra from "I hate running" to "I think I can do this", albiet slowly (the running that is). I can't believe how much FUN my half mary was. I think I had a smile on my face the whole way. I've been sick this week, and will sit down and work out my plan for the next few months when I'm off next week.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In my first season, I completed a 5K, two mini-sprints, one sprint, a 5 mile run, and half mary.

2009 RACES: I'm going to sit down with my calendar next week but would like to do a couple 5Ks this spring, a sprint or two, and hopefully an oly in late summer.

WEIGHTLOSS: I've lost 25 lbs since starting last fall and would like to loss about 20 more. I'm 5'9" and 174 at present. I have hypothyroidism, so my metabolism tends to be a little screwy. I eat fairly healthy, and think I don't eat enough rather than too much.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I've been pretty dedicated to my training for the past year and now that I know I can do this, I want to work on getting better. I was in a mentor group last winter but it seems like everyone except my mentor and myself kind of fizzled out. I enjoyed watching Kona on TV and would love to "live" the Wisconsin IM vicariously through you and Linda!
2008-12-19 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029's group - OPEN

Room for one more??

I'm 49, having been doing tri's for about 6 yrs. Last yr entered my first 1/2 IM- (Steelhead) - however the swim was cancelled due to riptides- so hence forth- still not officially done a 1/2. I' a slow/steady, plodder- love to soak up information, and appreciate any help/motivation can get! I'm thinking of running a 30 km race in March, followed by an Oly and 2 - 1/2's  IM- one in July, the other in Aug.  I'm an RegN, work Mon to Fri- try to train 6 days/wk ( with at least one rest day). Would like to lose 15 lbs... I have 2 daughters- one who is trng for Louisville , and the other is an amazing support team member at our races. Have a very supportive husband- he gets bored at races- howvere always there to help me out!! Anyway- looking forward to any mentoring available!!





2008-12-19 7:52 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - OPEN

Hi everyone,

I am going to close the group for now.  I have a few inside people who will be joining and we will hear from them soon.  I will catch up with everyone soon.  At work and have things to do.  Welcome!!!!

2008-12-19 10:24 PM
in reply to: #1864314

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - OPEN

Hello Pam and everyone else,  I am one of the inside people that Pam was speaking of... What a great pleasure it will be to get to know each and every one of you.   I started on March 31 of 2005 as a overweight 49 year old recovering from cancer who decided that was not going to be my future... six full and lots of half marathons later, with a couple of other du-athlons along the way I am working toward my first HIM to celebrate five years cancer free and a wonderful life at Oceanside this spring.  I plan to raise some serious money for prostate cancer as I have survived and 25 years ago I watched my father die from the same disease.

As to training:

I can be a big help to anyone about running...

I can help some on the bike....

I will need all the help I can get with the swim...

I am really looking forward to working with our group this spring.  I can help and I will need some help...  Pam is a great kid and a real trooper...  She will be a great partner to all of us!

It looks like it will be a bunch of us "mature" athletes.  I am a 52 year old grandfather... Happily married, two daughters 24 and 27.  The younger is the mom...  I have a great son-in-law.  My wife became paralyzed by a massive stroke 5 1/2 year ago and we moved to Arizona for her health and it has been great for mine.

I have an excellent coach and several great running and tri groups I hang out with in Tucson.  We go to Cincinnati in the summer where my business is and to visit the kids.  Good group of Tri athletes there too.

After a two week cool-down after the Tucson marathon I start serious tri training tomorrow.  I workout five + days a week at some level, keep my diet on track and live life to its fullest.  I write for pleasure and will post things from time to time.  Any one who likes short stories will get some if they ask, and even if they don't I might send one anyway.  I think Pam has read some.

I am ready to kick some butt and we will all be better from the sharing in the months to come. 

Your partner in this great enterprise of life,

Emerson from Tucson

[email protected]

Here is an article from the local sports section of the paper from two weeks ago...

Edited by etknowles 2008-12-19 10:37 PM
2008-12-19 11:22 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

Hello again, I have added all of you to my friends list so I can check your logs and give you inspires... Karen, good getting a photo up but I think a turtle can be just the start... something speedy will be a good one to shoot for.  Helen, Lisa, Cath and Linda... well, you guys need to add an avatar.  Pam you know from her bike, mine is from the NY marathon (it kicked my behind but I finished).

If you need some technical help, put the question on this list and one of us will explain how to get started.

I will share my new joy...  my little girls little girl... what a happy moment to share...

2008-12-19 11:48 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
PS:  I cannot seem to access Karen's or Cath's logs... So, you either need to open up your logs or put me in as a friend... Thanks, EK
2008-12-20 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

I hope I'm not to late! I would like to join your group, you are a great example and motivator. I promise to be a positive force for your group and encourage all. I will however be in Julies group also if both of you approve!?!? I'm ready for a new year! Go Irongirl!

Love from Indiana

2008-12-20 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

First off, welcome everyone!! I am so very excited for the opportunity to share my passion and love for triathlons. I am not a certified coach, but have been know to give advice when ask so feel free to ask as many questions as you want! We also have a few returners from the mentor group I was in and they are filled with knowledge and now some experience. I hope to make this group a network a people you can turn to for advice, inspiration and the occasional kick when you need some motivation. I hope this group will also be there to support others during the ups and downs of our everyday lives as we all know our lives don’t revolve around the sport (I just like to think it does ) I know that personally I will be looking to everyone to keep reminding me of the wonders of this sport as I prepare for my first Ironman.

Now on to the members. Feel free to banter back and forth with one another so we can learn more about each other. After this first week of introductions, I plan on start with a few questions to get conversation going about our triathlon lives.

Again welcome everyone!  I will be saying hi to everyone individually today, but I also have a Christmas tree to cut down with the parents so please be patient with me

Edited by crea0029 2008-12-20 10:53 AM
2008-12-20 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1864022

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - OPEN
velcromom - 2008-12-19 4:08 PM

Hi, Pam!

NAME: Velcromom - Linda
STORY: I'm a 45 year old mother of 3 - one in college, one in high school, one in middle school. I'm married to an Ironman (Canada, 2008), and the bug has bit me. I did a couple of sprint triathlons 8-9 years ago, but have been pretty inactive for years. I've got Rheumatoid Arthritis, so I'me struggling a bit with physical limitations, but I think that big goals are really helping!

I made the decision in September to enter Ironman Wisconsin - hey, I had a year to get ready! I then immediately entered and finished the Rock-n-Roll half marathon 3 weeks later, and I'm feeling like I can do this! I'll do a full marathon 3/1/09; a HIM in May, and then Ironman Moo (as my hubby calls it) in September.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, homemaker, 3 kids. my kids are swimmers, polo players and triathletes. It's contagious in my family!

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm trying to get out 5-6 days a week. I train with different partners, always looking for more. Nobody else around here is doing IMW, except my hubby, and he's light years ahead of me. My schedule can be tough with kid commitments, so I need to stay flexible.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: ....Just the Rock-n-Roll half! Plus, I was the Sherpa at IMCanada!

2009 RACES: The main "A" goal race of the year is Ironman Wisconsin on September 13th. I will also do the Wildflower HIM, the Napa Marathon, and who knows what else...

WEIGHTLOSS: I've struggled in the past, and hard as it is for me to believe, now I'm trying to put some back on

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I've made a commitment to this, and am looking for all of the support, suggestions and advice that I can get!!


Hi Linda,

Welcome!  I notice that was your first post on Beginnertriathlete!  Welcome to BT as well.  First off I want to say congrats on signing up for Ironman Moo.  It will be a huge honor for me to work with you and see us both make it to the start line come this September.  Did you sign up online or in person for Ironman?  I have some wonderful pictures of the race in 2008 (I volunteered and brought my camera).  I look forward, if you do not have prior experience with the course, talking about transition and the course!  I personally admire your dedication and person goal of such a big race with your commitments.  Have you done any triathlons in the past year?  I saw you did the half marathon.  Welcome again and I look forward to sharing this next year of goods and bads with you on our way to the big IM Moo.


P.S.  I am saving money for all the wonderful Ironman gear and have a very special bank.  I will post pictures soon to show you Moola


2008-12-20 11:04 AM
in reply to: #1864226

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - OPEN

cathcan - 2008-12-19 6:39 PM hi Pam. May I please join your mentor group? I am a stay at home mom of 2 girls aged 10 and 7. I have 2 1/2 marathons under my belt ( albiet slow times) 1 sprint triathalon and was on a team as the swimmer last summer for a 1/2 iron man. i struggle with contolling my eating. and also with focusing on or around my cycles. i'm 47 and fast approaching menopause. i'mmarried . lets see what else. my dream is canada iron man, my goal is 1/2 iron man in july of 2009 with a 1/2 marathon in may of 2009. i have good access to the gym and an indoor pool. we get alot of winter here (canada) so cycling outside can't happen till the end of may usually. cycling is my weakness. my motivation for triathalon was to help me with anxiety of which I am a life long sufferer. the endorfins from distance training helps so much!!!! my plan is to incorporate the beginner 1/2 iron man training plan from this web site into my routine starting in january. take care. Cath

Hi Cath,  Welcome to the group!  I am very excited to have you join in the group!  First off, the half Ironman program on BT is very good and you will not be disappointed with it.  I think you will find that there are many others in our group that will help motivate you, especially with the cycling ( I personally love to bike).  I hope to introduce some nutrition/eating right information to the group this year.  Since you have experience with marathon training that will help the nutrition for the half Ironman, which can be very delicate.  I hope you find a bunch of support from this group; we have some group members use training as a stress relief and will have no problem keeping up on you to make sure you are working hard.  Welcome again!  I am very happy to have you in the group.  

2008-12-20 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1864239

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - OPEN

kew - 2008-12-19 6:52 PM Hi Pam... Name: kew - Karen Background: I am 44 years old and have been running for quite a few years. I have completed several half marathons, 10 & 5 k's. Have wanted to give triathlon a try for years and finally completed my 1st (sprint distance) triathlon last April. Family Status: Recently divorced. I have two boys (one is 14 and the other is 17). My brother and sister-in-law will be doing IM Canada this August (his third and her first). I plan on being part of their cheering squad. Current training: I am trying to follow the 16 week Olympic Distance Training Program from BT. I have been suffering from an ear/sinus problem since August and this has affected my training (especially swimming). Working full-time, raising two boys makes training a bit of a challenge at times, but I feel if you want something bad enough you will find a way. This Year's Races: Completed a half marathon in February. My first triathlon in April. A 10K in October and November. Races for 2009: 15K in January, Half Marathon in February, my first Olympic distance triathlon in March and a Sprint distance triathlon in April. We will see about the rest of the year :-). My goal is to complete a few Olympic distance ones this year. Train for a Half Ironman for 2010 and hopefully shoot for IM Canada for 2011. Weightloss: I have to constantly watch what I eat as I gain weight really easily. I would like to lose at least 10 to 15 lbs before March. Looking forward to meeting and making new friends. We sound very much alike as I am also a "sponge" and love to read anything to do with triathlon and nutritian. Hope to chat with all of you soon. Karen

Karen, welcome!!  I am excited to hear that you are looking for knowledge and looking for friends.  You will certainly find some good ones who will always motivate you here.  I am a little curious as to where you are racing these early races this season.  Granted I do not know much about the weather in BC, but  I would think a triathlon in March would be difficult and cold!  Like I told Cath, we will certainly be spending some time talking about nutrition and eating right this mentor session.  I too also have problem managing my weight when I am not in heavy training.  Please feel free to share what you know and ask all the questions you want.  We can also take a look at how your training is going and maybe offer some motivation or advice for races to finish the 2009 season.  Again, welcome to this group. I think we are going to have a great few months and hopefully more!

2008-12-20 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1864295

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - OPEN

lufferly - 2008-12-19 7:40 PM Pam, I'd love to join the group if it's still open. I loved the book Slow Fat Triathlete, totally inspirational. NAME: lufferly-Lisa STORY: For my 50th birthday, with some extra time on my hands after my daughter graduated from high school, I decided to become a triathlete, having never been involved in any athletics EVER. My family thought I'd finally lost my mind. I've always liked to swim, enjoyed biking, and HATED running. I literally couldn't run from one street light to the next in my neighborhood. Since then, I've lost 25 lbs, completed 2 mini-sprints, 1 sprint, and a half mary (just two weeks ago). I've worked full time as a legal nurse consultant for the past 16 years, after working as a CCU RN for 8 years. I have a 30 mile commute each way, so spend that time catching up on my reading. If I spent as much time actually running, etc as I do reading about running, etc, I'd surely be a pro! FAMILY STATUS: Married with four kids - son, age 28 (employed-yes!); son, age 21 (employed-yes!, still at home); daughter, age 20 tomorrow! (actress living her dream in NYC); and son, 10 (5th grade, plays select baseball). CURRENT TRAINING: The last three months I've been working towards completing my first half marathon, so haven't done much except running. I've finally been able to change my mantra from "I hate running" to "I think I can do this", albiet slowly (the running that is). I can't believe how much FUN my half mary was. I think I had a smile on my face the whole way. I've been sick this week, and will sit down and work out my plan for the next few months when I'm off next week. THIS YEAR'S RACES: In my first season, I completed a 5K, two mini-sprints, one sprint, a 5 mile run, and half mary. 2009 RACES: I'm going to sit down with my calendar next week but would like to do a couple 5Ks this spring, a sprint or two, and hopefully an oly in late summer. WEIGHTLOSS: I've lost 25 lbs since starting last fall and would like to loss about 20 more. I'm 5'9" and 174 at present. I have hypothyroidism, so my metabolism tends to be a little screwy. I eat fairly healthy, and think I don't eat enough rather than too much. WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I've been pretty dedicated to my training for the past year and now that I know I can do this, I want to work on getting better. I was in a mentor group last winter but it seems like everyone except my mentor and myself kind of fizzled out. I enjoyed watching Kona on TV and would love to "live" the Wisconsin IM vicariously through you and Linda!

Lisa (and everyone else!)  I am so excited as I read through your profiles about this mentor group!  Welcome Lisa!  One thing you will notice is I shut down the group after 5 new people joined.  I did this because I have 3 or 4 others joining us from my past mentor group and we are still great friends and talk all the time!  You don’t have to worry about us fizzling.  I have good feelings about this!  Congrats on finishing the half marathon just a few weeks ago!  How are you recovering?  I think you and I can push on each other as running is something I do not enjoy and by far is my weakest of the sports.  I am glad you had fun with your race.  I think discovering how to make each area of this sport whether running, biking, or swimming is very important to train properly for this sport!  As for living IM Moo (WI) through Linda and me, we will certainly be talking about it and as I told Linda, I volunteered this past year (2008) and took tons of pictures so I will share those and some stories as well.  I hope this group can motivate to your dreams of a future Ironman!  Welcome again!

PS. For anyone who has not read or heard of the book Slow Fat Triathlete, it is by far one of the best fun triathlon reads even if you have lots of experience.  Check it out if you can, you won't be disappoint.  I'm sure we will be talking about that book at some point and maybe can even get Jayne (she's the author and a BT member) to come talk to us!

2008-12-20 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1864297

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - OPEN
HelenR - 2008-12-19 7:41 PM

Room for one more??

I'm 49, having been doing tri's for about 6 yrs. Last yr entered my first 1/2 IM- (Steelhead) - however the swim was cancelled due to riptides- so hence forth- still not officially done a 1/2. I' a slow/steady, plodder- love to soak up information, and appreciate any help/motivation can get! I'm thinking of running a 30 km race in March, followed by an Oly and 2 - 1/2's IM- one in July, the other in Aug. I'm an RegN, work Mon to Fri- try to train 6 days/wk ( with at least one rest day). Would like to lose 15 lbs... I have 2 daughters- one who is trng for Louisville , and the other is an amazing support team member at our races. Have a very supportive husband- he gets bored at races- howvere always there to help me out!! Anyway- looking forward to any mentoring available!!





Yes Helen, we of course have room for one more!  Welcome!  I’m so sorry to hear about the swim on Steelhead.  My first HIM made wetsuits mandatory and the swim was almost cut short.  I can also relate to the slow and steady; that is how I race as well.  Maybe we can do some discussion on speed training to help us get faster.  As for motivation, you will get plenty of that from the group!  As I mentioned to the others, I hope to also do some discussion about nutrition and weight loss or maintance in the future.  I’m curious as to the age of your daughter who is doing Louisville.  Do you have any hopes of doing an Ironman or are you just having fun with half’s?  Welcome again!

2008-12-20 11:45 AM
in reply to: #1857670

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
Hey Pam,

Do you have room for another? I won't take up much space .


2008-12-20 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1864442

User image

Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - OPEN
etknowles - 2008-12-19 10:24 PM

Hello Pam and everyone else, I am one of the inside people that Pam was speaking of... What a great pleasure it will be to get to know each and every one of you. I started on March 31 of 2005 as a overweight 49 year old recovering from cancer who decided that was not going to be my future... six full and lots of half marathons later, with a couple of other du-athlons along the way I am working toward my first HIM to celebrate five years cancer free and a wonderful life at Oceanside this spring. I plan to raise some serious money for prostate cancer as I have survived and 25 years ago I watched my father die from the same disease.

As to training:

I can be a big help to anyone about running...

I can help some on the bike....

I will need all the help I can get with the swim...

I am really looking forward to working with our group this spring. I can help and I will need some help... Pam is a great kid and a real trooper... She will be a great partner to all of us!

It looks like it will be a bunch of us "mature" athletes. I am a 52 year old grandfather... Happily married, two daughters 24 and 27. The younger is the mom... I have a great son-in-law. My wife became paralyzed by a massive stroke 5 1/2 year ago and we moved to Arizona for her health and it has been great for mine.

I have an excellent coach and several great running and tri groups I hang out with in Tucson. We go to Cincinnati in the summer where my business is and to visit the kids. Good group of Tri athletes there too.

After a two week cool-down after the Tucson marathon I start serious tri training tomorrow. I workout five + days a week at some level, keep my diet on track and live life to its fullest. I write for pleasure and will post things from time to time. Any one who likes short stories will get some if they ask, and even if they don't I might send one anyway. I think Pam has read some.

I am ready to kick some butt and we will all be better from the sharing in the months to come.

Your partner in this great enterprise of life,

Emerson from Tucson

[email protected]

Here is an article from the local sports section of the paper from two weeks ago...

Hi Emerson!  I am so happy you found us.  You did an excellent job introducing yourself!  I am so happy you have continued on.  I really look forward to going with you through your journey to your first half Ironman.  I wish I could be there to be part in the celebration.  I will certainly enjoy sharing the trials and tribulations to the start line!

Instead of directly talking to Emerson, I find that I am just going to talk about him.   Emerson deserves to co-mentor this group.  The knowledge he has and stories he can share have helped develop me into the athlete I am.  I have read some of the stories Emerson has written and if you are ever in the need for a reality check, please ask him for one of them.  The journeys Emerson has gone through could be a great lesson for us all.

I have also been brighten greatly by the stories and pictures Emerson has shared with me of his beautiful baby granddaughter.   I am sure we will see many more to come and those will certainly be a cute as the many we have seen so far.  Emerson, I love the one of the four generations of your family.  You should post that one for the group!

Again, I am so happy you found us.  I look forward to continuing our friendship and learning more about each other and sharing our excitement! 

2008-12-20 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1864744

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

abud7373 - 2008-12-20 11:45 AM Hey Pam, Do you have room for another? I won't take up much space . Thanks

Oh my gosh Amy!  Yes we do!  Can you fill out the mentor sheet so the others can learn more about you!  Welcome! 

2008-12-20 11:57 AM
in reply to: #1864666

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

amy mutz - 2008-12-20 10:00 AM Pam, I hope I'm not to late! I would like to join your group, you are a great example and motivator. I promise to be a positive force for your group and encourage all. I will however be in Julies group also if both of you approve!?!? I'm ready for a new year! Go Irongirl! Love from Indiana Amy

Amy, I would love to have you as well!  Feel free to bounce between any groups you would like!  Could you post a message like the others talking a little bit more about yourself so the group can meet you?  Welcome and I am excited to have you as well! 

2008-12-20 11:59 AM
in reply to: #1864761

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

Edited by abud7373 2008-12-20 12:25 PM
2008-12-20 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1864490

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

etknowles - 2008-12-19 11:48 PM PS: I cannot seem to access Karen's or Cath's logs... So, you either need to open up your logs or put me in as a friend... Thanks, EK


Okay, some house keeping now that I think I have say hi to everyone!  If I haven't please let me know!  I am very excited about everyone here... I think we are going to have an awesome group!

Now to the house keeping.  I will be in the process of developing a cool name chart to put in your goals on the main training page so you have quick access to everyone's pages.  Like Emerson said, Karen and Cath need to open your training pages so we can all see (if you are okay with that).  If you are not sure on how to do that, we can guide you through it.   It would also be awesome if you wanted to put everyone in your friends so you can see everyone.

Please feel free to say hi to everyone and get the discussion going. I will be posting things I would like the group to do in pink so everyone can tell! (Pink is my triathlon power color ) My first "assignment" for everyone once you have gotten your general introduction is to just post up what your strengths are and what your weaknesses or things you would like advice or guidance on over the next few months!  I also want to know something that just makes you really really excited!  I'll start!


My strengths:  Swimming and biking!  I actually develop a lot of my own swim workouts and am pretty much self taught there!  I will try to help anyone with as many questions as possible in those areas!

My weaknesses/need advice area:  My running!  Emerson can tell you that this is something I just struggle with. I am hoping anyone who has longer running experience can help guide me through my first marathon in May and of course the marathon in IM Moo 2009 in September!

What I am really excited about?  This group and IM Moo 2009!!!  I can't wait for IM.  I have a countdown clock and find myself always thinking about it!   I will post a very cool picture with a story later on!

2008-12-20 12:10 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
I am Amy. I am a mom of two. A 5yo boy and a 3 1/2 yo girl.

This will be my third year of racing. I have done five sprints so far.

Lately, I have been finding any excuse not to train, but I want to continue to get out there and do the races, so, I have to train. I tend to be the queen of nap time treadmill runs. I am pretty sure I am getting a bike trainer for Christmas, so I will be the queen of trainer rides as well.

I work very part time as a 911 dispatcher. Which keeps me sane.

I also love to do the monthly challenges. They keep me motivated.

2008-12-20 12:11 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
I just got word we have one more joining us.  I think then we will call it a group unless someone else really begs bad!   Let the posting begin!
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