BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners! Rss Feed  
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2008-12-16 9:54 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
Hello everyone,
My name is Scott and my user name is holt1997.

I am a 35 yr old guy who started triathlons the beginning of last year. (Dec. 15th is my one year start) I started trying to lose weight and went from 250 to 215 but just couldn't go any farther. I am not just a runner, biker or swimmer (especially not a swimmer) but I heard about triathlons from a friend and figured if nothing else the cross-training would be fun. Well I became hooked and the rest is history

I do have a wife and four kids. My kids are Katie - 8, Tristin - 6, Emily - 3, and Curtis - 1. Katie and Tristin as well as my wife all did their first triathlons last summer as well. Another aspect about triathlons that I love is that it is family friendly. More on that later.

Last summer I ended up doing 12 events. I started with a couple of duathlons then moved to a couple of sprints and ended up also doing a half iron and a marathon. Last summer was definately a summer of learning. More on that later too.

This coming year I have 2 "A" races. I have a half iron in June in Boise, Idaho and a half in Lake Stevens, WA in August. These are my main focus and what I am training toward. I have about 8-10 other races as well but they will be lower down on the priority list.

The last thing is that I think I would be a good mentor because I have just gone through the first year learning curve and the lessons are still very fresh in my head. I am also very active on this site and know the importance of activity in a group like this. I am on here at least 2x a day. I log all of my workouts on here and know how motivating it can be to have BT friends. Well I can't guarantee I have all the answers (in fact I can guarantee that I don't) but I would love to help some others the same way I was helped out a year ago myself.

Edited by holt1997 2009-01-03 7:46 PM

2008-12-19 5:11 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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New user

Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open
Hello. I would like to join your group but do not have time for my bio right now. I will try to get on it tomorrow.
2008-12-19 5:58 PM
in reply to: #1857812

schuylkill haven, pa
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open

Hi Scott,

I would like to join! My name is Jeff Iam 43, married, have to daughters 7 and 4.

I have been a weight lifter most of my life and an amatuer competitive bodybuilder for the past several years. This past summer I decided to switch gears and started training for a duathlon. That never happened. On August 10th 2008 I had a heart attack, had 3 vessel disease, no family history. 10-14 days prior to my MI, I was biking 35 miles and running 6 miles. Pretty weired and scary. Arteries are open now and have started tri training about one month ago.


swimming I am following the method

biking and running following maffetone, this works perfect for me now, low heart base building for 8-12 weeks this will take me to about febuary, then start some intervals( cardiologist wants me to wait until 6 months post MI before I get the HR up to 170-180)Was doing a spinerval dvd while on a monitor per his request he called the next day and said to wait alittle for that dvd, he wanted to see real life training versus stress test. Cardiologist do not really understand how hard we really train.

Races: Right now I am looking at a sprint tri April 19th, 300m pool swim, 16m bike, 5k run.

Goals: to do several sprints this yr and then move up to olympic next year

            loose about 15 pounds prior to race in april, very disiplined with nutrition from bodybuilding,20 weeks of strict dieting to get to 3-4% bf not easy.

         to soak up as much knowledge as I can

Thanks for letting me join


2008-12-19 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1857812

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open

Hello Scott,

 I am so new to this.  I stumbled upon this site and am intrigued, excited and scared.

 I am a 49 year old male.  I have run 10 marathons - slowly - usually in the 4:30 range.  I have been talking to friends who compete in tris and the fire is smoldering.  

 Curious how this works and need help understanding tris and the training.  

 Thanks in advance for the follow up.




2008-12-19 10:08 PM
in reply to: #1864121

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open
Hello Sean and welcome.
I look forward to hearing more from you.
2008-12-19 10:16 PM
in reply to: #1864179

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open
Hi Jeff,
Welcome to the group. One of the things I love about this site is the variety of experiences and backgrounds we all have. I look forward to your input from weightlifting and bodybuilding.

I am glad your MI is healing up and it sounds like you have an decent doctor. I would keep in touch with them through your training because tri's do put quite a strain on the ticker.


2008-12-19 10:19 PM
in reply to: #1864336

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open
Hello Daniel,

I have to warn you, Tri's can be addicting. I started out wanting to do 2-3 and ended up doing 12.

So what intrigues you, excites you and scares you?

2008-12-20 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1864436

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open


 I don't really know what I am getting myself into.  I am disciplined and want to really push myself and training for and completing several sprint tris this year is motivating me.  THis is my 50th birthday year - May 27th.  My boys are grown, 21 and 17.  My wife and I run together but she is faster and probably much more competitive.  I enjoy the ride and work to be injury free in my training.  My wife ran Boston - I qualified but had to be a 66 year old female so I decided against it.  

 I took a full and early retirement from my corporate position four years ago and now teach 7th grade lit/la - I love my life and schedule...

 I have a half and full marathon planned in May to celebrate my 50th.  I do not run hard and seldom feel any stiffness afterwards at the pace I run.  This morning I ran 5 miles in snow (we live north if Chicago) and then swam half an hour at the gym.  I am new to swimming - I will leave it at that.  I bike regularly.  Often riding centuries to Milwaukee and back in the summer but again slowly and enjoyably.  

 My times do not concern me as much as getting fit (dropping 25 pounds) and completing tris with confidence.  This is all so new to me...   I have complete support from friends...  Any advice is greatly appreciated...



2008-12-20 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1864721

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open
Daniel, and everyone
It sounds like you have a good background and approach. Enjoying yourself and training smart (not hard) are the two most important things you can do.

I got some help last year from a friend and I think the biggest thing he did for me was to have me find my "it." Why am I doing this? What is my motivation? What is going to help me not quit when I feel like I would rather walk than run the last mile.

My "it" is that I used to weigh 250. I was unmotivated to do anything because all I ever did was feel fat jiggle. I hated it. I also wasn't in shape to even play with my kids. My back, knees and feet hurt a lot and walking made me uncomfortable instead of feel better. I kow I never want to get to that point in my life again. I lost some weight but needed help with continuing to get in shape. I am not a runner, swimmer or biker by itself so I thought cross training would help me keep going. Hence triathlon. My it" developed further when I got into shape and really enjoyed it. I love that I don't have to readjust my belly because it's rubbing on my pants. I love being able to play with my kids and not ache all the time. Training for triathlons have gotten me into the best shape of my life and I enjoy it a lot. I have had some tougher races and knowing what my "it"is has helped me a lot.

So to Everyone, what is your "it" What motivates you to go run, bike or swim? What makes you want to run a marathon, complete a tri or just get off the couch? Something has brought you to this point and I think it would be great to share it the rest of us.

Also I would encourage all of you to add the rest of us to your friends and check in with each other. Maybe start logging your workouts so we can help and encourage each other (if your not already).

Have a great day. I will check back in tonight.

Edited by holt1997 2008-12-20 11:54 AM
2008-12-20 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1857812

schuylkill haven, pa
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open


My IT is not letting a heart attack keep me from getting back in shape and staying there, from competing in some manor, and most of all staying healthy for my wife and kids. Being only 43 and having a 7 and 4 year old I having alot of living to do with them.


2008-12-20 2:16 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open
Hi Scott,

May I join your group please?

I am a 49 year old overweight, underactive married male with two teenage children living in Taiwan.

I need the exercise and the accountability to get some "sprints " under the belt.

Just found this group and wanted to get my foot in the door, but it is 4am here and must get to bed.

Will write more later today.

Kind regards,

2008-12-20 3:53 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open

Hi Scott, my name is Todd, screen name msfugitivehunter.

 I would like to join your group.  I have absolutely no experience in tirathons.  I started training in early September 2008.  I have no background in swimming or cycling and the only run experience I have is from being in the

I just bought my first bike, a Motobecane Nemesis, and haven't even had a chance to ride due to the weather here.  However, I have been going to spin classes for the past month or so, still have a lot to learn there.

My swimming, well, let's just say it has been challenging, but I have managed to go from 400 meters and almost drowning (not really) to the point where I made my first non-stop 1 mile swim a few days ago.  I have a swim coach scheduled for the beginning of January 2009.

My running, well, I am up to a 5k fairl consistently and can push as far as 5 miles until I seem to hit that wall.

I am single, and highly motivated.  I seem to be an all or nothing kinda guy.  Meaning that if I am going to put myself out there, I am going to damn well

Anyway, I would love to join the group if you still have room.

Oh, weight loss, almost forgot.  I have dropped from 257 to 216 since Sept. 1 and would like to weigh 185 by the summer.  I have goals of completing 3 sprints (March, May and June) and at least 1 Oly (not scheduled) and a Century bike ride by the end of the season.  I may also throw in a half marathon just for fun.  I would like to be up to IM distance by 2011.

I look forward to the upsoming season and being a part of the group.

2008-12-20 4:02 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open

My "it", I found myself, a former marine of 162 lbs 19 years ago, had ballooned to a whopping 257.  My doctor told me that I shouldn't try running because I have arthritis from bearing all the extra weight.  Besides being a police officer and having all my buddies make fat jokes when I walked in the room, or said something about losing weight and working out.

First of all, I am a US Marine, my doctor, my buddies or no one else will tell me I "can't" do anything and secondly, whose laughing now?  I have dropped 41 lbs and falling rapidly and I can't wait to rub it in their faces when I finish my first Ironman distance race!

2008-12-20 6:41 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Goldsboro, NC
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open

Hi Scott,

My name is Chuck, atostig on BT.  I am interested in joining this group.  I am 42, married for 20 years, 2 is a freshman in college, the other is a freshman in high school.

I have never been athletic, never exercised and smoked for over 20 years.  In May of 2008 I was smoking over a pack a day, weighed 225#'s and the most exercise I got was lifting the cards while I was playing hours and hours of poker!

I decided to make a lot of changes...I started walking, stopped smoking and started dieting.  I loved the I started training more seriously.  I have lost 65#'s and completed a half marathon in November.  My plans for 2009 are a full Marathon in Feb., a sprint tri in March and another sprint tri in May. 

I currently run anywhere from 20-30 miles a week and swim 500 to 750 meters 4-5 days a week...I do a little bit of biking on a stationary bike each week (should have a bike soon) and do light weightlifting 2-3 days a week.

Looking forward to any help you can throw my way!




2008-12-20 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open

Hi Scott,

 My name is Ray. I am 32 years old and single. I have a lot of time to train and have set up a tri as my motivation for weight loss. I liked your porfile very much and felt we may be a good match for the program. I have one Sprint planned for June, and will plan more as I get a better understanding of the sport. I was very active through high school, but as the sports fell off my weight went up. I am 6'2" and 284 as of today. I have started keeping a very detailed log here and would love to join your group. I work from home which lead to my increase in my sedentary lifestyle, but I am very comitted to this and will be online often. I welcome a lot of feedback positive and negative. I believe I am open and a good learner.


2008-12-20 10:05 PM
in reply to: #1864875

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open
Welcome to the group Justin!,

Wow Taiwan. Thats fun. The internet is amazing to me sometimes because of how small it makes the world.

2008-12-20 10:17 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Belleville, MI
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open

Hey guys, My name is Brian and I would like to join your group if it is not too late.  I live in Belleville,MI and have been doing triathlons for some time but would like to try for time this time.  I need to lose some weight, I'm currently 270lbs and would like to lose some weight and become more competitive.

 Last year I did Steelhead 70.3 and would like to do a full some day.  I'm planning on doing alot of olympics/sprints this year.  I have my 1st Marathon this January in Orlando,FA.

2008-12-20 10:18 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open
Welcome everyone,
I am going to go ahead and close the group so we don't get to big and can't really help each other out.

Please read above if you haven't already and describe your "it" to the group.

Also please add each other to your friend list so we can check in with each others profiles.

I am really looking forward to getting to know all of you as we move through the next couple of months together. I want to give everyone until tomorrow night to get caught up on profiles, "it" and your intro to the group if you haven't already. I will probably post questions to chew on for the week every Sunday night with follow up all week.

Also if it helps I will start being more detailed in my workouts so you can see exactly what I am doing. I took most of November off and have just started back training so I am not doing huge mileage or anything. If it helps however you are welcome to look at and copy my workouts. I just hired a coach a couple of weeks ago and so far I have been very impressed. He has had a lot of really good ideas.
2008-12-20 10:20 PM
in reply to: #1865269

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Belleville, MI
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open
Hey Ray, I live in Belleville also.  Have you decided which triathlon you would be doing this summer?
2008-12-21 10:05 AM
in reply to: #1864755

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open

Good morning everyone!

 It is cold here in Chicago! Windchills at -25 - -30.  After walking the dog fo rtwo miles I decided it was crazy to try and run in this weather.  Interestingly, when I ran Chicago marathon this fall it was mid 80's and they were closingthe courseon us...

 I have been thinking about my "it" most of the night.  Tough question.  I took a risk leaving an incredible corporate career four years ago but now find myself in a career that is even better and very fulfilling.  Again, I each 7th grade lit/la. 

My "it" is that I surprisingly mentor many 12 and 13 year old children.  I am surprised how many notice everytime I place another race bib on my desk.  Many parents contact me to continue my enthusiasm as their children are enjoying school and reading and writing. I unknowingly have become a role model to students and actually parents alike. 

I am fit, in great health, but heavy - 238 pounds.  Chuck and Scott, you can teach me so much  in regards to weight lose.  My goal is 200 pounds and a 36 inch waist - I am a 38 now.

My "it" is to be healthy, eat smart and have the energy I need to be a teacher, parent and husband.  I chop our own wood at our home in Door County, Wisconsin, love to kayak and trail and road bike, cross country ski and snow shoe.  I want to continue all those activities as I turn 50 this May and try something new. 

Also, I feel really lucky to have stumbled into this web site.  Scott, I am sooo glad that serendipity came into my life with your mentor group. 

I just got back from the gym and for the first time swam and breathed from both the left and right sides!!!!  I have looked like a drunken swimmer for two weeks trying to master this - still have a long way to go - and was all over the lane but I am getting it.  I also swalled half the pool. 

Ray, your logs are fun to look at - very complete.

Here's to a fun journey!!!



2008-12-21 2:07 PM
in reply to: #1865461

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Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open
I am doing the Racing for Recovery 6-7-2009. I am training at Romulus Athletic Center. If you want to ever do some training of any kind let me know. If you are interested in doing that tri it would be great to have a friend.

2008-12-21 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1865734

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Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open

Thanks Daniel, Yeah I work from home and have lots of time to input them. I am analytical by nature, so the detailed log just drives me more. I have made a promise to myself to truly change my life and this is definitely helping.

Here in metro Detroit, just insert Daniel's report for weather. Water droplets froze to my face as I walked from the gym to my car. It is surreal.

I work in travel, and have had a lot of "fun" for the first 32 years of my life. During that time, I have also worked as a car salesman, a pit boss in a poker room in Dania J'ai Alai fronton, if anyone even knows what that is, and a medical placement agent for nurses and doctors. I now am back selling travel for  the company I started with except I get to do it from home. I love it for the flexibility. I am not a corporate person. I tried to be, but it wasn't me. I don't have the "yes" bone in me to just go along.

After many years of travel, drinking, partying, and bad behavior. I have made many steps to change my life for the positive. I could tell many stories if interested, but not appropriate for a general forum. :-)

My "it" is pushing myself in every aspect of my life to be the best that I can be. I chased material things for many years from college on, and that combined with my bad behavior lead to a very poor lifestyle.

I feel truly in control of my life for the first time in a long time. And am excited to be in this group. I am single and work afternoons. I do most of my training in the morning. I am currently obese. I do not know what it would truly be classified as but I have a lot to lose. I also have a very athletic frame though, and played sports year round from a very young age through high school and some college. I was an all state soccer and tennis player at one time. I need the competitive nature of sport to drive me definitely as I think it would be very difficult to drive myself without those things to look towards.

I need to become a better long term planner too. Planning for a sprint tri in June seems far off to me. I look forward to the give and take this group should provide and hope everyone meets their goal. My "it" goals for 2009 are to compete in my first tri and be below 200.9 lbs by 12-31-2009. I am 285 as of today. Agressive, but I will get there.




Edited by moves327 2008-12-21 2:32 PM
2008-12-21 3:20 PM
in reply to: #1865950

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Open
Ray, (and Everyone)

Sounds like you have made a lot of changes. Good for you. Sometimes habits can be really hard to change. Stick with it. Your weightloss goal sounds about perfect. 2# per week is recommended so I have been told.

I have been working closely with a doctor for the last three years on my weightloss and one thing I have learned that he and I disagree on is to look at your whole body and general health...not just the scale. My ideal weight by the world standards is about 165-170. What I have found at this weight is that I feel weak, unenergetic and tired. @ 180-185 I feel great. SO look at all aspects - Body fat, activity level, diet etc etc before deciding where you want to finally end up.

I have been struggling with weight all of my life and it is never easy. Sometimes I am winning and sometimes I have too many cookies. Oh well. The next chance to try again doesn't come along until the next bite.

I also agree wholeheartedly with you about needing competition to drive me. I love to compete but without it I don't feel the need to stay in shape. If I am not competing what's the point. (I know there is a point but I have a hard time being fit just for the sake of being fit) Competing really helps me have a goal and focus instead of working out to workout.


2008-12-21 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.
Group Question #1

What is 1 thing that you feel will be an advantage to you in triathlons and 1 thing that could be a hinderance if not dealt with, recognized, learned about or resolved?

For me my advantage is that I took a lot of hard knocks last year and learned a ton in a short amount of time.

My hinderance is that I am not always easily motivated and sometimes just getting out the door means I have won today.

Have a great day,
2008-12-21 6:01 PM
in reply to: #1866011

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Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.

I guess my main advantage would be my committment. Once I decide to do something I can be very focused. Plus, I have a background in sports and tend to be very competitive dso that drive to improve.

 Negatives, would be impatience. I want to much to fast. And the amount of weight I have to lose is a big hinderance to things like running, so I am working hard to bring that down. I am worried about injury, but I was never injured much when I played sports. So, I need to keep things in check I think to not provoke an injury.

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