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2008-12-19 5:46 PM

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Subject: Mtskibum's Group - FULL

Name: mtskibum / Michael

Story: A little over 2 years ago I was fat and out of shape and finally decided to go after a dream I've had since I was a kid. I wanted to do the Ironman in Hawaii. I decided to make it my goal to race in Kona on my 40th bday. That would be my dream come true. I started training, found this site, did 2 triathlons my first year, an Xterra short course, and a Sprint tri. I got hooked! 2008 was my second season. I did an Xterra short course, an Oly, and a Half Ironman. I also ran 2 half Marathons. I also compete in a winter duathlon series. I'm on my way to doing a full Iron distance in 2010.

Family status: I'm currently engaged to be married this May/June. I have an 8 year old son.

Current training: My focus for this year is doing more long distance races so that next year I can do a full Iron distance. I'm planning my first full marathon for this year. I like data. I'm a numbers freak, but I also have found out that how you feel makes a big difference on race day. It's not always about the numbers. Consistancy is key.

This years races: Winter Duathlon in February. 2 half marathon's in May, Xterra short course in June, my first Olympic distance in July, my first Half Ironman distance in August, Winter Duathlon in December.

2009 Races: Same as last year, but I'm hoping to add another Half Ironman, and a full marathon.

Weightloss: My first year of training I lost 30 lbs. I've gained about 10 back, but it fluctuates with training and holidays. My main goal is to be strong and healthy and not just watch the scale. I'm in the best shape of my life right now and I'm 38.

What will make me a good mentor: I want to give back. This site and all the people involved helped me achieve one of my dreams. I hope to be a triathlon coach someday. I want to give back and help people. I coach my sons soccer team and have for 4 years. I love coaching because I love seeing people achieve their potential and give it their all. I'm not a triathlon coach, but definitely want to give back and help inspire people if I can. Iron sharpens Iron. I check BT everyday and love getting inspires and giving them. I will make sure to inspire and motivate all the people in my group. If sharing my experience helps someone achieve their goals, that is too cool!



Edited by mtskibum 2009-01-01 11:53 PM

2008-12-20 12:49 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open

Hi there, I'd sure love to have you as a mentor !  I am a 40 year old mommy of one, she is 4 and VERY busy ! I was taking her to the pool to learn to swim and realized I could not do it !  So about 10 weeks ago I started talking with lifeguards at the pool and learning how to swim.   One day while at the pool one of them invited me to do an indoor tri in March 2009 at the YMCA. So next I realized I did not know how to run ! lol I've never been a runner.......  so I practiced that too and then did a 5k on Thansgiving day this year. I learned then that I had been running 1 mile short of the 5k ! good to know before a race next year ! lol

Anyway, I'm doing this to better myself and have fun keeping up with my kiddo.

My first tri will be March 7th 2009, then I'd love to do one in April in Carmel In. and then one in June, it's an all womens tri in Vincennes In.


2008-12-30 2:08 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Tallahassee, FL
Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open
This'll be a great group.  mtskibum is highly motivated and gaining a lot of multisport experience.  I'd join, but we pretty much mentor each other already!  Just wanted to pop in and say take advantage of this opertunity!
2008-12-30 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1864160


Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open

If there is an opening I would love to join your group. I am 38 and a mother of two wanting to do  my first sprint in April. I have always wanted to do this and have finally said this is the year! I'm a little overwhelmed by it all, but have the motivation to do it!


2008-12-31 9:20 AM
in reply to: #1864160

New user

Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open

Hi!  My name is Cara and I am a total newbie to Tris!  I have ALWAYS wanted to do one, so I am finally jumping on board.  I am a mom of two (boy 5 & a girl 3).  They keep my on my toes!  I work part-time so I have time to step up (begin) training.  In the past...I ran track/CC in high school and now run 5k-10k each summer, treadmill rest of the year  (I did run a marathon in 1998).  I swam in my younger (very younger) days on a team.  So my training is VERY sporadic Frown.  I want to do a Sprint or two this season and end with an Olpy on Aug 30th.

I very excited to get start this new year!!



2008-12-31 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open
Hey my name is Pat Englehardt I'm 18 years old and I would love to join this group it seems like it would be lots of help. I like your story by the way michael because I started doing tri's about 2 years ago this will be my third year. I got into them because I also was overweight and needed to make a change. My girlfriend broke up with me and I wasn't very hapy but all thats changed now. I lost 50 pounds during the trip through triathlons and I never want to look back.
I have one sister and both my mom and dad nd we all live under one roof. I have no girlfriend yet but hey i'll find someone someday.
Training- I would like to increase my work load to be able to compete in longer distance races this year My ultimate goal is to go to kona but thats a little ways away. I hope to also improve my swim to become faster in all three diciplines.
I hope to compete in 4-6 local sprint and olympic distance races in maine then Ihope I can do an Ironman 70.3 distance race in the late fall I haven't picked it yet. I look foward to this group and everyone on it seems pretty cool.
-thanks Pat

2008-12-31 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open
Hi Michael and group,

I would like to join your group. I am a 37 year old mom of two awesome little boys (2 and 4). I am a special education teacher working on my Masters (finished in May!). I work full time, go to school at night, and am a wife and mom.

I would like to really make my schedule crazy and do a sprint tri in July. This will be my second triathlon. I did my first tri in July 07 with a one year old, a three year old, and a husband eating a donut cheering my on! I learned from my first tri experience that the doggie paddle is a perfectly acceptable stroke for the swim I was just happy I survived. Goal: start in the back left and not panic.

I would like to do another tri. I have not figured out when to fit in the swimming. I was working part-time when I trained last time. I'll figure it out.

Anyway, I look forward to cheering you on as we work towards our goal!

Happy New Year! Bring it on... I'm ready.


2008-12-31 1:31 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Rainy WA
Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open


I'd like to join your group. I want to do a sprint tri this summer. I'm discovering my inner athlete in my 40s. I found a swim group to join, first meet-up is Monday. A friend and I are going to do the couch to 5k. I've been riding the stationary bike because of one of the challenges. I have some problems with real riding--gears are puzzling, not too excited about riding in traffic, hate speed and going downhill (other than that, I love it!Surprised).

I look forward to working out with everyone. Thanks for being a mentor.


2008-12-31 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open
Hi Mary!

I am with you on the bike! It's what I find to be the hardest.

Can't wait to hear about your first swim on Monday.

Happy New Year!
2008-12-31 5:20 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open
Well, here goes......

Name: fifthcircle / Kurt
Age: 30 (31 in Jan)

Story: I stumbled upon triathlons last year sometime. Of course I knew they existed, but had not really thought about them other than thinking the people who do them are NUTS! Well, I must be nuts too, because I REALLY WANT TO BE A TRIATHLETE!!!!!

Workout History: The usual stuff in high school, football, basketball, golf, tennis...not very good at any of them, but I tried them all. I also grew up riding bicycles all the time. Started alpine skiing at Christmas around age 12, been at least once a year since and now snowboard as well.

Current status: Married for just over 4 years. No kids yet. Wife is supportive with the tri stuff, but is not athletic, so she doesn't really get it. She is in her 2nd year of OB/GYN residency, and works about 80hrs a week! I work 10hr days, and try to get in a short workout before work on some days, but usually just make the most of my 3 days off. Can you say 2 a days!!!

Why this group: Honestly, becasue of the name mtskibum. If I lived in the Denver area...that's all I would do. LOL! I really just want to be part of a group and keep on track to get that first tri under my belt. I was ready last spring, and took a mountain biking trip with friends to Moab on the weekend that I had planned to do my first tri. After coming back, I lost focus and slacked off for about 5 months. So now I am back at it, and more determined than ever. In fact, I have my first "event" New Year's Day morning. It's a "Splash N Dash", consisting of a 200yd swim (pool) and 2mi run. I also am planning on running a 1/2 marathon in May.... I really need to work on my running and loosing some fat around the middle for that to happen. If you can help me to that point, I know I'll be good for the rest of my life!

2008-12-31 8:38 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open

Story:  After getting out of a bad marriage iin '07 in which I had gained too much weight and gotten out of shape, I finally realized that I was sick of being blah.  I have always been interesred in tri and decided that I would complete a sprint either prior to or during my 40th year (birthday in Feb. 09) but thought I couldn't do it because I'm a weak runner.  Well, so far so good! -  I am so excited about tri, I just love it.  

Family Status:  Single, two basset hounds.

Current Training: I Started the Couch to Sprint in August '08, then started the Original Sprint the 1st of November.  I plan to do my first Sprint in April 2009.  I need help with nutrition and running.

May I join the group?  Thanks. 



2009-01-01 8:38 AM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open

hey virginia87 one this that I found that seems to work pretty well for running is to do a jog but every minute or so sprint for 10 and build up to 30 second sprints this engages the fast twitch muscle fibers and helps you become faster and build endurance after the 10-30 second sprint go back down to original speed to recover also I've heard that lowfat chocolate milk is the best recovery drink out there but don't drink too much of it I would say only drink it after your longest workout of the week hopefully this helps out and good luck in your race
2009-01-01 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open

Hey everyone! Happy New Year!

I went out of town for a couple days and poof, the thread grew. Welcome! I'm excited about this year. This is the best time of year because you can sit down and dream a little and put some goals down on paper. Here's a little recap.

Mere wants to do her first sprint tri in April.

Cara wants to do a sprint tri or two plus an Oly

Pat wants to do 4-6 races (sprint and Oly) plus maybe a 70.3

Melissa wants to do a sprint tri in July

Mary wants to do a sprint tri this Summer

Kurt is doing a splash and dash today, and wants to do a tri this summer.

Virginia plans her first sprint tri in April.

Looks like a good start. Very exciting! Let's all take some time and get a concrete goal on paper and be on purpose about it. Get the race you want to do on your calender. That way it is in front of you and everyone else. For example: My next race is 2 weeks from saturday. I saw that reminder today and now I know I have to get focused and stay focused for the next two weeks. Pick a race, sign up for it, get it on your calender and then start looking at the programs offered here for training. Work backwards from your race date! Then we can look at what we have to do each month, each week, and each day to get there. Break it down into smaller pieces. Consistancy is the key!

Welcome everyone!


2009-01-01 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open
Looks like we have room for about 1 or 2 more in our group.
2009-01-01 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1881070

New user

Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open


 I'd like to join this group, if you still have room!

 My name is Sarah. I'm 40, have two girls (ages 7 and 5), and lost 80 pounds last year to get within a normal BMI for the first time in half my life.

I've slacked off/maintained for the last few months, and was looking for something to get back into enjoyable exercise, when I happened to pick up a copy of Slow Fat Triathlete.

Zing! I think I'd like to do that. 

Running: I'm on week 2 of Couch to 5K. Haven't run since high school.

Bike: started outside bicycling again last year as kids are getting to the point when running along beside their bikes won't work. Just got a new hybrid bike for Christmas. Have recumbant bike at home, did a lot of weight loss with that. Scared of going too fast.

Swimming: I enjoy being in the water, but need to learn how to swim properly (strokes).

I am also a numbers freak.  

 There is a triathlon in my area in July 2009, which I'm shooting for.


2009-01-01 3:10 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open

Here goes some accountability.....

Story: My name is Jeff and I've been on BT for about 3 years. I've been a part of a few different mentor groups with the first one being the most productive. I started out here having never done a race and have since done a few sprints, two Oly's and one HIM. Last year was a rough year for myself and my family but with the new year upon us, I'm looking to regain my training and perhaps a bit of my sanity. I currently am signed up to run a marathon on Feb. 1st but since my training has been so sporadic, I'm unsure if I'm going to attempt it. After that I have no plans for any races, so I need to figure it out. Perhaps a sprint in February to kick things off.

Family: I'm 40 years old and have been married for 13 years and have a 9 year old daughter and 6 year old son. My wife is athletic and is currently going through a swimming phase. She's run marathons and been a cyclist in the past. She has never put them all together, but would like to at some point. Both of my kids are swimmers with my daughter competing at a high level for her age.

Goals: I'm starting a new job on Monday (the 5th) and would like to get a routine going with working, training and the family. The races will fall into place once I get the base figured out. I'm hoping by joining this group I'll be motivated and hopefully can help motivate as well.

If you still have room I hope you'll let me be a part of the group. I know there a lot of holes in this introduction so please feel free to ask questions if you'd like.


Happy New Year everyone!


2009-01-01 11:32 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open
Hi there! I was wondering (and hoping) if you might have room in your group for one more person? My name is Stacey and I was born and raised in Aurora... Ontario, Canada . I have been lurching around this site since 2007, when I did my first sprint triathlon. Well, that was my goal except the water was too rough that day so the race was switched to a sprint duathlon. I did okay, my goal for this race was just to finish it! I have always been active - mountain biking, playing soccer and badminton, as well as downhill and cross country skiing. My major weakness though is that I have pretty severe asthma, which took me about 20 years to figure out how to properly control (I just turned 28 in December). Because of this, long distance running has been difficult for me, and I am still working on controlling my breathing when swimming (I find it hard to hold my breath for too long or take a large enough breath, so I get winded during training and have to breath at every other stroke). One of my major challenges has been to learn the difference between an asthma attack, and when I am short of breath like every normal person from exerting myself; and also not letting myself use my asthma as an excuse to not challenge myself to my full capabilities.

Other than that, my goals this year are to get more confidence on my road bike, and build up my speed and endurance for both running and swimming. I would like to do two Sprints and end with an Oly, as well as some 5k races. Another major goal for me this year is improving my diet and nutrition!!

This group sounds like it will be highly motivating with tons for me to learn, and will keep me focused on my goals for the year! My fingers are crossed!!... Thanks!!
2009-01-01 11:51 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open

Ok, welcome. We have 3 new members and now we are closed! That makes it an even 10 if my math is correct. I'm heading to Breckenridge for the weekend. I'l be out of touch until Monday the 5th. And, unfortunately, I have to go back to work that day too! It's been nice not hearing the alarm in the morning.

I've heard a few people say that nutrition is something they want to work on. I'm in the same boat. My goal this year is to eat all fresh food. No more processed anything. This is not going to be easy. As many of you know with kids and lack of time, sometimes it just is the only way, but I'm going to do my very best to eat fresh and get rid of the processed stuff. It takes more planning, but I'm a planner. I've actually been accused of planning too much. So, starting monday, I will be cutting out sugar and processed foods. My goal is to get my body fat percentage down.

Take some time this weekend and get some races picked out. Get some goals down on paper. Write down the one question that you just have to have answered, and we'll pick it up on Monday!

Have a great weekend!

2009-01-02 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1882051

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open
Most races here are not scheduled in stone yet...except for the 1/2 Marathon MAY 3rd!

I'll start with a question:

How do I keep it simple?
I love the science behind triathlon. I love learning about the long distance training, nutrition, and racing. I am NO WHERE NEAR even thinking about that for myself, but it is fascinating to me. Blood sugar level. Base heart rate. V02 max. Power taps. Race day fueling. Aero positioning...... I should just be running as much as possible, and eating more healthy.
Can someone come reboot my brain and set it to match where I am in training? You know, like ultra beginner

So how do you keep it simple? (I need a book on Zen to start...I know that much!)

2009-01-03 7:54 AM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL


I hope you don't mind if I jump in here!  

When I started on this journey, I, too, wanted to keep it simple.  As a matter of fact, I still do.  The first thing to remember is to have fun.  There will be days when you have to force yourself to workout, but it shouldn't be everyday.  Use the time that you workout as a time to wipe the "junk" from your brain.  For instance, when running, listen to music you like but don't listen to as often.  If you want a good brisk walk instead, listen to a book on tape.  When swimming, for each lap that you swim, use a letter of the alphabet.  The first lap would be "A"--find words that begin with it or movies or songs.  For biking, you really need to pay attention to where you are.  

If you've never done any of this workout stuff before, try importing a plan for beginners on this site.  It will help you to formulate a workout series so that you don't have to.  You don't need all of the "stuff" that a lot of the guys on here do--I don't have a heartrate thingy or a footpod thingy, I just go.  It's all part of the keeping it simple.  

Another thing you could do is to set small goals for each week.  That could be something that each of you do here in this mentor group.  It helps you to stay accountable AND maintain the level of simplicity that you want. Just make sure they are SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely).

You guys are in GREAT hands with Mike.  He is an awesome guy with a heart of gold.  He was a mentee under McFuzz (my hubby) and it was McFuzz who told him it was his time to pass on his knowledge and love of the sport.

OK Mike, I'll leave you guys up to your own devices, for now.   


keep it simple sport!

2009-01-03 6:30 PM
in reply to: #1882051

New user

Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open
mtskibum - 2009-01-01 9:51 PM

Write down the one question that you just have to have answered, and we'll pick it up on Monday!

 Am I insane for planning to do a triathlon?

I'm doing the Couch to 5K now (just finished week 2), and my goal triathlon is July 19th (in 28 weeks). I also need to learn how to swim freestyle, rather than doggy paddle. I can bicycle, except for the part about going fast, and I'm not sure how long a bike ride I can actually do. 

What I'm looking at for a training plan is to finish the C25K, and start Total Immersion drills. I want to get that base down first, which should take about 7 weeks. During this, I also thought I'd spend some time on the exercise bicycle.

After that, I was looking at the "20 Week Sprint - 2x Balanced Program" on this site. 

How does that sound? 

Oh, yes, and there's quite a lot of snow outside, and it's warm outside at the moment - only -15C (5F). Outside training isn't in the cards at the moment.


2009-01-04 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1882617

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open

fifthcircle - 2009-01-02 8:14 AM Most races here are not scheduled in stone yet...except for the 1/2 Marathon MAY 3rd! I'll start with a question: How do I keep it simple? I love the science behind triathlon. I love learning about the long distance training, nutrition, and racing. I am NO WHERE NEAR even thinking about that for myself, but it is fascinating to me. Blood sugar level. Base heart rate. V02 max. Power taps. Race day fueling. Aero positioning...... I should just be running as much as possible, and eating more healthy. Can someone come reboot my brain and set it to match where I am in training? You know, like ultra beginner So how do you keep it simple? (I need a book on Zen to start...I know that much!) -Kurt

Hey Kurt, I'll take a stab at this.

When I first started I was very much like you. All of the technology, science and gadgets, really fascinated me. I read a lot and most of the time got pretty confused. The bottom line is that in order to keep it simple you should pick a plan and stick to it. I've used many plans out here and have found that if you do the work, you will finish the race. It doesn't matter how much you know or how many gadgets you have, if you don't put in the work you won't finish. Of course if you do the work and have some gadgets it can be quite fun.....

I will say that reading about triathlon from either magazines, books or online articles really helps to motivate me. There will be times when you don't feel like doing a workout, sometimes thinking about an article or even seeing a magazine lying around will help to push you over the edge to get out there and do it.

Good luck with your training!


2009-01-04 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1882617

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - Open
I'm with you Kurt, I tend to suffer from information overload. I have to know everything before I can even start something! I always get stuck on picking training programs - when to start them, and then once they are done, where do you go from there, nevermind adding in HRT etc! So I guess I will make one of my main goals keeping it simple! Thanks Bambam66 for the swim tip, I am going to give that a try tomorrow!

The races I have in mind for this year are the Muskoka Sprint on June 13th, the Bracebridge Sprint August 8th. If possible, I would like to do an Olympic in September, if not a third Sprint.

I saw a sprint training plan here that I might use counting back from June and work up to the minimum bases before it would start. Does that make sense? After the first sprint, could I start an olympic training program to hopefully be ready for the triathlon in September?


2009-01-05 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1864160

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL
Great info so far. I'll try to make one workout (probably start with the swim) a bare bones workout. No equipment (HRM, Clock, Specific goals) that is not essential. I'll just go, and stop when I feel done. Swimming should be a good place to start, since I can just goof off and do drills and laps. I also know that I really like doing that! I'll give the alphabet game a try sounds entertaining at the least! LOL

As for running, I need to pay close attention to it for now. I'll call it a Zen program, because I will be in the moment and giving my run my full attention. I have decided on a 1/2 marathon program tailored to my running speed (slow!) from runner's world:,7144,s6-238-277-278-0...

With specific distance and running pace, I should be really focused for my runs. I just hope I can get outside some! Winter is here for sure.
2009-01-05 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1864160

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Subject: RE: Mtskibum's Group - FULL

Hey everyone! Some good stuff going on here.

I agree with BamBam66 .... Keep it simple. When I decided to do my first triathlon, I focused everything on that race. I had run cross country in High School and love to ride a bike, and thought I could swim pretty good. So, I jumped in and started training. I realized I had to learn how to swim the right way. I bought the Total Immersion DVD and book and started on my drills. I trained hard on the treadmill and a little on the bike. I looked at the race results from the year before and picked out a time I wanted to beat. Then I downloaded the original sprint program here and went to work.

Find out what motivates you to get to the gym. I heard something a while back that has stuck with me. Races are not won on race day, they are won on a tuesday morning at 4:30 a.m. in February. It's very true. Find your motivator.

As for the gadgets, I'm a gadget freak! But, my first year, I didn't have anything fancy. My first Triathlon was an Xterra, so my mountain bike was perfect. My second tri was a road tri. I just bought some commuting tires for my mountain bike and rode it. It wasn't much fun watching the guys with the fancy bikes go by me like I was standing still, but I was out there to push myself against the clock and to make my son proud. You don't need all the fancy stuff to do a tri. But if you are like me, you will start wanting it and getting it. The funny thing is, I've come to the conclusion this year, that I can have all the technology in the world, but if I don't build my engine, it won't do me much good. Focus on building the best engine you can, and you'll have a great race day.

One thing I decided to do today was to do a time trial. Find out where I'm at. I swam 1000 meters and timed myself. Now I have a bench mark for getting faster this year. I encourage you to get to the pool or treadmill or bike and do a time trial that is the same distance as your race distance, or just do the best you can. That way, you will have something to build on. Then once a month, do it again and see how you are improving.

Keep up the good work!

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