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2008-12-22 2:49 PM

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Subject: Amyro's group- Closed
Name: amyro1234 (Amy)

Bio: Ever since I heard about triathlons, I wanted to do one. It was a while from this point before I actually did one, but I finally became a triathlete on June 30, 2007. The distance of that event that finally made me a triathlete was a Super Sprint (300m swim/6 mile bike/5K run). Crossing the finish line of that first triathlon was one of the greatest feelings I have ever felt. I was immediatly addicted to triathlons from that point on.

I ended up doing two more triathlons that year (both of them sprint distance) and have finished a total of five triathlons so far. I definitely plan on doing more in the future! I also have a pretty good background in swimming. I love to swim and have been on some sort of swim team for the past several years. I just joined a year-round club swim team last year. Swimming is definitly my favorite part of a triathlon.

Family status: I'm only 17 so I still live with my parents. I have no brothers and sisters, but I do have two pets: a dog named Sake and a bird named Pretty Boy.

Current training: I'm on the swim team, so I ovbiously do a lot of swimming. Since I also do triathlons, I do plenty of biking and running too. I love to workout, so I try to workout every day. I also like to do weights and yoga to keep me strong and flexible.

This year's races: I did two triathlons this year- one at the sprint distance, the other at the olympic distance. I also did a 5K race and participated in many swim meets.

2009 races: I have no specific events planned, but I will pretty much do the same type of events I did in 2008. I'm hoping to greatly improve my 2008 finishing times, and may do a longer race such as a half marathon.

Weight loss: I've never struggled with my weight before. A healthy, active lifestlye (such as training for a triathlon) really helps to keep the weight off.

What will make me a good mentor: It has not been that long since I was a beginner myself. so I know a lot of the questions beginners have, and what it feels like to be a beginner. I am still learning a lot about this sport myself! Speaking of learning, I am really passionate about triathlon, and am always willing to learn new information. I log on this website and read books about this sport as much as possible. I have learned so much since first starting out in this sport! I know I am still pretty young as well, and can learn a lot from everyone. I log onto this website very frequently (almost everyday) and will always be there if you have questions.

Edited by amyro1234 2009-01-31 9:32 AM

2009-01-02 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1867950

New user

Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open

Hi Amy,

I'd really like to join your group-I'm doing the London Triathlon - Olympic Distance in August and I need all the help and encouragement I can get! I've put my details below so you can get to know a bit more about me!


2009-01-02 7:18 PM
in reply to: #1867950

New user

Subject: RE: Jon Ellenor-Athlete Information


Date of Birth:13 JANUARY !(&" 
Age: 36
Height: 5 ft 11 inc

Write your three season goals below.

Goals should a) be race/event specific b) be measurable, and c) have a specific date for accomplishment (example: go under 2:30 at the XYZ Triathlon on June 3)
-Note: You must have at least one season goal.

Second Most Important Season Goal:

Third Most Important Season Goal:


Medical History (Note: All medical questions must be completed)

Have you ever experienced chest, shoulder, neck or arm pain after exercise? Explain NO

Have you ever felt lightheaded, dizzy or fainted after exercise? Explain NO

Have you been diagnosed with Asthma, Diabetes, Heart Trouble, High Blood Pressure? Explain NO
Do you have any medical conditions that would be adversely affected by exercise? Explain NO

Do you have any injuries, past or present, that would be adversely affected by exercise? Explain

Are you currently using any medications? Explain NO

Does your doctor recommend that you DO NOT exert yourself or perform strenuous exercise FOR ANY REASON? NO

When was your last physical examination? 18 MONTHS AGO




Emphasis: Triathlon, Duathlon, Running ? TRIATHLON

How many hours a week are available for training? 8-10

which day(s) are preferable for rest days? MONDAY OR FRIDAY

Describe your typical weekly training schedule (swim, bike, run, weights, etc):
Monday: 8-10 MILES CYCLING
Tuesday: 8-10 MILES CYCLING
Wednesday: 8-10 MILES CYCLING
Thursday: 8-10 MILES CYCLING
Friday: 8-10 MILES CYCLING
Saturday: 1 HOUR WALK
Sunday: 30 MINUTE RUN

Average hours per week for training last year:
Swim: hrs 0
Bike: hrs 12
Run: hrs 1

Average distance per week last year:
Swim: 0
Bike: miles 80
Run: miles 3

Goals for the season (indicate all that apply):

1st Triathlon or Duathlon
First Olympic distance YES
First ½ Ironman
First Ironman
Be competitive for my age group
Compete for IMQ slot

Favorite distance: Sprint, Olympic, 1/2 Ironman or Ironman
Best race to date:
Times: Swim: Bike: Run:


Goal Races for 2008:
Race #1:
Importance: A Race B Race C Race A RACE
Date: Race: Distance: Overall Goal Time: OLYMPIC
Goal Swim Time: Goal Bike Time: Goal Run Time: NO TIME GOAL - FINISH ONLY
Have you done this race before? Year? Time? NO


(Copy and paste for any additional races)




How long have you been swimming? 30 YEARS
Do you swim with a Master’s Program? NO
The pool you swim in is in Meters or Yards?METERS

800M (or yards):
1,500M (or yards):
1.2 miles:
2.4 miles:
What pace do you swim 100s in the pool?
Do you have access to: Pull buoy, Paddles or Fins? YES

How long have you been cycling? 5 YEARS
During a race, what is your avg mph? N\A DON'T RACE 
What heart rate does that correlate to? NOT SURE
During training, what is your avg mph?
What hear rate does that correlate to?
What is your best time for:

20k (12.5 miles):
40k (25 miles):
56 miles:
112 miles?:
Do you bike with training partners? NO
Do you have access to a bike trainer? YES
Does your computer have a cadence feature? NOT SURE
Do you own a Compu Trainer TM ? NO
If no, would you like more information? YES

How long have you been running? 20 YEARS
During a race, what is your avg pace per mi? 7-8 MINS
What heart rate does that correlate to? NOT SURE
What is your best time for:

5k (3.1 miles):
10k (6.2 miles):
½ marathon (13.1 mi):2 HRS 11 MINS
Marathon (26.2 mi):
Do you run with training partners? YES
Do you have access to a track? YES


Do you have your nutrition zeroed in during a race? N/A
Describe a typical pre-race meal: N/A
Describe a typical race day nutrition: N/A
Describe a typical post-race meal: N/A
Describe a typical day’s meals, be accurate and realistic as possible:
Do you currently strength train? NO
Do you own a heart rate monitor? NO
If yes, do you use it?
What has been your highest heart rate recorded during exercise?
Has your Lactate Threshold (LT) been tested? Results: NO
Has your Vo2max been tested? Results: NO
What are your average hours of sleep per night? 6




Indicate 'YES' to or BOLD ONE statement below for each sport that best describes what is standing between you and success in achieving your goals?


I find it difficult to finish the swim portion of a race. YES
In choppy open water swims I lose more time than others in my race category
My swim technique is poor YES
My swimming gets slower as the race progresses.
If I start the swim fast I start gasping for air and must slow down more than others in my race category.
At the end of the swim portion I'm unable to speed up to catch those slightly ahead of me.


Just finishing the bike leg of a race is difficult for me.
I am passed by lots of other triathletes on hills.
I'm a "masher"--I push big gears slowly. YES
Even on flat courses my bike speed decreases near the end.
As the bike portion of a race gets shorter I do worse relative to those in my category.
In short races, I struggle to get over short "power" hills. YES


I usually find it difficult to finish long runs.
I run up hills slower than most in my race category.
I bounce up and down more than others when I run. YES
My running gets slower as the race progresses.
In shorter races, if I go anaerobic I'm forced to slow down. YES
I almost never win a sprint to the finish line.

2009-01-02 8:28 PM
in reply to: #1867950


Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open

Hi Amy,

I would like to join your group.

In 2008, i have participated in 2 biathlons (swim and run), 1 sprint triathlon, 1 half marathon, and several runs. It is also the year where i focused on swimming and cut back on running. As a non competitive swimmer, my timing has improved quite a bit, but i feel that there is still so much room where i can shorten my swim timing.

In the last month of 2008, i bought my first road bike. Previously, i had riden on a commuter bike with drop bar and trained on mountain bike. I began 2009 by waking up at 6am to join a local cycling group in a 60km ride.

With regards to run, i have never been a good runner. My school club is offering the opportunity to train with a good long-d coach this summer!

Goal for this year would be to participate in a couple of full triathlon and to improve on the technical aspects of triathlon.



2009-01-03 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1867950

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Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open
Welcome to the group!

Jonathan: Very detailed bio you have there! You seem to know a lot about all your strengths and weaknesses. A strong bicycling background (which you seem to have) really helps in a longer triathlon, whhere the majority of the race is bicycling. Are you working with a coach? A coach can help a lot with improving your technique for swimming, and better technique will definitely make you more comfortable in the swim leg of a triathlon.

I know you can finish that London Triathlon in August! 7 months is plenty of time to make some huge improvments.

mhtchong: Great job on all the improvemnts you have made so far, especially in swimming and in joining a bicycle club. Road bikes definitly help a lot in longer riding. I brought a road bike this year too, and have noticed a huge increase in my speed and comfort while bicycle riding. Good luck on training to finish a full triathlon! What distance is this full triathlon you are looking at?

Joining a club will definitly help improve your running. What sort of technical aspects are you hoping to improve on?

It sounds like I am gettimg a nice mentor group going. I am looking forward to getting to know you all better within the next couple of months.
2009-01-03 3:55 PM
in reply to: #1884258

New user

Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open


No I'm not working with a coach-I am considering getting one to help ot specifically with the swimming aspect-I'm also joining a tri club but before I join I have to improve my swimming. 

I'm trying to figure out the nutrition element of the training log-any ideas!!!

How many members are in our group?

Thanks for your reply.


2009-01-03 4:32 PM
in reply to: #1867950


Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open

Hi Amy,

 I would like to join your group if there is space please.   My name is Charly, I am 26, and I have signed up to the Brighton Sprint Triathlon in September, and a novice in Sussex in May.   I have never done a triathlon before and although i am excited, I am nervous and dont really know where to start with the training.  I don't think the cycling will be a problem as I am used to doing that regularly, but having not used a swimming pool for ten years, the thought of a open water swim is really daunting!!  

2009-01-04 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1884416

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Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open
Jonathan_ellenor - 2009-01-03 4:55 PM


No I'm not working with a coach-I am considering getting one to help ot specifically with the swimming aspect-I'm also joining a tri club but before I join I have to improve my swimming. 

I'm trying to figure out the nutrition element of the training log-any ideas!!!

How many members are in our group?

Thanks for your reply.


A coach and a tri club will definitely be great ways to improve!

I've never used the nutrition part of the log before, but it looks pretty easy to use, from what I see. You click on the nutrition link right above the current day's entry. It is near the bar that says "edit today's log". Once you have reached the nutrition section, you put down the time you ate the meal by clicking on the "time" bar. It also looks like you can add different types of meals and include comments. I hope that helps!

It looks like there are three members in this group so far.
2009-01-04 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1884442

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Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open
charly17 - 2009-01-03 5:32 PM

Hi Amy,

 I would like to join your group if there is space please.   My name is Charly, I am 26, and I have signed up to the Brighton Sprint Triathlon in September, and a novice in Sussex in May.   I have never done a triathlon before and although i am excited, I am nervous and dont really know where to start with the training.  I don't think the cycling will be a problem as I am used to doing that regularly, but having not used a swimming pool for ten years, the thought of a open water swim is really daunting!!  

Sure, you can join the group!

Good luck on finishing your first triathlon. Finishing the first triathlon is an amazing experience, and I'm sure you will be back for more!

Have you looked at the training plans on this site? There are many plans for people that are getting ready to do their first triathlon. They will be great for getting you across that finish line!

Have you also tried looking for swim lessons/a swim coach? Working with someone on your stroke technique will definitely help you get more comfortable in the water.
2009-01-06 1:07 AM
in reply to: #1867950


Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open

Hey Amy,

I'd love to join your group if there's still room! I haven't decided for sure if I'm up to training for a triathlon, but I hope to get into good enough shape to do a sprint distance this summer... the ones around here are mostly 750 k swim, 22 mile bike, 3.1 mile run (there are a couple with 15 mile bike). Sounds like a lot to a total newbie like me, but I'm pretty motivated when I set my mind to something. If I don't feel ready for that, I plan to do a half-marathon this year and then a triathlon next year.

Bio: I have never participated in any marathon/duathlon/triathlon before. Nobody I know has participated in one of these events, for that matter. I just randomly decided that I wanted to complete a triathlon by age 30, so now seems like a good time to start training!

When I was in high school, I lifeguarded in the summers and taught private swim lessons for kids. My last summer lifeguarding I worked the waterfront at a lake, and taught swimming and lifesaving to boyscouts. I have never swam more than a mile in open water.

I took some weight training and nutrition classes in college, and I have maintained a pretty healthy and active lifestyle for most of my adult life.

I'm a little bit nervous because I have a bum knee, which has undergone multiple surgeries. I also had asthma as a kid, but I haven't had any problems with it for several years now... however, I haven't done anything that has really pushed me on a cardio-vascular level, either. My left lung is damaged from a bout with pleuracy when I was a teenager, so one major thing I want to work on is breathing more efficiently and increasing my overall lung capacity. My doctor gave me a peak-flo meter to help with this, so don't be alarmed... I'm not going to do anything without medical advice. Still, any tips on breathing would be extremely appreciated!

Family Status: I'm a 27 year old stay at home mom. I've been married for almost six years now, and I have two little girls, ages four and one. My family is pretty much awesome.

Current Training: I am one of those people who looks like they're in good shape (I do a minimal amount of weight training), but really I'm not. I ran for 30 minutes on the treadmill today and I was seriously winded... a bit pathetic, eh? I workout at my local gym or do pilates at home when I'm feeling too lazy to go out. I like to swim laps, but my form is pretty sad, I'm sure.

I know I have to amp it up so here's my training plan: I do weights for about 30 min a few times a week right now, and usually just do 20 min of cardio. There's two feet of snow on the ground outside, so I will have to make do with indoor facilities for the time being. I'll maintain my weight training schedule, add in some yoga for breathing and flexibility, and increase my cardio training as follows: I'll bike daily, working up to faster and more difficult rides. I will swim three times a week, starting with 20 laps and some side-kicking drills, and gradually increasing my distance. I will run three times a week, on my off days from swimming, again gradually increasing my distance and time.

This year's races: we'll see. I hope to do the BAM sprint at Midway or maybe the Jordanelle Sprint in Park City.

I want to join a mentor group because I'm looking for tips - any tips, really. I think being part of a group like this will really help keep me motivated.

I hope you still have room now that I've spilled my guts!

Thanks and all that,


Edited by danidxp 2009-01-06 1:11 AM
2009-01-06 6:26 AM
in reply to: #1867950

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Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open
Sure, you can join the group, Dani.

Great job on deciding to finish your first triathlon. It seems like you already have a great plan put into place, which will definitely make it extrememly likely that you will cross that finish line!

As for breathing, make sure you stay relaxed and take deep breaths. Deep breaths really go a long way in enhancing the quality of your workout. You should try taking some yoga classes. Yoga is great with helping you breathe better.

Good luck on your training!

2009-01-06 10:03 PM
in reply to: #1884258


Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open

amyro1234 - 2009-01-04 3:19 AM mhtchong: Great job on all the improvemnts you have made so far, especially in swimming and in joining a bicycle club. Road bikes definitly help a lot in longer riding. I brought a road bike this year too, and have noticed a huge increase in my speed and comfort while bicycle riding. Good luck on training to finish a full triathlon! What distance is this full triathlon you are looking at? Joining a club will definitly help improve your running. What sort of technical aspects are you hoping to improve on? It sounds like I am gettimg a nice mentor group going. I am looking forward to getting to know you all better within the next couple of months.

 I'm looking at 2 OD races this year. Then move on to HIM early next year and IM late next year.

I did a sprint last year and all the road bike (regardless who is riding the bike, might be from a much older age group) is able to overtake my mountain bike. That's what motivated me to buy a road bike at the end of the year.

I'm looking at improving the stride and running posture, while building a base over the next few months. From my last session with the coach, i figure i have to improve the stride on my non-master leg. I am able to perform the correct technique on the master leg. push - heel kick - knee raise - drive.... haha... it was fun.

You are probably able to give me good advise on my swim with your rich experience in swimming. I am currently doing 800m under 14 minutes in pool, and 100m under 1:25. I felt that i have improved a lot in swim, considering i was not able to do front crawl when i first went for swim training in May. To improve beyond my current timing, would you recommend focusing on the technical aspect (that is to go to a coach for further correction in stroke) or focus on drills to build up the muscle for swimming?

2009-01-07 12:29 PM
in reply to: #1867950

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open


I hope that you have some room still available in your group.  I'm 30 yrs. old and I am about as beginner as they get.  I started training about 3 months ago for a sprint that I have coming up in August 2009.  Prior to that, I played basketball occasionally, but lived a relatively sedentary lifestyle.  I'm hoping to do at least two sprints this year and go from there.

It's good that you were a "beginner" recently.  Hopefully, I can pick your brain re swimming as that seems to be my weak point, along with biking and running (ha ha!).  Anyway, I'd like to join this group, if you'll have me.



2009-01-07 5:46 PM
in reply to: #1891194

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Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open
mhtchong - 2009-01-06 11:03 PM

To improve beyond my current timing, would you recommend focusing on the technical aspect (that is to go to a coach for further correction in stroke) or focus on drills to build up the muscle for swimming?

I would recommend to do both. Coaching and drills both help a lot for better swimming. A coach is the most important part though. They will be able to see how you are swimming and give you objective feedback on how to improve.

As for drills, I would recommend getting the book called "Total Immersion". It is by Terry Laughlin and really gives you some great ways to improve your freestyle stroke. Just remember though, that the point of drills is not to build muscle- they are to help you learn to swim with better form. If you can swim with better form, it will feel easier going the same pace and you WILL swim faster.

Good luck on your swimming!
2009-01-07 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1892474

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Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open
brolly1999 - 2009-01-07 1:29 PM


I hope that you have some room still available in your group.  I'm 30 yrs. old and I am about as beginner as they get.  I started training about 3 months ago for a sprint that I have coming up in August 2009.  Prior to that, I played basketball occasionally, but lived a relatively sedentary lifestyle.  I'm hoping to do at least two sprints this year and go from there.

It's good that you were a "beginner" recently.  Hopefully, I can pick your brain re swimming as that seems to be my weak point, along with biking and running (ha ha!).  Anyway, I'd like to join this group, if you'll have me.



Welcome to the group and good luck on finishing your first triathlon this August! It is great that you already have a goal picked out! If you want to get better at swimming, just learn to get more comfortable in the water. You will improve in all three sports with practice. The great thing about being a beginner is that you make SO many improvments!

Like I was saying previously, coaches really help when you want to improve your stroke. You can also consider purchasing the "Total Immersion" book I listed above and work on some of the drills. listed in the book.

Best of luck to you! You are going to love your first triathlon (and all the following ones!).
2009-01-07 9:04 PM
in reply to: #1893352


Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open
amyro1234 - 2009-01-08 7:46 AM
mhtchong - 2009-01-06 11:03 PM To improve beyond my current timing, would you recommend focusing on the technical aspect (that is to go to a coach for further correction in stroke) or focus on drills to build up the muscle for swimming?


I would recommend to do both. Coaching and drills both help a lot for better swimming. A coach is the most important part though. They will be able to see how you are swimming and give you objective feedback on how to improve. As for drills, I would recommend getting the book called "Total Immersion". It is by Terry Laughlin and really gives you some great ways to improve your freestyle stroke. Just remember though, that the point of drills is not to build muscle- they are to help you learn to swim with better form. If you can swim with better form, it will feel easier going the same pace and you WILL swim faster. Good luck on your swimming!

 Noted. Thank you!

2009-01-08 12:34 PM
in reply to: #1867950

New user
Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open

Hello, my name is Tina and I'm completely new here and would love to join this group.  From what I can tell, it appears being Canadian is a rarity on this forum - however geographics does not necessarily impact on one's ability to support another who shares similar interests!

After watching a triathlon in person last year, I found the inspiration to commit to doing one myself this year.  At this point I haven't had decided on the exact location, but I'm aiming for May/June. 

Tomorrow is the last day of week 1 training.  I'm currently working on a 10 week schedule that I plan to duplicate.  The first time running through it doing activities indoors (running and biking) and the second time doing these activities outdoors.  I will likely not repeat the entire 10 weeks but perhaps start half way through in order to build up my endurance outdoors in time for the big race.

 My motivation to do this triathlon is that for starters, I know physically I can do it, I'll just have to work at it.  Second of all, this last year I've had significant changes happen one being I broke off my year long engagement - a relationship I was in for 5 years that was absolutely horrible; mind you I learned a lot of lessons.  I'm taking this opportunity to complete the triathlon as a "marker" of this year - something I'm doing solely for myself and to regain my sense of pride!

 Amy, here's hoping there's enough room for one more!!!



2009-01-08 12:55 PM
in reply to: #1893373

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open

Thanks for the advice.  I'm starting to get more comfortable in the water lately.  Slowly improving distance and starting to learn how to breathe on both sides.  So that's something.  Still really only able to tackle 50-100 yds at a time, which is getting frustrating.  I'm sure it's just a matter of putting in the proper time though.  Thanks again.


2009-01-11 7:46 AM
in reply to: #1895221

User image

Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open
blue_stars01 - 2009-01-08 1:34 PM

Hello, my name is Tina and I'm completely new here and would love to join this group.  From what I can tell, it appears being Canadian is a rarity on this forum - however geographics does not necessarily impact on one's ability to support another who shares similar interests!

After watching a triathlon in person last year, I found the inspiration to commit to doing one myself this year.  At this point I haven't had decided on the exact location, but I'm aiming for May/June. 

Tomorrow is the last day of week 1 training.  I'm currently working on a 10 week schedule that I plan to duplicate.  The first time running through it doing activities indoors (running and biking) and the second time doing these activities outdoors.  I will likely not repeat the entire 10 weeks but perhaps start half way through in order to build up my endurance outdoors in time for the big race.

 My motivation to do this triathlon is that for starters, I know physically I can do it, I'll just have to work at it.  Second of all, this last year I've had significant changes happen one being I broke off my year long engagement - a relationship I was in for 5 years that was absolutely horrible; mind you I learned a lot of lessons.  I'm taking this opportunity to complete the triathlon as a "marker" of this year - something I'm doing solely for myself and to regain my sense of pride!

 Amy, here's hoping there's enough room for one more!!!



Welcome to the group! It is nice to have a Canadian here!

Good luck on your first triathlon this summer. It sounds like you have a nice training plan worked out. I know you can cross that finish line this summer! It sounds like you have great motivation to do this triathlon as well. Triathlons (both competing in them and training for them) will definitely give you an amazing sense of pride.
2009-01-11 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1895282

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Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open
brolly1999 - 2009-01-08 1:55 PM

Thanks for the advice.  I'm starting to get more comfortable in the water lately.  Slowly improving distance and starting to learn how to breathe on both sides.  So that's something.  Still really only able to tackle 50-100 yds at a time, which is getting frustrating.  I'm sure it's just a matter of putting in the proper time though.  Thanks again.


Great job on all your swimming improvment! You will get to the 50-100 yard mark (and beyond) soon enough. You just have to give it time. It is a huge step to get comfortable in the water when first starting out. I know it was for me. Congragulations!
2009-01-14 7:39 PM
in reply to: #1867950

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Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open
Hi everyone!

Anyone still alive? How is everyone's training going?

2009-01-15 3:39 AM
in reply to: #1867950


Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open

running in on the new bicycle. it's just that the set up is a little bit heavy and i feel rather affected by that negative thought when i lack behind - and then i slack and give up trying to keep up with the group.

 am still swimming.

 starting to run, but do not have the time to build up the base.

2009-01-15 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1867950

New user
Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open

Today officially ends week 2 of training for me.  Yesterday was my first dual sport day (50 minutes on the bike followed by 300 meters swimming).

I'll really be glad when I can start running and biking outside though

2009-01-17 8:48 PM
in reply to: #1867950

New user

Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open

I am Russell Forquer I respectfully request I be permitted to join you group.

 I live in Erie, PA; I am 65 years old, have run 14 Marathons.

Intend to do the Reston sprint on May31, 2009.

Have run for 30 years, good swimmer, okay biker, just need to doit.


2009-01-19 7:41 AM
in reply to: #1914450

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Subject: RE: Amyro's group- Open
FORQUER - 2009-01-17 9:48 PM

I am Russell Forquer I respectfully request I be permitted to join you group.

 I live in Erie, PA; I am 65 years old, have run 14 Marathons.

Intend to do the Reston sprint on May31, 2009.

Have run for 30 years, good swimmer, okay biker, just need to doit.


Sure, you can be in the group! Good luck on finishing your first triathlon this summer. Since you have been running so much, the swimming and bicycling will come pretty easily.

14 marathons? That is pretty impressive! Maybe you can give me some running advice
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