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2008-12-23 9:19 PM

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Subject: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

A peer support group for new or experienced triathletes to provide motivation and accountability as we start the 2009 season.

NAME: Cathy
STORY: I've been running since 1998, completed 3 marathons, many 5k, 10k, 1/2 marathons.  Was the runner on a relay team at our local tri in 2006. Took lessons to learn how to swim in Oct 2006. First tri season 2007 did 5 races from sprint to HIM distance.  In 2008 I did only 2 tri's and one 1/2 marathon.  I'm registered for Muskoka 70.3 again in 2009 after getting my butt kicked there this year.
FAMILY STATUS: I'm married, have two adult children and a new granddaughter.  I work full time 12 hour shifts.
CURRENT TRAINING:  The past two months I've done very little. Need to get back into training after the holidays.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did a 1/2 marathon in May '08, a local tri in Aug and Muskoka 70.3 in Sept '08.
2009 RACES:  I'm registered for Muskoka 70.3 in Sept. The rest of the season is undecided. A lot depends whether I can get time off work for race dates.
WEIGHTLOSS GOALS:  I'd like to lose 15 - 20 lbs. Nutrition is my biggest limiter, I have a lot of food issues.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: Being part of a mentor group the past 2 years has been a great motivater for me.  I'm looking to form a group of not necessarily new triathletes to provide support and accountability as we start the 2009 season.  I'll be checking the members logs daily as well as suggesting weekly discussion topics in this group thread.

Edited by cathyd 2009-01-06 8:33 PM

2009-01-02 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group
Hi Cathy. I'd like to join your group.

Name: Andrea
Story: I did my first "try a tri" in 2002, and I've been hooked ever since! I've been in a bit of a rut lately, and I'm finding it hard to stay motivated.
Life status: Married, two dogs. Work full time as an instructor at a post-secondary institution. I also do some coaching (mostly cycling now).
Current training: I do some cycling and sporadic running, and haven't hit the pool since September! I need some more consistency!
Past races: I've completed the Great White North HIM three times. I've also completed several sprint and standard races, some cycling road races and time trials, and I entertain myself in the fall with cyclocross. I usually do some running races, including the QCM, but blister issues kept me off my feet last year.
2009 races:I've signed up for the Calgary 70.3 in August. Leading up to that, I'll likely do some of my favourite local sprint and standard races. I'd also like to do my favourite half-marathon in September (QCM).
Weight loss goals: Not a high priority, but I could stand to drop a few pounds to make riding up the hills a little easier!
Why I'd like to join this group: I have a fair bit of experience with triathlon, so I don't have a lot of "how does this work" questions, but I am in a rut and could use the motivation and accountability that a group like this could provide.

2009-01-02 10:10 PM
in reply to: #1883023

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group


Hi Andrea and welcome.  Your reason for joining is exactly what I'm looking for and offering to the group.  Being part of a mentor group has helped me stay motivated and  accountable to my training the past two seasons.  Looking forward to spending a couple months 'training' with you.


2009-01-03 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Hi Cathy and Andrea!  I'd like to join your group.

NAME: Stef  (Silverwlf)

STORY: I am currently an elementary teacher. I haven't raced triathlon since 2002 when I started my new career.  I got into triathlon because I was originally a swimmer, and honestly I was getting frustrated that my times weren't improving in my racing.  Some of the guys on the swim team were triathletes (and I thought they were crazy) but I decided that running is good for me, and I like to bike so "Why not?".  I bought a bike and away I went.  My bike training was riding to work, and I ran a little (3-4k) so I did 7 sprint tris over the course of 3 years.  I flew by the seat of my pants and relied on luck to carry me through.
I moved back home to start a new career and my training stalled.  I still ran, but with no swim team to train with triathlon all sort of fell apart.  My bike sat in my shed, and my swimming stuff in the basement.  I have run 3 1/2 marathons, 2 5ks and 2 10ks in the past 6 years, but I haven't raced a triathlon. 
Last year I started biking to work again.  Partly because of gas prices, partly because I was worried about the Polar Bears.  I'm into my second winter of  "Saving the polar bears" and my brother is my partner for some long rides.
I struggled with clinical depression this summer and the only thing I could manage to do was swim.  So I bought myself a membership to the local fitness club and swam every day.  As I slowly pulled myself out I noticed how much my general fitness improved.  I ran the 10k in Niagara Falls in October and placed 5th in my age group.

For xmas I bought myself a new bike for next season and I'm looking forward to racing again this coming year.

FAMILY STATUS: I am separated - just over a year an a half.  I have two dogs - a lab-x and a Dobie and they both run with me on occasion.  
CURRENT TRAINING: I like to be active but I like my training to fit into my lifestyle.  I commute to work which keeps me biking year round, and then I fit my other workouts in around everything else.  I try to fit workouts in every day, but I don't keep to a hard and fast training schedule.  I do my weight/flexibility training at home, swim at the pool, run mostly outside (unless it's impossible - I hate the treadmill) and bike year round.  I also have rollers which I'm learning to use.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I raced the Niagara Falls 10k this fall.  No other races this year.

2009 RACES:  I am looking at a 70.3 Ironman Steelhead as well as probably Leamington Sprint, Windsor Sprint and maybe the Ottawa 70.3 in the fall.  Road races will depend on how I feel.

WHY I'D LIKE TO JOIN: I think that having other people to be accountable to would be beneficial for me.  I would be less likely to blow off workouts. (I'm lazy sometimes.)  Plus it would be nice to have people to chat with about the inevitable "stuff" that comes up with training!

Edited by Silver_wlf 2009-01-03 4:43 PM
2009-01-03 7:18 PM
in reply to: #1884454

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Welcome to the group Stef.  I've found in the past (being a member of 2 past mentor groups) that just knowing others are checking out my logs helped me to stay on track with my training.  Although I enjoy all 3 sports I am good at finding reasons (excuses) not to workout some days.   I'm counting on the other group members to let me know if I'm slacking.  I also have a 70.3 planned in the fall so I need to stay on track over the spring, and after doing next to nothing the past 2 months I need to rebuild my fitness in all 3 sports.

Looking forward to 'training' with you over the winter/spring.

PS>  I've done the Ottawa 113 so can give you some info on that race.

2009-01-04 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

So what's the plan for the week ladies?

I'm looking at the Tri-newbies training program and I'm going to scale it back a bit since my race is a long way away.  I just want to get in the habit of a couple workouts a day.  Plus I have to try morning swims this week ... (I usually swim after school.)

Whoooohoooo!!! Here's to the first full week back after the holiday season!


2009-01-04 4:01 PM
in reply to: #1870560

Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open


 I would like to join your peer support group.

 I have only done one tri - sprint 2007.  i was training for one in 2008, but scheduling and burn out made me give  up on goal.  i did complete half marathon last march, and am currently training for same half marathon coming march 2009.

i am 51 years old with wonderful husband and 13 year old son and 11 year old twins - son and daughter.  i work full time at local university which requires monthly travel and 2-3 night shifts per month.

best phrase to describe my exercise and eating pattern is "consistenly inconsistent."  I am working with a nutritionist and have lost about 8 lbs recently.  I have another 18 - 25 to go to get back to pre-pregnancy weight.  I do realize it has been 11 years, but having twin pregnancy and 2 c-sections in 29 months does major shock to body and system.

anyway, would love to be part of your support group.  i am currently following jeff galloways training program to prepare for half marathon on march 15th.  i would like to do at least two sprint triathlons in 2009 as well.




p.s. does anyone know how to change your name  .... my kids tell me it is not kosher or cool to use first and last name but i cannot figure out how to change it.


2009-01-04 6:00 PM
in reply to: #1885552

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open
Silver_wlf - 2009-01-04 2:52 PM

So what's the plan for the week ladies?

My week might look like this:

Monday - Strength/core
Tuesday - Swim (lunch), Cycling (evening class)
Wednesday - Run (commuting, evening)
Thursday - Swim (afternoon?), Strength/core (evening)
Friday - Run (intervals, afternoon)
Saturday - Cycling (intervals, morning?)
Sunday - Run (morning), snowshoe (only if it gets warmer!)

I hope to goodness that the cold the prairies have been enduring will end soon.

I'm looking at the Tri-newbies training program and I'm going to scale it back a bit since my race is a long way away. I just want to get in the habit of a couple workouts a day. Plus I have to try morning swims this week ... (I usually swim after school.)

Are there any of the winter maintenance plans that would fill in until you're ready to get into the regular program?

I used to go to a morning swim session, and I did enjoy the class. The toughest part was getting up, but after that, it was easy! And it was nice to have one under the belt.

Whoooohoooo!!! Here's to the first full week back after the holiday season!

Hurray! (Feigned excitement?)

I just have to get used to having an 8 a.m. class to teach this term!
2009-01-04 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1885557

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open
charlotte hobbs - 2009-01-04 3:01 PM

p.s. does anyone know how to change your name  .... my kids tell me it is not kosher or cool to use first and last name but i cannot figure out how to change it.

I think you contact Ron or Marmadaddy and they can do it for you. See thread:
2009-01-04 6:50 PM
in reply to: #1885557

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Welcome to the group charlotte.  Looking forward to training with you.



2009-01-05 6:20 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Monday: Work Commute, Swim (PM)

Tues: Run (PM) Can't commute - dentist appt. *grrrr*

Wed: Work Commute, Spin

Thurs: Swim (AM?), Work Commute 

Fri: Off

Sat: Long Run

Sun: Long Bike (weather permitting) or Spin

2009-01-05 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Good morning ladies.  Well the holidays are officially over in my house, the tree is down and the decorations are put away for another year.  Time to get back to real life routines again.

I tend to plan my training around my work schedule.  I work 12 hour shifts, 4 on, 5 off. I usually run after work on my 2nd day and 2nd night with a coworker. I keep the workouts short when I work day shifts and the day between my night shifts is always a rest day. Tomorrow is a work day.  So my plan for the next 7 days is:

Mon - swim, bike
Tues -  run (work days)
Wed  - short run with coworker (work days)
Thurs - swim, bike (work nights)
Fri - off (work nights)
Sat - run after work, swim
Sun - weights, bike

I also try to do all long runs and long bikes on days my husband works. I don't swim on Sundays except in summer when I can swim OW (my gym pool is full of kids on sunday).   In the past I've had trouble following plans (I tend to just do what I want each day instead) so my January goal is to follow the plan as much as I can.

Edited by cathyd 2009-01-05 8:13 AM
2009-01-05 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Do you still have openings? I was new to tri last year- raced in 2, and was all trained for NYC Marathon on 11/2 but ......blew out my knee on 10/1, resulting in major surgery on 10/28 plus six weeks on crutches and tons of PT. I'm just back to swimming this week, can't run till 3/1, and no skiing/snowshoeing all winter Still doing PT 3x a week, only up to 1.5 miles of walking on the dreadmill (which was causing me pain when done 2 days consecutively)

Need serious motivation to get me back in the game. Might not be doing much in the way of tris this year, but want to swim and ride as much as my knee will let me-- I'm told the running is going to feel like hell for another year. Great. 

 Boy, a a difference a year makes. This injury was devastating, mentally, let me tell you.

 Will do a more thorough "intro" if there are still spots in your group. Thanks! 

2009-01-05 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1886721

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Welcome to the group.... and sorry to hear about your knee .  I injured my left knee on Oct 25, the week before a planned half marathon and wasn't able to run on it for a few weeks.  Luckily mine wasn't serious and healed on it's own. 

We'll try to help you stay motivated to train, even though you may not be able to run as much as you'd like. 

You may want to look into some aquacycle races (not sure of the proper name for them but they are swim/bike races).  A lot of the local races have this option now.


2009-01-05 12:39 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Hi Cathy,


If I can, I would like to joing your group.

NAME: Marie
STORY: The closest I have ever come to being a triathlete is signing up and starting the Disco Man triathlon here in Texas in 2006.  After seriously training for 6 months I attempted the traithlon and FREAKED out in the lake.  I am currently 35 and since I was about 18, finishing a marathon and completing a traithlon have always been on my list of things to do. I have finally recognized that I do not have a runners physique (though I do love running).  Being bow-legged and flat footed makes it very hard to run the marathon distance without injury.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm married, have an 8 year old daughter and I'm a professional photographer. 
CURRENT TRAINING:  I'm a couch to sprint newbie.  I started walking a couple of weeks ago and I'm ready to start the rest.

2009 RACES:  I have not registered yet.  But I'm thinking about the Benbrook sprint because it is a pool swim.

WEIGHTLOSS GOALS:  After Christmas I started to change my nutrition significantly.  I hope to lose 15-20 pounds.

WHY I WANT TO JOIN YOUR GROUP: I am going to feel silly documenting my five minute runs and 15 minute swim workouts in the beginning. I just want to be with a group who remembers the beginning, who won't laugh at newbie questions and training numbers.  

2009-01-05 3:36 PM
in reply to: #1887012

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New user
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Hello!  I was hoping to join your mentor group!

NAME: Andrea
STORY: I'm 29, and a total novice at any sort of racing.  I ran my first and only race so far (a 5K) on Thanksgiving day.  I used to cycle 20 miles about 5 times a week on the road, but that was about 4 years ago.  I haven't been training regularly on the bike, or swimming since before labor day but I've been building my endurance in running over the past 7 months.  I have lost 50 pounds since May and went from barely running a 1/4 mile to jogging 5 miles in about 55 minutes, slow but a feat in and of itself for me.  For as long as I can remember I have thought triathletes were amazing and wanted to compete.  I am registered for an all womans Iron Girl Sprint Tri (.5 mile swim, 10 mile bike and 3.1 mile run) for May 9th. I could compete and finish it today if need be, but I really would like to improve my times, and not want to die at the finish line.   I'm mainly concerned that my current training and workout regimen far exceeds the training programs I have seen for beginner sprint triathletes.  I don't want to lose the progress I have made by scaling back.  I don't know if I should keep training the way I am with the running and just add the swimming and cycling and jump in where I'm already comfortable in those disciplines, or how I should handle the training.  I'm looking for any and all advice on the matter.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm married, no children.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I currently work out 6 days a week. Four days strength training and cadrio, 2 days just cardio.  I run at least 2 miles each day, and average between 15-20 miles running each week.  I also use the elliptical for cardio.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did a 5K on Thanksgiving. 

2009 RACES:  I'm registered for the Iron Girl Sprint Tri on May 9th.  I'd also like to find a 10K to run at the end of February/beginning of March.  And some 5K's and another 10K later in the spring.
WEIGHTLOSS GOALS:  Unfortunately, my body is a fat storing machine!  I'm 6'1" and big for a girl, no matter what weight I'm at.  In high school I weighed about 310lbs.  I've been down as low as about 200 and back up to about 265.  My diet isn't bad.  I don't eat fast food, I don't eat food with added sugar.  If I'm religiously working out, I'll drop weight, if not, I gain it.  It's crazy.  Right now I'm 217.  I would like to lose about 15 or so pounds, but right now I'm more focused on my fitness and endurance goals than being able to hit a certain number on the scale.

WHY I'D LIKE TO JOIN THE GROUP: I'd love to get pointers and tips from people that have been beginners.  I've talked a couple friends into doing the tri with me so it'll be great to have their support, but it would be nice to be able to chat with people that have experience in the sport.  We can encourage and check in on each other and hopefully I can steal some valuable pointers and tips from you seasoned triathletes! Laughing

2009-01-05 4:39 PM
in reply to: #1887012

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Marie... welcome and don't feel silly logging short workouts.. my 35 minute trainer ride today nearly did  me in !  I  think we all remember the beginning especially when an injury or life interrupts our training for a while. I'm pretty much starting over in the pool and on the bike.

Enjoy yourself and feel proud of all that you do.


2009-01-05 4:50 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Thanks for letting me join! This looks like a great group of current triathletes and burgeoning triathletes-- I'm somewhere in the middle, due to this knee... 

STORY: I've been running since 1999. Have completed a full marathon and several half marathons.  Bought a road bike in 2004 and didn't do too much with it other than a half century and irregular 20 mile rides.  Last January, I decided I wanted to be a triathlete (I live in Lake Placid, home of Ironman USA race, so tri fever takes hold eventually, if you're at all athletic. I don't have any interest in IM distance, though.)  Worked with a trainer to learn how to lap swim starting in Jan 2008. It was more mental than anything, but I learned that I really loved swimming...when I can find a pool open and with hours that fit my schedule....not easy. I love to OWS in Mirror Lake, but it's really only an option May-September. First tri season 2008 did 2 races-- Super Sprint in Clermont, Florida (on my vacation-- and I came in first overall woman!!! to my great surprise) and then the Sprint Tinman race (.6 S, 18.6 B, 6.2 R) in Tupper Lake NY-- a solid finish but certainly not anything near the top. My next order of business was the NYC Marathon, for which I raised over $10,000 (with my sister and friend, also running), but that was pulled out from under me due to a complete ACL rupture, nasty meniscus tear, microfractures in tibula and several muscle pulls on 10/1. ACL reconstruction and meniscus repair were 10/28-- off crutches 12/6, lots of PT scheduled through February.  I'm working back to walking, need to work up to a longer distance on the bike (also need to change my flat before I can really do trainer rides) and just got back to swimming. Until 1/23, the closest pool is 50 minutes away. After that, the pool at the local college opens again, but with very difficult hours if you, oh, I don't know, have anything crazy like a JOB.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm married, have two boys 7 and 9.  I work full time as an attorney for the state of NY.

CURRENT TRAINING:  OVer the last three months I've done very little. Need to get back into training NOW.  Did some abs, some upper body and lots of PT, but other than the PT, nothing very consistent. I've just been released to do a bit more, and am feeling much better so the time is NOW. Since I started a runner, I'm looking forward to improving my cycling and swimming while the running (hopefully) rebuilds itself. Both could use work!

2009 RACES: I would like to try to plan on doing a few of the local mini-tris (the run is only 3) come summer, but am told by my surgeon that running "won't feel good" for about a year or so.  My PT thinks it's all a question of quad strength and that it might not be so long. It's not too far-fetched of a goal, I don't think. Either way, I want to hobble through a 5 mile Memorial Run for my brother-in-law, tentatively planned for Labor Day weekend. Would also like to a few long rides- half centuries, or dare I say, century rides! Will spend lots of time, I hope, swimming in the lake.

WEIGHTLOSS GOALS:  I'm perpetually about 8 pounds over my ideal weight due to my love of fine food and cooking. Tack about 5 more onto that from my injury/surgically- induced inertia, and I've also become very UN-TONED- the least toned I've been in a few years. YUCK.

STEF- I'm very happy to hear that you found your fitness level really increased from a lot of swimming, as swmming will be my sport of choice this year, it seems.

 Tonight I will try to write up a work out plan for the week, and will post it later.

Edited by aquinn 2009-01-05 4:54 PM
2009-01-05 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1887498

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Welcome andrea... you've accomplished lots already.  Looking forward to watching your progress.


2009-01-06 2:11 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Hi Cathy,

I am hoping that there might still be room in your group as I would really love to join you! I did my first triathalon, beginner distances of 450 yard swim, 5 mile bike and 1 1/2 mile run, in October 2008 and I'm currently training for my first indoor sprint triathalon in February. I would  like to continue on and either do another sprint or olympic distance in August of next year as well. I am married and have three sons. I work full time (3- 12 hour night shifts a week) and am excited to be expecting our first grandaughter this March too 

I have been trying to train 5-6 days a week, trying to do a run and swim, bike and run, or bike and swim each time I workout. I would love to meet and learn from other women who are training and pursuing healthy lifestyles. I would especially like to hear how they balance everything for themselves and their families too!

Thank you so much,


Edited by kerilynn 2009-01-06 2:14 AM
2009-01-06 7:00 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

OK - plan for this week

Sunday - swam

Monday- PT- these will have to count as workouts-- I am doing stairmaster, treadmill, bike, weights, balance board, ETC just started modified lunges-- and my knee is SPENT AFTERWARDS. Did do abs.

Tuesday- PT- I really need to enter all my PT workouts as saved workouts in the training logs, which will make it easier to enter them. Did abs. Will do some arms/chest during "Biggest Loser"

Wednesday- really need to ride a bike for at least 45 minutes- I could ride the recumbent bike, but if I could motivate myself to change the flat.....I could ride my real bike on the trainer.

Thursday- PT

Friday- walk on treadmill, arms

Saturday- off

Sunday- swim 1 mile

I also need to become faithful to my training logs once again....and to start checking all of yours!  


2009-01-06 10:56 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Hi All,

 Cathy, if the group is still open I would love to join.  A little bit about me is below.

Name: Courtney

Story: The good part of the first 23 years of my life or so was spent immersed in a pool as a national level swimmer.  Summer before my senior year of college, I actually broke my collar bone in a bicycle accident that derailed any hopes of continuing my swimming career.  Broken and defeated, I finished college, went to law school, and ceased to do anything athletic for about 4 years.  Not even an occasional workout in the gym.  I eventually realized that being invovled in sports is part of who I am, and I just couldn't give it up entirely.  Not to mention my lifestyle of long work days, fast food, and no working out, had added about 80 extra pounds.

In July of 2006, I signed up for Weight Watchers with a friend on a whim, and that program helped me to gain back a confidence, and a realization that I could work out and be invovled in sports.  I started off with spin classes at my local gym and fell in love.  A couple of the instructors convinced me to buy a road bike and conquer my fear of getting back on after my crash.  It was scary at first, but I did it, and loved it.  I rode my first two century rides in 2008, and did an "aquabike" (1.2 m swim, 56 m bike).  I know that I always have to keep things different and shake them up to keep me interested in the gym, so I decided that I would give triathlons a try.

 For me, the hardest part is the running.  I've never been a runner, and a couple years ago I broke my leg and still have a rod from my ankle to knee.  I'm slowly getting into it though, and start to not *hate* running anymore.

Family: I am single, but have a supporting boyfriend who kicks my butt when I don't workout or get mad at myself

Work: I am a practicing attorney, which can be very time consuming and get in the way of my training.  I was in trial last month, and missed my workouts for about 2 weeks because there was just no time, getting up at 5am to work and going to bed at 2am! Hopefully that won't be happening again anytime soon

2008 Races:  I did a 3 day bike tour that was about 220 miles, with a century ride on one of the days. (Courage Classic), and a the Buffallo Classic Century.  My last race was the Harvest Moon Aqua Bike (1/2 IM course, but I didn't do the run)

2009 Races:  I don't have them all planned out yet.  I want to do the Harvest Moon 1/2, and a sprint or Olympic distance before that.  I plan on doing at least a couple of bike rides/races as well.

Nutrition:  Since my races last summer, I've put back on about 15 pounds.  I'd like to get those off and take off another 10-15 pounds.  The hardest thing for me nutrition wise is that I have the worldest biggest sweet tooth, and I like to be social and eat out, but don't always make the best decisions.

Training: After sitting on my but for most of december, I'm getting back into training this week.  Ideally, I build up to about 20-25 hours a week.  Right now my legs need a day of recovery between running, so I'm only running about every other day.  I had built up to getting 4-5 miles in, but I've dropped back down to 2.5.  Right now I'm really trying to focus on the running.  I also go to spin class, and ride on my trainer at home.  I haven't been in the pool since probably October, but I'm going to start again today or tomorrow.  I'm lucky in that with my swimming background, it doesn't take too long for me to get back in the swing of things with swimming.  I also benefit from living at altitude! Now I need to find some races at sea level!

Why I would like to join this group:  I'm a total newbie.  I have a couple of friends that give me advice about what to do, but its hard to stay motivated to train for an event you've never done, and you don' know what it would feel like.  I need the support and encouragement of others to help me stay on a training schedule, and to tell me when I've done enough!

2009-01-06 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Whooohoooo!!! (My signature line ... just in case you hadn't noticed...)

We have an AWESOME group of girls!!  So how's everyone doing today?  (I have the motivation of a slug and I'm hoping my over-the-top happiness will not only infect everyone else, but also motivate me! *giggle*

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!!

Cathy - if I'm posting too often - rattle my chain.  I can get a little out of hand sometimes. *laughing*

2009-01-06 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1889501

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open
Silver_wlf - 2009-01-06 10:55 AM

So how's everyone doing today?  (I have the motivation of a slug and I'm hoping my over-the-top happiness will not only infect everyone else, but also motivate me! *giggle*

I'm excited that I finally did a strength/core routine yesterday...

Thanks for the energy boost... I will go swimming today - there's a lane swim at that I should be able to fit in at 3:00 this afternoon. And then cycling class tonight!
2009-01-06 12:38 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Hi Cathy, I hope you don't mind men in your group.  As I am in Ontario and most of you seem to be Canadians this group appealed to me. 

NAME: John
STORY: I have been relatively inactive for 5.5 years.  I have done 2 triathlons in the past in 2002 and 2003.  I am in the Air Force and my last posting, time, and unhealthy lifestyle contributed to putting on 30 lbs.  I have also have had to have a work related back surgery in 2001 and again in Feb 2008.  A disc problem.  This will impact my training as I will want to minimise the impact of running!  The tri I am going to do this year is Barry's Bay, it is longer than sprint but not quite International. 750m swim, 36km bike, 8k run.  I may also do Muskoka if the training goes well. I am a horrible swimmer, a strong biker (relative to my other events not other people), and a weak distance runner even when I was in good shape. I hope to beet my 2003 time.  I am going to do general fitness this month and start the 20 program in Feb.  My biggest limitation besides impact will be pool access as I live in rural.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm 41,married, have two teenage children living about 25 minutes out of Ottawa.  I work full time in the Air Force in a desk job and travel often with work.

CURRENT TRAINING:  Genenarl Fitness including Eliptical, strength training, some biking and limited treadmill (just started the cardio part, had been doing some strengh in Nov and Dec.

2009 RACES:  Barry's Bay and maybe Muskoka
WEIGHTLOSS GOALS:  I'd like to lose 30lbs and lower my blood pressure.

WHY I WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THIS GROUP: Being with a group of fellow Canadians, as well as people how will watch my program will help my accountability and keep me motivated.  With limited recent experience this will help me get back into being more physically active both on my own and with my teenage boys.

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