Subject: RE: Depression Stopping work out katherinel - 2009-01-12 8:54 PM If you train all the time, your body gets used to the endorphins, then when you stop, like for the holidays for a few days or even a week, you can get really bummed out, because you're not getting all the good endorphins. Train more, feel better. x2. Just need to get yourself back into things - slowly. Then you will start to feel better. Plus, this is the time of year when everything kinda sucks anyway, cuz it's cold and dark. Find some friends who run/bike/swim and get out with them - social training is more fun than training on your own anyway It's my theory that runners (like "real" runners) always seem to be "happy-go-lucky" all the time because they are constantly cracked out on endorphins (like a permanent "runner's high" ). I was training for a marathon this summer and had to stop a month out because of an injury and I CRASHED, mentally and physically. And I think it was like quitting a drug cold-turkey (not that I'd know) - if you go from loads of chemicals pumping into your brain to none, you'll feel like crap. So just get back out there, and get your "fix" and you might feel better Edited by wurkit_gurl 2009-01-13 7:37 AM