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2009-01-20 7:54 AM

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

49-year-old married female. My husband also competes, sometimes I think it's just to spend time with me. We love the comradarie and challenge of triathlon. I love it when the pros come back on the run course to cheer on the rest of us.

4-years of triathlons, from sprint to 1/2 ironman but currently training for Olympic. Had knee surgery 18 months ago and the 1/2 took a huge jump in training time (I also coach high school softball in the Spring).

I try to stick close to home (Oregon) for races (Corvallis, Albany, Sunriver Pacific Crest, Lebanon, Forest Grove, Canby, etc.).

I lose weight once my "real" training starts (Feb 9 this year) and then add a few pounds in my off season (Nov-Jan). Proper nutrition or even something close to proper nutrition will almost gaurantee weight loss if you're in the Athena/Clydesdale division.

One of the hardest parts of my first year of triathlon was to go to these events and compete against people built like runners. While I'm not BIG, I definitely don't fit the physical profile a runner. I would like to help others who struggle with the extra weight that adds an additional challenge to triathlon. Athenas and Clydesdales Unite!

Edited by wittwerteach 2009-01-30 10:14 AM

2009-01-26 3:20 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Chatham, Ontario
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN


 I'd like to join the mentor Group. 

Here is by BIO:

I live is Ontario, Canada (near the Detroit, Michigan Boarder).  I am a working mom of 2 great kids, ages 9 and 12.  My hubby is very support of my interest in triathlons, but he does not run, bike or swim (he plays hockey).  I have done 1 Tri-a-tri, 1 double tri-a-tri and 1 sprint in 2008.   I workout in the mornings (3x bike, 3x run, weights, core) and 3x swim during my lunch breaks.  I also play golf and soccer in the summer months.

I like the diversity of Tris.  I like doing different kinds of workouts each day.

I did a run in the fall of 2008 and hurt both my knees, so I am just in the process is 'easing' back into my workouts.  I am also trying to loose from lbs and I turn 40 in February.

I have lots of questions and look forward to having a mentor.  I promise to keep an open mind.


Edited by tabbs 2009-01-26 3:21 PM
2009-01-26 3:54 PM
in reply to: #1929856

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN
Welcome! It looks like we train pretty much on the same schedule. The first year I did the training for the beginner Oly. My sister was going to do it with me and convinced me that I would be just fine. I was, she wasn't. She fell the day before and hit her head on the pool deck so I did the race alone. It wasn't really too much different than a sprint. Running is not my fastest area so I don't really notice that much difference in a 5 or 10K. Sad, but true.

Don't push the knee too fast. If you have access to an elliptical machine, it's a good fill in for those days you just don't want to stress the knee too much. I've also become a master at finding any little strip of non-pavement when I run outside. Grass, gravel, dirt, all feels much better than asphalt and definitely better than concrete.

How do you feel about each of the individual elements? Lifting? Core? I have a strong background in swimming, core, and lifting. The bike I just plain enjoy. The running, well, I do it and I can do it for long periods of time, but speed is another matter.

Are you on a specific training plan, or just planning as you go?
2009-01-26 9:05 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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New user

Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN

Hi There,

I would like to join this group.  I am absolutely new to this. I have never raced in anything (well ski races as a kid).  I run, leisurely, for the last 5 yrs never keeping track of mileage.  I only notice when my shoes start to fall apart!  I love spin classes and biking in the summer.  I recently started swimming at my athletic club.  I decided at the beginning of the year to do a triathlon and after research have decided I could do a sprint in June and then maybe shoot for an Olympic in August?  Maybe too ambitious, we will see.  I am married, have 2 kids 13 and 10.  I am 43yrs old and live in Chicago.   I would love to look like a triathlete but more importantly would love to cross a finish line.  That just sounds fun.  So, I need a little guidance.  This website looked great and joined this morning.  I am kind of fit, a little fat and feeling a tad over 40.  I start in the morning in the pool.  Looking forward to joining this group.


2009-01-26 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN
OK. I'm in.

I am 42, married, one kid, a life, work, volunteer stuff, y'know.... and dreams of glory.

I finished my 3rd sub 4-hour marathon Jan 11th. I love triathlon and want to get back into it. My first tri was in 1983 and have only done 4 total. I really got focused on biking in the mid-80s, then focused on running in the 90's. I focused on beer and food in Y2K.

My last tri was last year and it was a mini-sprint with a small field. I got 12th overall and 1st in my age group (I was the only 40-44 male doing the mini, ha!).

Running wise I know how to train. Biking wise, I remember how and did pretty good last year. Swimming wise, ugh.

I have signed up for an Oly distance tri for May 25, 2009, I see another Oly on the calendar for Sep 09, and I have a big goal of doing the Longhorn 70.3 in Oct 2009.

In the mean time I may shoot for a sub 21 minute 5K or sub 47 minute 10K this spring.

I want help with distance training and nutrition. I have lost 28lbs since Jul 2006 and now I would really like to lean out a bit before the 70.3.

Thanks for reading,
Austin, TX

2009-01-27 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1917648

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Chatham, Ontario
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN

Hi Chris

Glad that it appears we have similar training. 

At this moment I am trying to build my running endurance back up (while taking it easy on my knee).  I have been using my treadmill until the weather is better (really icy right now).  I am following a plan I got at a running clinic I attended a couple of years ago.  I am going to add swimming back in tomorrow.  Then, add bike a little later.  I am doing core right now, but will add weight training in the next couple of weeks (however still not sure if I should do strength or endurance training).

Overall, I am a strong swimmer and I have a body building background (I competed in a couple of figure and light weights).  I like the bike as I can download books to my mp3 player.  I am NOT a runner and it is my biggest weakness.  I understand that there are 3 emotional phases to running (hate, acceptance and love).  I think I am half way through acceptance.

By the end of Feb, I will start my 12 week BT beginner tri program again.  My first race of the season is June 21st (sprint).  My goal is to beat my 2008 time of 1:39:59.  If only I can run faster!



2009-01-27 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1917648

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New user

Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN

Fit? Kinda. Fat? Hopefully not too much longer. Over 40? Check!

 HI Chris. I'm a married 40 yo Dad of an awesome 2.5 yo boy.  I did my first Tri at Timberman last year and kinda got hooked. (sprint of course) I"ll be 41 in August and my main goal this year is to improve on my times in that race this year. I got into tri's as a way to help me stay motivated to be good and stick to my diet. It's worked for the most part but I am only human and still have urges for junk food every now and then.

 Here's a question for ya. I'd like to do one sprint a month this year.(May thru Sept)

Do you think that is too ambitious? I'd also like to do a 70.3 in 2010

2009-01-28 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1917648

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Driggs, Idaho
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN

I would like to join this mentor group.  Sounds like the perfect place for me.  I'm pretty fit, sort of fat for the first time in my life LOL, and 48. 

I am the mother of 4 sons the oldest of which is in his first year of college, one a junior and twins that are freshmen.

I stay very active playing co-ed softball and volleyball.  I hike, bike, ride horses, and my biggest love - scuba diving!!!

I have never done a triathlon, or any race (other than high school track and cross country forever years ago). I decided I wanted to do a triathlon when a friend of mine participated in a 250 mile bike ride.  He inspired me to want to get in that good a shape so I started riding bikes again after a few years absense.  From there I read something about triathlons and had this sudden urge to do one.  I love the cross-training aspect of it.

My biggest challenge will be swimming.  I'm not a swimmer!  And I live an hour from the nearest pool!!!  

I have exercised and participated in sports pretty much my whole life up until about 3 years ago when I started building (literally) my own house and running a business.  I just started working out again about 8 months ago and currently workout 3 - 4 times a week.  However, I'm ready to step it up a notch and begin serious training!

I want to do a sprint tri in June or July and a oly tri in August. 

BTW, what's a Athena/Clydesdale division?

Thanks, Beth

Edited by got4boyz 2009-01-28 11:29 AM
2009-01-28 11:43 AM
in reply to: #1930625

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN
Welcome, Liz! Although you haven't been keeping track of mileage, that's okay. The first program I did four years ago was based entirely on time, not distance. And I found that very helpful. Time went by no matter how fast or slow I was on any given day. By the time my first tri rolled around, I knew I could do the time (and also the distance) required. The free plans on this site work well for a beginner, you might take a look at them. They build slowly and really take away the intimidation factor.

I don't think it's too ambitious to do an Oly by the end of the summer. Some people find that signing up early motivates them to keep going. I know I hate to lose the money I've paid. And you're right, the finishing is fun, even if you don't place. People are so supportive and the atmosphere at every race I've been to is so positive that you can't help but enjoy yourself, even if you feel wiped out.

Hope your swim went well.

2009-01-28 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1930679

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN
Wow! Sub 4-hour marathon. Wish I could even dream of that. I'm a slug on the run. But I do manage to complete it!

Congrats on the weight loss! Nothing like carrying a 10-lb bag of flour around the store for a few laps to motivate even a small weight loss before a tri/race. I haven't trained specifically for a marathon but I have for the 1/2 iron and I would imagine that the time required is as extensive for the marathon training as it is for the 1/2 iron. What kind of training plan are you using for the swim portion? Are you comfortable with the swim?

How about your nutrition? Do you follow a set plan or just watch what you eat?

Sounds like you feel pretty comfortable with the run and bike portions already.

2009-01-28 11:52 AM
in reply to: #1931535

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN
Hey Mike. I don't think one sprint a month is too ambitious. That gives you plenty of time to rest after each one and still train for the next one. My first year I did two in April, two in May and then one in June followed by an Oly at the end of June. It kept me focused and then I took a race break until the 1st of Sept. and did another Oly. If you find yourself getting bogged down with the races, wait to sign up for any small, local ones that don't usually fill up. That way, if it gets overwhelming (or you just get tired) you can skip one without any penalty.

2009-01-28 12:00 PM
in reply to: #1933578

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN
Welcome, Beth!

The Athena/Clydesdale division is for those of us who carry a bit more weight. Athenas are women over 150 lbs., Clydesdales are men over 200 lbs. So we get to be goddesses and the men are big, ol horses! Someone knew women. Not all races offer an Athena/Clydesdale division and you are under no obligation to sign up for it even if you qualify. In fact, I've been at some very large races where only 4-5 women will enter the division. I'm over 150 and just fine with that. In fact, if I fell under that now, I would have to be sick, so I embrace it.

The swimming part will be your biggest challenge I'm betting. You need to get comfortable enough in the water that you don't get freaked out by the swim. Especially if you want to do an Oly later in the year and so need to be ready for an open-water swim. Even once or twice a week would really help. You should check for a masters swim program at the nearest pool as well because they will usually help you with some stroke work if you need it. You can also just show up for a lap swim, see who's friendly and get some free advice.

My best advice is to start small and build. Don't try and swim for an hour your first time out. If 15 minutes is all you can do, then do 15. The next time, add 2-5 minutes. You'll be amazed at how you won't even notice those few extra minutes and soon you be able to do much more.


2009-01-28 2:44 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN
Thanks Chris!,

I am comfortable, yet slow, with open water swimming and will attempt to work on efficiency this year when it warms up. I have a stationary swimming tether in my pool and haven't really seen any specific drills to do with a tether. I will have access to a public pool for lap swimming.

Nutrition-wise I am tracking everything again and I am at 2037 calories per day over the last 14 days with about a 30/45/22 split of fats, carbs, and proteins. I am supplementing proteins with whey.

My current plan is hi-rep strength training every other day on a split program with easy aerobic sessions on off days. Mid-February starts my next plan and I will start with running and bike (on warmer days). I usually start off with 13-18 miles per week and gradually get to 20 - 25 per week. Weight workouts are reduced 2 times per week max during my training; the sessions are heavier weights and mostly compound exercises.

Thats all for now,
2009-01-28 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Driggs, Idaho
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the info. 

Swimming will definitely be the biggest challenge.  I'm a scuba diver so I'm not afraid of water I just never learned to swim well. LOL (In Scuba you just kick your legs and swim short distances to boat or shore!)

Two different friends recommended to me Total Immersion for learning to swim so I have the DVD for showing technique and the book on way, so that is what I'll do.  My friend said he taught himself to swim with it, so I hope I can learn.  I plan on once a week to the pool, too time consuming to go more often, and will stay as long as I can make myself. LOL

My biggest concern is my knee which bothers me when I run too much.  That's why I took up biking.

2009-01-28 11:16 PM
in reply to: #1917648


Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN

I'd like to join -

I'm 40, an Athena for sure - and a little too close to the Clydesdale line by weight *blushes* I am training toward my first sprint tri this July - a half mile swim, 17 mile bike and 5K run.  I do not have a background in any of the three sports so I'm an absolute beginner times three.  I've been doing strength building weights and general training for a few months and am just now messing around with planning my training for the tri. What I would most like to accomplish right now is to figure out a way to gauge if I'm making reasonable progress toward the summer race.  Just benchmarks like: 5 months away, you should be able to do a b and c, 3 months away you should be able to accomplish d e and f, one month away, be able to do x y and z -- something like that.  I'm also wondering how well the biking I'm doing on an exercise bike in the gym will condition me for the actual biking - since I doubt I'll be able to get a bike until April or so. 

Chris, I'm thrilled to have a tri-mentor

and for everyone else, nice to have you around for mutual information, motivation and support


2009-01-29 1:59 AM
in reply to: #1917648

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New user

Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN
Can I come play even though I'm only 38?  My Wii Fit says I'm over 40 sometimes . . . Laughing
I have completed one Triathlon in 2007 (sprint distance) and want to do more.  2008 was a bust due to 60 hour work weeks, so I'm out of shape again and still in the Athena class.  It just started getting light here in the afternoons again so I can exercise outdoors which I love.  I ran cross country in HS and competed on the swim team but that was a while ago.  For biking I've always just pedaled about for fun.
My goals are to lose weight and get faster.  It would be nice to not have to fix my bike in the middle of my next tri (August?) this time too.  Right now my routine consists of light walking every single day to get into the habit of going out daily, a couple of dance classes, short bike rides on the weekend with my kids (one in tow) and looking at my pool pass Embarassed

What I'm looking for are ideas when I get bored or am having a hard time figuring out what else I can try to shake things up a bit.  I'm doing Weight Watchers right now and my biggest challenge with that is eating the healthy fat that I'm supposed to eat.  I tend to not have enough fat in my diet if I'm eating in.  It would also be nice to see what other folks are doing.

2009-01-29 8:59 AM
in reply to: #1917648

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN
FeliceN, I hear ya - work and life can get in the way sometimes. Do you have an indoor bike trainer or treadmill? Lately I have been able to get it 30 minutes of spinning on the bike indoors when the weather is bad, I have very little time, or I am otherwise stuck at home. This has allowed me to ride a watch TV rather that sit,snack, and watch TV (bad combo for me).

What I have heard about WW has been pretty good if the sponsor is good, you follow the plan, and go to the meetings. It sounds like a supportive peer group.

Do you feel like you are in a plateau or are you looking to really kick things off for 2009?

2009-01-29 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1917648

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Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN

Hi there, I would like to join.

My name is Brian, I am 48 and live in Big Rapids. I seem to have better luck accomplishing things if I have definate goals, and as far as getting in shape, what goal could be better than completing a triathlon. I plan on my first race being the West Michigan Triathlon in Newaygo  on Aug. 8th. It is a sprint and I am really looking forward to it. If my training comes together before that, maybe I will hit something earlier.

2009-01-29 12:31 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN

Got room for one more?

Married, 45, with three boys (8, 10 & 12), I grew up in competitive swimming for 10 years, then took a 20+ year hiatus from all things competitive.  A prostate cancer diagnosis for a family member (since cured) plus my own high cholesterol reading (also genetic) convinced me to get more assertive about my health.

I ran my 1st sprint triathlon in August 2007 (on a mtn. bike, after running beyond a mile for the 1st time 2 months before) and immediately determined I could do better; my informal training, however, produced about the same results this past August (I did get a better bike, a Specialized Roubaix Triple – love it!).  Suffice to say I’ve been bitten by the bug pretty good…

I began formally logging my activity on BT on January 1, and am seeking whatever additional inspiration, advice, technical support etc. I can find.  My local Community Assn has a great run and tri series , I’m planning to several of these events and have already registered for the Boulder 5430 Triathlon in July.

My bigger, long term goal is to complete the 5430 Long Course Tri in August 2010, and also to get my weight permanently below the Clydesdale classification from a relatively fit 208…

2009-01-29 4:45 PM
in reply to: #1935290

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New user

Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN

Thanks Ben, I don't have an indoor trainer (we're living in a small green footprint) but there is  a treadmill and bike, etc. at the office workout room.  It's usually deserted though so I avoid it after dark.

Regarding my goals - I have to be more serious about tracking exercise and nutrition or I'm going to stall out on the weight loss which will make me all depressed Frown

For the past 14 weeks I've been double tracking food intake on WW and on SparkPeople.  I'm going to track a few days here and see what I think of the tracker.  Probably won't keep tracking food intake on WW online, just on paper as that's my initial log before I go hide in the office and do data entry.  WW just tracks their program points not the nutrient balance.

I'm ready to kick off 2009 with a health challenge - ramp up the exercise with an idea to doing the Kirkland Tri again on September 20th.  Depending on how things go I might toss in a 5K or two before then and if I can get in I want to do the Danskin tri on Aug 16th.  I'm hoping that by focusing on goal specific training now that I'll be able to do the two sprint distances at the end of the summer.  The two events are 34 days apart which I think is enough separation.  I really liked doing the tri in 2007, it was very fun even though I was almost dead last.  My (then) 6 year old did a kids tri that year too.

Current program remains - get some exercise every day.  When I step up the effort I'll add a day off but right now with just walking and biking.  Hoping to step up by the end of February.

Gotta go check my bike tires and put on a new comfy seat (yeah, I'm racing for fun) before the school bus comes.  Check in with y'all tomorrow.

Edited by FeliceN 2009-01-29 4:45 PM
2009-01-29 6:05 PM
in reply to: #1917648


Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN
hi i would like to join your group as a newby to tri i think it would help motivate me on the right path and frame of mind
my bio is i am from england liverpool to be exact i'm male, 43 i am married to sylvia i have 5 children ages range from 18 to 26 --- 3 girls and 2 boys i also have 2 grandchildren 1boy and 1 girl.
i'm a security officer and a doorman the biggest problem is i work 70 hours a week 3 days of 12hour shifts and 2 days of 17 hour shifts so my time to train is limited i am 6' tall and wiegh 18 stone i have all the equipment i need as i have just bought a tri pack i just need the motivation to push me
hope to hear from you
karl swanick

2009-01-30 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1934047

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN
Sounds like you have a pretty solid program, Ben. Is the 13-18 miles the running AND biking or just the running? It seems a little light for the biking portion if that's what you meant. I work at about the same ratio on nutrition. For me, that's pretty easy to maintain but my husband goes crazy without red meat every day. But he's getting better.

2009-01-30 10:25 AM
in reply to: #1934959

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN
Welcome! Have you looked at the free beginner training plans on this site? The nice part is that they add time and distance slowly and so it's easy to gauge whether you are making appropriate progress. My first year, I used one that focused on time only and that was much better for me since I had days I was incredibly slow. It allowed me to continue to make improvements and I was confident on race day that I could at least finish.

Biking indoors is fine to start. I find that the outdoor rides seem to go by much faster and seem easier than being indoors. Once you get outside, you'll hate being in. Indoors it's nice to be able to see your rpms. If you can find a resistance at which you can maintain a 92-98 rpm and then work around that. That range is the most efficient pace and then you can add in hills that force you down to 75-80 rpm and do some super spinning at 110-120 for short intervals. It breaks up the indoor biking a bit and gives you an idea of pacing for race day.

2009-01-30 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1935037

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN
Long work weeks make it hard. Like Ben said, sticking in 30 minutes here and there is a good plan for those days you just can't see a period long enough for a good workout. I'm a high school teacher and between coaching, teaching, and attending student events, sometimes I'm lucky to get home for dinner. For example, today my schedule funs from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m. with a 60 minute break between school and a swim meet. I'll have to squeeze a run & a shower in there somehow. Then I have another 45 minute break between the swim meet and the basketball game to get in some core and weight work. Even if I don't get a lot in, I feel like I'm still on track.

I've used WW also and found it helped keep me accountable for what I was eating. By mid-February you should have a triathlon training plan that you stick to but there's nothing wrong with throwing in some other things to break the routine. I like to do a P90X DVD once in a while or take a hike, sometimes play water polo with a PE class. But I make myself stick with the basic training so that, mentally, I am prepared for race day.

2009-01-30 10:45 AM
in reply to: #1935745

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group OPEN
Hi Brian. I'll bet your training can come together before that. I know I push the free training plans on Beginner Triathlete, but they are really a nice way to get started and to not get overwhelmed with what seems to be a lot of training. The plans break it down into "doable" bits which really helps at the beginning. Take a look at them and let me know what you think or if you have any questions.
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