BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training) Rss Feed  
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2009-04-07 1:10 PM

Subject: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

NAME: Wurkit_gurl, aka Chrissy
STORY: Former dancer, never an athlete, got into it after having various athletic ex-boyfriends tell me I couldn't keep up with them - which obviously, I was not going to stand for! Started training for my first sprint triathlon in May of 2007 - survived the race 13 weeks later  I had no previous bike or run background, though I was a good swimmer. After my first race, I was hooked. I continue to race because I love the challenge and I love how strong I've become!
FAMILY STATUS: Very single - but it allows me to train as much or as little as I want. Still looking for my knight in shining spandex...
CURRENT TRAINING: In December, I joined a local triathlon club, so I train with them. After 2 years, training alone was getting boring and I need some more structured coaching to get me to be a better athlete. I'm currently training for sprint and olympic distance races, and some longer running races.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: Since 2007, I've done a half a dozen sprints, a century ride, a couple 10Ks and 10-Milers. Trained for a marathon too, but had to back out due to injury 4 weeks prior.
2009 RACES:  This season, I've already completed 2 running races, have another 4-5 sprints on tap, an Oly or two, a half marathon, a crazy running relay in September, and finally the Marine Corps Marathon at the end of October (take two!). Okay, I really like running...
WEIGHTLOSS: None really - just looking to further tone up and stay fit.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I'm basically a newb too - I walked into this sport knowing almost nothing (except basic swim technique). But I learn very quickly and really love to pass on what I've learned. And I think, physically speaking, I've made great strides since the beginning, so you can too! I enjoy teaching/encouraging in general, and recently helped a girlfriend go from couch to 10K successfully; I didn't do much of anything special - gave her a basic training plan and just got out there and ran with her, all winter, in the cold and in the dark, to keep her going. I'm not an elite-level athlete, so if you're a total newb, you'll fit just fine here Or if you have a competitive edge (like I do), but are really just looking to have fun with the sport. That's why I do it - because it's fun. Mostly, I want to help encourage people meet their goals in a positive and safe environment. I think this is something that BT does very, very well.

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2009-04-09 5:35 PM

2009-04-08 7:35 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!

PS - as you guys join the group, post your own bio (as suggested by Ron), so I know where you're coming from. Although this group will be encouraging towards newbies, I WILL still get on your case if you slack off (I'll be watching your logs)! There IS a hard-core triathlete in all of you

2009-04-08 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!

Hi, I would like to join your group. My name is Stephanie and I live in Oklahoma City. I'm 27 (on Friday), married for 5 1/2 years with no kids. I am an absolute beginner. My husband got me started on biking several years ago, and after I started running last year, I thought it would be easy to add one more component and try triathlons. I am scheduled to do my first sprint tri in less than two weeks. I feel pretty good about it.

That race has kept me enthusiastic about training, but there are days that I would love to be lazy. That's where the extra motivation comes in and this sounds like it could be fun.

2009-04-08 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2071444

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!
steph94483 - 2009-04-08 2:21 PM

Hi, I would like to join your group. My name is Stephanie and I live in Oklahoma City. I'm 27 (on Friday), married for 5 1/2 years with no kids. I am an absolute beginner. My husband got me started on biking several years ago, and after I started running last year, I thought it would be easy to add one more component and try triathlons. I am scheduled to do my first sprint tri in less than two weeks. I feel pretty good about it.

That race has kept me enthusiastic about training, but there are days that I would love to be lazy. That's where the extra motivation comes in and this sounds like it could be fun.

Hi Stephanie, and welcome, as the first member of my group! Wow, your race is coming up soon - good luck to you! If you have any last minute newbie questions you want to ask, feel free to ask them here. I did A LOT of research on all of that stuff before my first race so I was as prepared as I could be. But if you want a real laugh, check out my first race report Sounds like you'll do great though, with several years of biking under you - that's the biggest part of the race.

Sometimes it's all right to be lazy. Some days it's more beneficial to let your body rest than push it while it's fatigued, which could possibly lead to injury. Other days, it's best to just HTFU ("harden the EFF up" as we like to say around here ) and get out there - usually I feel much better after I've worked out.

2009-04-08 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!
I've been "lurking" around here and other sites for a while, and doing tons of research, so I feel pretty confident about the first triathlon. It helps that the swim will be in a pool and not a lake. I haven't done any open water swims, so this should be a good event to start out with.

How many people are there in one group?
2009-04-08 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2072059

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!

steph94483 - 2009-04-08 5:52 PM I've been "lurking" around here and other sites for a while, and doing tons of research, so I feel pretty confident about the first triathlon. It helps that the swim will be in a pool and not a lake. I haven't done any open water swims, so this should be a good event to start out with.

How many people are there in one group?

In a mentor group? Depends - the max suggested is like 8 or 10, I think. But some people want to have less than that. Hopefully there will be some others who will join soon...

2009-04-09 1:47 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!

I'm sage, 35/m from Vancouver, BC. Shacked up with long-time girlfriend and our two kids, 6&3. We run an energy efficiency company that has me driving all over hell's half acre, eating everything in sight.

In September of last year, I topped out at 338lbs. Even at 6'4" that's a lotta weight. So I decided to start training for triathlons. I can swim well. I can mostly ride a bike without wiping out. I can't really run. I can kind of shuffle.

I've lost 60lbs in the last 6 months, though I've really been holding steady at 275-280 for the last 6 weeks.

I train 5-6 days per week before my family gets up. I'm thinking of incorporating a few evening sessions of core work or stretching or something like that.

I built a time trial bike out of parts I acquired on craigslist and ebay. It's a rad machine. I fell off of it on the first day because I didn't clip out on time. I can ride the thing for over 2 hours and can go over 40KM without barfing.

My best run so far is 7.5KM in 50 minutes, which works out to a relatively dismal 11:30 minute mile pace. I'm working on getting better every week. Haven't barfed while running yet, either.

I completed my first tri on March 29. 300m pool swim, 15K mountain bike ride, 4.5K run. 1:33:14, or last place in my age group by 8 seconds. I was first in the swim though. Also, didn't barf. It took less than 6 minutes to finish the swim. It took almost that long to get dressed. I think I need a suit. I'll look daft in it, but wrestling with bike tights while wet is slow going.

Upcoming events:

May 18: Sprint
May 23: Sprint
June 20-21: Ride to Conquer Cancer, Vancouver to Seattle. About 250K over two days.
June 28: 1/2 Marathon (I am totally going to die)
July 12: Sprint
Aug 9: Sprint
Sept 7: Olympic
Sept 13: Olympic

Break 10 minute mile pace, or 1 hour 10K time.
Ride bike using aero bars (I look like a poser using the pursuit bars all the time).
Drop to 250 ish before the 1/2 marathon.
Not die. Or barf.

I look forward to going through the season with a bunch of other newbs!
2009-04-09 7:06 AM
in reply to: #2072958

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!

sage - 2009-04-09 2:47 AM Hi,

I'm sage, 35/m from Vancouver, BC. Shacked up with long-time girlfriend and our two kids, 6&3. We run an energy efficiency company that has me driving all over hell's half acre, eating everything in sight.

In September of last year, I topped out at 338lbs. Even at 6'4" that's a lotta weight. So I decided to start training for triathlons. I can swim well. I can mostly ride a bike without wiping out. I can't really run. I can kind of shuffle.

I've lost 60lbs in the last 6 months, though I've really been holding steady at 275-280 for the last 6 weeks.

I train 5-6 days per week before my family gets up. I'm thinking of incorporating a few evening sessions of core work or stretching or something like that.

I built a time trial bike out of parts I acquired on craigslist and ebay. It's a rad machine. I fell off of it on the first day because I didn't clip out on time. I can ride the thing for over 2 hours and can go over 40KM without barfing.

My best run so far is 7.5KM in 50 minutes, which works out to a relatively dismal 11:30 minute mile pace. I'm working on getting better every week. Haven't barfed while running yet, either.

I completed my first tri on March 29. 300m pool swim, 15K mountain bike ride, 4.5K run. 1:33:14, or last place in my age group by 8 seconds. I was first in the swim though. Also, didn't barf. It took less than 6 minutes to finish the swim. It took almost that long to get dressed. I think I need a suit. I'll look daft in it, but wrestling with bike tights while wet is slow going.

Upcoming events:

May 18: Sprint
May 23: Sprint
June 20-21: Ride to Conquer Cancer, Vancouver to Seattle. About 250K over two days.
June 28: 1/2 Marathon (I am totally going to die)
July 12: Sprint
Aug 9: Sprint
Sept 7: Olympic
Sept 13: Olympic

Break 10 minute mile pace, or 1 hour 10K time.
Ride bike using aero bars (I look like a poser using the pursuit bars all the time).
Drop to 250 ish before the 1/2 marathon.
Not die. Or barf.

I look forward to going through the season with a bunch of other newbs!

Welcome, Sage - congrats on the weight loss! With more tri training, I'm sure you'll get down to your goal weight in no time! I am actually running my first half marathon in May - I'm prettty excited about it.

Sounds like you made it through your first tri successfully - I'd comment about trying to put on bike tights while wet, but seeing as how the race was in BC in March, I'm sure you needed the extra warmth. When the weather heats up a bit, it might be a good idea to invest in a tri top and tri shorts or a trisuit (which is a top and shorts sewn together - not to be confused with a wetsuit, which is a rubber thing (tri-specific, not for surfing or diving) that you wear over your tri clothes). If the weather is cooler, you can always swim in the tri shorts, and toss on a longsleeve top, or throw on arm warmers or a light jacket over your tri-top.

Congrats on not barfing I certainly FELT like I was gonna barf after my first race, but I didn't! I actually have a friend who pushes himself so hard on the runs, or during running races, that he throws up - he considers it a badge of honor. One day, I will probably get to that point, but it's not something I strive for

Don't worry about your run pace - that will come in time. If it makes you feel any better, I started out at about the same pace - only I'm considerably smaller, so I felt pretty pathetic. But CONSISTENT running training has gotten me from that 11:30 pace to sub-9 for short distances, and I recently PR'd in a 10-Miler with a 9:20/mile pace. So you WILL get faster - just takes some time.

PS - your bike sounds sweet! I don't even have a tribike yet - just a roadie. I'm not allowing myself to buy one until my cycling skills get better

2009-04-09 7:08 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!

One more thing - Sage, have you been logging your workouts on BT at all? That's cool if you're logging somewhere else, but if you aren't, consider doing so. It's a handy tool to see how far you've progressed, it keeps you accountable, and it lets me see where you're at, leave you inspires, etc

I've added both of you guys to my friends list - feel free to do the same!

2009-04-09 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!
Stephanie - I saw you left me an inspire on your blog! If you want to reply something I left you, hit "blog", not "reply". I'm not sure why "reply" leaves it in your own blog...
2009-04-09 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2073370

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!

Thanks! I was wondering if you would see that in my log.

2009-04-09 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2073615

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!
steph94483 - 2009-04-09 10:55 AM

Thanks! I was wondering if you would see that in my log.

Yup! Like your new avatar too!

2009-04-09 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!
I would love to join the group. Here is a little about me

NAME: JJackson07- James- 27/M

STORY: Have been overweight most of my life and got up to about 345 lbs a few years ago and finally turned my life around. I started looking into tris early last year and did my first (and only so far) triathlon, the Wildflower Mtn Bike tri. I had a great time doing it, but also realized that I needed to be much more dedicated to training before I did another. So this year I trying to be more consistent and am doing more races.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with two kids- son 3, daughter 1.

CURRENT TRAINING: I haven't been as consistent as I would like, but I am trying to change that. I am currently training for sprints and am going to shift to Oly training after my first sprint in May.

2009 RACES: 5k run- April 11
Wildflower Mtn Bike Tri- May 2
Sprint Tri- June 6
Sprint Tri- July 19
Oly Tri- August 9
Disney Half Mary- September 6

WEIGHTLOSS: I down to 226 right now and am focusing on dropping down below 200 by the time I do my Oly distance tri. Again, I have been doing pretty good since the start of the year (down from about 240) but I need more consistency in training and nutrition.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: Although I often think otherwise, I keep discovering that there is so much I don't know about training, each of the three disciplines, and tris in general. There are things that I don't know that I don't know (if you know what I mean). Also, have some accountability and someone keeping me in check will do WONDERS. I know that. I also like to encourage and help others as well.

Edited by JJackson07 2009-04-09 12:06 PM
2009-04-09 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2073915

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!

JJackson07 - 2009-04-09 12:46 PM I would love to join the group. Here is a little about me NAME: JJackson07- James- 27/M STORY: Have been overweight most of my life and got up to about 345 lbs a few years ago and finally turned my life around. I started looking into tris early last year and did my first (and only so far) triathlon, the Wildflower Mtn Bike tri. I had a great time doing it, but also realized that I needed to be much more dedicated to training before I did another. So this year I trying to be more consistent and am doing more races. FAMILY STATUS: Married with two kids- son 3, daughter 1. CURRENT TRAINING: I haven't been as consistent as I would like, but I am trying to change that. I am currently training for sprints and am going to shift to Oly training after my first sprint in May. 2009 RACES: 5k run- April 4 Wildflower Mtn Bike Tri- May 2 Sprint Tri- June 6 Sprint Tri- July 19 Oly Tri- August 9 Disney Half Mary- September 6 WEIGHTLOSS: I down to 226 right now and am focusing on dropping down below 200 by the time I do my Oly distance tri. Again, I have been doing pretty good since the start of the year (down from about 240) but I need more consistency in training and nutrition. WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: Although I often think otherwise, I keep discovering that there is so much I don't know about training, each of the three disciplines, and tris in general. There are things that I don't know that I don't know (if you know what I mean). Also, have some accountability and someone keeping me in check will do WONDERS. I know that. I also like to encourage and help others as well.

Hi James, glad you've joined the group! I will definitely keep an eye on your logs to make sure you're not slacking (and by all means, if I am slacking, you guys can get on my case too!) Looks like you've got some fun stuff coming up this season.

I like how you changed it to "what will make me a good mentee" Like I said in my bio, I've learned A LOT in the last 2 years, and am still learning. If you have any questions as all, feel free to ask! If I don't know, I can tap my resources to find out, or point you to various links, etc. Of course, the forums here are for that too, so feel free to post there as well, but that's what I'm here for

2009-04-09 1:58 PM
in reply to: #2068561

So far, I've got 3 mentees. If you want to join and feel like this would be a good fit for you, please come on in! I figure I can take 3 or 4 more
2009-04-09 2:31 PM
in reply to: #2068561

User image

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!
Hi!  I would like to join your group if I can?

NAME: amkaz, aka Amy
STORY:  I was a mediocre competitive swimmer from 8-20.  I never really met my potential in that area.  I was a little too social.  After swimming, I wasn't very athletic at all, LSS I got really unhealthy and very over weight.  I decided a few months ago enough was enough and I was going to be healthy before I turn 40 in December.  I made a few wise (rash and impulsive) decisions and entered "races" that I plan to "finish".  I bought new running shoes, dusted off my bike, found my cap and goggles, and am merrily on my way.
FAMILY STATUS:  Married to a couch potato that I love with all my heart, but not becoming a counch potato, too, is a challenge.
CURRENT TRAINING:  Check out my log.   I just joined but I am tracking it daily.  I train alone so I am apprehensive about running outside and biking outside, alone, but I will figure it out.  I already found a 5.5 mile trail and a 9.5 mile trail that allow both bikes and runners, so I have a place to ride free of cars.  Riding on the road FREAKS ME OUT.
2009 RACES:  My very first TRI: Naperville Triathlon June 14 to start, then we will see what happens for Tri's.  Then after June 14 (and not before) I will concentrate on my very first Marathon (I have never done more than a 5K GASP).  The tri plan I have chosen works with the marathon plan I will be on, with the exception of a few run lengths some days, so I think I will be fine as long as I stick to the plan.  If all goes well this year at the Chicago Marathon I am going to run the Marine Corps Marathon in DC next October. 
WEIGHTLOSS:  I am down 32 lbs since 11/08 and have 50 more to goal, but my main goal is the TRI, I think the weight will continue to take care of itself with the training and diet.

I am nervous and scared, but each day when I walk/run, spin, or swim I picture crossing the finish line, and it makes me feel on top of the world.  So far I am LOVING training and becoming healthier.   I still have a long way to go but I really feel like I have what it will take to do it this time, and to be honest this is the one thing in my life in this crazy economy that I feel like I can control, and I am taking the bull by the horns so I can turn 40 PROUD.

2009-04-09 2:34 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!
so is it too late to join????

i am trying to become a triathlete. my wife or injuries some how keep getting in the way of achieving this goal. but i do have renewed motivation-my latest injury was a partial knee replacement on 2/11/09. after two fun filled months of rehab-lots of bending twisting and making me say unrepeatable things-i am ready to go. this is my first week back in the pool. i have ventured out on the bike, but running maybe about a month away. i have even signed up for a race in august with the blessing of my wife-a sprint tri at camp pendleton (north of san diego) 500yd swim 18mile ride, and a 5k run. i am sure that i will be ready to go by then.

2009-04-09 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2074440

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!

amkaz - 2009-04-09 3:31 PM Hi!  I would like to join your group if I can?

NAME: amkaz, aka Amy
STORY:  I was a mediocre competitive swimmer from 8-20.  I never really met my potential in that area.  I was a little too social.  After swimming, I wasn't very athletic at all, LSS I got really unhealthy and very over weight.  I decided a few months ago enough was enough and I was going to be healthy before I turn 40 in December.  I made a few wise (rash and impulsive) decisions and entered "races" that I plan to "finish".  I bought new running shoes, dusted off my bike, found my cap and goggles, and am merrily on my way.
FAMILY STATUS:  Married to a couch potato that I love with all my heart, but not becoming a counch potato, too, is a challenge.
CURRENT TRAINING:  Check out my log.   I just joined but I am tracking it daily.  I train alone so I am apprehensive about running outside and biking outside, alone, but I will figure it out.  I already found a 5.5 mile trail and a 9.5 mile trail that allow both bikes and runners, so I have a place to ride free of cars.  Riding on the road FREAKS ME OUT.
2009 RACES:  My very first TRI: Naperville Triathlon June 14 to start, then we will see what happens for Tri's.  Then after June 14 (and not before) I will concentrate on my very first Marathon (I have never done more than a 5K GASP).  The tri plan I have chosen works with the marathon plan I will be on, with the exception of a few run lengths some days, so I think I will be fine as long as I stick to the plan.  If all goes well this year at the Chicago Marathon I am going to run the Marine Corps Marathon in DC next October. 
WEIGHTLOSS:  I am down 32 lbs since 11/08 and have 50 more to goal, but my main goal is the TRI, I think the weight will continue to take care of itself with the training and diet.

I am nervous and scared, but each day when I walk/run, spin, or swim I picture crossing the finish line, and it makes me feel on top of the world.  So far I am LOVING training and becoming healthier.   I still have a long way to go but I really feel like I have what it will take to do it this time, and to be honest this is the one thing in my life in this crazy economy that I feel like I can control, and I am taking the bull by the horns so I can turn 40 PROUD.

Welcome Amy! I totally understand your apprehension about training alone. And riding on the road with cars! Glad you've found a trail you can ride on. Another option I sometimes used when I had to run at night was the local high school track - it's open to the community and is well-lit. Boring running laps, but it's better than nothing, or the treadmill. I trained during the day by myself a lot - was just always aware of my surroundings, telling someone where I was, etc. You should check out the forum for your state to see if there are any other people in your area that  you can link up with. Or join a bike club, running club or triathlon club, if you can. I love my tri club - lots of people to train with, lots of group workouts that are scheduled, coaching, etc. It's been worth it, imho.

I am running MCM this October, so I will let you know how it goes! If I end up liking it, I'd like to do Chicago sometime, since I've never been and I hear it's almost an entirely flat course

2009-04-09 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2074453

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!

wplummer - 2009-04-09 3:34 PM so is it too late to join???? i am trying to become a triathlete. my wife or injuries some how keep getting in the way of achieving this goal. but i do have renewed motivation-my latest injury was a partial knee replacement on 2/11/09. after two fun filled months of rehab-lots of bending twisting and making me say unrepeatable things-i am ready to go. this is my first week back in the pool. i have ventured out on the bike, but running maybe about a month away. i have even signed up for a race in august with the blessing of my wife-a sprint tri at camp pendleton (north of san diego) 500yd swim 18mile ride, and a 5k run. i am sure that i will be ready to go by then.

Nope, not too late to join! Sorry to hear about your knee replacement. Keep at the rehab and PT and whatever else they've got you doing. I SHOULD be better about the PT I'm supposed to do for my muscle imbalances, caused by a leg length discrepancy, which forced me to drop out of running the Marine Corps Marathon this past fall - I had to defer, only 4 weeks out Hopefully, as you race more and it becomes a passionate hobby for you, your wife will be more understanding I'm single, so I don't have anyone I need to check in with, and I've always dated uber-athletic men who wish I were more hard-core; that's how I got into triathlon!

2009-04-09 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2074440

User image

Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!
amkaz - 2009-04-09 12:31 PM

Hi!  I would like to join your group if I can?

NAME: amkaz, aka Amy
STORY:  I was a mediocre competitive swimmer from 8-20.  I never really met my potential in that area.  I was a little too social.  After swimming, I wasn't very athletic at all, LSS I got really unhealthy and very over weight.  I decided a few months ago enough was enough and I was going to be healthy before I turn 40 in December.  I made a few wise (rash and impulsive) decisions and entered "races" that I plan to "finish".  I bought new running shoes, dusted off my bike, found my cap and goggles, and am merrily on my way.
FAMILY STATUS:  Married to a couch potato that I love with all my heart, but not becoming a counch potato, too, is a challenge.
CURRENT TRAINING:  Check out my log.   I just joined but I am tracking it daily.  I train alone so I am apprehensive about running outside and biking outside, alone, but I will figure it out.  I already found a 5.5 mile trail and a 9.5 mile trail that allow both bikes and runners, so I have a place to ride free of cars.  Riding on the road FREAKS ME OUT.
2009 RACES:  My very first TRI: Naperville Triathlon June 14 to start, then we will see what happens for Tri's.  Then after June 14 (and not before) I will concentrate on my very first Marathon (I have never done more than a 5K GASP).  The tri plan I have chosen works with the marathon plan I will be on, with the exception of a few run lengths some days, so I think I will be fine as long as I stick to the plan.  If all goes well this year at the Chicago Marathon I am going to run the Marine Corps Marathon in DC next October. 
WEIGHTLOSS:  I am down 32 lbs since 11/08 and have 50 more to goal, but my main goal is the TRI, I think the weight will continue to take care of itself with the training and diet.

I am nervous and scared, but each day when I walk/run, spin, or swim I picture crossing the finish line, and it makes me feel on top of the world.  So far I am LOVING training and becoming healthier.   I still have a long way to go but I really feel like I have what it will take to do it this time, and to be honest this is the one thing in my life in this crazy economy that I feel like I can control, and I am taking the bull by the horns so I can turn 40 PROUD.

I have visited Naperville a couple of times on business and love it there. Should be a great place for a first tri!
2009-04-09 3:03 PM
in reply to: #2068561

User image

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!
Thanks James, I think it will.  I love Naperville.  Good luck with your training also, you have an ambitious schedule!

2009-04-09 3:30 PM
in reply to: #2068561

User image

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!

NAME: SteveyD (Stephen/Steve)

STORY: I'm a student in my final year of university, studying electronic and computer engineering. I used to be reasonably sized around the age of 10 ish and it just got progressively bad and at christmas just passed, i was 21 stone. As such i decided a couple of months ago to start losing weight and get fit. After my housemate pledged to join me in losing weight (he is a skinny boy but thinks hes overweight) and saying he'll join me eating healthy and going to gym (which lasted about 2 weeks before he went back to his old habits) decided to join the council gym and start eating healthy. 6 weeks later i've lost 16 odd pounds and falling.

FAMILY STATUS: sadly pretty much permanently single

I try to do something every day. Typically i do either a 10k/10mile cycle or a sesssion in the gym of around 1hr cardio and a bit of strength.

2009 RACES:
September 20th - Tatton Park Super Sprint Tri (400m swim/9.5k bike/2.5k run)

As above, im working towards a target of 200lb by christmas.

I'm a cool student with a desire to lose weight and get fit in time for my super sprint.
2009-04-09 3:34 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!
Yeah! I'm glad our group is filling up!  Welcome everyone and keep up the good work.
2009-04-09 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2074605

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!

SteveyD - 2009-04-09 4:30 PM
NAME: SteveyD (Stephen/Steve)

STORY: I'm a student in my final year of university, studying electronic and computer engineering. I used to be reasonably sized around the age of 10 ish and it just got progressively bad and at christmas just passed, i was 21 stone. As such i decided a couple of months ago to start losing weight and get fit. After my housemate pledged to join me in losing weight (he is a skinny boy but thinks hes overweight) and saying he'll join me eating healthy and going to gym (which lasted about 2 weeks before he went back to his old habits) decided to join the council gym and start eating healthy. 6 weeks later i've lost 16 odd pounds and falling.

FAMILY STATUS: sadly pretty much permanently single

I try to do something every day. Typically i do either a 10k/10mile cycle or a sesssion in the gym of around 1hr cardio and a bit of strength.

2009 RACES:
September 20th - Tatton Park Super Sprint Tri (400m swim/9.5k bike/2.5k run)

As above, im working towards a target of 200lb by christmas.

I'm a cool student with a desire to lose weight and get fit in time for my super sprint.

Welcome! Do you have access to a pool? You've got awhile before you need to worry about swimming, but you should incorporate that into your routine as well. If you need a plan, there are a lot of good plans on BT.

I'm getting ready to head out guys, to pay a visit to the PT, so I will be back on later tonight! Sorry for the quick intro, Steve!

2009-04-09 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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New user

Universal City, Texas
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - OPEN!
Howdy...if there is room available still, I would like to join this group. 

NAME: payneadam, aka Adam (very original...I know)

STORY: Always been athletic through highschool and college, but always team sports (soccer was the main focus).  I was commissioned as an officer in the Army out of college so that served as my motivation to stay fit.  I recently left the Army and needed some motivation to start getting up in the mornings again.  I went to my first triathlon last weekend in Galveston, Texas and was blown away.  It looks like a ton of fun and I figured what better motivation than setting a mark on a calendar for a triathlon. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my wife (coming up on 5 years).  No kids yet. 2 dogs.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been working out off and on with weights and cardio since leaving the Army.  I just started a training plan to get me ready for a sprint triathlon in late may.

2009 RACES:  I will be reserving a spot in my first tri this weekend.  It is a first timer sprint triathlon on memorial day in Austin, Texas (Capital of Texas Triathlon - Sprint Distance)I hope to complete one more triathlon at the end of the season around September (There is another one in Galveston that looks promising).  My main goal is to be ready for an olympic length by the beginning of next season.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am about 210 currently and would like to be down to 190.  More than that I just want to be in better shape.

Overall, I am decent with the run and the bike.  I need a lot of help in the swim.  I can stay floating and move forward but it is neither fast nor pretty.  I am really excited about starting the workouts and cannot wait for my first.

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