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2009-04-08 5:05 AM

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, District of Columbia
Subject: Prof40's group CLOSED

NAME: David

STORY: I focus more on the 'doing' than the 'technical' aspect of triathlon. I cannot tell you about all the components of my bike other than it has pedals, aerobars, and it's orange. And it has 2 wheels. Same with racing. If you're looking for someone who can deconstruct this sport to each miniscule element, I am definitely not your guy. But if you're looking to share your thoughts and questions with someone who's done some races, let's chat.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, to the gal who lived next door to me in grad school.

CURRENT TRAINING: Generally, I try to average about 10 hrs/week. Some weeks are better than others. And I get cranky when I go a few days without any activity.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: So far in 2009, I've done a 5k and an indoor tri. Right now, on April 8 here in SW Pennsylvania, we still have snow on the ground. The tri season doesn't really start until May. 

2009 RACES:  My main race will be the 1/2 IM in Providence in July. I'm also registered for the Pittsburgh 1/2 Marathon in May. I'm looking at a few tris in May and June, some open water swims throughout the summer, and (hopefully) two other 70.3 distances in August and September. I might do a full distance in the late fall. It's been 3 years since I've done an IM, and I'm contemplating a November 140.6 race.

WEIGHTLOSS: My weight seems to fluctuate between the same 10 pounds throughout the year. So some days, my suit feels loose, and other days, I know I overdid it on the bread and pasta. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I love talking triathlon. I enjoy discussing training and I like hearing race stories. Questions make me think about why, and how, I do what I do, which usually leads to comparing ideas and experiences. However, I am not keen on browbeating others with training statistics or race results. So again, if you're looking for someone you can brag to about all the swimming you've done this week and the 22 races you're going to do this summer and how you've lost 8 pounds in five days because you have incredible self-discipline, I am really not your guy. 

Edited by prof40 2009-04-17 10:02 AM

2009-04-08 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2070143

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group
Hi David,

My name is Mike and this is my first year ever doing Triathlons, or really any kind of endurance sport.  I come from an athletic background: I played tennis in college and was always in shape.  Until law school, and the past few months I decided i needed to do something different.  I like biking, I used to swim in high school, and running seems easy, so there we go. 

I would really like to be able to have someone to go to with questions about training and the actual process of doing a tri.  I dont need someone to hold my hand about bike stuff or technique, but definitely someone whos gone through it before for when I hit a speedbump or something. 

A little more, I'm 24, running, swimming and biking 2-3 times a week, and Im planning on starting the Olympic 16 week program on May 1.  I just did an 8k race, and I have a sprint tri in June and an olympic in August.  Thanks!

2009-04-08 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2070143

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group
Mike -- you're in. And don't be shy about asking questions. I promise not to throw hypotheticals at you like your law profs might!

2009-04-09 12:05 PM
in reply to: #2072353

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group
Ha, thanks.  Did we scare everybody else off?  People may think the group is closed because it doesn't say "OPEN" in the thread title...
2009-04-09 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2070143

Subject: RE: Prof40's group

I'd like to get in if there is room.

Name:  Brian

Story:  I've always been a somewhat athletic guy.  I'm 34 years old and played defensive line at a D2 college.  I tore my achilles tendon two years ago and started running for rehab.  I always hated running before that.  I ran a 5k last summer and my first ever 8k in the snow last month.  For some crazy reason, I have decided to start doing triathalons to continue challenging myself athletically and satisfy my competitive drive.  I just started swimming a few months ago and bought my first bike since childhood last week.  I really am a rookie when it comes to this stuff but I am completely in love with the training so far.

Family Status:  Single

Current Training:  Swim 3 mornings per week.  Run 2 days.  Bike--does the spin bike at the gym count?  Strength train 3-4 days a week.

This year's races:  Ran Chicago's Shamrock Shuffle 8k last month.  Plan to do Cleveland Sprint Tri in August and maybe an Olympic in September if I can get ready in time.

Weight:  I'm probably a little heavy for a triathlete.  I'm 6'2" 205.  I'm sure I'll drop a few along the way.  I've lost 35 lbs of baby fat since the achilles tendon injury in July 2007. 

Edited by Zupe 2009-04-09 8:04 PM
2009-04-10 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2070143

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN
Hey Brian,

The Shamrock was fun this year, wasnt it?  So warm and dry...

David, So I haven't started one of the BT programs yet, Im waiting til May to "officially" start, but I was wondering if you would reccomend doing the 2x or 3x per week program.  Its my first year doing any kind of endurance training other than biking, and I'm a little worried about breaking down or overtraining.  But then, I don't think twice a week is enough to actually get better at any of the disciplines.  I've heard twice a week is for maintenance, and 3x is for improvement.  Do you agree with that?  Thanks!

2009-04-13 11:19 AM
in reply to: #2070143

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN

So, i'm fine with the group not being 100 posts a day like some others, but what kind of structure were you thinking of this taking?  Do you have any preferences for logging workouts, especially swim workouts?

2009-04-13 3:08 PM
in reply to: #2070143

Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN
I'm in.

Name: Chris Mortell

Story: I started smoking when I was 13 years old. When I finally quit five years ago, I started running. It wasn't possible to run and smoke. The run kept me committed. I did that for a couple years, ran a couple half marathons, lots of local races. Nothing too outstanding. A couple years ago, I lost the thread somewhere and stopped running. Didn't take up smoking again, the run just stopped being part of my life. Six weeks ago a guy I work with came up to me and said "Hey, I'm doing a sprint triathlon at the Y. You should do it too." For some insane reason, I said yes instead of no. I've since learned that I forgot how to swim and am in the process of remembering. I have never biked seriously. I'm about to be the proud owner of a new Cannondale Synapse with no more excuses about why my riding sucks. And I'm running again, training harder than I ever have. I love the training more than I ever did running. I love the variety, I love the challenges, I love the way I feel. I'm still awful at running, swimming and biking, but I don't care, because I'm getting better at them. I'm like an chocoholic, but for triathlons.

Current Training: I'm building up my endurance to begin the silver, 16-week oly plan.

2009 Races: The local ymca sprint tri in May and the Chicago Tri Aug. 30.

Weightloss: 6 pounds.

2009 Goals: Learn, build, have fun. I'll set a PR in every race I do this year.
2009-04-13 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2070143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN
Name: Krystyna

Story: I'm 20 and I started training for triathlons after I had surgery last March (2008, not 2009!) to reconstruct my ACL and remove my medial meniscus in my left knee (from a soccer injury). The process was gradual. At first I could swim but not walk, and then I could bike, and finally I returned to running. Six months after surgery, I did an Olympic triathlon and loved it! Ever since then, I've been training and training. I've fallen in particular love with swimming, which I absolutely hated when I was younger.

Family Status: Single

Current Training: Right now I am training for a HIM in July. I've got a couple half-marathons, some other shorter triathlons (from Sprint to Olympic) before then. I'm in 2 masters swimming groups but I am in the process of switching to a more competitive group, I've joined a cycling club for the season which just started, and I'm also in the middle of switching to a more competitive running group after the school semester finishes.

This year's races: My goal tri is the HIM on July 4th in Levis, Quebec.

Weight: 110 and 5'4". I'm not trying to get any more minute.

I hope you'll accept me into this group!!

Edited by krystyna47 2009-04-13 8:01 PM
2009-04-14 3:52 AM
in reply to: #2075102

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group

Zupe - 2009-04-09 9:01 PM

I'd like to get in if there is room.

Name:  Brian

Story:  I've always been a somewhat athletic guy.  I'm 34 years old and played defensive line at a D2 college.  I tore my achilles tendon two years ago and started running for rehab.  I always hated running before that.  I ran a 5k last summer and my first ever 8k in the snow last month.  For some crazy reason, I have decided to start doing triathalons to continue challenging myself athletically and satisfy my competitive drive.  I just started swimming a few months ago and bought my first bike since childhood last week.  I really am a rookie when it comes to this stuff but I am completely in love with the training so far.

Family Status:  Single

Current Training:  Swim 3 mornings per week.  Run 2 days.  Bike--does the spin bike at the gym count?  Strength train 3-4 days a week.

This year's races:  Ran Chicago's Shamrock Shuffle 8k last month.  Plan to do Cleveland Sprint Tri in August and maybe an Olympic in September if I can get ready in time.

Weight:  I'm probably a little heavy for a triathlete.  I'm 6'2" 205.  I'm sure I'll drop a few along the way.  I've lost 35 lbs of baby fat since the achilles tendon injury in July 2007. 

You're in. And yes, the spin class counts! I took my first spin class about a month ago, and was seriously surprised at how hard it was. If you wear a heart rate monitor, you'll see that you're working harder in that room on that little bike than you are during most of your on-road ride.

I did the Cleveland race last year with some family members. You should have a lot of fun. Stay down near the water so your fans can walk to the race area. 

The weight will drop as the summer progresses, and you will be surprised by how strong you'll feel in all 3 disciplines in another few months. I say go for the olympic in September -- do you have one in mind? 

2009-04-14 4:34 AM
in reply to: #2070143

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN

Happy April 14th to you all!

My goal for this forum was to check-in daily and share tips and suggestions on all things tri-related. That is, until I took off unexpectedly for a long Easter weekend to a beach house that lacked wireless. Thank you all for sticking with me during my time away.

On the plus side, I see we've picked up some new members. Welcome to the group!

I'm brewing coffee as we speak -- I do my best thinking with a steaming cup at my side -- and I'm going to respond to every post I've missed.

As for how this forum will work, well, I'll leave that up to you. I usually do some exercise every day, so I log what I've done and then look through the new posts. If you want, and in addition to looking here, I'll view your logs and offer encouragement and advice. But, I do not want you to feel pressured to perform. If you're not a daily work-out person, don't jump into that routine and get hurt before the season even starts. Listen to your body.

Which leads to my first group question: what are your goals for the summer? Is it to do your first race, or to finish within a certain overall time? Or maybe it's to do a race with an open water swim? Or are you looking for a challenging way to lose 10 pounds by August 1? A successful season starts with clearly-defined goals.

So, by Friday, I want your 3 goals for the summer of 2009. And if one of them is to just do a race, then specificially identify it and the distance, and tell us all the place and date so we can offer some encouragement.

Here are my big 3 (among the many I've listed on my log): 
(1) finish the Providence 1/2  IM on July 12 in 5 hours;
(2) weigh-in at 174, which was my weight in 2006, by July 12. I have 14 pounds to lose; and
(3) complete a long-distance open water swim.

My 3rd goal is tricky, simply because there are not that many to choose from, and the main rule for my race selection is that it has to be at a venue that offers something for my wife to do while I'm off testing my limits. I'll keep you posted on what I find.

2009-04-14 4:54 AM
in reply to: #2076062

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN

mck35 - 2009-04-10 11:16 AM Hey Brian,

The Shamrock was fun this year, wasnt it?  So warm and dry...

David, So I haven't started one of the BT programs yet, Im waiting til May to "officially" start, but I was wondering if you would reccomend doing the 2x or 3x per week program.  Its my first year doing any kind of endurance training other than biking, and I'm a little worried about breaking down or overtraining.  But then, I don't think twice a week is enough to actually get better at any of the disciplines.  I've heard twice a week is for maintenance, and 3x is for improvement.  Do you agree with that?  Thanks!

Like all things, it's what you put into it that counts. If you follow the plan, and really put forth your best effort, the 2x/wk will work fof you. That's 2x per week per sport, right? So 6 workouts, plus some weight work?

How much time will you have? What's your summer job? Do you have other life commitments? How many hours a week will your program take?

I like the 3x/wk programs, which means a lot of early mornings, and many days where I'm doing 2 disciplines each day. And then going off to work, mowing the lawn, etc. I'm always a little sore, and if you stand really close to me, you might catch a whiff of ben-gay and chlorine. But I like that.

Try the 3x/week and see where it goes. If it's too much, re-adjust.

I glanced at the possible programs and saw some are based on heart rate and others are based on time or perceived exertion. Which are you thinking about? I am a convert to heart-rate based. It took me a while to buy into the idea, but now I can't imagine going without it, especially on the bike. 

2009-04-14 4:55 AM
in reply to: #2080859

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN
mck35 - 2009-04-13 12:19 PM David,

So, i'm fine with the group not being 100 posts a day like some others, but what kind of structure were you thinking of this taking?  Do you have any preferences for logging workouts, especially swim workouts?


Log them all! Half the pleasure of doing all this is seeing your accomplishments on that bar graph!
2009-04-14 5:17 AM
in reply to: #2081527

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN

casaubon - 2009-04-13 4:08 PM I'm in.

Name: Chris Mortell

Story: I started smoking when I was 13 years old. When I finally quit five years ago, I started running. It wasn't possible to run and smoke. The run kept me committed. I did that for a couple years, ran a couple half marathons, lots of local races. Nothing too outstanding. A couple years ago, I lost the thread somewhere and stopped running. Didn't take up smoking again, the run just stopped being part of my life. Six weeks ago a guy I work with came up to me and said "Hey, I'm doing a sprint triathlon at the Y. You should do it too." For some insane reason, I said yes instead of no. I've since learned that I forgot how to swim and am in the process of remembering. I have never biked seriously. I'm about to be the proud owner of a new Cannondale Synapse with no more excuses about why my riding sucks. And I'm running again, training harder than I ever have. I love the training more than I ever did running. I love the variety, I love the challenges, I love the way I feel. I'm still awful at running, swimming and biking, but I don't care, because I'm getting better at them. I'm like an chocoholic, but for triathlons.

Current Training: I'm building up my endurance to begin the silver, 16-week oly plan.

2009 Races: The local ymca sprint tri in May and the Chicago Tri Aug. 30.

Weightloss: 6 pounds.

2009 Goals: Learn, build, have fun. I'll set a PR in every race I do this year.

Welcome to the group! I love the chocoholic analogy, especially as I've just polished off the remaining easter candy.

Good goals, too. So where is this sprint tri, and what are the distances?

2009-04-14 6:01 AM
in reply to: #2082091

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN
krystyna47 - 2009-04-13 8:45 PM Name: Krystyna

Story: I'm 20 and I started training for triathlons after I had surgery last March (2008, not 2009!) to reconstruct my ACL and remove my medial meniscus in my left knee (from a soccer injury). The process was gradual. At first I could swim but not walk, and then I could bike, and finally I returned to running. Six months after surgery, I did an Olympic triathlon and loved it! Ever since then, I've been training and training. I've fallen in particular love with swimming, which I absolutely hated when I was younger.

Family Status: Single

Current Training: Right now I am training for a HIM in July. I've got a couple half-marathons, some other shorter triathlons (from Sprint to Olympic) before then. I'm in 2 masters swimming groups but I am in the process of switching to a more competitive group, I've joined a cycling club for the season which just started, and I'm also in the middle of switching to a more competitive running group after the school semester finishes.

This year's races: My goal tri is the HIM on July 4th in Levis, Quebec.

Weight: 110 and 5'4". I'm not trying to get any more minute.

I hope you'll accept me into this group!!

You're in! It's amazing how all this stuff can become addictive, isn't it? And I'm jealous of your training groups.

I like the swim, too. It's meditative for me. When all you can hear is the sound of your own breathing, your mind tends to clear.

So -- July in Levis -- how cold is that water going to be?
2009-04-14 7:12 AM
in reply to: #2070143

New user

Central MO
Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN
Are you taking more for the group? I feel like I need a little help and im not good at asking for it or looking for it ( in person ).

If you are:

I am 34 yr old married with 2 girls 7 and 3. I have fought myself for as long as I can remember and the least amount of fighting was when I played basketball in High School, and was active, so I came to the realization that to be a better dad and husband I needed to do something. As luck would have it I suppose, I live in the sticks and have only 4-5 TV channels (since I bought a digital TV, we used to have 2) and I was watching Universal Sports and the IM was on some sort of marathon all of them from 2001-current. I was hooked.  This was maybe 4-5 months ago. I talked it over with my wife and we made a plan, She normally does the 60 mile walk for breast cancer in Dallas in Oct, so I am doing the 70.3 in Austin in Oct.
I bought the right shoes, as good a bike as I could afford that fit, and have made great strides in wearing a speedo at the Y where I swim.
I really want to do this, I just figured out this morning that I cant do it by myself. I have been looking at this mentor thing since it came up and probably decided to late that I should do it..

Thanks for your time.


2009-04-14 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2082583

Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN
prof40 - 2009-04-14 5:17 AM

So where is this sprint tri, and what are the distances?

It's the Tower Triathlon, in Niles, IL May 17. 400m pool swim, 12 mi bike, 5k run. Thank god for the 400m swim too, because I'm turning out to be extremely slow in building either speed or endurance in the pool. After that it's just a summer of training for the Chicago race. I may look into finding a local sprint in July though.

My goals for the summer:

1. Chicago Tri Olympic distance in under 3 hours
2. 18 mph training pace on the bike
3. 2 min/100m training pace in the pool
2009-04-14 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2070143

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN
David, hope you had a good weekend!  I think i will definitely try the 3x a week program.  Its not a question of time, because I want to make the time.  I dont want being busy to be an excuse, even if it means getting up at 5 in the morning.  Plus, last month I ran 3 x a week for th emonth to train for an 8k run, and I noticed a ton of improvement.  I want to keep that up.  Same thing with the swimming I'm doing now. 

Heart rate training:  I have a heart rate monitor, and ive tried using it for biking and running.  But i just think its limiting, since I dont really know my "zones" and i felt like i had to slow down soo much that I wasnt getting anything out of it.  Especially running.  But that was at the beginning of the year, when i could barely run 2 or 3 miles without dying.  Is there a test or anything like that I could do?


1. Do a century ride.
2. 1:35 in the Batavia Triathlon
3. Under 3 hours in the Chicago Triathlon.
2009-04-14 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2082602

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN
prof40 - 2009-04-14 7:01 AM

So -- July in Levis -- how cold is that water going to be?

The beginning of the season and too far north for my liking so... I'm guessing far too cold!! :P I've tried finding out on their website but there's very little information. I suppose they're trying to avoid deterring people from participating!!!
2009-04-14 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2070143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN
My goals for the season include:

(1) Completing the HIM in July
(2) Doing several (at least 2) solo open water swims at my cottage, maybe 2000-3000m each, before the HIM
(3) I'm going away to Peru for 5 weeks the day after I do the HIM. I return Aug 14th, and I want to return to top form in time to complete the HIM in my hometown on Sept 12th.

I also want to get my left knee in decent shape so that it doesn't hurt on long-distance runs, but that isn't up to me. I also don't want to overstress any tendons or ligaments because it's the only left knee I've got.
2009-04-14 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2083410

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN
krystyna47 - 2009-04-14 11:14 AM My goals for the season include:

I also want to get my left knee in decent shape so that it doesn't hurt on long-distance runs, but that isn't up to me. I also don't want to overstress any tendons or ligaments because it's the only left knee I've got.

I went through the same thing in college; I tore my right ACL, and spent the next three years wearing a knee brace for the tennis team.  Its only recently gotten to the point where I can run long distances without pain, and that's only because I started very slowly with distance running.  If i pushed at all too hard, it would hurt for a day.  So you can definitely do it, just make sure you take it easy

2009-04-14 2:29 PM
in reply to: #2082711

User image

, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN
kris09 - 2009-04-14 8:12 AM Are you taking more for the group? I feel like I need a little help and im not good at asking for it or looking for it ( in person ).

If you are:

I am 34 yr old married with 2 girls 7 and 3. I have fought myself for as long as I can remember and the least amount of fighting was when I played basketball in High School, and was active, so I came to the realization that to be a better dad and husband I needed to do something. As luck would have it I suppose, I live in the sticks and have only 4-5 TV channels (since I bought a digital TV, we used to have 2) and I was watching Universal Sports and the IM was on some sort of marathon all of them from 2001-current. I was hooked.  This was maybe 4-5 months ago. I talked it over with my wife and we made a plan, She normally does the 60 mile walk for breast cancer in Dallas in Oct, so I am doing the 70.3 in Austin in Oct.
I bought the right shoes, as good a bike as I could afford that fit, and have made great strides in wearing a speedo at the Y where I swim.
I really want to do this, I just figured out this morning that I cant do it by myself. I have been looking at this mentor thing since it came up and probably decided to late that I should do it..

Thanks for your time.


A life without cable or satellite dish, and mornings spent squeezing into a Speedo? I'm impressed. You're in.

You picked a challenge for your first race. And believe me, August will come quickly. Are you following a training plan? How many days are you working out?

I looked at your logs and saw your swim frustration. Since goal 1 is to do Austin, maybe one of your other 2 should be to spend some time with a swim coach for a few lessons. I have a feeling you're doing all the right movements but your rhythm is off. And as in dancing, if you don't have rhythm, it's not a pretty sight.

Next time you're at the pool, ask the guard if the Y offers adult lessons. I bet someone there is willing to spend time with you when you tell them you're training for a 1/2 Ironman.
2009-04-14 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2070143


Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN

Name: Christen

Story: I'm a 37 year old mom of two boys, Tyler is 9 (almost 10) and Hunter just turned 5 last week. I've never been super athletic, but I was playing softball 4 nights a week on 5 teams when I got pregnant with my oldest (I played until I was 13 weeks pregnant). I'm competitive though, and I really enjoyed the competitive outlet of playing a sport. I did have horrible shin splints from playing in the outfield, all the running and stopping was horrible and tournaments where I was playing 5-7 games a day didn't help. I never went back to playing after my son was born because I spent 20 weeks on bedrest, and he had quite a few medical issues when he was born. Thankfully he's a very healthy, and incredibly intelligent kid!

I had my 4th surgery for endometriosis in June of 2008, and it was a very difficult recovery for me as they had to remove an ovarian tumor (thankfully benign), and my appendix along with extensive endometrial lesions on my uterus, ovaries, bladder, intestines, and the abdominal walls. During my surgery, they discovered severe bladder disease and I was shocked because I was symptomless. Sometime during the recovery, I decided I HAD to have my health back and I was going to be in charge from now on. My husband gave me a gym membership for my birthday (I begged him for it lol), and I started going as soon as I was cleared by my surgeon. I started walking on the treadmill, and lifting light weights as I gained strength back. I found out in October that I was going to have another surgery which was scheduled for December 2008. My goal was to be in the very best shape I could so that my recovery would be much easier. My friend talked me into going to spin class, and I completed HATED it because my butt hurt so bad afterwards lol. I was huffing and puffing and it wasn't fun...but the workout was awesome. I decided to give it a fair chance before quitting, and before I knew it I was going to spin class 4 days a week and I felt fantastic. I even went to spin class the night before surgery, and when the anesthesiologist had a hard time getting an IV in me I apologized because I hadn't been able to hydrate well enough after spin (he was a spinner too!). The recovery was a dream, I was off pain meds in 3 days, I was driving in 5 days, walking on the treadmill at 3 weeks, and back at spin class 5 weeks later. That's where things went wonky. I didn't have a goal, and it was hard to drag my butt to the gym and I was eating crapola because of the holidays. My friend approached me a couple of weeks ago and said she was doing her first triathlon, and it was a great beginner's tri because it was all women, the swim wasn't open water (they only let 20 swimmers enter at a time), and the distance was short. She asked if I wanted to do it and I totally laughed it off saying I'd probably drop dead. She planted a seed, and I couldn't stop thinking about it, actually dreaming of it, and finally wanting it. She and I started talking about goals, and I mentioned that I didn't have a goal to work towards so going to the gym wasn't happening and I hated it. I missed spin, but I wasn't motivated so right there on the spot I told her I'd commit to doing the triathlon with her. It's the Mermaid Series Triathlon, Fremont in June.

I went back to the gym on Friday to spin class just because it was something I really liked before and I thought it would be a good way to get my feet wet since Friday's instructor is the easiest. I showed up, and she was gone and in her place was the very intense, techno music loving high energy instructor and I couldn't just walk was a challenge for me to finish. He asked where I'd been, and I told him about my lack of goals, and signing up for my first tri. He was really great about encouraging me to push through during class, and afterwards he said I did awesome at keeping up with him. I wasn't going to quit, I had to keep up!

Saturday was a crazy day here, so I ended up going to the track on Sunday and I was totally huffing and puffing after each quarter mile (I did once around the track, and rested for 2 minutes, and then continued this again 4 times). I was really frustrated afterwards because I wasn't nearly as tired after spin class as I was from running, and I felt like I could have hopped on the treadmill after finishing spin on Friday. I was totally sore on Monday, but went to the gym and spun by myself for an hour and a half and then came home and soaked in epsom salts, downed an ibuprofen and I was fine today, very little soreness.

Direction? So far, I'm completely clueless as to what direction my training should go. My goal is just to finish the triathlon, although true to my competitive nature I'd love to beat my friend's time. I feel like I can bike for days, but I have no running endurance which totally baffles me because I would have thought I would have some cardio fitness left over from spin. I'm waiting for my goggles to arrive and they should arrive tomorrow (I ordered a couple of pair of Swedes because I've never had luck with regular old goggles) so I can hop in the pool and start swimming. I love swimming, but it's been a long time for me so I'm not sure what to expect. If nothing else, at least I'm finding out how much work I have ahead of me and I can only get better. Ideally, I'd like to be working out 6 days a week. For this week and next I'm going to be working on single rotating events, and then after that I'll start bricking my workouts. Eventually I'll have to move it outside, but since I'm training mostly during the day I find that it's convenient to have the boys go to childcare at the gym. My husband is supportive, but I don't feel good about walking out the door the minute he gets home since family time is important as well.

I'm excited to be here, and I hope I don't drive you guys crazy with all the questions!

2009-04-14 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2083430

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN
mck35 - 2009-04-14 12:22 PM

I went through the same thing in college; I tore my right ACL, and spent the next three years wearing a knee brace for the tennis team.  Its only recently gotten to the point where I can run long distances without pain, and that's only because I started very slowly with distance running.  If i pushed at all too hard, it would hurt for a day.  So you can definitely do it, just make sure you take it easy

Ooooh, 3 years in a knee brace. I don't know how you did it! The minute I could get out of mine, I did. Here's a question for you: do you take Advil (ibuprofen) before, during, or after runs? It is mighty beneficial to me post-run, to ensure that my knee doesn't swell. I, however, have heard many long distance triathletes swearing by Advil to prevent inflammation of any and all joints. I worry, though, that by taking an Advil during a triathlon event, or even when just training, that I'd be masking pain that might be signalling to me that I should stop...

What are your thoughts?
2009-04-15 3:47 AM
in reply to: #2083080

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group OPEN
casaubon - 2009-04-14 10:42 AM
prof40 - 2009-04-14 5:17 AM

So where is this sprint tri, and what are the distances?

It's the Tower Triathlon, in Niles, IL May 17. 400m pool swim, 12 mi bike, 5k run. Thank god for the 400m swim too, because I'm turning out to be extremely slow in building either speed or endurance in the pool. After that it's just a summer of training for the Chicago race. I may look into finding a local sprint in July though.

My goals for the summer:

1. Chicago Tri Olympic distance in under 3 hours
2. 18 mph training pace on the bike
3. 2 min/100m training pace in the pool

Swimming takes time and practice. You can't fake it. Keep working, and it will come.

Good goals, too. And I agree with adding another race or two between your sprint and Chicago. Three hours is a tough goal when you add in transitions, race jitters, etc., so the additional racing -- even if only done at a training pace and not all out -- will really be a benefit.
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