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2009-04-10 9:52 PM

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Malvern, England
Subject: Jackjack's group - closed
Preferred mentees:  women who are either complete triathlon beginners or not been in the sport for very long

Important note: I am on vacation from 17th to 26th April and unlikely to have internet access (or want it as I am on a cruise)

Jackjack (Jackie)
STORY: I'm a 41 yr old female in upstate NY (although I am British) and a recently qualified USAT Level 1 coach.  I am fairly competitive (although I don't always admit it!) and often place in my age group in local races.  Improving a previous years time is more important than what place I come though!  I did my first triathlon in the UK in 2002 as a dare at work and loved it.  A few years later, after a move with young kids to USA I started training again.  I did some shorter races and worked up to Ironman Lake Placid in 2007.  Fitness has always been my hobby and I am now working on making it my career (a change from boring old accountancy!).  I have a swim background (not fast but consistent) and now help coach a local kids swim team.  Running is my weakness so I am working on that.
FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 kids (boys aged 9 and 11).  None of my family have any interest in triathlons (other than saying that they support me of course!)
CURRENT TRAINING:  I train by feel more and more and am not particularly technical.   I'd have to go and count the teeth if I wanted to know what gear ration my bike had.  I do use my Garmin for run pace and HRM for tempo training on the bike sometimes.   My philosophy is BALANCE in all aspects of life and consistency is more important than big training hours for a week here and there.  I am having fun with shorter distance races and train an average of 5-8 hours a week. Hopefully more when I can ride outside consistently as I HATE the indoor trainer.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: Crikey - there is still patchy snow on the ground up here.  Brrr. None yet.  I occasionally do run races over the winter but haven't this year - the training rather than racing is more important to me over the winter (and throughout the year actually - the races just give me a goal to focus on so I don't need many)
2009 RACES:  My A race this year is in early June (an Oly - Keuka Lake Triathlon).  I am also intending to do the Pink Ribbon 5k in May.  Probably another sprint and oly over the summer.  My usual A Oly race is in Sept but it is near some other things I fancy trying (some local long rides and maybe a marathon) which I may focus on instead this year.  I'll be doing Finger Lakes Sprint in Sept though.
WEIGHTLOSS:  I've never been hugely overweight (max wt loss 30pounds) but have always struggled with food intake. I just love food so much and have an extraordinary sweet tooth, am a self confessed chocaholic   I admit I use exercise to control my weight and enable me to eat more.  I eat healthily (as well as occasional splurge) - just lots of it! 
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR:  Maturity and experience!  My passion is get people to adopt a healthier lifestyle and I love the sport of triathlon because there are no barriers of age or experience.  I fell in love with it after my first triathlon and I want to help other people do this too!

Edited by jackjack 2009-04-14 2:29 PM

2009-04-11 10:43 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open


Your posting appeals to me. I'm a 2nd season tri'r whose 'spirit' seems aligned with yours - looking for balance, fun, improvement for me.  I've no interest (currently/ever?) to race more than sprint tris.  I'd like to improve my mental game.

NAME: Cynthia (movingsouth)

STORY:  I ran in high school, MOP contributor.  I could always swim, but only to save my life, not for enjoyment.  Biking was a means of transportation.  That said,
I've kinda wanted to do a tri since ~1990.  The challenge of making my body do these sports in a race, seemed like "fun," but I never made time and the interest remained a waaaay in the back of mind thought.  After getting laid off in Spring of 2008 and evaluating life I decided to use my prior work time (I was parttime) for training for a tri.  I did a mini tri in April and sprint tris in June and Sept.  Yippee!!

married, two kiddos, 4&2yrs. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I tried to train for a 10K Fall of 2008 but ended up injured and sick.  Instead I raced ill on my birthday for my worse 5K time ever.  Between illness, holidays, travel, etc. I dropped regular fitness in Jan/Feb.  In March I gave in and joined the local swank gym that has childcare and have been getting 4-5 days of workouts each week, some/most days 2 sports.  I miss biking/running outdoors, but at least this way it *is* getting done.  I have a Garmin 305 but have not made much use of it (yet?).

2008 RACES: mini tri in April. sprint tris in June & Sept (same course, had improvement!). MuddyBuddy in June. 5Ks throughout season.

2009 RACES:
mini tri in April (the 18th!). sprint tri in June (possible monthly thru Sept, same course). MuddyBuddy in June. might do some 5ks too, might try to train for a 10K again.

WEIGHTLOSS: I've never lived in a home with a scale... weight has never been a concern.  That said, I still have some "baby fat" from the pregnancies that would be nice to trim off, and (egads!) I put on 5 pounds since joining the gym!  I fear my increased appetite from exercise is not aiding in any trimming of excess!  I think I need to find good snacks for mid afternoon; in general I eat well balanced, but have been STARVED for dinner and (likely) overeating.
2009-04-12 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2078782

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
Hello Cynthia, Pleased to meet you!
You are right, I think we have a lot of attitude things in common and I'm delighted you'd like to be part of my mentor group.  This is the first time I will be mentoring online so anything you think you'd like to hear from me at any time let me know!
I've had a look at your logs and you definitely have the right idea - consistency is key!  I'm guessing you are in California somewhere and I saw you went skiing the other week !
I remember oh so well how it is to try and get some exercise in with 2 young kids.  The gym sounds like it is working well for you at the moment and I am sure a few outside runs and rides will make there way in somehow sometime.

2009-04-12 11:06 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
I am interested in joining your mentor group. I am new to BT and excited to start meeting people and networking about triathlons!

NAME: Jenny (Jennifers)
STORY: I have always been very athletic, I have played soccer since I was young and I have always been a runner. I tore up my knee playing soccer and had to have surgery, and wasn't able to play soccer or run for months. I was able to bike and swim, so I began to think about trying a triathlon. I completed my first triathlon in 2007 (Chicago SuperSprint) and loved it so much I decided to attempt the Sprint Distance at Chicago the following year. I struggled with the swim (I was the only person in the entire race to use a snorkel) and used my big old mountain bike for the bike, but I did it and finished, and the feeling after crossing the finish line was amazing. Ever since then, I've been hooked.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 2 and 1/2 years, no children, 2 lizards

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been training using the Triathlete's Training Bible as a reference for workouts, and I have a training program from Runner's World for my half-marathon coming up. I usually train 5-6 days a week, and try to balance all three disciplines in as well as weight training and my weekly soccer game

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I have competed in 4 indoor timed triathlons this winter, and won my age group in 3 of the 4.

2009 RACES: I have two indoor/outdoor mini triathlons this month, Green Bay half-marathon in May (my first); Door County sprint distance in July, Chicago sprint or Oly in August, and Danskin in September.

WEIGHTLOSS: With my knee surgery I had gained some weight, but since last summer and with my training I have lost 15 pounds. I mainly want to maintain my current weight but definetely need to improve my nutrition. Sweets are definetely a weakness of mine.
2009-04-13 7:17 AM
in reply to: #2080093

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
Hello Jenny
You are very welcome to join - think we are still in the staging area but let's not let that stop us!
Sounds like the 3 of us so far will be helpful to each other on eating/ nutrition as well as training.
You are off to a great start for the season with your tri's.
I had minor surgery on my knee (badly torn meniscus) the year before I did my Ironman.  My surgeon was really encouraging and understood that I wanted to get back to training and all went smoothly.  Sounds like you are properly recovered too.  Tritathlon is so good for making us effectively cross train and so helping us keep injury free.
2009-04-13 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
You sound like a fun group to join. I am looking for like-minded triathletes to bounce ideas off of and also to support each other in all of our goals this season. This will be my 3rd year of doing triathlons so I hope that is okay with the group. I usually log my workouts (time and sometimes distance) on the training log.

NAME: Daiva , but everyone calls me Dee

STORY: I come from a running background, having completed 10 marathon or longer running events. Then in 2003 I severly sprained my knee and bought a bike as part of my rehab. In 2007 I did my first sprint triathlon and I fell completely in love with the sport! I love to race - I love the feeling of pushing myself hard in a race and I love crossing that finish line. My goals are to improve upon my times from last season. That being said, my number one activity is spending time with family. I truly believe that family comes first, and training / racing can work itself in around other commitments.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 boys (ages 8 and almost-3), 2 dogs. My husband has done his share of triathlons and has 2 IMs under his belt, so he understand my 5:00 am wake up times to hit the pool!

CURRENT TRAINING: Self-designed training. I use the Triathlete's Training Bible as as base for my weekly training hours and for workout ideas. My focus this season is to get stronger and faster on my bike. My run usually takes care of itself thankfully. I am not a fast swimmer by any stretch, but I really love the open water and would like to shave off a few minutes this year.
I also need to be careful and not get injured this year. I have a tendency to overdo it on some of my workouts - I go hard and fast when I should be taking it easy, or I'll add a workout because I feel good that day. I have a nice list of injuries from the last 5 years, so I don't want to add to it.
Working on strength training twice a week and yoga twice a week to increase my flexibility and strength.

2008 RACES: Last year I did the 5430 sprint triathlon, Boulder Peak olympic distance triathlon, Crescent Moon sprint triathlon, a bunch of dip n dashes (swim-run), and was part of a 5-person team for the 24 hours of triathlon relay.

2009 RACES: Triathlon Friday sprint June 5th, Boulder Peak olympic July 12th, 8 hours of triathlon solo September 26th (my goal is the HIM distance), probably some dip n dashes and local 5ks.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am down to 134 now from 140 a couple of months ago. I would like to hit that 130 number this spring. My weaknesses are definitely chocolate and chocolate and well, chocolate. I eat really healthy other than that, and my cup of coffee in the morning.

WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR IN A MENTOR: Someone who understands there is a balance between family and training. Someone who can give me a little push when I need it.

2009-04-13 3:21 PM
in reply to: #2081517

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
Welcome Dee
Sounds like you have a bit of experience yourself to help us all along.
I am so with you on the family/ workout balance. Up to recently I was a stay at home mom and was very fortunate to be able to workout during the day and be there for my family too.  That was one of the reasons I did the Ironman in 2007 - because it was my last year before I tried to get back to work so I had the time to train.  It was a wonderful experience and maybe someday again but I simply am not prepared to make the time sacrifices at the moment to train for something like that because my family come first.
Anyway you are very welcome to this group.
2009-04-13 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2081556

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
OK we have now gone live (ie out of staging area) so let's get to meet each other and learn about each other.

First of all, this is my first time mentoring so I want to restrict us to a small group of 5 mentees - we have 3 already and hopefully we can entice a couple more shortly.

To make this work properly I suggest the following (and I know some of us do this already)
(1) log our workouts on our blogs
(2) use this thread to check in (preferably daily) to find out how we are all doing and get to know and motivate each other and ask any questions, however trivial or big they may seem.
(3) I'm going to add you all as "friends" so I can get to your blogs easily and write you inspires.  Hopefully you will all want to do that as well.

Please note that (and I know I said it in my bio) I am on vacation from this friday for 10 days and am unlikely to be able to blog/ inspire etc.  We're on a cruise and internet isn't a priority even if we get a connection.  Hopefully our group will be able to inspire and motivate each other whilst I am away and send me good vibes so I get on the treadmill occasionally to work off the chocolate   (PS can I admit I had chocolate eggs for breakfast yesterday - not a good example but I ate lots of healthy things too )
2009-04-13 3:30 PM
in reply to: #2079117

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
Yes, yes, I'm in CA.  I never thought I'd be a "gymrat" but now that I'm a mom and need to "buy" time... it was either gym time or give up (more) sleep time!  I decided spending the money and training indoors would be a better choice than giving up precious sleep.

I forgot to include in my intro the part where I need to do my strength (i.e., core) workouts.  Last season I feel they really helped - when I did them regularly.  I haven't gotten them into the new regimen yet this year -- so nag me!

I'm looking forward to my mini sprint on Saturday - 100yd pool swim, 2.5 mile bike, 2.1 mile run.  Last year the run was a mile shorter and I had to walk parts.  I'm hoping this year to run the whole thing. 

2009-04-13 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2081556

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
Thanks! I think we can all be a huge support to each other.
I am a stay at home mom (have been for 9 years now) so sometimes it is hard
to squeeze in workouts. Thankfully I have an indoor bike trainer, a baby jogger,
and a very supportive husband.
I have added everyone to my "friends" list, so I think you can access my training logs now.
My hours this week will be low and mostly swimming due to pulled hamstring I am getting over.
I'm trying to upload a photo, but I am a bit technically challenged so that may take awhile
I'm looking forward to training with all of you!
2009-04-13 6:23 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
I understand also about trying to squeeze in workouts- I am an athletic trainer at a University (I know LOTS about injuries, so if anyone has questions on those, let me know!) so I work long, irregular hours. I am at work as early as 5:00am and as late as 10:00pm some days. But I do the best I can and try to make it work!
Can someone explain how to add friends on here? I am still learning how this site works, and I can't seem to figure out the add friends or even find that feature.
Good luck this weekend! I also have a mini triathlon this weekend. I am super excited, I am hoping to iron out some "kinks" before my other races coming up (like transitions, which I am not too quick at yet).
Sorry to hear about your hamstring. I just got over a bad strain in my hamstring from January. I pulled it climbing over a bleacher at work. I tend to be accident-prone I guess. Good luck and hope this week goes well.
I look forward to training and networking with you ladies!

2009-04-13 6:31 PM
in reply to: #2081920

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
Go into settings (it is above the square box at top of your blog page - spanner/ wrench picture).  In there click on tab that says customise blog settings.  One of the options in there is friends.  There are lots of spaces to enter friends. Use our online names - you can use the search feature or just memorize spelling

It is so exciting that tri season has started already in some places.  We have a couple of indoor tri's over the winter but the first tri's are really June here - due to temperature mostly I think
2009-04-13 10:07 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
Cynthia and Jenny- have fun racing this weekend. You will do awesome!!!
We don't have many tris in Colorado this time of year either. Some indoor races, but I love to swim in the open water so I'll hold off until June. Even in June, our water temps are pretty chilly.

Jackie- I am so jealous of your trip. Have fun and enjoy the sun.

As far as my hamstring goes, it feels a million times better today. I think all the icing this weekend helped alot. I did a warmup walk on the treadmill this morning, some light weights, and I swam this morning and I feel pretty good today.
I figure a few easy weeks now will be a good thing for my body. My first race is not until the beginning of June.

Talk to you all soon!
2009-04-14 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: training plan question
I have 2 "A" races this year:
1. Boulder Peak olympic triathlon on July 12th - my goal is to improve upon my time from last year. I had a hard time on the bike (no speed) and the run was 90 degrees (not acclimated to running in the heat).
2. 8 hours of triathlon solo ( on September 26th- my goal is to complete the half IM distance within the 8 hours.

I have a few options in mind for training.
There are 12 weeks starting next Monday until the olympic race, then 11 more weeks until the 8 hour race.

Option 1: stick with what I am doing now: used the Triathlete's Training Bible to work out my annual and weekly hours and training periods. However, I am basically designing my own workouts on a weekly basis and I am not sure how effective that is.

Option 2: Use a 3x balanced olympic training program from BT for the Boulder Peak race, then take one week off, then use the last 10 weeks of the BT beginner HIM program for the 8 hour race.

Option 3: Work on building a nice base and increase my strength/ flexibility for the next 4 weeks. Then do the full 20-weeks of the HIM program, building in the Boulder Peak race to the plan.

Thoughts or suggestions on the most effective way to design a program for the year?
The last 2 years I was still primarily running-focused and my biking/swimming suffered as a result.

2009-04-14 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2083130

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: training plan question
Let me think about this over today (got to go out now) but I can probably help you on this - but remember this will be my opinion!
2009-04-14 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
Can I still join your group? I completed my first sprint tri last August. Unfortunately school this year has been crazy and training has been spotty to say the least (I have not been good about logging workouts, but you can see the up and down, when i do) This is my last major week of school ever so i wont be on much until next week but after that I will start logging workouts and posting regularly.

NAME: Rachel

STORY: I played sports most of my life growing up. I ran and played soccer when i was little and through most of highschool (however, i've never been very fast). I then attended the Naval Academy for the first two years of college where I rowed crew and was in the best shape of my life so far. Upon changing schools i have not been in any kind of organized sports and stopped working out regularly. UNTIL January 2008 when I made up my mind to do my first tri and get back into some semblence of shape. I worked out 6 days a week at 6:30 in the morning, w/ a one month hiatus while in Italy. I finished my first sprint last August and was hooked. I was so proud!!! Then this school year was all over the place and working out got put off alot. And now I want to get back into it and this time maintain the lifestyle despite schedule and life changes, because these will always pop up.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm single, about to graduate (May 2nd), move yet again (back to MA) and start my first real full time job. (i move ever 4-8months in general)

CURRENT TRAINING: Last year I followed the micheal pates total sprint plan. it worked really well for me and helped me develop a base. This year I have kind of been all over the place. more so trying to maintain. However I would like to start the 3X olympic plan next week. If my work schedule allows my plan is to run the cranberry tri fest oly in the end of August. My first olympic distance.

2008 RACES: last year i ran the Journey for sight "sprint" triathlon (.5 swim, 17mi bike, 3.5 run)in just over 2 hrs, clear bop.

2009 RACES: I haven't officially signed up for any races yet because i don't know how work is going to play out ( i start the first week of July) But i would like to do the black fly sprint, maybe 1 or 2 other sprints and the cranberry oly.

WEIGHTLOSS: I would like to just shift to slightly more healthy eating habits. I know once i start working out more regurlarly the weight i've gained will come back off. Ideal weight loss would be 15 lbs but just better fitness level is what i'm really looking for over this summer/season.

WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR IN A MENTOR: Someone to help motivate me. Someone w/ a strong background in the sport and can help me overcome some of the beginners hurdles i'm still wading through. Someone to provide some new ideas to keep things interesting in training, diet and just for fun.

2009-04-14 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2083198

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Subject: RE: training plan question
Dee, FWIW, here's what I did on the advice of my gym's trainer, who has raced Kona.

When I returned to training we felt like my need/ability was a somewhere between beginner Oly and Int sprint.  So I took a look at various plans fitting those descriptors and ended up combining 3 plans so that each sport was decently aligned with where I was.  I found the free plans at to be of interest too.

I think I'd look at the workouts for plan "B" with an overlay of plan "C" to see how similar the workouts would be for your first A race and then combine plans to suit your current fitness/goals.

2009-04-14 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
Hi Ladies!

I'd like to join your group if there's still room. My name is Heidi, and I'll post a bio this evening when I'm not at work!

2009-04-14 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
Hi -

It looks like you already have five women in your group, but I thought I'd post and see if you might take one more.  I really like the tone of your post;  you sound committed and balanced.

Despite the name 'usagold', I am a brand new triathlete.  In high school, I was a very competitive swimmer, but unfortunately had to have bilateral shoulder surgery in my senior year.  I am now a sophomore at MIT, and although I've been keeping active to maintain my health (both physical and mental) I truly miss having a competitive goal and a group to work with. 

That said, I would love to join your group, if you'll have me.  Swimming is my strong point, probably followed by running.  I am training for my first half marathon this summer.  I know almost nothing about biking, however.  I suppose rather than 'usagold' i should have called myself 'motivated but clueless'. 

Hope to be communicating further with you and your group.  : )
2009-04-14 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2083299

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
You're welcome to join our group.  Posting comments and workouts are important motivators - for us as well as you!  So, get your head down and study this week and you can really get going next week!  Hopefully you may be able to fit in a little exercise between now and then even if only as a destressor.
Good luck with your last week of school
2009-04-14 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2083459

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
Hello Heidi and welcome
We look forward to seeing your bio and getting to know you later

2009-04-14 2:28 PM
in reply to: #2083845

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - open
Welcome.  You sound like you'll fit right in with us.
I"m going to close our group now and I'll post a bit more later
2009-04-14 6:14 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I had a nice run this AM... nice in that it felt good, I sweated a ton, I felt strong, etc. though it was probably shorter than I should have done.  ah well, this getting back into form is taking time, I don't want to invite injury!

2009-04-14 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hi Ladies- Here is a little bit about me:

I'm 41, married, and have 3 kids. They are 19, 6, and 2. We also have a dog, 2 cats and a fish (that my 6 YO is very offended if I neglect to mention). I work full time as a Service Coordinator for adults who have Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and are living in the community. My husband is a teacher and musician, so he is often not home in the evenings. Although he's very supportive of my training, he isn't always here to take care of the kids so I can get a workout in.

I've been a runner since 8th grade. However, I had an injury to my foot about 5 years ago that took me out for 3 years, and since then I have slowed down significantly. So far, if I have attempted to increase the mileage or pace too much, I reinjure my foot. I've managed to be injury free since last June!

Last year was my first season of tri's. I trained for a Sprint distance, which was cancelled last minute, due to a hurricane
My husband and I staged our own tri for the same weekend, so the training didn't go to waste. But, I missed out on all of the excitement of competing in an organized event. Running is my weak spot, so I'm following the 20 week oly training plan that is run focused.

This year, I'm training for an Oly Tri in early August. I'm hoping to do a sprint in September.
I'm registered for a 5k this coming Saturday! This will be my first 5K run since 2004!

Weightloss_ Two years ago I became an accidental pescetarian. Since then, I've been eating much healthier than ever before. Coincidentally, I lost 20 lbs and have kept it off! I'm happy where I am, but wouldn't mind dropping another 5 lbs.
I think that's it!
2009-04-14 8:04 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
It looks like 3 of us have races this weekend! Good luck Cynthia and Jenny. (Hope I spelled these right).

I'm looking forward to hearing race reports.

Mine is a 5K. I haven't raced one since '04- and I use the term "race" loosely.

 Any suggestions for how to run it?  I'm a bit nervous.
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