BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL Rss Feed  
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2009-04-14 1:41 PM

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Southern Ontario
Subject: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
NAME: Silver_wlf - Stef

STORY: I am currently an elementary teacher. I haven't raced triathlon since 2002 when I started my new career. I got into triathlon because I was originally a swimmer, and honestly I was getting frustrated that my times weren't improving in my racing. Some of the guys on the swim team were triathletes (and I thought they were crazy) but I decided that running is good for me, and I like to bike so "Why not?". I bought a bike and away I went. My bike training was riding to work, and I ran a little (3-4k) so I did 7 sprint tris over the course of 3 years. I flew by the seat of my pants and relied on luck to carry me through.I moved back home to start a new career and my training stalled. I still ran, but with no swim team to train with triathlon all sort of fell apart. My bike sat in my shed, and my swimming stuff in the basement.

Last year I started biking to work again. Partly because of gas prices, partly because I was worried about the Polar Bears. I'm into my second winter of "Saving the polar bears" and my brother is my partner for some long rides.I struggled with clinical depression this past summer and the only thing I could manage to do was swim. So I bought myself a membership to the local fitness club and swam every day. As I slowly pulled myself out I noticed how much my general fitness improved. I ran the 10k in Niagara Falls in October and placed 5th in my age group.

FAMILY STATUS: I've been separated for almost two years. I live with my lab-x and my Doberman Pinscher.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently using the Tri-newbies 1/2 Ironman Training Plan (because Fridays are the off day - which works well with how I feel by the end of the week...). If I have a plan I am consistent and will stick with it - I'm internally motivated once I've set a goal. However, I'm also whiny and will complain about cold, fatigue, boredom, etc. *laughing*

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I am back to racing triathlon this year. Last year I ran the Niagara Falls 10k and placed 5th in my age group. I haven't raced triathlon since 2002 - when I started my career. I have completed 7 sprint-distance triathlons and 3 1/2 marathons. (Plus a number of 5k/10k runs.)

2009 RACES: My key race this year is Steelhead 70.3 in Benton Harbor Michigan. I will also be racing the Leamington Tomatoman as well as possibly Windsor or Guelph later in the summer. I am also participating in the Lung Association Double-Century ride at the end of May.

WEIGHTLOSS: I noticed some initial weight loss when I started training, but have recently stabilized at a weight similar to my initial start weight - but with VERY different distribution.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I am a positive person and enjoy encouraging others. I think that my experiences can be of assistance to new-triathletes, but I think also that they will bring insight and experience that I can learn from. I enjoy talking to people and discussing just about anything. It will be a positive collaboration that will enable us to work together towards our individual goals.

Edited by Silver_wlf 2009-04-22 12:46 PM

2009-04-20 5:04 PM
in reply to: #2083866


Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
Hey there Stef! I'm beginning to do tris and just completed my first sprint tri yesterday. I'd love to train for a half ironman coming up in Nov. Would you mind assisting??
2009-04-20 5:37 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
Welcome! Congratulations on your first tri!!! How did it go?  What races are you looking at this year?

I'd love to help out as much as I can - as long as you're okay with me learning my way through this distance!
2009-04-20 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2083866

Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
Hi, my name is Jeff. I like to swim, bike and run.
I have been running since 2003.
I started with 5kms then suddenly in 2004 decided to do a 1/2 marathon. Which led me to run more half marathons plus 4 full marathons.
Last year I bought a bike and struggled to learn how to swim. I did 2 triathlons last seaon a few 5kms and a 2 half marathons.
My "A" race is Muskoka this year with Belle River, Leamington, Windsor, and Rondeau as tune up races. Then I will be running the Detroit Marathon in October.

Will you mentor me?

Edited by ff_jeff 2009-04-20 5:59 PM
2009-04-20 6:06 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
You're a funny guy Jeff!! *rolling eyes* 

Let me introduce Jeff ... the resident comedian for the next 3 months.  Trust him to have a witty remark for just about everything. *laughing*

Seriously Jeff - you joining us?  Jeff is going to do Steelhead too - he just doesn't know it yet...

2009-04-20 6:34 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open

Hi Stef.  Can I join your group too?  I am a 44 yr old female (and fellow Ontarian) aspiring to be a triathlete one day.  The only problem is every time I seem to get into a groove I just as quickly allow myself to get out of that groove and back onto the couch.  I, too, have been diagnosed with depression, and I'm sure that has something to do with it.  I have recently started on meds and they seem to be helping with my motivation.  I have done a few 5 k's, half marathons (including Niagara Falls) and some du's in the past.  I loved the atmosphere at those races as well as the feeling of accomplishment when I crossed the finish line.  I really would love to get back into that.


2009-04-20 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2083866

Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
This should be a good group.
I hope you don't mind me rambling for a few minutes but....
I know what depression is all about. I was depressed for years in my early 20's. It has followed me into my 30's and eventhough it has never been "diagnosed" and I have never been on meds I can say first hand that I need at least an hour of physical activity a day to keep my depression under control.
After reading studies of ppl with depression who did not do physical activity compared to when they started showed a marked improvement in controlling clinical depression. I think it was around 60% of the ppl in the study were no longer classified as clincally depressed after staying with their excercise program.
So my point...excercise is great for depressed ppl. Therefore triathlon is an antidepressant!

Edited by ff_jeff 2009-04-20 7:07 PM
2009-04-20 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2098473

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open

ff_jeff - 2009-04-20 8:06 PM This should be a good group. I hope you don't mind me rambling for a few minutes but.... I know what depression is all about. I was depressed for years in my early 20's. It has followed me into my 30's and eventhough it has never been "diagnosed" and I have never been on meds I can say first hand that I need at least an hour of physical activity a day to keep my depression under control. After reading studies of ppl with depression who did not do physical activity compared to when they started showed a marked improvement in controlling clinical depression. I think it was around 60% of the ppl in the study were no longer classified as clincally depressed after staying with their excercise program. So my point...excercise is great for depressed ppl. Therefore triathlon is an antidepressant!

Hi Jeff.  I hear ya about exercise being the best tonic for depression.  I've had it on and off since university and it has always been off when I'm exercising regularly.  Is the 'ff' in your name for firefighter?


2009-04-20 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2098422

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
Hi Dee!!  Welcome!!  You'll find that with a group you'll feel a little more accountable for your workouts.  Sometimes we need that external motivator to help us get off the couch and moving!  Like when you have a friend to workout with. 

I haven't been the "mentor" before - but I was part of CathyD's group for Jan-Apr and it was great for me to keep me on track!

I love the feeling of accomplishment - and the atmosphere at races as well.  It's so much fun just to get out, meet new people and race!!
2009-04-20 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2098473

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
I think it was around 60% of the ppl in the study were no longer classified as clincally depressed after staying with their excercise program. So my point...excercise is great for depressed ppl. Therefore triathlon is an antidepressant!

Jeff, I've heard the same.  I definitely feel more balanced when I'm working out regularly and I notice that my mood is definitely affected when I don't train...

I'm glad you've joined our group - you'll bring a lot of experience in the longer distance races ... I've run 1/2s but never full marathons!
2009-04-21 12:14 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
Hey Stef,

In reading your profile, I see that you are a swimmer. You are what I need for motivation and encouragement! I did a crazy thing last September and signed up for Ironman Louisville without any swim training or triathlon experience under my belt. I have been taking swim lessons on a weekly basis since October and can now swim 1600m continuous on a good day. I have completed 2 sprint distance tri's in the last 2 months and have a HIM distance race on May 9th. I find the swim portion of the race very intimidating and hope to get comfortable with this soon. On a good note, I have ran several marathons and consider the bike my strongest event. My training is up to 14 hrs per week and I typically swim 4 days a week.

I look forward to getting to know you and others on bt.


2009-04-21 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
Hi Stef,
I would love to be a part of your support group! May I join you? I have finished one beginner and two sprint distance tris now. I am considering if I could do an olympic distance now... I'm not sure, I have two 5k races planned in the first part of May and then nothing. There is an off road duathalon, 5k trail run and 20 k mountain bike course that I would really love to try... but I'm not sure yet what to do...
I am a CNA and work three 12 hour night shifts a week in telemetry, so my training is always changing with the standard being, do "something" six days a week, and try to do whatever "it" is faster, stronger, harder, longer than the last time  
Thank you for sharing about the depression that you deal with. It is something that I struggle with too and trainig physically helps me alot with the mental stuff that I deal with. A lot of what we do in  attempting to train for tri's is so mentally challenging. I think that is why the endurance sports fascinate me so much though. Thank you so much for being willing to lead us!
2009-04-21 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
Hi Stef,

Thanks so much for starting the new group! As you know, I am signed up for my first triathlon THIS SUNDAY.  Super nervous, its a pool swim so I know that I will hanging on to some walls.  But I am fairly confident in the rest of the sprint distances.  I've been training since January and I  go through long waves of consistency followed  buy a couple of weeks of challenges. It's just the way it works out for me.  I'd like to continue doing tris through the summer and maybe even do an olympic distance - but baby steps first.I am also simultaneously training with my husband for our first marathon.

I am on facebook: marie quevedo and twitter:

Looking forward to working with a new group!

FAMILY STATUS: Married with one eight year old daughter

CURRENT TRAINING: Training for my first sprint tri on Sunday.  

THIS YEAR'S RACES: On the books I  only have four races for the year - and only one is a tri.  April 26 th - Tri-Benbrook, May 2nd - White Rock 5 miler, August - Half Marathon, and December is the White Rock Marathon.

WEIGHTLOSS: I started at 140 in January and currently weigh 128 - I hope to get in the low 120's this year.

2009-04-21 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
I've enjoyed the camaraderie and motivation that these groups provide, so please let me join too!

Name: Andrea (amg)

Past experience: did my first try-a-tri in 2002, which is also when I started running. I've done several sprint and standard races, and three half-IM distance races, plus 5k, 10k, and half-marathons, plus a few bike races and cyclocross for fun. I love to bike. I enjoy swimming with my tri club, even though I'm the slowest in my lane. I'm working at unleashing my enthusiasm for the run.

Life and stuff that gets in the way of training: I teach computer classes at a post-secondary college. My students are writing finals right now, so I'm up to my ears in marking. My spouse and I have two older dogs. Lately I've spent more on vet bills than tri toys. Max and I also are taking conversational German classes, just for fun.

Upcoming for 2009: My "A" race is the Calgary Ironman 70.3 on August 2. There are hills on that course. There aren't hills where I live. That's my mental challenge. Before then, I have a sprint tri in May, a standard tri in June, a tri (haven't decided the distance) in July. Then in September, I'd like to do the QCM half-marathon. Plus I'll throw in miscellaneous bike races, where ever they happen to fit (like one this Sunday, if it doesn't snow).

Current training: A local cycling coach helps me plan my training. We incorporate lots of the local club events into my workout regime. I enjoy the training, but I sometimes let work get in the way of life and fun. I like a support group like this for keeping me accountable and balanced.

I look forward to virtually training with you.
2009-04-21 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
Yay!! New faces and some familiar faces!!  We're going to have a great time training!!!

Andrea, Marie and Kerilynn - I'm glad you're back!! It's been great training with you the past couple months!!

Carrie - welcome!! Hopefully I can help.  (I have coached competitive swimming and I believe there are some others here who are also certified coaches... )  Swimming open water is intimidating for many people - but it's something where you just have to remember to breathe and that you've done this before... You'll be great!  Sounds like you've put lots of work into it!!

So we're almost half way through the week - how is everyone doing this week?  My pool is closed - so I'm not swimming this week (again) and I'm on a recovery week - but I'm re-arranging all my workouts because I'm racing on Sunday morning ... so long run and long ride during the week.  (Hopefully the weather gets nicer!!!)

Everyone else?  What's up for the rest of the week?

Edited by Silver_wlf 2009-04-21 4:00 PM
2009-04-21 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2100232

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
Marie!! I'm so excited for you!!! You'll have SO much fun!!  You'll have to post a full race report! *smile*

2009-04-21 8:44 PM
in reply to: #2100868

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open

I can tell by reading everyone's post that I am in good company with this group. As for my week so far, yesterday was strength training and a 60 min. run. Today I had a 3000m swim scheduled that did not go as scheduled. I cannot understand how I can swim that distance just a week ago and not able swim hardly 100m today. If anyone can give me some insight into why I have this trouble would be greatly appreciated. As for the rest of the week, I have my weekly swim lesson tomorrow and a run in the afternoon, Thursday is a rest day, Friday is a short run and Saturday I will run the Derby Mini Marathon.

So glad to meet everyone!

2009-04-21 10:13 PM
in reply to: #2083866


Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
I would like to join your group Stef.    I'm looking to do a Sprint Tri at the end of July in Pittsburgh.   I'm 38 and decided to do this as a personal challenge for myself.  I'm trying to keep this quiet from my friends until it happens so a little long distance encouragement from north of the border can't hurt.
2009-04-22 3:25 AM
in reply to: #2083866

New user

Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
Hi Stef,
 My name is maree and i live in Australia and i am a swimmer and just starting to ride and attempting to run (shuffle). I am recovering from shoulder surgery so wont be racing till november (our summer). Can i join your group? Iam also a primary (elementry teacher).

2009-04-22 6:25 AM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
OSJ - Welcome!!  Congratulations on the personal goal!!  That's excellent!! *ssshhhh* We can keep a secret! *smile*  Lots of encouragement here - we've got great people who are excellent cheerleaders for each other!!

Maree - Welcome!!  Most of the time it seems triathletes aren't swimmers - so I guess learning to swim is kinda like learning to run?  Running can seem like such an overwhelming task.  The muscles used and the stress on the body is totally different!  Learning to run was hard for me - just because it seemed to tire me out so quickly!  Then of course - people say that about swimming too! 

Okay everyone - please try to log your workouts on here using the Training Log tools.  That way we can keep track of what we're doing and can encourage each other!!  We've got 10 including me - I'll leave the group open one more day and then I'll close it.
2009-04-22 9:22 AM
in reply to: #2083866

Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
Hey guys can I join? Im a complete newby have never ran a triathlon yet and just started training today lol. So I could use all the support I can get. My motivation my bf says this sounds like a very bad idea since you cant run (but i swim and bike). My sis who says youll do just fine, she ran the Barrie Sprint tri a couple summers back with no training. And i think i can do it. I'm a 27 year old optimist and nurse from the Huntsville area in Ontario. Ive decided to try be in the mini tri in Gravenhurst this summer

2009-04-22 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2083866

New user

Hartford, CT
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
Hi Stef,

I am just starting to train for my first triathlon, can I join your group?  The one I want to do isn't until September 13th, but I am nervous and want to give myself plenty of time.

2009-04-22 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2083866

New user

Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
Name: Jacqueline
Bio: Hi Stef, if there's still room, I'm interested in joining your group. If I'd have to describe my life in two words, I'd say "controlled chaos". I am a mother of 4 young kids, wife to another kid, actively involved in my community, recently started a small consulting group and need I say more?
I like the way you have overcome so much and I think I can connect with you. I too have had to overcome situations in my life, mainly a child who is severely disabled. He has been an inspiration and reminder to me of how lucky I am to have a sound body and mind. And that has led to my quest for athletic improvement. As a simple matter of survival, I must stay strong and healthy to care for him and my other children.
So I'm ready to take it to the next level and compete in a triathlon this summer. I find I'm much more effective (and motivated) when I'm working toward a goal. And I imagine my greatest difficulty is going to be finding the time to fit the workouts in. But this has been a goal for many many years and I want to make it happen. I have not picked out a training program or logged anything yet. So any suggestions would help. I look forward to working with the group.
2009-04-22 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - Open
Hi nickih!  Good for you!  You can definitely do this!! Especially if you already swim and bike! You're two ahead of some people who have never done any of the above!!   Sounds like your sister will be an excellent supporter - and have some tips and tricks to share!!

seghibs  -  Welcome!!  You've given yourself lots of time so that's great!! Getting on here will motivate you and help with questions and concerns!!  Where is your race?

Jacqueline - You sound like me.  My classroom operates in controlled chaos.  *giggling*  I can understand your struggles and I commend you for your strength.  There are lots of training plans available - both here and on the internet.  Remember - they are only plans and you can modify them to what you can fit into your life... I chose the plan I did - because it had Fridays off ... and I move stuff around depending on my weeks.  With your busy family you will have to be very flexible - but don't be too hard on yourself if you miss workouts.  It will all work out eventually! *smile*
2009-04-22 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL

Okay - I'm going to close this off so let's get logging workouts and keep in touch with each other!! If you have questions about how the logs work, how to get stuff up on your personal log, etc. there is a section for technical questions - or you can post them here!



ff_Jeff - Jeff

kerilynn - Kerilynn

Maree - Maree

nickih - Nicki

seghibs -  Brittany

Jazzygirls - Lisa

cwarren32 - Carrie

DeputyDawg - Dee

mhm90 - Marie

amg - Andrea

Jackster - Jacqueline

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL Rss Feed  
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