Subject: Aspiring runner stumbles across triathlonI wouldn't describe myself a "new triathlete". I'm more of an "aspiring" runner who bought a bike for cross training and has been talking to the trainers at the gym about starting to swim. I stumbled across BT while looking for an online training log. I've been using the log and reading the training articles and have been very impressed. I've started reading the forums the last few days and have to admit I got a real kick out of some of the discussions. I've been very active in other forums and thought it was really funny when I realized that people can get into a heated discussion online about pretty much any topic. I have my training schedule planned out for several running races this fall and spring so I don't see a triathlon fitting into the schedule soon. I'm planning to spend the winter swimming. If everything goes well I'll be able to work up to the point that I fell as comfortable in the water as I do on the road so I can give this tri thing a try next summer. Drew |