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2009-12-14 7:49 AM

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Subject: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
Story:  My name is Damon Grimes and I live just outside of Atlanta in Marrietta, GA.  I have been involved in the sport of Triathlon for over 5 years.  I have raced over 25 sprints, 10 Olympic distance, 4 half Ironman and just completed my first Ironman last August.  I help mentor a group of triathletes from Get Fit Atlanta as well.  I got into triathlon to assist me in losing weight before my first child was born 5 years ago.  With great help from my spouse (a triathlete as well) I lost over 32 pounds and have kept them off.  Triathlon is our lifestyle.  My son recently completed his first Duathlon and as soon as he is old enough to race he'll give us a run for our money.  Both my wife and I are training for Ironman Louisville in 2010 and we are looking forward to a great year. 

Family Status:  Married with two children (5 and 2)

Current Training:  I was coached by a professional Triathlete, Carole Sharpless, for 2 1/2 years and I follow her program.  I use heart rate training as a base and build the body from there.  It doesn't matter how expensive your bike or running shoes are; if you don't know your heart rate and how to "listen" to it you'll blow up and bonk every time.  For Ironman I train about 15 hours a week. 

This Years Races: 

Auburn, AL 1/2 Marathon
Beaufort SC Sprint
Alabama Powerman
Peachtree City Olympic
Ironman KS 70.3
Peachtree City Sprint
John Tannter Sprint
Ironman Louisville

2010 Planned Races

Auburn, AL 1/2 Marathon
Beauforts, SC Sprint
GA Multi Sports Duathlon/ or Alabama Powerman
Peachtree City Olympic
Ironman FL 70.3
Peachtree Road Race 10K
Chattanooga Olympic
Peachtree City Sprint
Ironman Louisville
Ironman Augusta 70.3 (?)

Weight Loss:  When I started Triathlon my goal was to lose 20 lbs.  I lost 32 pounds and have kept them off.  My body fat percentage went from 17% to 10%.

What Will Make me a Good Mentor:  When I got out of college I was an Army Officer that was in pretty good shape.  I was an athlete all of my life and knew how to train and take care of myself.  When I left the service I became fat and lazy.  When my wife and I found out we were going to have our first child I did some soul searching and realized that I could not continue on with my current lifestyle and live long enough to see them graduate college.   Five years and multiple races later I have made training for triathlon a priority for our family.  We have a lot of fun too!  With my training group here in Atlanta (Get Fit Atlanta) I assisted a start up triathlon group with 40 members grow to a first class operation with over 120 members.  All of our athletes have completed their target "A "race and did not DNF.  We had 5 first time Ironman finishers this year.  I currently run a morning swim program two mornings a week with our group.  With my triathlon background, mentoring background and overall understanding that "life" happens and it's ok that all of our planned workouts did not fit in this week attitude I believe I can be a solid member to BT folks.  I am very responsive to folks.  It's important that when someone asks a question or needs advise that they are responded to as fast as possible.  That's one thing my coach taught me.  It's a BIG deal. 

Edited by irondg 2009-12-16 8:55 AM

2009-12-15 6:22 PM
in reply to: #2557130

Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
I would not consider myself a beginner at all.  I am in my third season of tri's now and I am much better than the avg. age-grouper.  I did however sign up yesterday for my first half-iron (Ironman Racine 70.3)

I have been a lifetime runner (child prodigy runner, collegiate runner without amazing results etc.)  sub 3hr. marathon time, and I am very successful at swimming.  My downfall is my bike speed (Motobecane Nemesis tri bike off bikes-direct) and this is where I lose time.  My bike pace splits are barely above 21mph and to do damage in my sprint distances this summer I need those to be around 23mph.

Like I said, I am not a beginner but would like to have a mentor to help guide me through this upcoming season and my half on July 18th

Sprint Distance in April (300-13m-5k)
Illinois Marathon May 1 (26.2)
Larger Sprint tri  July 11 (1200 yrd swim-19 bike-4.5run)
Ironman Racine 70.3 July 18
****Perhaps Sprint distance week after (25th) as I finished 7th overall last year out of 350ish and agegroup winner.

Chicago Marathon in October.

Edited by Decatur217 2009-12-15 6:23 PM
2009-12-15 10:21 PM
in reply to: #2557130

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Corpus Christi
Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Hey DG,
My name is Tyson, im 26 years old and live in south texas, i posted an introduction in the Introduce yourself section(Whats up from south texas).  Im an avid surfer, and have been on BT for a few months now and have really been putting alot effort into training for my first tri this coming april.
Im a student working torwards a masters in education, so im full time at school, part time work , train whenever.

My goals are simple.  Complete a sprint Tri.  Reach body weight of 195pounds, and stay there. Currently im 206.
I love to swim and ride, running is my weakness.  Id like to have someone in my corner, i have been doing all my training by myself and its been pretty hard. 
2009-12-16 12:13 AM
in reply to: #2557130

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Hey - I'd like to join your group.

I'm 25, almost 26 and just came off my first full season of tri's (I did 2 in 2008, my first triathlons, but wouldn't call it a full season).  I got hooked.  I still feel really new/inexperienced with everything.  I'm doing my first HIM in July (70.3 RI).  I live in Baltimore, MD.

I was a touring cyclist (rode across the country twice as a fund raiser for the ACS), who was looking for something competitive in my life after college.  I did a marathon relay and the training for that and racing made me think about tri's.  I feel like I'm a decent biker/runner but still new with swimming.  I was just "winging it" with training until July this summer, when I got a coach because I was just lost with training, how to approach it and pretty much everything.  He helped me a lot and get comfortable with tri's and understand the kind/type/quantity of training necessary to get to the next level.  After my season ended in Oct, I felt like I had a good basis of knowledge and definitely had the motivation and after finding training plans on BT, I signed up and ditched the coach .  However, I'm still looking for people with experience to help with questions/issues as they arise.

I'm not in tri's to lose weight or get off the couch, as i'm pretty active otherwise, however I love them for the competition.  Regardless of where I finish, my thoughts are always, "ok, that was good/bad...but now what do I need to do to do better next time?"  So I guess its my outlet for my competitive side.  I dove into this pretty hard, and I'm also a little worried I'll burn myself out, another reason I'm looking into this mentoring thing.

I'm not sure if I line up with what you're looking for in mentees, but let me know.  I keep my race/log info pretty up to date (save for this week as I'm in AZ for work).

2009-12-16 7:04 AM
in reply to: #2557130

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Falls Church VA
Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open

My name is Dave, I'm 26 years old from Northern Virginia, and I'd like to join your mentoring group. 

I got into tris this past season and its become my competitive outlet.  I played baseball in college and had been looking for something to fulfill that empty hole left after graduating.  After a couple people I knew finished the New York City Olympic race and pretty much said that I couldn’t do any better than them, I got to training.  I ended up at 2:31:19 for the race, which I was pretty happy with.  I ended up racing in one more Olympic this past year and didn’t have as good a race (flat tire, tried to make up time, died at the end).


This coming year Im planning to do a couple HIMs and some Olypmic races as they fit into the training plan.  My goals for this winter are to improve my swimming (so that Im not just surviving) and to become a solid runner (to finish a race strong).  My strongest area is my biking, and this will be my first year with a trainer, so I could probably use some help with this too.  I just started picking up my training for the winter, the first race Im thinking of doing is in April (Olympic) and the first big race would be the first week in May (Half).  HIMs in July and September, another Olympic in August.  Races still haven’t opened to registration, so the schedule could change some.


Im not really looking to lose much weight.  I dropped around 15lbs this past season since I cut out the heavy lifting.  Im currently at 175lbs and raced last season at 170lbs, and I plan to do about the same this season.


I could use guidance as I train, especially since Im moving up in distances.  Let me know if you think I fit in with your training group.



2009-12-16 7:45 AM
in reply to: #2560947

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Hey Guys! 
Welcome.  Once we get a few more folks in here I'll close the group and we'll get rolling full speed.  I will pm you with my cell phone number later today.  You can call that anytime you need something.  I will check this group 3-4 times a day during the week and several times during the weekend to make sure I am available to you. 

Let's get started with a dialouge of your "A" races and what you want to accomplish.  You may have a certain time goal or simply just to finish a Triathlon.  Personally, my goal is to complete Ironman Louisville in 12:00 or less.  My lack of understanding my nutrition did me in last year.  I finished in 13:03. 

I'll look at each person's goals, apply a periodization chart to each individual and track your training and answer any questions you have.  We are all in this together so I hope to learn from you as well.

This is a two way street.  I ask that you update your training logs daily (or as frequently as you can)  and you can always check my log as well.  Let's push each other.  It will be worth it in the end. 

I look forward to a great group.  By the way, I type on the fly.  Don't grade me on grammar

Edited by irondg 2009-12-16 7:56 AM

2009-12-16 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2560947

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Hey Roy,
Good to have you.
2009-12-16 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2557130

Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open

Hi Damon,

I'd like to join if you'll have me

NAME: Gerardo aka Chezz  

STORY: Hi I am originally from Guatemala and moved to NC 2 years ago with my wife.  After much southern cooking, gained like 20 pounds and we decided to take up running.  It began with weightloss thing but as we saw improvements, we got hooked.  Started with a couple of 5ks and onto 2 half marys, the latter was terrrible.  This summer, we joined a running group and began a more structured training and really improved.  Ran the Chicago RnR Half Marathon and dropped 8 min of PR, still slow but i'm getting there.  My wife then got sidelined by the doctor and my training began to suffer, with no partner close by, running just got boring and looked to diversify and decide to tri. 
No background in cycling, little swimming, I am really looking foreward to my first TRI season in 2010!

FAMILY STATUS: Married for almost 3 yrs, no kids

CURRENT TRAINING: Building up base with a winter program, I am focusing on swim drills mostly before getting into some endurance and speed. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES (2010): 2 sprints Belew's Lake Aril, Tri Latta June12, Whitelake International Sept and hoping to squeeze in 2 half mary's in preparation for Chicago Full Marathon

2009 RACES: Nashville Half, Chicago Half, several 5K.

WEIGHTLOSS: I regained lost weight after training began to decline and would like to lose 20 lbs 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I'm a a competitive person, had mostly focused on sports where you could beat someone else: soccer, tennis, squash.  Really had a breakthrough when I saw that in running I was competing against myself (although I have to admit, when I finally beat my wife in the 5k, felt really sweet!!!).  I like to reasearch and always welcome good feedback and hope the mentor group and BT will help me keep on track with my training!

Hope to hear back from you
i look forward to hearing from you.......

2009-12-16 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2561536

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Hey Dave - welcome.  Check the Group page for my update this morning.  We're about to close out and get rolling.
2009-12-16 8:02 AM
in reply to: #2561320

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open

Check your PMs.  Some got sent twice.  Sorry about that.

Edited by irondg 2009-12-16 8:09 AM
2009-12-16 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2557130

Outside B'more
Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Hi guys!

I sent Damon a message before I introduced myself. I told him it looked like you could use a chick in this group!

STORY: My name is Keely, 38 yo irish redhead outside of Baltimore. I'm originally from Maine but migrated south for a job after pharmacy school. Now I'm a pharmacist attorney working on Medicare for the government (I know, sounds exciting but I love it!). Back in 2007 I saw a picture of myself and noticed I had 3 chins and decided to need to do something about that. I started exercising, watching my food, etc..and began losing weight. I started working out with a trainer and told him my goal was to do a triathlon. I lost 50 pounds and completed Irongirl 2008 in Columbia, MD. Apparently inspiring quite a few of my friends to start trying triathlons with me or in their area. I've still got about 20 pounds I'd like to lose just for comfort in racing but I still finish! I'm a back of the pack type gal but I'm like a turtle..slow & steady!

FAMILY: Single, dating a wonderful guy that thinks I'm crazy every time I do a triathlon or race but he's still proud of two crazy geriatric Jack Russell Terriers.

CURRENT TRAINING: Running with a running group 3 times a week. Picking up spinning classes and swimming for the winter.

RACES: 2008: Irongirl Columbia

2009: Philadelphia Women's Triathlon
Irongirl 2009
Baltimore Half Marathon
Mustang Stampede 5K
Full Moon Run
Cold Turkey 10K
Celtic Solstice 5 miler

2010: Eagleman 70.3
Pittsburgh Triathlon
Irongirl 2010
Lobsterman Triathlon
Frederick Half Marathon (maybe?)
Baltimore Half Marathon

GOALS: Finish Eagleman in the time allowed, increase my speed for running and better my swim form!

2009-12-16 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2557130

Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Hi my name is Catherine and I would like to join your group

This will be my first season of Triathalons. All I've done so far is a tri a tri.

I come from a running background having run 16 half marathons and 2 full's

Four years ago I was a couch potatoe. and in a effort to lose wieght and keep off what I had lost I joined a learn to run class. I ran my first five k six weeks later and fell in love with races. I haven't looked back since.

I have lost about 70 lbs in the last 4 years and have about 30 to go. I find it harder to lose the closer I get to a big race. But I am determained this winter.

Also If you haven't noticed yet I am a bad speller.

I live in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Our winters are very cold and very windy.

My goal race next summer is the HIM in Calgary Aug 1
I will do a few other tri's before.

I am 49 years old. I am not a natural athlete bet I am obsesive compolsive so what I lack in ability I make up for in enthusiasime.

Let me Know if I have made your deadline for members.

Edited by cat grimstad 2009-12-16 9:57 AM
2009-12-16 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2561806

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Keely, I'm from new England too (NH) and now live in Baltimore. I did the Fireman this summer in Kennebunk while visiting home and it was a great race, despite the hurricane off the coast and ocean swim. If you're looking for another Maine race, check it out. It was my gf's favorite as a spectator too.
2009-12-16 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2557130

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
It looks like Keely and Joe are both doing the Celtic Solstice 5k this weekend!!  Good luck.  Please post results and thoughts pre and post race. 

We're going to have a great group! 
2009-12-16 1:44 PM
in reply to: #2557130

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!

OK folks
Here we go.  Over the next day or two I will be responding to each of your bios (on this thread of course) and together we'll come up with a basic plan that should fit on top of the plan you have been working.  If you do not have a training plan yet, don't sweat it.  We can come up with one together.  It should be fairly easy.  What plans are folks already using?  Are they working for you?  If you look at my log you'll see my "actual" hours way undershadow my "planned" hours.  I am using a mix of the the BT 17 week Ironman and my Training Peaks Ironman plan I have used for the past two years.  The BT is much too aggressive for me during my base but using both is a good mix.

Starting Friday the 18th, please try and log something in your workout log daily, or at least every other day.  If I don't see an update I'll poke you for one.  Nothing personal.  Even if you don't feel like working out just log something like "didn't feel it today" or "It's too COLD in Canada" to move.  If you don't see anything on mine please poke me as well.  It's a two way street. 

As we look at your season "A" races we'll look at a periodization (prep, base, build, race) with some rest periods in-between.

Does everyone know their Heart Rate Zones?  If not, we can figure that out as well.  There are formulas and field test you can do.   Understanding your HR zones and training will not only allow you finish your races, but you'll finish stronger and FASTER than the folks that just go hard and "blow up" at the end.  Expensive equipment is nice to have I guess, but your heart is your engine and that will get you to the finish line if you train it the right way.  I did my first sprint on a hybrid bike (you could have put a basket on the front) and still finished in 1:05. Smile I beat most of the other folks in my age group on their fancy Cervelos and carbon wheels.   All because my coach beat HR training into me. 

I will PM my cell phone number.  Call me anytime ( I am East Coast time) if you need to discuss something. 

I am looking forward to a great 2010.  Cheers to many PRs and race finishes. 

2009-12-16 2:19 PM
in reply to: #2560947

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Hey Roy,

Or should I say Code Name "Jack Rabbit" .  Let's get you some hardware this year.  What is your theory on why your bike splits are slower than you would like?  During the winter how much "bike" focus do you give per week?  How is your weight training with respect to quads and hamstrings?  Have you been fit for your bike?  Folks lose a lot of time because their fit is not right and they become too inefficient.  Having the wrong fit or no fit can lead to injuries down the road as well.  Do you ride on a trainer during the winter months?  Do you keep track of your HR during your rides?    Sorry for all of the questions, but I want to get a feel of how to make you faster.  If you do trainer rides I have some interval workouts that could help you build your bike fitness.  How is your run off your bike?

2009-12-16 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2561320

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Finishing your first Sprint Triathlon is a great accomplishment.  I am confident that we can get you there!  Do you have a training plan or schedule that you can stick to with school and work?  If not, I have a couple plans that we use here in Atlanta with newbies that we can modify and fit to your schedule.  I look forward to helping you complete your Triathlon.  Have you looked at a schedule and picked a race yet?
2009-12-16 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2561375

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Hey Joe,
Great to have you.   I have several friends that have done that 70.3 and loved it.  It looks like a great race.  Burnout is great concern to have.  If we stick with the periodization that might help you stay away from it.  I can help you with swimming (I think).  Do you swim with a group or on your own?  For me, swiming with a group of stronger swimmers makes me better.  I'm too competitve to let my wife (state swimmer in school) beat me!  Define "decent" biking and running for me.  What were some of your average splits for the races you've done?  If you can remember, how did you feel after each race during your first year?  Were you burnt out and trashed at the end we can work on that as well. 
2009-12-16 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2561665

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Welcome to the Triathlon world.  With a good base of running the rest should fall into place nicely.  I too, have a running background.  I know that you are working on swimming this winter.  Do you have a bike trainer/rollers or access to a gym with a spin bike?  How much time a week to do you plan for each leg (swim, run, bike) a week?  The winters in NC are similar to GA so you should be able to get some winter riding in as well.  Do you swim with a group or on your own?
2009-12-16 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2561536

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
2:31 for your first Oly is a fantastic time.  You must have trained pretty hard.  I understand the mechanicals and flat tires.  I had two flat tires and 4 mechanicals (cables and brakes) during the St Croix 70.3 in 2005.  I understand both the good side and not so good side of racing.  On a scale of 1-10 how strong are you in the water?  We all "survive" the swim, but when you start do you automatically go anaerobic and just kind of hang on, or are you a smooth swimmer that just gets through it?  As I've asked others, do you swim alone or with a group.  Since you now are a proud owner of a trainer what types of bike workouts are you doing?  Interval training is the best during winter months.  Just spinning watching movies and so forth do benefit some, but interval training is the best bang for your buck.  What half ironman races are you targeting?
2009-12-16 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2557130

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
Catherine and Keely,
I will post up info on your bios late tonight or real early in the morning.  My home internet is down (thanks AT&T) and I have some meetings this afternoon.  Just FYI. 

2009-12-16 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2562843

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Corpus Christi
Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Actually, none of my training is planned, i kinda go on the fly, if its not raining i go ride or like today go to the gym and do a stationary bike to treadmill.  Im all ears for a new plan.  I have a few races lined up but triathlons wont begin until spring, there is a super sprint in March, and a regular sprint in late april.  Also im looking into doing a 50mile bike race in feb.  There is also some small 5k runs around the area ill try to get into as well.
2009-12-16 9:41 PM
in reply to: #2557130

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Falls Church VA
Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
I just moved to Northern VA from New York City in August, so Im open to any races that you guys have done and recommend.  Also, any good places to bike and OWS.  I realize theres some distance between DC and Baltimore, but its still pretty close and maybe theres some place in the middle that are good for training.

Ive grown a lot as a swimmer since I started, but thats still not saying much.  The first sprint that I did, I went out too hard and died in the water, essentially floated to the end, and had a miserable rest of the race, but I learned from it.  Im swimming around 1:50 100s now in the pool, racing I just kind of plug along in the swim, make it to the end, and then the real race begins.  My goal is to change it so that I can be racing for the swim also.  For the most part, I swim alone.  I have a couple friends that were college swimmers that I get to come out once in a while to kind of keep me in line.  Last year, I swam in a pool with some pretty helpful life guards that made me a better swimmer, always offering advice.  But the pool I swim in now, the life guards are pretty worthless (theres a 4 lane pool in my apartment complex, so its free).  Maybe I was just spoiled before.

As far as bike workouts go, Im getting used to the trainer and the lack of excitement that it brings.  But its better than not biking at all.  Right now, Im just trying to put some miles on my legs, so no real intervals.  But Im planning on starting them in the next couple weeks.  Ive never done interval training on the bike, so Im open to recommended workouts.  Im also hoping, as the days start to get longer, that I will be able to bike to work a couple days a week.  Its around a 14 mile ride, so itll be a nice ride to and from work.  Just not enough time to do that now and not be riding in the dark.

For 2010 races, Im hoping to do the Kinetic HIM on May 8th and break 5:00 (looks like Joe is planning on doing the sprint), the Musselman HIM on July 11th and break 4:50 (upstate NY, right around where I grew up), and the Savageman HIM on Sept 19th, dont care so much about a time, but I want to get a brick for making it up all the bike inclines without falling or unclipping.  Im also planning on Olympic races in April (Rumpass at Bumpass) and August (Pittsburgh).  Ill also mix in some running races as they come up.

This ended up being a pretty long response.  Hopefully I didnt put anyone to sleep.
2009-12-17 7:02 AM
in reply to: #2561822

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
The running background is a definate plus for you.  Congrats on the loss of 70 lbs.  WOW.  2010 is the year to shed the rest to meet your goal.  How did you manage to lose the weight?  Was it strict diet and exercise?  What kind of plan did you follow?  A half ironman the first year is a lofty goal.  We can get you there.  What races are you thinking about doing prior?  Do you have full access to a gym/treadmill/bike/trainer during the winter up in that cold place?
2009-12-17 7:11 AM
in reply to: #2561806

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Hey Keely,
Slow and steady gets it done every time!  Working with a running group to keep a base and increase speed is a great thing.  Do you have a Masters swim program in your area.  There are several of you VA folks here does anyone know of a good Masters Swim?  It really does help.  Where does the Eagleman 70.3 fall into your race schedule?  Do you have Irongirl and other sprints before or after the 70.3.  This knowledge will help me in making some recommendations for your training. 
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