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2009-12-15 2:00 AM

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Subject: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
NAME: Steve Bradley

STORY: For a previous version of my story, go to the Mentor Program Archives and look for "stevebradley's Mentor Group". Go to page 1, and you can see what I wrote for my group (still functioning and highly prolific and verbose and supportive!) last January 13.
To add to that, I can now update my tally to a total of 70 triathlons and 11 duathlons, with the half-iron number now being 15. This reflects the 13 races I did in '09, and there were no irons or aquabikes, so those stayed the same. The big emphasis in '09 was olympic-distance, working at the mid-distance speed.
So, I have now romped my way through ten seasons of multisport, with no lessening of the love I have for triathlon and duathlon. The competitiveness and camaraderie still resonate with me, and I still thank my lucky stars for that buggerly stress fracture in '00 that caused me to move from pure running to multipsort bliss!

FAMILY STATUS: I am now less than a month from turning 61, which will happen of January 13. Last year's flip-of-the-age brought me to a brand new age group, and that was sweet; turning 61 keeps me there, but one year older. Sigh. I am married, now for 35 years, and my "kids" are going to be 26 in April and 23 in four days; my wife perpetually lags behind me, scheduled to hit 60 in April. Our fine old dog just turned 12-and-a-half. I have been retired (elem. school teacher) since June '07, and live east of Ottawa, Ontario.

CURRENT TRAINING: Still self-trained, but still grateful everyday for the 3-plus years I was schooled by Erik Cagnina of D3 multisport! I am supposedly in my off-season right now.....but find it hard to take a serious break from training. A modest 9-day trip just ended, during which I ate lots and ran just once, so I suppose I'll call that the off-season and carry-on with training for '10, starting tomorrow!

THIS YEAR'S RACES: As stated above, I raced 13 times in 2009 -- 10 triathlons, 3 duathlons. The duathlons came about after I crashed on my bike on June 13 and separated my shoulder. That kept me from Meaningful Swimming for about five weeks, although once my extensively flamboyant road rash healed enough to allow me to enter a pool without grossing-out everyone, I spent a lot of time sculling and doing one-arm drills and kick sets. I re-entered the tri world on July 25, and ended up having a very successful season, podiuming at 12 of my 13 races. Following my last tri on October 4, I began training for Kiawah Marathon, and that went great until my last long run, 13 days before the race, when I suffered iliotibial band friction syndrome. That caused me to bail on the marathon, so my overall season ended with a whimper rather than a bang. (So it goes......)

2010 RACES: As with last year at this time, nothing is carved in stone; things should take shape within the next few weeks. Broadly, though, there will be 2-3 half-irons, 3-5 olympics, a couple of sprints..... and maybe one full iron, which would be my first since '05 (my first one was IMLP in '04). I am committing myself to racing no more than 10 times in '10, spending more time training seriously and purposefully. And as my body is hardly bionic (read: I am somewhat injury-prone), there's a lot to be said by keeping races short(er), so my heart is not exactly set on an iron. Stay tuned for further developments!

WEIGHTLOSS: At 6'2", I was 172 about ten days ago -- before our trip and the accompanying Eatfest. I will venture onto the scales tomorrow and probably see 175....or 176....or 177....or? I can handle the off-season weight-climb reaching 180, but hope to stop it at 178 this winter. I race best when under 174, and this past season saw me bottom-out at 170/171. Overall, weight is not a big concern for me, but I do pay attention and try (mostly??) to eat "mindfully".

GOOD MENTOR?: Again, I refer you to the Archives and what I wrote last January. But beyond that, you can just pick your spots amidst all those pages of our on-going group to get a sense of the tone of how it all operated -- and still operates. This was a big learning experience for me, but I think that by and large I succeeded in bringing all of my experience to bear on how effectively I worked with the various members of the group. There is still a lot of the teacher and the coach in me, and beyond that I just try to be as supportive as possible. I respond to virtually everything that is written in my general direction......which in my Retired Mode is not all that difficult to do! Mostly, though, I try to share my love of multisport each and every day --- but also leaven it with an appreciation of the realities (time crunches, injuries, and other assorted speed-bumps) of training towards a goal.
Welcome aboard, those who choose to venture forth!

Edited by stevebradley 2009-12-19 3:35 PM

2009-12-16 3:54 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
hi Steve.. I'd like to join your group this year, (sneaking in through the 'back door').  I'm currently away from home visiting my daughter who's actually having her second baby 3 hours from now.  Will post my bio later.   I'm not a new triathlete but I need help !!!   Hope you will accept me in your group.
2009-12-17 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
I would like to join your group. I am 30 years old, very new to Triathlon. I only have done one marathon 5 years ago. I have got my like. I am very slow in term of swimming and running. I really need instruction, support and care. If you  could help me, I would really appreciate it.

2009-12-17 3:46 PM
in reply to: #2561403

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


I see that you posted in the wee hours, and with three hours 'til arrival at the time of posting........well, right about now you should have your hands (and heart) full; yes?

I won't congratulate you quite yet, because for our first Lynn was in labor for 36 hours before the decision was made to do a c-section. I sure hope that your daughter fared better than that, but ya never know!

ANYHOW, consider yourself the first member of GrooveTime! I would've gladly welcomed you into the fold had you been from Timbucto, but the Ontario address is especially intriguing! Whereabouts in Ontario? I'm in Casselman, about 30 miles east of Ottawa, where it's very cold today and I'm singing the blues because spring seeems soooooo far away!

I'll await your bio, whenever you catch your breath enough and get it together. Any help I can offer, is yours!

Edited by stevebradley 2009-12-18 7:41 AM
2009-12-17 3:59 PM
in reply to: #2565244

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


Glad to have you!

"....instruction, support and care....." ? I can do that, to be sure!

A marathon five years ago, eh? Any other distances of races either before or after? Or, was it just the marathon, which has germinated for five years and is now ready to sprout and blossom into the full glory of triathlon?

You say you are very slow in terms of swimming and running, which is fine because boatloads of folks descrivbe themselves exactly the same. Both areas usually take patience to develop, unless you are one of the Chosen Few who has some innate ability that is as yet untapped.

If you looked into my introductory profile for my other group (which I mention in my profile here), you will have seen that my limiter is swimming. I am average, I guess.......but would just like to have a bit more to show for the 43,607,296 hours I have spent swimming in the past 10 years ! For me, the improvements have come in small and widely-spaced intervals, but that doesn't mean that will be the case for you. I know any number of people who have grown rapidly into very proficient swimmers, so there IS hope!

What is your access to a pool?


2009-12-17 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN

Hi Steve.

I'd love to join your group.  I'm a 44 yr old female living in Niagara Falls.  Never done a tri, but every yr I say this is going to be the yr.  Have previously done some 5ks, 1/2 marys and 2 duathlons (i think those were 12 or so yrs ago!).  I'm following the beginners cycling program on BT in hopes of learning how to be consistent with exercising again.  The fact I have a Caribbean cruise at the end of the month is also some incentive to get moving!  I think being part of a supportive group will help keep the exercise constistent and hopefully get me to at least complete a sprint in 2010!!!



2009-12-17 5:59 PM
in reply to: #2565536

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


YES! This IS going to be the year!

Hey, those 5k, half-mars, and duathlons will come in handy - think of them like you would money in the bank (and collecting interest -- really!).

Good start with the BT cycling program, too, which will end up helping far more than just teaching you to be consistent with exercising again. When did you begin with the program?

Caribbean cruise, eh? Is that an olympic-sized pool on the aftdeck that I'm sensing? I've never been on a cruise, but I figure there would hardly be anything more conducive to consistent training than to have a pool on-board a ship with me! Glub, glub!!!!!

Have you examined the local sprint scene yet? Here's two that come quickly to mind:

Tri In The Buff, July 3 or 4, Angola State Park (I think it's Angola S.P.; it's SW of Buffalo, right on the lake). The website is

Welland Triathlon, June 24 or 25. This is slightly longer than a "regular" sprint, but not ny much -- maybe 750meter swim, 27km bike, 7.5km run; I'll check later. The swim is in the Welland Canal, so choppy water is not an issue. The bike is flat, and the run goes around the canal and is mostly shaded. The website is ( will also get you there).

Glad to have you here!

2009-12-17 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN

Wow, collecting interest??? That’s an unusual concept for me as my money usually doesn’t stay in the bank long enough for that to happen J


I’m in my 5th week of the cycling program. I was doing really well except for the past few days as life has gotten in the way.  I’m going to try to get back on track by squeezing in a ride after work which unfortunately wont be until after 0230 hrs(as you can see I’m working very hard right now) .  So far I’ve been doing all the rides on the trainer and other than major issues with the comfort of my saddle, I’ve been enjoying it. 


You really need to try a cruise.  I’ve been on a few (including 2 amazing trips thru the Panama Canal) and just love them.  None of the ships we’ve been on so far have had an Olympic sized pool.  I have heard of some, however, that have an Endless Pool.  Swimming and I have never really gotten along well. 


I’ve checked out a lot of the upcoming races, but I am unable to commit to anything at present as my life is a little up in the air.  Reader’s Digest version is I currently work full time and carry a full time college course load.  Sept to May I do the school via correspondence. May, June and July I am actually on campus (Ridgetown, Ont) doing the practical portion.  I have submitted a request for 2 months of unpaid leave of absence for this upcoming summer (rest of the time would be my leave time).  Unofficially I have heard that they will not be approving my request.  If that is the case I may be forced to quit my job which leaves me not knowing where I’ll be or what my schedule will be come August.   I was looking at the Victoria Du (May 24th) as that is only 1 ½ hr away from Ridgetown .  I would love to do the Welland tri as I know the area very well, but that one will be right around midterm time. I’ve heard really good things about the various races that are run in and around Buffalo.  Niagara (Aug 8th) Orillia (Aug 22), Guelph 2 (Sept 4) and Milton women’s (Sept 5) are ones that would work with my school schedule and that I would consider.  I would also love to get in some 5 km’s early in the yr and perhaps attempt another half mary next fall. 


What did you teach?  After re-reading what I’ve written, I’m really hoping it wasn’t English.

2009-12-17 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2565714

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


Mercy me, that's quite a load of commitments you have going on! If I had any computer savviness at all, I'd plot your info on a spreadsheet and see if I could then make sense of it!

That said, I think I can see why you might not be ready to even begin to think about making any sort of commitment to any sort of race, any time soon. Not to worry, though --- there are scads of races out there, and all of the ones that have made it on to our posts here are not likely to fill up until moments before the start of the race - if then. That's not to say they aren't good races (they all are), but just that they don't have coveted qualifying positions for some prestigious race attached to them.

The thing with me and cruises is that I'm not very seaworthy; that is, I don't do well with the upppp.....and the dowwnnnn.....of a bobbing boat. Single-engine planes also do me in, so it's not as if I just have a hate on for boats. But, having said that, I hate boats. I can swim in anything and never get freaked or motion-sick, which certainly helps with triathlon! Whew!

For my final 19 years of teaching I was at Akwesasne Mohawk School, near Cornwall, teaching mostly grade 5, a lesser amount of grade 4, and a sprinkling of grade 6. I taught everything except Mohawk Language, Phys. Ed., Music, and Computers, for which there were specialists. And for what it's worth, your English is just fine! My nit-picking days are behind me, so everything you submit here will be ungraded. And there's not even Pass-Fail -- it's all a perfect Pass!!

2009-12-17 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2565761

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN

DEE again -

Just so as not to be accused of playing fast and loose with the facts, I will correct my guesstimate of Welland to state unequivocally that a 30km bike is what is offered. So, even though you probably won't be able to fit it in, at least you now know what it involves!

2009-12-18 5:56 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN

I just want to say a few things:
1. Steve Bradley is the nicest guy you'll EVER meet!
2. He's a stud!
3. Ask him how much boot he kicked last year in his races!
4. I finally know where to find him, thank God! The guy lives north of the Border but trying to get email or a package to him is like trying to get something through to the Pope. I've actually pondered if maybe he's in the Canadien CIA? Is there such a thing?
Anyway - Steve - you ROCK - I love you man. Keep at it as you are an inspiration to us all!

2009-12-18 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2566109

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


Aw, shucks -- you're too kind!

Yup, this is where I hang out. In fact, I was patently obvious all last year with my other mentor group, that went by the prosaic name of stevebradleysmentorgroup. We are still going strong, in fact, currently sitting at 247 pages and a whopping 4927 posts!

I owe you a big long note. About a week after GFT our computer crashed, and in the repair process we lost everything. Everything. The headache was emails and Word-based files; the heartbreak was about 7 years of photos. We had no back-up system. I am still somewhat traumatized by this........and it happened about 6-8 weeks ago!

Anyhow, I owe you a big long note - about GFT, about your story of the UofC tri team, about John Lackey, about, about, about....
And if you still have the email you sent me maybe in late September, could you re-send it? That was, of course, lost in the computer crash. Sigh.

And if you don't find your way back here, I'll write to you at D3. Bye for now!

2009-12-18 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN

Steve, I would love to join your group.  I'm a 51 year old mother of 4 (ages 29, 22, 21 and 11).  Married for 23 years.  This will be my 3rd season of triathlons (6 total), previously super sprints and sprints.  This year my goal is to complete an olympic distance race.  I come from a totally non-athletic background and am currently focusing on my running (having always HATING to run).  I just completed the St. Jude's Half Marathon (my 3rd HM) in Memphis 2 weeks ago and am running in the USA Fit Half Marathon on January 10th and the El Paso 5K in Houston on January 17th.  If you'll have me Smile, I can post a more complete bio a bit later. 


2009-12-18 8:17 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
hi again Steve.  The baby arrived as (pre)scheduled, at 8 am on Wednesday. Last time my daughter had over 20 hours of labour before they had to do a c-section so this time it was planned.. much easier for her and she's doing great and should be coming home today.

I am near Kingston.  Work full time 12 hour shifts, 4 on, 5 off.  I sometimes find it hard to fit much training in on work days, but have lots of time on my days off.  One huge drawback to my job is that it's difficult for me to get time off during the summer, and I do have to work weekends.  (I'm an RN)

My first race ever was the Ottawa marathon in 2000.  I've since run 2 other full marathons (Ottawa and Mohawk-Hudson), several half marathons (Ottawa a few times, a small local one, Toronto this year, one in Belleville) and a number of shorter running races.  Started tri in 2007 after being the runner on a relay team at K-town in 2006.  I wasn't a swimmer other then dog paddle so took some lessons at the Y the fall of 2006 and swam all winter.  Bought a bike in March 2007 and did 6 tris that summer ending with the Canadian half... and decided that was too many races for me in a season.  In 2008 I did only the ottawa half marathon, K-town short course and Muskoka 70.3.  In 2009 I didn't do any tri's, and focused more on running the second half of the year.  Ran the Toronto half marathon with my running partner in Oct.

I have a tentative race schedule planned for this year.  Despite my inconsistency in training and racing I really want to do a full IM distance race in 2010 and am looking at B2B in Nov.  I turn 50 in 2010 and this would be my birthday present to myself. I'll see how the winter goes and make the decision in the spring.

Looking forward to being part of your group this year.

2009-12-18 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2566242

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


You are most definitely part of GrooveTime!

I don't know where to start in congratulating you -- on your accomplishments thus far with the 3 half marathons, or on the remarkable sensibility of your medium- to long-term goals. I will start with the latter.

There is more than one way to skin a cat, and in triathlon terms this can range from the person who hasn't ever done much swimming or cycling or running, but decides to do an ironman RIGHT NOW, to the person who has patiently and steadfastly ascended through the various race distances. You are clearly in that second group, with two previous seasons.....and six races....and all of them being super-sprints and sprints. I LOVE your approach, as it seems that a lot of folks are treating triathlon as just another item on their bucket list, and they do the one-and-out thing and are gone. Whoosh.

For the record, I was a little bit less patient than you've been, but I really respect how you have approached your triathlon "career" thus far. I don't know anything about your results or your relative strengths and weakneses beyond the comments you've made about running, but I have to think that with six races behind you, you are more than ready to tackle - and complete!! - an oly. And not only are you already focusing on what you claim is a weakness (at least mentally - "having always HATING to run"), but with three half marathons to your credit, you have to know that you can tackle the 10km/6.2miles of an olympic run. Is there a specific oly that you're eyeing?

Spring.....Spring.....where is Spring? I'm struggling with this geographic construct, and even though Texas is a rather vast place, I lived in Allen for two years and should know this without so much confusion. My guesses? First is somewhere this side of Abilene. Second is down in Hill Country. Third found me wanting to say north of Big Bend, but then I realize that I think I'm thinking of Alpine. (Alpine....Spring.....they've got a few letters in common, anyhow.) So, third now becomes, I don't know, maybe the other side of Abilene? I guess it's time to hightail it out to the garage and root around in all my maps there and find one for Texas. (Do I get extra credit for doing this?

Send along a more complete bio whenever it is convenient for you. Welcome!

2009-12-18 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2566320

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


Yay for the baby!! Another new addition to the extended family of the group here!

So you did the Canadian Half in '07? So did I! Small world! We must have passed each other a bundle of times on those out-and-backs. I had a great race that day, my best half-iron. I've dobne the half there 3 or 4 times, and the full the first year they offered it, 2005.

2007 was a big year for me racing up ere rather than in the U.S., so if you did five other races that year we might've shared t-zone space elsewhere. My Ontario triathlons that year were Riverkeeper, Smiths Falls, National Capital, Cobourg, Thousand Islands (that must've been one of your six, yes?), and Calabogie. I also did duathlons at Cumberland, Early Bird, Graham Beasley, Tornoton Islands, Wasaga, and Parry Sound. So, do we have any other commonalities beyond The Canadian Half? And to narrow it all down further, it was olys at Riverkeeper, Nat. Cap., and Cobourg, the sprint at Smith Falls and 1000 Islands, and a hybrid at Calabogie.

And B2B! We have to talk about that! I'm seriously considering that one, but seeing as how I have to run off to get to the pool, I'll save that (and other stuff) for a bit later.

Bye for now!

2009-12-18 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
Hi there,

My name is Anne and I would love to join your mentor group.   I am 58 years old, with one child and madly in love iwth my husband (who has also take up tri's).   Decided to do my first try-a-try 4 1/2 years ago.   I didn't know how to swim (was afraid to put face in water) and didn't run.   Even though I wasn't biking, I had always loved to cycle.   Despite being last out of the water (over 14 min), I was hooked.   I started with the Women's Triathlon series and moved to co-ed 3 years ago.

Did TAT's for a couple of years, was off with injury for the next season, moved up to sprints; raced at Vancouver World's in 2008 and this past year did my first Olympic (which I REALLY enjoyed) and did a 1/2 Iron distance Aqua/Bike which I loved. 

Running has been my biggest struggle due to injuries resulting from trying to run too fast, too soon.   Although I am still slow in swimming, I am confident and love it as well.   I can do a 750meter open water distance in just over 17 min. 

I am determined to conquer running but feel I need some coaching to keep me from doing 'silly' things.    Example - last year pre season was doing welll with running and in April ran a 5km, an 8km, a 10km and a sprint triathlon in 4 consecutive weekends.   Came 1st in my age in the running but it was too much of a strain on my legs and although I had a good season this year, was held back because of it.   Had to ease up on training AND race effort, but at least I didn't injure myself.

I haven't been doing strength training for a couple of years and feel that was a mistake.   I have taken up Bikram Yoga the past year and am focussing on that for my off season cross training/strength.   Has realigned old injuries and built up my leg and hip strength and flexibilty and strength in core and spine.   Have continued with swimming but backed off on the bike and running the past several weeks.

Would like to start some good tri specific base building January 1st while I continue with Bikram.   Will be x-country skiing as well, weather permitting.

I am happy with my weight but wouldn't complain if I lost 2-3 pounds.  Laughing   I am kind of competitive.  

For 2010, I would like to do a couple of sprints, a TAT (trying to get a PB); 2 Olympics and another 1/2 Iron Aqua Bike.   My "A" race will be Muskoka long course in July.   I think I might be able to handle running the 15km with some proper coaching.  

Can't think of anything else at the moment.  Hope you still have room for another member. 

2009-12-18 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2559115


Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
Hello, have you got room for one more?

I am a 43 year old newbie from Kimberley, British Columbia.  I have been the runner for a triathlon team a few times but never done a whole one.  I have some minor, learning how to swim to do first.  Lessons start next month!

Let me know if there is room and I will post a more thorough bio.  :-
2009-12-18 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
Hi Steve,

My name is Steve as well - Steve Aquavia.  Would like to join  the group if you still have room.

Story - I ran the LA Marathon about 10 years ago and swore "NEVER AGAIN!"  Then, 5 years ago, I tried the Nautica Malibu Sprint tri distance with a bunch of friends at work.  Since then, I've done it every year, this past year stepping up to the Olympic distance.  Each year, I've done progressively better, both in training and results.  This past season, in stepping up to the OLY distance, I stepped up the training as well and really had fun.  Ended up in the top 20% of my AG and decided it was Ironman time!  I'd say I'm pretty balanced across all three sports which is to say I'm not particularly stellar in any of them (no formal training or background), but enjoy them all.  If I had to choose a strength, its the bike.  But last year, I really began to enjoy the swim (particularly open water swims) and the run is coming along. 

Family Status:  Married 2+ years, no kids, and a wildly supportive and wonderful wife.  Whenever I feel like I'm not doing enough (recent illness in the family and was down with the flu myself), her immediate response is, "then we're getting you back on track, don't worry about me, I want you to succeed at this!"

Current Training - doing my best to follow the beIronFit program.  I'm on week 1 of the build phase, though I have been laid low this week with the stomach flu.  I also missed about 15% of the base program traveling back east to take care of my mom who fell ill.  But right now, assuming the stomach settles in the coming day(s), it's back to work.  My only real limitation right now is the swim.  All the public pools in LA are closed until January for filtration repair.  I'm getting in at least one long swim at Malibu per week along with my long ride on Saturday mornings.  I'm hoping to keep that swim base going (about 1.5 - 1.75 miles on Saturdays) until the pools open again and I can start mid-week training again.  Other than that, I'm doing it myself, indoor trainer for the bike mid-week, neighborhood runs (no gym memberships), etc.

2010 Races:  Signed up for IM St. George in May (I know, hills, hills and more hills!), and Vineman in July.  Will likely do the Nautica OLY again in September, and if the body is up to it, perhaps Silverman at the end of the season (I know...hills...)

Weight Loss - FINALLY!  I am 5'9", and had more of a weight lifter's build until this past year.  In training for the OLY, I dropped to 162, and have held there since.  I don't diet.  I eat whatever I want, but with the increase in distance and intensity, the pounds came off.  The body seems to like this weight now, but I suspect a few more will come off as I get through the build and peak phases of IM training.  I'd like to be somewhere between 155 and 160 for the IMSG, as I'm concerned about losing power/strength below that.

Looking forward to reading/participating in the forum!

2009-12-18 3:19 PM
in reply to: #2566686

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN

latestarter and lmcvetty and SAquavia - yes and yes and yes!

Anne and Steve -- very interesting bios!
Linda (I peeked) -- anxious to see your bio!

I will get back to you one by one, starting shortly.

Welcome and welcome and welcome!

2009-12-18 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2566473

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


Aw........right church, wrong pew.

Do I at least get partial credit for connecting your Houston-orbiting Spring with the Big Spring that is west of Abilene? Please?

2009-12-18 3:51 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
Dou you have room for 1 more?

NAME:  Dwayne Richardson

STORY: Will be 53 in January did 1 sprint in Oct 2008 right leg kept hurting after running, or walking.  Went to local Orthopedic Surgeon.  Was told it was Arthritis and not to run any more.  Finally got a 2nd opinion and a shot in my back that fixed the problem and i am starting all over again.

FAMILY STATUS: 26 yo son  21yo daughter in college majoring in meteorology and 6month old granddaughtter

CURRENT TRAINING: Riding bike mainly on trainer and combination of run /walk every other day. Will start back in pool after 1st of year. (this is my worst sport) Have been lazy about logging training but will start on Monday


2010 RACES: At least 2 sprints

WEIGHTLOSS:  This is my main goal after not exercising for about a year and eating what I shouldn't I need to lose at least 30 lbs. I have been off nicotine(snuff) for 2 months and that resulted in some more weight gain

Edited by Dwayne 2009-12-18 3:51 PM
2009-12-18 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
Hi All!  I also would like to join this group if there is still room.  I am afraid, however, that I will need the most help.  I ran routinely when I was younger (never competitively), but had not run in 20 years until I started very slowly again in October.  Over the last couple of years I have lost the 100 pounds I gained since I quit running in 1988 after injuring my knee, have started strength training again and have rid myself of sciatica through Pilates training.    My 26 year old niece just moved back from Norway and is going to run a triathalon in the spring.  One of my trainers at the gym also is a triathlete and is designing a training program for me. 

I must admit I am afraid to even tell anyone I am thinking about doing this.  When I started running again in October, my goal was to run a 5K in 2010 just to stay I did it in my 56th year.  Now I am setting my sights higher.  I did some swimming, very short distances, for the first time in 30 years late summer and early fall.  I also got on a bike for the first time in more than 10 years but have only ridden occasionally for short distances.  Given my age and how out of shape I am, I am shooting for the fall of 2010 for a tri-sprint.  Swimming will be my biggest challenge as I have rotator cuff issues that my trainer also is working with me to alleviate but it definitely limits my ability to swim freestyle. 

So at this point I'm not even sure where to start, other than working on the strength training and running.  I just found this website so have lots to read through but suggestions certainly would be appreciated!
2009-12-18 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2567693

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


In and in!

I am now hairline-deep in backlog here, but I'll work hard tonight to get caught up with your first posts.

See you soon!

Welcome aboard!

2009-12-18 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2566686

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


Wow, there's a lot to respond to there!

First, can you tell me about your running-induced injuries? You mention several instances, but where exactly were you injured? For the record, I have been oft-injured myself, and at some point I will list all that has ailed me over the years. I still make the sick little joke that I'm working hard to become the first kid on my block to collect all the major lower-body injuries, but all that is is laughing just to keep from crying!

Seriously, I actually do know a lot about injuries and their treatment -- as well as how (in a perfect world....) to avoid them. I have gotten much wiser about my running over the past few years......although that didn't stop me from developing a case of iliotibial band friction syndrome 13 days before Kiawah Marathon, which I decided to bail on just to avoid doing more damage to myself.

So, when you get a chance give me a rundown of your various injuries, and we'll start from there by way of trying to keep you running healthily!

Your progression through the distances has been very admirable, with lots of time spent cutting your teeth on the shorter stuff. It's great to hear that you really enjoyed your oly experience, and the combination of that and your love affair with the HIM aqbk hints that you're definitely ready to bump up your distances -- if that's what you want to do, that is!

Vancouver Worlds, eh? I qualified to go in the oly, but bailed -- and was glad of it, given what sounded like terrrible weather and poor race management. Did you experience either of those, or was the sprint the next day after the bad weather had passed --- and hopefully a few glitches were worked out with the running of the event?

It sounds like you've come a long ways with the swimming, to get from last out of the water to 17 minutes for 750 meters! What is your access to pools? Also, do you get much of a chance to do open water swims, and, if so, do you use a wetsuit?

I did Bikram in winter '00 as a bridge between a tibial stress fracture (which got me into triathlon from just pure running) and the start of my triathlon training. I really liked it a lot, although I am one of the 14 most-inflexible people on the planet. I haven't returned to it since then, however, largely because I can't really fit that commitment on to my plate. (Also, i can't really afford it!) It's great that you've had so much success with it, and that you feel it is helping you in so many ways. The Bikram Corporation thanks you!

Your plan is about where mine is right now --- backing off the bike and run, but still swimming and working on strength (in my case, in the gym, lifting). I will kick things up a bunch o' notches come January sometime. And, as with you, cross-country skiing is also out there, although my style is classic, not skate; sadly, being on skis is not intuitive for me.

Finally (for now), the build through your schedule leading up to Muskoka looks superb. Nicely planned, Anne! Which olympics are you looking at? Also, which aqbk? Not all that far from you is Musselman, in Geneva, NY, which offers the aquabike. That is a GREAT race, with the HIM on Sunday, the sprint (Mini-Mussel) on Staurday, and this year the inaugural Micro-Mussel on Friday evening. Check that out at -- what a hoot!

I did DoubleMussel88.7 in '08, and aim for Musselman alone for '10; in '04 I did Mini-Mussel. He (Jeff Henderson) puts on a wonderful weekend, so that's one you might want to look into.

Okay, then! I think that's it for now --- but get back to me about the specifics of the injuries, okay?

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