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2009-12-23 9:03 AM

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Central New Jersey
Subject: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
NAME: wwlani/Lani

STORY: A paragraph about me, hmm, who is bored enough to read??? Ok, let's see 41 yr old, mom (13 yr old son), wife (of 18+ years) and part time Weight Watchers employee (hubby calls it my paying hobby, tri's don't pay in cash, just emotions). I lost 73 1/2 pounds in 2002 after my son asked if I was going to have a baby. Yeah, that will motivate you. Started running when losing when my weight, who knew I would enjoy activity like I do? It was certainly a surprise to me! After 2 years of strictly running, I got bored, and broke out an old bike. Yup, guess where that led...To tri's. Found one near my in-laws in Florida (how hard could one be, I can bike and run, oh yeah, I NEVER learned how to swim with my face in the water. Small problem. Got that fixed (well, as best one can), and complete 4 tri's in 2006. Here I am 4 years later, going into year 5! Loving it more than I thought I would. Have completed 11 tri's in the last 4 years, working on Saturday's really can restrict your race options (not next year though, no longer work Saturdays). Ok, this wasn't so short, sorry!

FAMILY STATUS: Happily married

CURRENT TRAINING: As much as I can, guess I need to start using the BT logs (in addition to my PC) if I'm going to mentor!

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Steelman Tri (Sprint), NJ State Tri (Oly), Tiger Shark Tri, Fl (Sprint - and yes there are sharks in the waters)

2010 RACES: NJ State (sprint, swim as part of relay, getting 2 newbies into the sport), Cayuga Lake Tri (Oly), Tiger Shark Tri

WEIGHTLOSS: Lost 73 1/2, have put back on about 10, and it needs to go! Even though I work for WW, I will not be commenting on weight loss as part of WW. That is my job, tri's are my passion, if you need to lose weight, use whatever program works best for you, I'll support you any way I can

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: Gee, I love the sport, I've seen what I can accomplish, and if I can do it, anybody can. I love to see others do more than they thought possible. I became USAT Level 1 coach last year (and Level 3 USACycling coach) as I discovered just how much I enjoyed helping someone learn to ride their bike (yes, an adult, just like a kid, had to balance their new road bike and run behind them!), learn to handle their bike on the road, run, and yes, even swim! This is my opportunity to give back to the sport (and to those at BT) who have given and shared so much with me over the years! Newbie or experienced, doesn't matter, we can all learn from each other, I'll just be the team cheerleader and motivator to get us all there!


Edited by wwlani 2009-12-25 12:28 PM

2009-12-23 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2575000

New user

Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open

Hi, I'm interested in joining your mentor group.  I'm currently on WW and am loving it.  Brand new to BT and triathlons (as well as swimming and biking), and looking forward to this whole tri-sport insanity that I am reading about.

My primary goal is weight loss and being a more active Dad/husband.  I feel like the competition (against myself and my own times) of triathlons will be an additional motivator beyond my WW point tracking.

I'm 30 years old, very happily married, and have a 2.5 yr old son and a 6 week old daughter.  I started WW and exercising in October after a rude weight awakening at my physical.  So far I have dropped 25 pounds, and am feeling happy about being more active.

Really looking forward to being part of your mentor group.

2009-12-23 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2575685

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
Welcome Seth! A 6 week old daughter hope you're getting some sleep! Have you picked any races for this year yet?
2009-12-23 3:19 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
I too would like to join your group. It seems you may be in the Jersey area, so why not. I have been doing marathon's for 12 years and have done a total of 16 marathons with a PR of 3:15, but that was many years ago pre-kids. I am 39 and promised I would do an Ironman before the end of my 40th year. Well guess what happens next year...and guess who is registered for Lake Placid. I have done tris in the past but took some time off due to the kids, son 4, daughter 2. Plan on doing Jersey Man 1/2 or Rev 3 Quassy 1/2 in late spring as a "warm up", doing IMLP in July and will probably do Belly of the Beast in September. After that who knows. Wasnt planning on using the BT log - but mayb, just maybe, I will starting 1/1/10.

Thanks Lani and please, keep me on track and motviated.
2009-12-23 3:42 PM
in reply to: #2575754

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
Scott - Welcome, I'm just outside Bridgewater. Lake Placid - Awesome, I have a friend (locally) doing that, we'll have to see about some training rides!

As an FYI - I don't know if Jerseyman or Belly of the Beast will happen this year, one of the RD's was in a horrific accident last fall just before the race and is still in the rehab hospital.

2009-12-23 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
Sucks about the RD - I had heard about that, but still put them on the calendar in hopes. Maybe I should just do Rev 3 Quassy as a warmup, but the convenience of the location of Jerseyman was untouchable. I am in South Orange if that helps with any thing.

2009-12-23 5:41 PM
in reply to: #2575713

New user

Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
wwlani - 2009-12-23 2:49 PM Welcome Seth! A 6 week old daughter hope you're getting some sleep! Have you picked any races for this year yet?

Not getting loads of sleep right now, but it is steadily getting better. 

The first Tri that I would like to do is the Rebel Man Sprint on 3/28.  The swim portion is at an indoor pool, which I am glad of because the open water swim is one of the most intimidating parts for me.

Assuming things go well at the Rebel Man tri and my training is going well, then I might try for the Memphis in May Olympic Tri at the end of May.  This might be a bit ambitious though.  With my first ever swim and bike being last week I still have yet to determine what my abilities are for those two because my comfort level isn't there yet.

Running definitely seems my strong leg at this point.

2009-12-24 7:49 AM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
Any suggestions of local longer events that I can use as a warm up if the Jersey Man doesnt happen. Also not interested in paying huge entry fees like that of Rev 3. $250 ouch - already spent 600 for LP plus hotel and time off of work.
2009-12-24 7:57 AM
in reply to: #2576536

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
I started looking around last night. I'll let you know what I find!
2009-12-24 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2575000

Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
I would like to join your group as well.

My name is Maggie.  Will be married 3 years in feb to a wonderful moroccan.  I have two grown children ages 23 and 20.

I got a kick start watching the biggest loser finale and seeing how much weight those people had lost in total.   I had been going to the gym and doing some cardio and weights, but nothing consistent. Then a girl in one of my groups decided to do a 5k as a goal for spring.  In looking at training programs I found 2 couch to 5ks, one set to music via podcast.  I am now on week 2 of that training and have lost 12 lbs since Thanks giving.  Goal is for another 5 before I leave to see my husband in Morocco for 3weeks. Then we fly back together. (he hasn't seen me since I started this quest)

I have just begun to look for races and did join an local online group that will begin training support after the holidays.

Merry Christmas to you all and I look forward to training with you.

2009-12-24 1:22 PM
in reply to: #2576961

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
Maggie - Welcome - happy to add another female to the group (other than me!) Awesome job on the weight loss so far! We will all accomplish what we want if we work together!

Merry Christmas to you, Scott and Seth!


2009-12-24 1:52 PM
in reply to: #2575000

Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
I would love to join your group!

I am a slow, slightly chubby athlete.  I would like to be a faster athlete.  In college I developed a love for being active and did a couple 5k and 10ks.  Kids and family changed my focus and while I was active, I was not in shape.  Christmas 2007 was my moment of decision.  I would be fit again!!!!  So 2008 I trained for and completed my first marathon-- I finished with "running" almost all of it -- but it took me 7 hours (like I said, I am REALLY slow).  A friend was training for a triathlon at the same time and after watching her, I decided to try it.  I did my first triathlons last year  and loved the experience.  I even came in second place in my first race (there were two of us in the Athena division!
This year I want to focus on the run and set a new PR  on a marathon.

Family Status: Married to a fellow slow, slightly chubby athlete with 4 kids (11,9, 6,4)

Current Training:  I have been focusing on fat loss and strength training for the off season-  weights twice a week, aerobics 3 times a week.  I've had breathing problems all fall and finally learned that I have asthma.  Yeah--Now I can go back to real training.

2008 Races:  Timp Ice Breaker, Federal Escape

2009 Races: Timp Ice Breaker (march), Provo Marathon (june) and one more tri later in the season-- I have to cooperate with my husband's training schedule.

Weight Loss:  I am slowly loosing the baby weight.  since Christmas 2007 I have lost about 30 lbs.  I would love to loose  10-20 more, but the real focus is on getting the body fat percentage down.
2009-12-24 1:59 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
Hi I'm Susan and would love to join your group.

I'm on Jenny Craig and have lost about 19 lbs so far. My goal is to lose 47 more.

I am a brand new triathlete.  I am woefully out of shape but am psyched to use this as a vehicle (and motivator) to get me in shape.  I'm using Michael Pate's 22 week sprint tri plan and am in my first week.  So far so good!

I also just bought myself a Christmas present - a membership to Team CWW a local women's tri training club here in Denver.  No turning back now!

I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you.
2009-12-24 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2575000

New user

Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
Hi Lani,

  1. Happy Holidays
    Karen Pettus

I would like to join your mentor group.  I am 55yr old and have never done a tri before.  I started running two years ago to improve my stamina and got hooked.  I have completed two 10k races and was training for a half marathon this fall when I got pneumonia.  I am just now starting to run again.  I enjoy swimming and cycling I just need to improve my times in each area.  In 2007 we were on vacation in Hawaii during the Ironman, just a coincidence, but we watched some of the race and I am now hooked.  We returned to Hawaii this fall to volunteer.  I hope to complete a local tri in my area this spring, Tri the Midlands.  I have looked into Team in Training but I don't think they are doing any tri's in our area this spring.  I too would like to loose about 20 pounds and just be healthier all around.   We have two grown children, our son is a paramedic and our daughter is a medic in the Air Force.  Last fall I ran the Air Force 10K and this fall my husband and I plan to run the 1/2 marathon.  I work at the University of South Carolina and train 5-8 hours per week.  I also need to add weight lifting to my trainging plan.  I am looking forward to getting to know you and working together. 

Happy Holidays
Karen Pettus

2009-12-24 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
Erica, Susan and Karen - WELCOME! Wow, 6 peeps in 2 days I feel like Sally Field, "they like me" (well you don't me yet, but I think we will all know each other well soon enough!)

You guys (and girls) are just the type of group I was hoping for, not that experienced triathletes aren't fun, but I LOVE watching and helping people get started or keep going, and that seems like just what we've got here.

So, since some of you are brand new to BT, I would like to ask a few questions, might be different answers for each of you, that's ok, just trying to figure out how best to keep us organized.

1) Will you log your workouts on BT?
2) If you do are you interested in any feedback?
3) What are YOU hoping to get out of this experience? (I can't help if I don't know what you expect)
4) How often do you plan to check "our" thread? Daily, weekly, etc.
5) Would you like a daily motivational thought/idea/tri tip or weekly

That should get us started, and I would also add that if you have ANY questions, post them here (or on the appropriate BT forum) if I don't know the answer I will get the answer for you ASAP

Merry Christmas to you all, and I hope you have a wonderful day with your friends and family!

2009-12-25 6:31 AM
in reply to: #2575000

Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
I hope we can work together and I appreciate your effort and feedback.  Please forgive the length of this post, but I didn't want to forget anything!

FAMILY: I'm a 40 year old married man with a 12 year old boy.

ATHLETIC AND FITNESS HISTORY: I swam competitively through high school and have basically been gaining weight since then.  I've peaked over 200 pounds a few times and as age creeps up and the family history of heart and circulatory issues becomes clearer I became motivated to manage my weight better.  Now I'm 194 and ultimately thinking a weight in the 180s with some level of fitness may be appropriate for my 5' 11" height.  However, the number is less important than the level of visible fitness.

12 months ago I began resistance training, started cycling consistently last spring, began running late summer, and returned to the pool in the fall.  I'd been interested in tri since junior high school but never had time/opportunity/motivation to involve myself until the need to exercise intersected my new home on a lake with a bik/run trail where a sprint triathlon is held every June, the Lake Pflugerville Triathlon 500yds/14mi/3mi.

CURRENT FITNESS: I'm most confident about my swim, but I know my cardio will be the big challenge there with strength being a second area of concern.  I'm confident in my technique, though I may see a coach to be sure I haven't missed any innovations in the last 25 years.  Question: How much difference will a wetsuit make in a 300-800m race in 70-80 degree water? 

I'm confident about my cycling, as I've spent many hours on the local tri bike course.  I'm amazed at the muscles I've found in my legs now that I've applied myself!  I'm planning to purchase a road bike early in the year with clipless pedals so I can increase efficiency there.  I'm looking at a Felt Z-100 and also want to upgrade my bike computer to one that measures cadence.  I'm thinking road bike initially because I'd also like to be able to ride with cycling clubs and/or compete in road races.  Question: Do you have recommendations or preferences in these areas?

I'd never run my whole life so I bought a copy of The Beginning Runners Handbook knowing I'd need some sort of coaching.  It's designed to prepare me for a 10k, which is more than I'd need for my local sprint tri, but I know I can also use the cardio conditioning.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I've read 3 books on tri training and each has sample exercise programs, but all suggest I be confident in all 3 sports before beginning their program.  So I continue the running program and bricks to improve swimming and cycling conditioning.

RACE PLANS:  I'm considering a local swim/run race (Pure Austin Splash and Dash 750m/3k) being held in April and May prior to the June tri, then some more tris later in 2010.  Maybe even a sprint tri (ultra sprint 'Rookie Triathlon' 300m/11mi/2mi) in May, before the June one.

WORKOUTS: I work long hours so most outdoor workouts are weekends or summertime evenings.  Otherwise when days are short or weather is poor I'm at the gym.  Due to schedule demands I have a hard time committing to a strict workout cadence, but I get out 2 to 4 days a week, I never work the same discipline 2 days in a row, and I try to emphasize greatest areas for improvement or general conditioning in any given workout.

I've been sick a few weeks now so have really missed working out, and looking forward to getting back in the swing once I can breathe again!

I'll really appreciate whatever time or ideas you can offer!

ANSWERS TO SOME OF YOUR QUESTIONS:  I can post workouts if you think doing so would be helpful, certainly if we develop a plan together.

I'm optimistic I can finish fairly well in the tri if I can keep improving my cycling technique and conditioning.  Besides the weight loss, the competitor in me is looking for top 10 in age group or top 25 overall.  Under an hour is my aspiration but I think even 1:20 would put me in a good finishing position.  I know this may be naive, and I'll exercise smart not dangerously, but the added 'goal' does help motivate trips to the gym and getting off work a little earlier to get out on the road or track. 

Question: Do you know whether the thread can be set to email updates to us?  It would make it easier to keep up as well to login and update.

Happy holidays to you as well!


Edited by dylanco 2009-12-25 7:37 AM

2009-12-25 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2575000

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
Dylan - Merry Christmas and welcome to the group!

Lots, of questions, but for now (before my family starts asking why I'm surfing again!) Yes, you can do this and we can help you!

You can modify the settings (see the wrench on the top just above "races"?) There is an option there on on e of the tabs to get email notifications when a thread you posted too is updated.

I'll get to the rest of your questions later today!

2009-12-25 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2575000


Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
I would love to join your group!  My name is Christine, I am 36 yrs old, and have been a runner for the past 10 years (minus time off for 2 children!!)  I have run a full marathon several years ago, but prefer half marathons or less (last year I ran 4 of them).  I also have a personal trainer twice a week.  Recently, I began swimming and my husband got me a racing bike, so all I need is a good cheerleader and mentor to help me be successful with my first triathlon.  I am definately looking forward to this! 
2009-12-25 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2577370

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
1) Will you log your workouts on BT? 2) If you do are you interested in any feedback? 3) What are YOU hoping to get out of this experience? (I can't help if I don't know what you expect) 4) How often do you plan to check "our" thread? Daily, weekly, etc. 5) Would you like a daily motivational thought/idea/tri tip or weekly

1. Yes
2. Definitely!
3. Kindred spirits. And the opportunity to celebrate everyone's success.
4. Daily
5. Yes!
2009-12-25 12:25 PM
in reply to: #2577520

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
cverni - do you have a real name?

I am an awesome cheerleader (although I don't have the body of one ) Welcome to our group!

I'm going to close the group as we are now at 8

2009-12-25 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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New user

Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
Hello All! I would love to join this group! Laughing

My name is Kari, I am 25 years old. I live in South Jersey currently, but the Pacific Northwest will always be my home. I've been a Coast Guard wife for 4 years. We currently have no children. I am about the laziest person around. This past summer, I looked at my parents, their weight(overweight/unhealthy), and the habits they have, and instilled in me, and I didn't like what I saw. My Husband leads a very active lifestyle, and is in shape. People think I am in shape because I am skinny, but I'm not/wasn't. My goal is to make running and being active a lifestyle for me, not a chore. When I do have children (which is soon..?) I want these values to continue on to them.

So, I started working out and running in October - consistantly. I completed my first 5k on Thanksgiving, it was slow, but I DID IT! I need a goal to help me train. This spring, we are tranferring to Seattle (HOME!!). There really is nothing down here before I transfer, so I am hoping to sign up for a Tri to welcome me to my new home!Smile

2009-12-25 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Open
Hiya all,

Though I joined another mentor group earlier, I'd like to join you as well if I could.  Come March, I will be entering my second year of triathlons and I could really use some help with combining weight loss with triathlon training.  Last year, I grew a bit frustrated because I plateaued hard, both in terms of weight loss and performance gains, due to not eating the right balance of foods.  This group seems like it could really help me in terms of those two things as well allowing me to share the little bit that I have learned from training and racing so far.  Finding a group like this seems a little difficult around here because when I read many peoples' weight loss goals here, it consists of 10 lbs so they can move to the low teens or single digit body fat%.   

It also would be nice to take part in a group with some people not terribly far from me since I live near the Long Island border with Queens, NY. 

Here's my intro:

NAME: Shawn

STORY: I am 33 year old ex-athlete who blew out his shoulder while playing baseball in College and then moved to New York City.  I dabbled in tennis (my serves were hee-larious as I tried to not aggravate my shoulder) and then did a fair amount of hiking when I finally moved back out of the city.  Since then, I’ve gotten the shoulder fixed, mucked it back up again by trying to do too much too soon and moved back to NYC.  This time I learned my lesson though and moved out near Long Island though. 

I took up triathlons last year as a challenge to myself.  I have always played team or competitive sports against someone, a scoreboard, etc.  Triathlons are only against yourself, which is a huge change for me.  I also always saw running as a means to an end (you run to get more fit so you can do your sport better) or as a form of punishment (drop the ball, that’s two laps!).  I am coming around but it’s been a long slow process.

My first season was very mixed, to say that least.  I signed up for 7 races and actually only did 3.  Two of the missed races were due to injury,  another one was because the swim was rained out and I was not confident enough in my running to do a duathlon (probably my biggest regret from last year) and the last race I missed because I can be a headcase. 

On the other hand, the races that I did do were very enjoyable and pushed me in new and exciting ways.  As a matter of fact, the last race that I did had the swim rained out again (I was starting to get a complex) and turned into a duathlon.  With a little encouragement (not to mention big boot in the arse) from my now wife, I actually did it.  It ended up being great because I ran the longest distance in one day that I ever have in my life.  I definitely wouldn't still be at BT if I hadn't enjoyed my races so much. 

FAMILY STATUS: Just married on November 12, though we’ve been together for 9 and lived together for over 7 year now.  We also have two foster care cats.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently doing an introductory sprint plan and then I will be moving on an Olympic bridge and the full Olympic plan to prepare for the Nautica New York City Triathlon in July.

2009  RACES: 3 sprint tri’s – out of 7 I signed up for (see above).  That’s just so embarrassing to write to but I have to own it if I want to move forward and not let it happen again.

2010 RACES:  I just began looking at my race schedule a little more fully.  Currently, I have sprints in May and June and an Olympic in July.  I am contemplating another Olympic in September and possibly even a half-iron in November, if my early season goes well.  I am also thinking of sprinkling in some duathlons as well since I won’t get any better at running if I don’t do it.

WEIGHTLOSS: I’m down 15 lbs from when I started but back up 10 lbs from the 25 lbs I had lost when I gave up/got too busy in the fall.  I really would love to lose another 50 lbs and need to commit to keeping up with my weight watchers online tracking tool to do so because triathlon training alone doesn’t seem to do the trick for me.  I am trying to catch myself up and learn more about proper nutrition for training and competing in endurance type sports, which are so different from that I used to do "back in the day."

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I had a great experience in my mentor group in the summer and learned a tremendous amount from them.  I think I am starting to get the basics of training and racing down but I want to learn more as well as have some folks that I can hold myself accountable to.  I also want some guidance as I build upon my first year of racing and go into my second with the goal of doing longer distances and losing some weight.

Okay – I know that was a load to read but I thought I’d introduce myself fully. 

In answer to your questions:

wwlani - 2009-12-24 10:03 PM Eri1) Will you log your workouts on BT? 2) If you do are you interested in any feedback? 3) What are YOU hoping to get out of this experience? (I can't help if I don't know what you expect) 4) How often do you plan to check "our" thread? Daily, weekly, etc. 5) Would you like a daily motivational thought/idea/tri tip or weekly That should get us started, and I would also add that if you have ANY questions, post them here (or on the appropriate BT forum) if I don't know the answer I will get the answer for you ASAP Merry Christmas to you all, and I hope you have a wonderful day with your friends and family! Lani

1.  Yes - I have found it very helpful to log all my workouts
2.  I can use any feedback that anyone is willing to give.  I was always told I was very "coachable." 
3.  I'd like to meet other folks in similar situations so that we can share in our successes and learn from each other.  I also hope that since so many other people here are new, I can share the very little bit that I have learned so far.  A kick in the arse every now and a slap to tell me not to take myself so seriously sometimes also wouldn't hurt.  
4.  I'm a desk jockey at work so I'll be checking this daily.
5.  I'm always for motivational tips and/or information, whether it is daily or weekly is entirely up to how often you want to share them.

2009-12-25 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
HELLO to Kari and Shawn - What an awesome group we are going to have!! I am so excited to be able to share my knowledge with you all and see what we can all accomplish together!

Hope you are all having a great day!

2009-12-26 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2575000

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Good morning ladies and gentleman! What is on your training agenda for today?

Me - I'm heading to the pool to try out my new Swim-o-vate watch (BTW, I am a total gadget geek!)

Today's inspiration - "Minimum effort, maximum efficiency" Carlos Gracie Jr.

2009-12-26 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2575000

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Training agenda today: Walk 25 mins

Thursday night: Blew it.

Every Christmas Eve my partner Annette and I have champagne and crab legs and open our gifts.  My Jenny Craig counselor helped me incorporate this into my meal plan for the week since it's a 10 year tradition I didn't want to break.  I had 2 glasses of Dom as planned, 4 oz of crab legs and some steamed broccoli.

Got some excellent gifts (Kindle!) and then a bottle of Ouzo appeared from a Greek friend.  I honestly have no clue how much of it I drank. I was just going to have a taste and then I just kept refilling my glass!  I have no idea why.

What I do know is that I had a RAGING hangover all Christmas Day and today I'm up 2 lbs.  Not good.

I feel *really* stupid and disappointed in myself.  Cry

I guess the good news is that was my only cheat. Even though that hangover would have drastically improved with a HUGE greasy cheeseburger and a bloody mary, I did NOT go there.

Today back on the wagon (in more ways than one), focus on my training and find a way to get the cookies my neighbor baked OUT OF HERE.
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