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2009-12-24 1:37 PM

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Tyler, TX
Subject: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

NAME: famelec / Brian (I used to have a side internet business called Family Electronics, hence the tagname)

STORY:  A few years ago I was in a mid-life funk.  I had a great job and great family, but something was missing.  To get out of that funk I tried to think about the happiest times in my life and what made them happy.  Among the things were being incredibly healthy (I was a swimmer in college) and riding motorcycles (I had 6 at one time, and once took an 8-month wander from Ohio through Nicaragua and back).  So I got a motorcycle and started exercising a bit.  The motorcycle thing only lasted about a year, but the exercise thing was kind of fun.  In late 2006 I entered a 5k that ran through my neighborhood and enjoyed it.  Later I entered a triathlon on a whim and very undertrained, but enjoyed it even though was 24th of 27 in my AG and near the bottom overall. 

At first my goal in triathlon was to become healthy and finish the races.  In my second year I surprised myself by getting faster than expected.  In my third year I was shooting for the AG podium in local races and actually racing with a strategy in the larger, more competitive races.  2010 will be my fourth year in triathlons and my goal is to be more competitive with the fast guys in my AG at larger races.   

FAMILY STATUS: Happily married for 16 years.  My daughter will turn 13 in January.  I'm 47, though my race age is 48 ;(

CURRENT TRAINING:  My key triathlon training season is about six months from January through June when I'll average a minimum of 10+ hours of training each week when all goes right.  I'll do another three months of run focused training and three months of casual training with no specific plan. 

Most of my swimming is with a local Masters team.  I bike commute once or twice a week so that helps get in bike miles without taking too much time away from home.  I run solo since that is most convenient for me.

My strength is definitely the swim.  I actually enjoy the bike and the run more, though, since that's where I get the satisfaction of seeing more improvement with training.

I enjoy and am more competitive in Sprints and Olympic distance race. I like the shorter distances since you can actually go fast, and I especially like the Olympic distance since the swim is proportionately longer and gives me a bit of an advantage.  That being said, I'll likely do another half Ironman this year since I also like the challenge of going longer.

 (2009) LoneStar Sprint, Capital of Texas Olympic, Tri-It-In Spanish sprint, Buffalo Springs 70.3, San Antonio RocknRoll Half Marathon.  I also did an OW swim race and a swim meet for fun this year.

2010 RACES:  Capital of Texas Olympic distance, Hawaii 70.3 (hopefully), San Antonio RocknRoll Half Marathon.  I'll also do some duathlons, sprints, and swims either as prep races for just for fun.

WEIGHTLOSS: I've lost about 25 lbs slowly since I started training and am at a good weight now.  I'm a believer in eating reasonably healthy food most of the time, and in moderate quantities. 


I expect I'll be a good mentor since I know what it's like to be a beginner and what it takes to get through that first year.  I know the struggles of balancing job, family, and training.  I also know that good training and eating right can lead to a happier and healthier life.  While you'd think my college swimming background would make a better swim mentor, I actually think I have more to offer in running and biking since I actually know the trials and tribulations of going from a beginner to a relatively strong runner and cyclist while trying to avoid injury (I wasn't good at the avoiding injury part).

I was a mentee in 2007 and had a great experience!

2009-12-27 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2577093

New user

Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
I would love to join this mentor group i just completed my first half marathon in nov, have taken most that time off doing some light workouts in the gym and would just love to be part of this group. i want to complete an olympic tri sometime this summer, with a sprint between then and now. 23 male, seattle. thanks

Edited by bramdizle 2009-12-28 12:10 PM
2009-12-27 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi Brian, My name is Tiernan from the UK and I would like to join your group.

I am 31, and quite fit, I have played amateur rugby for the past 14 years and am at an age now where i feel the bumps for longer and have decided to hang the boots up at the end of this season and will replace the void with triathlons.

I am 6ft 2 and currently weigh 210 lbs, over the past 2 years i have put on about 20 lbs, nothing has really changed in my diet, but i think my exercise has been on and off, also i think my age is catching up with my lifestyle. I want to lose weight and get down to about 180 lbs but thats a long term goal.

My current exercise routine is 2 x 8k runs per week ( but these only started 3 weeks ago), at least 1, sometimes 2 spinning classes for 45 mins a week and an upper body weights session tacked onto the back of these gym visits, so thats weights 3 times a week. I also play  rugby on saturdays.

I am planning to change my schedule dropping my weights as i feel i have got a bit too big for triathlons and focusing more on the CV. 2 x swim sessions a week (pool), 2 x spin classes a week 45 min (if the weather is good i plan to get out on the bike for a 15k or 20k cycle instead, and 2 x 10k runs. I am phasing out the rugby over the remainder of the season so will probably play twice a month.

I plan for my week to look something like this:-

Mon : Swim
Tues : Spin
Wed : Run 10k
Thurs : Spin
Fri : Swim
Sat : Rugby or Run 10k
Sun : Rest Day

I am currently searching for events, i expect to carry out my 1st tri in march which will be a pool based sprint event. My main event of the year i plan to be the Bournemouth International Triathlon on 4th July which is a swim 1500m (open water) bike 40km (road) run 10km (road).

As far as my strengths and weaknesses are concerned, out of the 3 i would say the swim is my weak spot, i need to learn to regulate my breathing. I can run ok, my best 10k ever was 42 mins, i think i would do 10k today in 52 mins. With my recent running i expect i can get this down sub 50 in a couple of weeks. My bike is ok but i am new to a road bike, i have only done 15k twice, 20k ocne, and my longest in the saddle is 26k. But my bike legs seem to be ok as i have been doing spinning classes weekly for the past 2 years.

I am married with no kids and i am self employed which gives me flexibility on my schedule, i do expect to carry training in the mornings before i go into the office mondays and tuesdays, wednesdays will be after work but before rugby training (I am the coach of our team aswell at present but do not participate in the training). Spinning on thursdays is at lunchtime and my friday swin will be in the afternoon.

I think my personal weakness in the past when it comes to training is that i go all out 100% into it for a couple of weeks and then burn out, and i think thats because i always seem to diet when i get into my training and i think i end up running on empty. So my diet is something i need to work on.

I think theres plenty of info on me there for you to get through, sorry its such a long email. I hope you will be happy to take me on !
2009-12-27 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Orangevale, CA
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
Brian - I'd like to join your mentor group.

Age: 42

Family: Married for 18 years with 2 boys ( 7 & 11 )

Tri Exp : None.  Will start the year off with a Du on Jan 2, and hope to complete some sprints and maybe a Oly later in the year.  I'm also trying to do some running races, with a half marathon in march as a goal race.

Needs : I have been running off and on for years, and spent most of last summer riding my road bike.  I have next to no swimming experience other than playing in the pool with my kids. 
2009-12-28 12:18 AM
in reply to: #2579405

New user

Solvang california
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
I have trained for women-only (beginner) sprints two of the last three years, and would like to start training for a longer-distance this year. I am 43 and live on the central coast will need mentoring with how to make training a priority and not give in to letting work/family needs over-ride my life.! love the family and work, but putting myself last is detrimental to my health. I want to look forward to my next work-out instead of my next glass of wine.
2009-12-28 7:38 AM
in reply to: #2577093

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi,I tried to join another mentor group and I think I didn't understand the instructions. Can I join here. I want to do the shorter distances, and I am strong in the run and need help in the swim, so it might be a good fit!Thanks,QuincyA bit more about me since it occurred to me that my photo is a bit confusing. I am the real girl in the picture...if that's too hard, then I am the one with the straight hair. In a way that picture sums up why I am interested in Triathlon...I am a decent runner, but I get bored with it after awhile. I am one of those people that ends up running a marathon dressed like Wonder Woman or something. Anyway, instead of costumes, I am intrigued by's so gear intensive and such a "body culture" it's kind of like competing in costume anyway, right?I had a baby in January of 2009 so I am working on losing that last 10-15 lbs. Before that I went through a fat period but had tremendous success with Weight Watchers, so I know what I need to do, I've just been lazy and that last 10 lbs IS hard.I just got an old "LeMond" bike that my brother rebuilt with campy parts...I feel like I have to really learn a lot about bike riding, handling, and racing before I invest in a serious ride and that's ok. I haven't ridden in years and it was clear to me in my first "tri" that I will be far more limited by being "timid" on the bike than by my "motor." I also need lots of help choosing gear and just learning to "Speak Bike." Fortunately I live in downtown Chicago so there's lots of serious bike freaks around willing to educate me.The swim is weak, but I've come to know the old black line. I've actually improved a lot on my own, but, boy, if running is boring, swimming is soul crushing. Fortunately, the tri club I joined has open water swim sessions in Lake Michigan with gear watch volunteers and lifeguards, and everything, so my path is clear. Just need it to warm up. Hahaha.Otherwise, I am a stay at home Mom to two, 5yo DD, 1yo DS. I don't work by circumstance not by choice (out of work airline pilot for a US major, I need a new career). Was in the military for 10 years before that. Ran track and played soccer in college before that. 40 years old. Married to a great guy and fellow workout junkie. The evil plan is to get him involved in Triathlon too so it's easier for me to "wallow" in my obsession.

Edited by quincyf 2009-12-29 8:26 AM

2009-12-28 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2577093

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New user

Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi Brian

Would like to join your mentor group.

I signed up for 70.3 in June 2010. Have been training since August 09..All my training is in the log with as much other information I could add.

Basiscally a 33 yr old dad of 2, William 2 1/2 and Jack 10 days.....

After a moderate rugby career from a young age, I retired a few years back, got fat, tried tennis and golf but not too much success and then discovered Tri. Im keen to go long from the start so focusing the training around that. Im mostly Bike and Swim at the moment. I live next door to an open water lake so spent a few months in there to start with.

Generally not really sure what Im doing but just know I need to do alot of it to get through the 70.3 and then progress to full IM in 2011 if Im still in one piece.....

Anyway....hope this qualifies be.....PS I have no triathlon experience at all, nothing, well I have seen it on TV....

2009-12-28 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2577093

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN

I somehow stumbled upon this website and am very interested and intrigued.  

A little about me...

I am a 50 year old male. 
Weigh 246 and have been on Weight Watchers and working out regularly since August.
I completed two sprint tris last summer and had no idea what i was doing but really enjoyed the experience.

I am very motivated but need ideas and support.

Would love to join your team if there is still room.

2009-12-28 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2577093

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hey Brian,

If' you've still got room for me I'd like to join your group. 

A little background: I've always been into exercising.  I was a strict roadie for a few years.  I completed a few rides, even a century.  Then life happened so I wasn't riding as much but I was still exercising regularly.  Anyway, we got pregnant with twins so I got a second job anticipating my wife not being able to work and I gained about 25lbs over the next 8-9 months.  Needless to say, I got into a funk myself.  So my wife and I decided to start training for a 5k, she didn't have any background in running so we've been taking it easy.  Even though I've put on weight my cardiovascular system is still in somewhat decent shape so I was looking for something that was more of a challenge for me than a 5k.  I also wanted to keep riding my bike while still training for the 5k with my wife so here I am.

I'm looking at doing a sprint in April and then (seeing how everything goes) a longer distance in Aug-Sep.  I like the idea of doing a full IM someday. 

MY weakest area is swimming.  I'm still trying to get breathing down but it's getting better.  Obviously, my strongest area is cycling since that's all I did for about 3-4 years. 

Looking forward from being part of a group of newbies as we all strive for the same goal.

2009-12-28 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2577093

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN

I'd like to join this group if its still open.

Vitals:  Jonathan, five-eight, 200lbs, 32 year old male, NYC
Story:  I've done some sprint distance triathlons over the last 3 years (avg about 3 a summer) and have also completed 2 marathons (NYC 2007 and Napa 2008 - both sub 4 hours).  However I struggle with staying fit and consistent - I tend to put on a lot of weight (20-30lbs) over the winter and work my tail off to lose it through the summer and I'm currently a good 20lbs heavier than i'd like.

This winter, I'm determined to get fit and stay fit, so I want to compete in both my first Olympic distance (June 12, Hamptons, LI) and half Ironman distance (July 11, Rhode Island 70.3).

Family Status:  I'm recently married (Oct 2, 2009) and have a 2 year old boxer who runs with me most days

Current Training:  Trying to get a good base down and drop 10lbs before February, when I intend to begin training with 2 buddies who have also signed up for the July 70.3.  Beyond that I need to work out my long term training plan and goals, so i can make sure i hold myself accountable - and that is also where i was thinking a mentor would come in handy!

Thanks in advance - and i'm looking forward to it!

Happy New Year,


2009-12-28 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi Brian.  I'm interested in this group.

I'm 42 - married (3 years), no kids.  Live in CO.  Love the outdoors.  Hiking, running, biking, etc.

I've been a runner and long distance cycle rider for many years, and love to swim.  Started running as a kid, but in 1999, I rode in the 400 mile Aids Ride from Minneapolis to Chicago (It was a 6 day event).  In 2000, I was preparing for the Oklahoma Inagural Marathon when my knees decided to swell to the point I couldn't walk.  I gave up running for several years, but started back in April of this year with short distances. 

A friend of mine did a triathalon a few years ago when she lived in Milwaukee.  We started running together this year, and she mentioned her experience.  I'm hooked on the idea.  Since this spring will be my first, I'd love to be as prepared as I can. 

Current Training:
Three days a week are spinning at 5:45 am, while the strength and running are on other days.  I love my rest days!  The swimming will be the biggest challenge this year.  I love to swim, but know that endurance needs some work.  Plan to get extra lessons for bouyancy here if necessary, but realize that just getting in the water is the first step.  

My workouts are generally in the mornings, since it feels better when I start my work day.  Sleeping is an issue the last couple of months.  I can't get to sleep.  My body doesn't care during the week, but the exhaustion hits me on the weekends at least twice a month.

2009-12-28 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Extreme Veteran
Cotati, CA
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
can i join?

Been away from the sport for over a year with injury.  Now fat (fatter that is) and want to build back slow.  So I consider myself a beginner once again.  Mostly need a group to motivate and be motivated with.  Training will consist primarily of run/walk building to run...being gentle to my recovered knee.

Will be 50 in 2010.  Divorced with 2 awesome daughters.  Work like a dog and have to force myself not to say i am too tired at the end of the day to exercise, clean house, do my taxes, etc.....

Edited by Jimi 2009-12-28 2:01 PM
2009-12-28 3:26 PM
in reply to: #2577093


Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Hi Brian,

I would like to join your mentoring group please. My name is Chris Hale from the UK. I try and set myself a challenge each year and have decided (for my sins) that a triathlon would be a great way to get into shape, as I struggle to motivate myself to exercise unless I have something to strive for. I have never watched a triathlon, let alone compete in one, I did however complete a half marathon this year. Any hints, tips, and motivation would be very useful.
I am just starting up my own business, whilst studying part time for a masters degree.

2009-12-29 12:11 AM
in reply to: #2577093

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Welcome all!

I've been on vacation and away from computers the last couple of days.  It's kind of exciting to see that our group went live and filled up in such a short time!

I just arrive home and it's midnight, so I'm going to bed....  I'll get back to each of you tomorrow evening!

2009-12-29 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2579405

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
bramdizle - 2009-12-27 8:21 PM I would love to join this mentor group i just completed my first half marathon in nov, have taken most that time off doing some light workouts in the gym and would just love to be part of this group. i want to complete an olympic tri sometime this summer, with a sprint between then and now. 23 male, seattle. thanks

Hi Bram!  How'd the half marathon go? What was your training like? 

In high school I talked about swimming across Lake Washington but never did (nobody did stuff like that back then...).  Now I hear there's an organized swim across the lake each summer.  Maybe I'll do it one day if I get back to Seattle.  I graduated from Bellevue High back Before Microsoft, Before Starbucks, Before Grunge (which you fortunately missed!), and before you were born...

2009-12-29 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2579425

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi Tiernan,

It looks like you have a strong athletic background so your transition to triathlon should be smooth.

Your training plan looks good to me for now, though you may want to increase frequency of your workouts as you get closer to your Olympic distance race.   Your run is stronger than that of many new triathletes and you seem confident on the bike so I'm sure you'll be fine there.   Tell me about your swimming background, current ability, and the type of workouts you do in the pool.



2009-12-29 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2579452

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
croyston - 2009-12-27 9:13 PM Brian - I'd like to join your mentor group.

Age: 42

Family: Married for 18 years with 2 boys ( 7 & 11 )

Tri Exp : None.  Will start the year off with a Du on Jan 2, and hope to complete some sprints and maybe a Oly later in the year.  I'm also trying to do some running races, with a half marathon in march as a goal race.

Needs : I have been running off and on for years, and spent most of last summer riding my road bike.  I have next to no swimming experience other than playing in the pool with my kids. 

Hi Chris!

Which duathlon are you doing on the 2nd?  Make sure you write and post a race report on this site!

Like many new triathletes you have some run and bike background but may need some extra work in the pool to get started.  We might want to talk about what you need to do to get from you are to 1500m in an Oly.  When might your first srint race be?  Which Oly are you contemplating?  


Edited by famelec 2009-12-29 2:17 PM
2009-12-29 10:38 AM
in reply to: #2579581

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
abr - 2009-12-28 12:18 AM I have trained for women-only (beginner) sprints two of the last three years, and would like to start training for a longer-distance this year. I am 43 and live on the central coast will need mentoring with how to make training a priority and not give in to letting work/family needs over-ride my life.! love the family and work, but putting myself last is detrimental to my health. I want to look forward to my next work-out instead of my next glass of wine.

Hi Kristen!

As you know all too well, one of the toughest things is balancing family and work while also paying enough attention to yourself (training, eating right, sleeping enought, etc).   It's a never ending battle.  Sometimes training has to suffer as the other two are higher priorities, but that's OK.  The important thing is that we're as consistent as possible in training, sleeping sufficiently, and eating well so that if we have to miss a workout or two or three in a week for whatever reasons it doesn't matter all that much.   

Tell me about how you've trained for your previous triathlons.  And where is the "central coast!??


Edited by famelec 2009-12-29 2:45 PM
2009-12-29 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2579692

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
quincyf - 2009-12-28 7:38 AM Hi,I tried to join another mentor group and I think I didn't understand the instructions. Can I join here. I want to do the shorter distances, and I am strong in the run and need help in the swim, so it might be a good fit!Thanks,QuincyA bit more about me since it occurred to me that my photo is a bit confusing. I am the real girl in the picture...if that's too hard, then I am the one with the straight hair. In a way that picture sums up why I am interested in Triathlon...I am a decent runner, but I get bored with it after awhile. I am one of those people that ends up running a marathon dressed like Wonder Woman or something. Anyway, instead of costumes, I am intrigued by's so gear intensive and such a "body culture" it's kind of like competing in costume anyway, right?I had a baby in January of 2009 so I am working on losing that last 10-15 lbs. Before that I went through a fat period but had tremendous success with Weight Watchers, so I know what I need to do, I've just been lazy and that last 10 lbs IS hard.I just got an old "LeMond" bike that my brother rebuilt with campy parts...I feel like I have to really learn a lot about bike riding, handling, and racing before I invest in a serious ride and that's ok. I haven't ridden in years and it was clear to me in my first "tri" that I will be far more limited by being "timid" on the bike than by my "motor." I also need lots of help choosing gear and just learning to "Speak Bike." Fortunately I live in downtown Chicago so there's lots of serious bike freaks around willing to educate me.The swim is weak, but I've come to know the old black line. I've actually improved a lot on my own, but, boy, if running is boring, swimming is soul crushing. Fortunately, the tri club I joined has open water swim sessions in Lake Michigan with gear watch volunteers and lifeguards, and everything, so my path is clear. Just need it to warm up. Hahaha.Otherwise, I am a stay at home Mom to two, 5yo DD, 1yo DS. I don't work by circumstance not by choice (out of work airline pilot for a US major, I need a new career). Was in the military for 10 years before that. Ran track and played soccer in college before that. 40 years old. Married to a great guy and fellow workout junkie. The evil plan is to get him involved in Triathlon too so it's easier for me to "wallow" in my obsession.

Hi Quincy!

Congratulations on the growing family.  A year goes by fast!

It sounds like you have the background and drive to be competitive in your first triathlon.  I think the cycling will be easier than you're thinking.  Do you run outdoors often these days in Chicago or are you stuck on the dreadmill?  Do you have a trainer or stationary bike for winter training?  No OWS for you until May or June I suspect.  What kind of training are you currenty doing?

FWIW, triathlons need more of the people in funky costumes.  It's not too practical on the swim and usually not the bike, but there are a very few who slip into their fun get-ups in the transition to the run!   A friend of mine (former college swimmer, now couch potato most of the year) does the big Chicago triathlon every summer and says it's a great race.  Are you thinking about that one?


2009-12-29 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2579928

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN

Mitchell - 2009-12-28 9:35 AM Hi Brian

Would like to join your mentor group.

I signed up for 70.3 in June 2010. Have been training since August 09..All my training is in the log with as much other information I could add.

Basiscally a 33 yr old dad of 2, William 2 1/2 and Jack 10 days.....

After a moderate rugby career from a young age, I retired a few years back, got fat, tried tennis and golf but not too much success and then discovered Tri. Im keen to go long from the start so focusing the training around that. Im mostly Bike and Swim at the moment. I live next door to an open water lake so spent a few months in there to start with.

Generally not really sure what Im doing but just know I need to do alot of it to get through the 70.3 and then progress to full IM in 2011 if Im still in one piece.....

Anyway....hope this qualifies be.....PS I have no triathlon experience at all, nothing, well I have seen it on TV....

Hi Pete,

It sounds like you have a good start in training for your 70.3!  I also went from almost untrained to 70.3 in a year, though unlike you still I don't have much desire to go even longer yet! 

I haven't gone through your logs yet in any detail (just this week), but it looks like you're getting in 2000m swim sessions and 25 mile rides.  Are you swimming straight for 2000m?  Any drills or interval work?  Assuming you're riding indoors, are you on a trainer, spin bike, stationary bike?  When are you thinking of adding the run into your training? 

It's nice that you live on a lake since most of us don't have a convenient open water swim venue to train in.


Edited by famelec 2009-12-29 2:21 PM
2009-12-29 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2579941

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN

longrun26 - 2009-12-28 9:44 AM Brian,

I somehow stumbled upon this website and am very interested and intrigued.  

A little about me...

I am a 50 year old male. 
Weigh 246 and have been on Weight Watchers and working out regularly since August.
I completed two sprint tris last summer and had no idea what i was doing but really enjoyed the experience.

I am very motivated but need ideas and support.

Would love to join your team if there is still room.


Hi Daniel!

There is definitely room.  Welcome!

As you mention, most of us have no clue what we're doing when we start triathlon.  BT (this website) is really quite amazing.  Lots of great info on subjects ranging from training to nutrition/weightloss to injury prevention and recovery.  

What are your goals for 2010?  Any races in particular that you're looking at doing?  What kind of training did you do for your sprints last summer?   Does longrun26 mean you're planning to do a marathon or have already done one?



2009-12-29 11:38 AM
in reply to: #2580063

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
cspreiter - 2009-12-28 10:32 AM Hey Brian,

If' you've still got room for me I'd like to join your group. 

A little background: I've always been into exercising.  I was a strict roadie for a few years.  I completed a few rides, even a century.  Then life happened so I wasn't riding as much but I was still exercising regularly.  Anyway, we got pregnant with twins so I got a second job anticipating my wife not being able to work and I gained about 25lbs over the next 8-9 months.  Needless to say, I got into a funk myself.  So my wife and I decided to start training for a 5k, she didn't have any background in running so we've been taking it easy.  Even though I've put on weight my cardiovascular system is still in somewhat decent shape so I was looking for something that was more of a challenge for me than a 5k.  I also wanted to keep riding my bike while still training for the 5k with my wife so here I am.

I'm looking at doing a sprint in April and then (seeing how everything goes) a longer distance in Aug-Sep.  I like the idea of doing a full IM someday. 

MY weakest area is swimming.  I'm still trying to get breathing down but it's getting better.  Obviously, my strongest area is cycling since that's all I did for about 3-4 years. 

Looking forward from being part of a group of newbies as we all strive for the same goal.


Hi Caleb,


It's probably a good thing that you're starting the running kind of easy.  Compared to biking and swimming, running isn't easy on the joints.  And with a few extra pounds the knees and hips just can't take the kind of pounding that longer and faster training requires, so starting short and easy and very gradually increasing distance (and later intensity) is the way to go.

For an April triathlon it sounds like you need to focus mainly on swimming and running while maintaining bike fitness enough so your legs are fairly fresh at the start of the run.  It's amazing how strong your run legs will feel in a triathlon when you're well trained on the bike (and don't hammer it beyond reason)!

Tell me about your swimming.  How far can/do you swim in training? What is your current run training like?  When is the 5k?



Edited by famelec 2009-12-29 11:51 AM
2009-12-29 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2581854

New user

Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
Wow, local boy, i live right across the lake from your hometown in ravenna, right next  to UW, where i hope to be a student after i wrap things up at the community college. The half marathon went good. i trained for about two months beforehand but was doing some running before the official training, like 12-15 miles a week. The actual training schedule i was on was pretty standard i think, run four or five days a week with a long on sat or sunday that maxed out two or three weeks before at 12 miles. Yesterday i did the monday of the 16 week olympic program and that felt good. I've never swam or biked in an event before so i think those will be the area's i need the most work, i also have no idea how to eat properly. I haven't had fast food in years, and cook alot, but not what i would consider "healthy" like tonight is homemade turkey pot pie... i love butter. Thanks for mentoring, i appreciate it and am excited to be a part of this group!

Edited by bramdizle 2009-12-29 11:44 AM
2009-12-29 12:08 PM
in reply to: #2580228

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
jlags14 - 2009-12-28 11:53 AM Hi,

I'd like to join this group if its still open.

Vitals:  Jonathan, five-eight, 200lbs, 32 year old male, NYC
Story:  I've done some sprint distance triathlons over the last 3 years (avg about 3 a summer) and have also completed 2 marathons (NYC 2007 and Napa 2008 - both sub 4 hours).  However I struggle with staying fit and consistent - I tend to put on a lot of weight (20-30lbs) over the winter and work my tail off to lose it through the summer and I'm currently a good 20lbs heavier than i'd like.

This winter, I'm determined to get fit and stay fit, so I want to compete in both my first Olympic distance (June 12, Hamptons, LI) and half Ironman distance (July 11, Rhode Island 70.3).

Family Status:  I'm recently married (Oct 2, 2009) and have a 2 year old boxer who runs with me most days

Current Training:  Trying to get a good base down and drop 10lbs before February, when I intend to begin training with 2 buddies who have also signed up for the July 70.3.  Beyond that I need to work out my long term training plan and goals, so i can make sure i hold myself accountable - and that is also where i was thinking a mentor would come in handy!

Thanks in advance - and i'm looking forward to it!

Happy New Year,



Hi Jonathan!

Congratulations on getting married!  The only downside to getting married it often corresponds to even more creeping weight gain!

As you suggest, it's a lot better (and easier?) to exercise consistently and maintain a healthy weight than rather than gain weight in the winter and trying to lose it in the spring/summer/fall.

What kind of s/b/r training are you getting in now? 

2009-12-29 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2580257

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
Deb C - 2009-12-28 12:09 PM Hi Brian.  I'm interested in this group.

I'm 42 - married (3 years), no kids.  Live in CO.  Love the outdoors.  Hiking, running, biking, etc.

I've been a runner and long distance cycle rider for many years, and love to swim.  Started running as a kid, but in 1999, I rode in the 400 mile Aids Ride from Minneapolis to Chicago (It was a 6 day event).  In 2000, I was preparing for the Oklahoma Inagural Marathon when my knees decided to swell to the point I couldn't walk.  I gave up running for several years, but started back in April of this year with short distances. 

A friend of mine did a triathalon a few years ago when she lived in Milwaukee.  We started running together this year, and she mentioned her experience.  I'm hooked on the idea.  Since this spring will be my first, I'd love to be as prepared as I can. 

Current Training:
Three days a week are spinning at 5:45 am, while the strength and running are on other days.  I love my rest days!  The swimming will be the biggest challenge this year.  I love to swim, but know that endurance needs some work.  Plan to get extra lessons for bouyancy here if necessary, but realize that just getting in the water is the first step.  

My workouts are generally in the mornings, since it feels better when I start my work day.  Sleeping is an issue the last couple of months.  I can't get to sleep.  My body doesn't care during the week, but the exhaustion hits me on the weekends at least twice a month.

Hi Deb,

You'll take to triathlon well since you have a good background in distance running and cycling.  In fact, assuming your first race is a sprint it will probably feel kind of short for you!

The biggest difference between running/cycling and swimming is that swimming is so much more technique oriented.  If you have good stroke mechanics you can be fairly fast even though you're somewhat out of shape (I've seen plenty of former college swimmers like this!).  Unfortunately you can have a tough time in the water if your technique is poor, even if you're in good run and bike shape.

I always recommend lessons for those who want to improve their swimming.  You can read books and watch swimming videos, but that isn't the same as instant feedback from an instructor, coach, or knowledgeable friend.

I visit various cities in Colorado (but mainly Denver) on occasion for business and am amazed at how healthy the place is.  Lots of people exercising outdoors.  Not much obesity.  Even all sedentary folks seem to be much healthier than those of us in Texas.  I did make the "mistake" once of swimming with a local Masters team during one of my trips there.  I'd never swum at altitude before and was amazed at how much harder it was!   

With the running and spinning you're off to a great start.  Integrate the swimming and you'll be ready to go by spring!


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