Other Resources Challenge Me! » Undertrained Challenge - 10 weeks, starting now!! Rss Feed  
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2010-03-20 6:47 PM

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Rochester Hills, Michigan
Gold member
Subject: Undertrained Challenge - 10 weeks, starting now!!

I'm hoping to make a challenge group that's focused on the next 8-10 weeks. Bottom line: I'm undertrained, and have every reason to stay that way, but have a major event coming up. Looking to build a group that is all about accountability over the next 8-10 weeks, hounding each other to make workouts because, frankly, if we don't, the eventt will be a catastrophe.

My story: Long time triathlete, with lots of distance under my belt. 15 pounds heavy, haven't done any real volume in any of the sports since April 2009. Have a half-mary April 10, an Oly May 4, and the TTT (4 triathlons, including a sprint, two Oly's and a HIM) in the span of 3 days in late May.  I travel for a living, and my current tri-unfriendly work locale is Vegas.  I really can't afford to miss a workout of any kind, and need some peer pressure to keep me on it.

Your story?!

2010-03-29 5:07 AM
in reply to: #2737800

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The Whites, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Undertrained Challenge - 10 weeks, starting now!!
Okay Rick, I'm in. Been avoiding the challenges, but I desperately need someone to lay on a full Catholic the-pope-is-coming kind of guilt trip if I slack off even a little bit. I will *hopefully* have a huge event coming up in 12 weeks, and it is time to get serious (actually, it was time to get serious awhile ago, but we'll just forget that). I will find out sometime this week if I got in to the Mt Washington Road Race. If I don't eat hills and nothing but hills for the next 12 weeks, I will fall off the mountain. And really, that would just be embarrassing.

In all seriousness, my goal for MWRR has always been, from the moment I decided to apply, to NOT write in my race report that I wish I had trained more. That's my goal. Right now, I won't be able to do that. In 12 weeks, I will be able to do that.

We need accountability. Whaddya say we lay something on the line? Something more than points or standings or all that. I say we make a pot. Everyone throws in $10 to start. Any day you don't work out other than a specifically PRE-planned rest day, you throw in $5. Person who threw in the least...gets the pot. Surely we can make this happen through PayPal, right? Anything other than a doctor's note saying you CANNOT do this any more and you are in for the duration. No backing out.

You game?
2010-04-07 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2754406

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New user
Washington, DC
Subject: RE: Undertrained Challenge - 10 weeks, starting now!!
Holy bejeezus I love that idea. Stealing and tweaking that "throw money in the pot" thing and bringing it to D.C. Missed workout = money in the fund, fund buys beers for everyone on Saturday.

Now all I need to do is to convince my friends to commit, or find other triathletes in my area who (like me) lack self-discipline but are cheap!

Edited by drphungky 2010-04-07 3:48 PM
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Other Resources Challenge Me! » Undertrained Challenge - 10 weeks, starting now!! Rss Feed