Subject: Crotch sniffing dogs?The previous thread about dogs chasing you on your bike reminded me of an incident and discussion my wife & I had recently. We visited some friends, who have a large dog that they keep in the house. As soon as we walked in, the dog starts jumping on us, licking our hands, and persistently sniffing our 'crevices'. The owners kept telling it, NO, and to stop, but the stupid mutt wouldn't listen/obey.
I kept pushing it away from me, but we were in a rather small space and it wouldn't quit.
Fortunately we weren't there long, and were glad to leave. Which is sad since we like these people.
What is the proper etiquette when dealing with situations when the owner obviously has no control? Do you speak up and ask them to take it to a different room so will stop bothering them?
Would you be offended at such a request?
As non-pet owners, we find this gross and annoying. |