Subject: RE: Asking COJ E-Mail issue moondawg14 - 2010-09-17 8:53 AM
This is probably a problem with your SMTP server settings. If offers an option for SMTP servers that require authorization, you should probably use these.
SMTP servers are like the big blue mailboxes you see on the corner. You should be able to drop a letter in any one and it will get to its destination.
"Back in the day" it worked that way. However, SPAMmers started dropping millions of emails at a time into the box. Sever administrators started locking mailbox. When you're travelling to Hawaii, your Outlook client can't access an SMTP server on which it is authorized to "drop a letter."
Contact Cox for suggestions on how to setup your SMTP server settings while travelling.
This is correct.
I work IT and Cox is our ISP in this neck of the woods. by default uses location based authentication with their SMTP (outgoing ) service. This mean, if you are using a Cox cable modem, you can send through their servers. The second you are using another ISP it doesn't work.
Call cox, I believe they have since allowed authentication based services if needed. If this is the case, you can send from anywhere.