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2010-12-21 5:30 PM

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

NAME: Sarasota Hokie/Jeff Unthank.  Currently live in Sarasota, FL but a huge fan of Va. Tech Hokies football - hence Sarasota Hokie.  Youngest son just got accepted to Florida State so might have a problem in the household next year if VT plays FSU in the ACC Championship Game again!!

STORY: Off the couch in 2008.  Got introduced to the BT website and decided to give triathlon a go.   Since then I have incorporated endurance sports as part of my lifestyle.  Somehow I have managed to develop quite an addiction to endorphins!! 

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 3 children.  Boy/girl twins who have graduated from college, married and started their professional careers.  Youngest son is a senior in high school getting ready for college next year.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently in a transition period.  Training 8 - 12 hours per week at least an hour a day.  I'll be starting a 7 week HIM Base Building Plan Jan 2011 followed by a 12 week HIM Specific Prep. Plan in preparation for a race.  That will be followed up by a IM Specific Plan.  Structure and planning work for me. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Completed Sprint, Olympic and HIM distance races.

2011 RACES: Still a little bit up in the air at the moment.  Know I'll be doing the Florida International Olympic in May and the Great Floridian Long Course in October.  Like the races but more importantly I have developed a deep enjoyment of training.  

WEIGHTLOSS: Currently at 185 down from 230 when I started endurance sports.  Know what's it like to make a change.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR:  As a former mentee here on BT I can honestly say that this mentoring program has helped change my life. I was extremely fortunate and will forever be indebt to my BT mentors for their guidance over the course of the last 3 years.  As a person who initially was not able to swim 40 meters consecutively or run 1/2 mile without going anaerobic I needed all the help and encouragement I could get.  Not only did I learn a great deal about swimming, biking and running but I was taught about the importance of consistency, patience, recovery and nutrition.  If I can pass on these lessons and am able to help one person with a lifestyle change then I will have been a good mentor.

I really enjoy helping and motivating people.

Edited by junthank 2011-01-02 1:29 AM

2010-12-22 6:17 AM
in reply to: #3256830

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
Forgot to mention that I can start immediately.
2010-12-31 11:10 AM
in reply to: #3256830

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Tulsa, OK
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
I am a Newbie and would like to join your group.

NAME: gr8hope/Greg Hopeman - Live in Tulsa, OK with a weekend place at Grand Lake. I'm at the lake almost every weekend.

STORY: I have worked out on and off throughout my life and have battled a bad back. In 2001 the surgeon showed me the MRI and explained the stuff shooting out of my spine that looked like lobster meat was the disc between L4 and L5. Amazingly I took a chance on an upper cervical chiropractor that has kept me in alignment. In 2005 I began working out with a trainer and was able to afford it until 2009. In 2009 I started running and ran my first 5k March 2010, a quarter marathon in August, a half marathon in October and a full marathon in November. I'm pretty proud of myself for pulling this off at 57 years old. At my most recent physical my doctor said that he believes if we took another MRI it would show my disc completely healed.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married for 33 years with a 31 year old daughter.

CURRENT TRAINING: The Tri is new to me and I am currently doing a one hour spin class on Monday; Yoga on Tuesday; swim class on Wednesday; run on Thursday and run on Saturday. I have not set goals for 2011. I may do another marathon in May. I need to see how the swimming and bike go.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I bragged about those in my story.

WEIGHT LOSS: Previous to 2005 I hit 240. Beginning of 2010 I was between 225 and 230. I am currently at 210. I have always been big and my goal is to get under 200 and see how I feel. I played football and I haven't been under 200 since high school.
2010-12-31 12:52 PM
in reply to: #3269757

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
gr8hope - 2010-12-31 12:10 PM I am a Newbie and would like to join your group.

NAME: gr8hope/Greg Hopeman - Live in Tulsa, OK with a weekend place at Grand Lake. I'm at the lake almost every weekend.

STORY: I have worked out on and off throughout my life and have battled a bad back. In 2001 the surgeon showed me the MRI and explained the stuff shooting out of my spine that looked like lobster meat was the disc between L4 and L5. Amazingly I took a chance on an upper cervical chiropractor that has kept me in alignment. In 2005 I began working out with a trainer and was able to afford it until 2009. In 2009 I started running and ran my first 5k March 2010, a quarter marathon in August, a half marathon in October and a full marathon in November. I'm pretty proud of myself for pulling this off at 57 years old. At my most recent physical my doctor said that he believes if we took another MRI it would show my disc completely healed.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married for 33 years with a 31 year old daughter.

CURRENT TRAINING: The Tri is new to me and I am currently doing a one hour spin class on Monday; Yoga on Tuesday; swim class on Wednesday; run on Thursday and run on Saturday. I have not set goals for 2011. I may do another marathon in May. I need to see how the swimming and bike go.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I bragged about those in my story.

WEIGHT LOSS: Previous to 2005 I hit 240. Beginning of 2010 I was between 225 and 230. I am currently at 210. I have always been big and my goal is to get under 200 and see how I feel. I played football and I haven't been under 200 since high school.

Welcome Greg.  You should be proud of yourself.  Your recovery from back problems is quite an inspirational story.  Once we have a few more mentees in the group we will get rolling.  I look forward to training with you in 2011.
2010-12-31 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Albany Oregon
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
I'd like to join your mentor group.

I was talked into doing a sprint tri this year by my nephews soon-to-be wife.  She began last year as a way to lose weight for their upcoming wedding.  This year she asked the nephew to do one also, hoping to motive him to lose some pounds.  I joined in to support him.  

The race is a sprint tri on June 11th.  I'm not worried right now, but have a feeling I'm going to need a lot of help to make it through, especially the open water swim.  I also want to make sure that I finish in front of him.  I like to compete, that motivates me.

I know other people who have become hooked on these races, and it would be a good thing for me as well.  I'm hoping that I get hooked too, as I am 30 pounds overweight and need to get healthy.  I don't like to run, but know that I can work up to it and it won't be so bad.  I don't mind jogging or walking if need be.  The swim will be an issue for me. I have tried swimming, but haven't been able to improve much.  This is where I will need to place a fair amount of emphasis, especially since I will be doing an open water event where stopping to rest is probably not an option.

In my younger days, I'm 44 yrs old now, I was active in sports.  I found that I am better at endurance than speed.  I think this is doable, I just need some help and accountability (I'm an excellent procrastinator).


2010-12-31 2:45 PM
in reply to: #3269961

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Tulsa, OK
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
Jeff, I'm new to forums. How do I set it up to keep track or see it automatically when I go to forums? Greg

2010-12-31 3:53 PM
in reply to: #3270103

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
gr8hope - 2010-12-31 3:45 PM Jeff, I'm new to forums. How do I set it up to keep track or see it automatically when I go to forums? Greg

I guess there are a number of ways to do it but what I do is set up a link in the "Links" section of my training log.  If you click on  the "+" in the Link section (to the right of your training log) you can setup links.  If you look at mine I have a couple links.  Simply click on the "+" sign and then enter the URL for our group and give it a name.  Then when you click on that link it will take you directly to our group.  You can check mine out on my training log.

Hope this helps.
2010-12-31 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3270012

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
cvochristi - 2010-12-31 2:32 PM I'd like to join your mentor group.

I was talked into doing a sprint tri this year by my nephews soon-to-be wife.  She began last year as a way to lose weight for their upcoming wedding.  This year she asked the nephew to do one also, hoping to motive him to lose some pounds.  I joined in to support him.  

The race is a sprint tri on June 11th.  I'm not worried right now, but have a feeling I'm going to need a lot of help to make it through, especially the open water swim.  I also want to make sure that I finish in front of him.  I like to compete, that motivates me.

I know other people who have become hooked on these races, and it would be a good thing for me as well.  I'm hoping that I get hooked too, as I am 30 pounds overweight and need to get healthy.  I don't like to run, but know that I can work up to it and it won't be so bad.  I don't mind jogging or walking if need be.  The swim will be an issue for me. I have tried swimming, but haven't been able to improve much.  This is where I will need to place a fair amount of emphasis, especially since I will be doing an open water event where stopping to rest is probably not an option.

In my younger days, I'm 44 yrs old now, I was active in sports.  I found that I am better at endurance than speed.  I think this is doable, I just need some help and accountability (I'm an excellent procrastinator).



Hey Chris,

Welcome to the group.  Like you I had similar issues with the swim when I started.  Although I could swim when I started, I was never on any kind of swim team as a youth and had a difficult time initially in the water.  In fact, while training for my 1st sprint tri I think I made it about 40 meters before I had to grab a wall.  The key for me in the water was to learn how to RELAX.  Simple concept but not easy for me initially.  Took me about 6 months before I finally got it.  Now my swim workouts are in the 2K to 4K meters range (although I have not been in the water much lately).   

Running - same as you.  One of the things I was taught by my 1st mentor was the Run/Walk protocol.  I'll talk more about how this helped me when I was starting out once we get the group rolling.  I train Run/Walk today.  I was watching IM Florida and the woman who won was walking the aid stations.  Gordo Byrn (my 1st mentor) has done a couple 1:15 HIM run splits using it.  So it not just for us beginners.

Accountability - I found the peer group setting to be a motivator for me.  So hopefully this setting will help you out as well.

I look forward to training with you Chris.
2010-12-31 4:35 PM
in reply to: #3256830

New user

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
I would love to be part of this group as I know close to nothing about tri's. I am a past marathon runner who at 53 wants to save what is left of her knees.  I have been working out 1 1/2 - 2 hrs per day at the gym. I do at least an hour of hard cardio and 3/4 times per week weights.  I know I can run - not sure what is required for a bike and I know swimming is going to be a bear.  Any hints on what I should buy for a first try?
2010-12-31 4:37 PM
in reply to: #3256830

Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
I would like to join your group.

MY STORY:  My name is Rob and I am in Portland, OR.  I am 44 years old.  I completed a Sprintseveral years ago.  I really enjoyed the training but never continued with it.  I put on too much weight and my level of activity continued to decline.  I decided to get serious about getting back into shape.  I have gone from 210 lbs to 171 lbs.  I am exercising 5-6 times a week but am not doing any structured program as of yet.  Right now I'm trying to just keep working on my overall fitness and nutrition.   I would like to at least complete an Olympic in 2011 (maybe a HI). 

I swim with a Masters team a couple of times a week.  I like to bike but am not a strong rider (yet).  Running is my weakest area, although it has significantly improve with the lost weight.  I ran 4 miles without stopping for the first time in many years yesterday.  I also play Bball 1-2 times a week and train in Brazilian Jujitsu.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 children.  Junior in HS (girl) and a 7th grade (boy)


Edited by tkdrq 2010-12-31 4:38 PM
2011-01-01 12:28 AM
in reply to: #3256830

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New user

Englewood, CO
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
Hey Jeff, my name is Brent from Englewood, CO. I'm newbie for sure to the triathlon scene and I have just registered for the Boulder Sunrise Tri (Sprint) with Your Cause Sports on June 4th, and am excited to start training. I'm starting out as a complete couch potato, so starting today I've got 6 months to train and I'm extremely motivated. I am also enthused about this website, I didn't know it had this mentor program, so perhaps you can enlighten me on how I can effectively use it.
A little about me.. .  I'm 47, single, a former Denver Public Schools teacher, who is now a full time student studying at Denver Seminary for an MDiv. I'm at my max weight, around 250, up 30 lbs since this past May, so I want to dive into a nutritional plan along with training.  I noticed that you lost some weight as well, and I'm thinking we might be about the same age.  So, I'd be grateful for any kind of support and mentoring if you're willing. I'm ready to get rolling!


2011-01-01 3:04 AM
in reply to: #3256830


Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
I'd like to join your mentor group.

Hello, my name is Timothy Lee; I am 50 and live in the Chicago suburban area. Two years ago, I started cycling after about a 20year hiatus from physical activity. Previous to that, I was very much into racket sports but work and family (and probably laziness) intervened. In 2009 and 2010, I was the cyclist in 3 relay sprint tri's and 1 Olympic relay tri and ran 2 5Ks. I have been training on my 10K too. I'm 6 foot and currently at about 173-175 lbs. My racing weight goal is probably 170.

My goal for 2011 is to complete 3-4 individual sprint tri's - this will be a first for me doing the individual event. My weakest link is the swim which is really poor by any standard. At the present time, I can accomplish 400-500 pool yds but in 25yd repeats - I need to stop and rest after each lap. Need help and advice here.

I am also planning to run a 10K and half marathon this year.

I am in the gym doing resistance workouts 3X a week and being in Chicago with the winter, I have temporarily suspended my outdoor bike and run training to concentrate on the swim. Would greatly appreciate your input.



Edited by timothymnl 2011-01-01 3:10 AM
2011-01-01 7:00 AM
in reply to: #3270249

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
Terrydearden - 2010-12-31 5:35 PM I would love to be part of this group as I know close to nothing about tri's. I am a past marathon runner who at 53 wants to save what is left of her knees.  I have been working out 1 1/2 - 2 hrs per day at the gym. I do at least an hour of hard cardio and 3/4 times per week weights.  I know I can run - not sure what is required for a bike and I know swimming is going to be a bear.  Any hints on what I should buy for a first try?

Welcome Terry.  Looks like we got a couple marathoners in the group which is fantastic. 

As you mentioned running is the most physically demanding disciple in tri'ing.  One of the great things about triathlon is you can build you aerobic stamina/endurance/strength in the water and on the bike without taking the leg pounding that you get with running.  I know my legs are a bit sore at the moment because I've been away from home for the holidays and I have only been able to run.

For my first tri I had:

1) Goggles and a swimsuit for the swim. 
2) A bike and helment.  Most tri's won't let you ride without a helmet.  BTW, I did my 1st tri on a mountain bike so any bike will do.
3) Running shoes.

That's really it.  As you progress in the sport there will be road/TT bikes, HRM's, GPS's, Powemeters, wetsuits (which you will need if your 1st tri is in COLD water), etc..  We'll talk more about this stuff as we move along.

I believe you might be the 1st lady in the group (i.e.. "her knees") which is great.  I hope we get a few more ladies.

Welcome again, I look forward to training with ya.

2011-01-01 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3270253

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
tkdrq - 2010-12-31 5:37 PM I would like to join your group.

MY STORY:  My name is Rob and I am in Portland, OR.  I am 44 years old.  I completed a Sprintseveral years ago.  I really enjoyed the training but never continued with it.  I put on too much weight and my level of activity continued to decline.  I decided to get serious about getting back into shape.  I have gone from 210 lbs to 171 lbs.  I am exercising 5-6 times a week but am not doing any structured program as of yet.  Right now I'm trying to just keep working on my overall fitness and nutrition.   I would like to at least complete an Olympic in 2011 (maybe a HI). 

I swim with a Masters team a couple of times a week.  I like to bike but am not a strong rider (yet).  Running is my weakest area, although it has significantly improve with the lost weight.  I ran 4 miles without stopping for the first time in many years yesterday.  I also play Bball 1-2 times a week and train in Brazilian Jujitsu.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 children.  Junior in HS (girl) and a 7th grade (boy)


Hey Rob,

Glad you joined the group.  Wow, 210 to 170 is impressive.  Looks like you already lead a very active lifestyle.

Personally I like structure.  I just seem to be more focused and train better when I'm on a plan (but that is just me).  At the moment I'm not on a plan but will be starting a HIM plan on Monday which I'm looking forward to.

It's great that you are swimming in a master group.  I'm a okay swimmer (MOP'er  - middle of the packer).  Hopefully you will be able to help out with all our swim limitted group members.

I look forward to training with you in 2011 but I probably won't be doing any Brazilian Jujitzu 
2011-01-01 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3256830

New user

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
Brian Smith in Rockford, Minnesota.

I am really stoked to give my all to my first Triathlon event! And, I'm really looking forward receiving help and encouragement along the way.

Ran/swam in high school and college. Then got busy with life. Now, at 48, I am really looking for a physical and mental challenge that's bigger than I. Started running in 2010 and love it. Just not enough stimulus for me anymore.

Married with 3 teenage young people: 2 girls and boy.

Training: Until I found BT I wasn't focused on my workouts. But, generally I run, bike and weight train. Have always been fit, now I want to get strong and work on my mental game.

I would like to join this group!
2011-01-01 7:55 AM
in reply to: #3270658

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
denverguy - 2011-01-01 1:28 AM Hey Jeff, my name is Brent from Englewood, CO. I'm newbie for sure to the triathlon scene and I have just registered for the Boulder Sunrise Tri (Sprint) with Your Cause Sports on June 4th, and am excited to start training. I'm starting out as a complete couch potato, so starting today I've got 6 months to train and I'm extremely motivated. I am also enthused about this website, I didn't know it had this mentor program, so perhaps you can enlighten me on how I can effectively use it.
A little about me.. .  I'm 47, single, a former Denver Public Schools teacher, who is now a full time student studying at Denver Seminary for an MDiv. I'm at my max weight, around 250, up 30 lbs since this past May, so I want to dive into a nutritional plan along with training.  I noticed that you lost some weight as well, and I'm thinking we might be about the same age.  So, I'd be grateful for any kind of support and mentoring if you're willing. I'm ready to get rolling!


Hey Brent,

Like you about 4 years ago I weighed 250.  My daughter had just gotten engaged and the wedding date was 12 months away.  That was the trigger point for me.  I just decided that I was not going to walk her down the aisle at that weight.

For me on the nutritional front the concepts are very simple.  I didn't count calories, go on any diet, or jump on a scale everyday.  I simply changed what and how I ate.  And of course exercised.  The weightloss was gradual but it happened.  I went from a tight fitting 44 waist to 34's now.  BTW, it was my 1st mentor here on BT that taught me how to do it.  I'll talk more about those nutritional concepts once we fill up the group.

With regard to using this website I'll be glad to tell you how I use it.  There are lots valuable things out there for ya.  You have taken the 1st step by signing up for tri this summer so you are on your way.  I look forward to helping you out during the initial stages of your journey.

2011-01-01 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3270682

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
timothymnl - 2011-01-01 4:04 AM I'd like to join your mentor group.

Hello, my name is Timothy Lee; I am 50 and live in the Chicago suburban area. Two years ago, I started cycling after about a 20year hiatus from physical activity. Previous to that, I was very much into racket sports but work and family (and probably laziness) intervened. In 2009 and 2010, I was the cyclist in 3 relay sprint tri's and 1 Olympic relay tri and ran 2 5Ks. I have been training on my 10K too. I'm 6 foot and currently at about 173-175 lbs. My racing weight goal is probably 170.

My goal for 2011 is to complete 3-4 individual sprint tri's - this will be a first for me doing the individual event. My weakest link is the swim which is really poor by any standard. At the present time, I can accomplish 400-500 pool yds but in 25yd repeats - I need to stop and rest after each lap. Need help and advice here.

I am also planning to run a 10K and half marathon this year.

I am in the gym doing resistance workouts 3X a week and being in Chicago with the winter, I have temporarily suspended my outdoor bike and run training to concentrate on the swim. Would greatly appreciate your input.



Your in Tim.  Thanks for joining the group.  Now we got a cyclist in the group.  Yes!!

We'll work on your swim.  My 1st sprint tri was 400 meters and I remember wondering how the heck I was going to do that distance.  As I mentioned above in the thread initially the key for me was learning how to relax in the water.   I did this by learning how to swim bi-laterially.  More on that later.  Also, swimming is very technique driven.  There are lots of sources on this site and others that will help us out.

I and others in the group are here to help you out. 
2011-01-01 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3256830

New user

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
I have wanted to do a triathlon for the last 5 years.  I began training 5 years ago and over did it and suffered major hip injuries.  I've done a lot of work to be able to just exercise again and would like to give this a go again, just a little more slowly.  Hoping this will be the way to do it.  Plus I could stand to drop a few pounds.  Not working out really affected my weight and overall feeling of well being.  I'm very excited to get to work!
2011-01-01 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3270758

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
55373bsmith - 2011-01-01 8:51 AM Brian Smith in Rockford, Minnesota.

I am really stoked to give my all to my first Triathlon event! And, I'm really looking forward receiving help and encouragement along the way.

Ran/swam in high school and college. Then got busy with life. Now, at 48, I am really looking for a physical and mental challenge that's bigger than I. Started running in 2010 and love it. Just not enough stimulus for me anymore.

Married with 3 teenage young people: 2 girls and boy.

Training: Until I found BT I wasn't focused on my workouts. But, generally I run, bike and weight train. Have always been fit, now I want to get strong and work on my mental game.

I would like to join this group!

Hey Brain,

Glad you joined the group.  Good to see that you like running.  Initially I really enjoyed biking and on occasion didn't enjoy the thought of jumping in the pool or running.  Now I really enjoy my running and swimming workouts.

Warning:  once you complete your 1st tri you'll be addicted.
2011-01-01 8:35 AM
in reply to: #3270783

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
lhalbe01 - 2011-01-01 9:13 AM I have wanted to do a triathlon for the last 5 years.  I began training 5 years ago and over did it and suffered major hip injuries.  I've done a lot of work to be able to just exercise again and would like to give this a go again, just a little more slowly.  Hoping this will be the way to do it.  Plus I could stand to drop a few pounds.  Not working out really affected my weight and overall feeling of well being.  I'm very excited to get to work!


You have hit on a VERY important concept.  In my past I would train too hard for events and end up injured.  Being consistent is the key.  My 1st mentor had a saying...  "don't do anything today that will hamper your training tomorrow".  We all over-do-it occassionally.  But the key to improvement is consistency.  If we are hurt, we can't train, if we are not training we will not improve.

I look forward to training with you in 2011.

BTW:  I didn't see you name in the this thread or on your BT Blog.  Update that for us.
2011-01-01 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3256830

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
Hey Gang,

I'm going to be offline traveling for the next couple days (maybe checking in tonight). Keep your questions coming.... I'll get to them.  I think we have 8 people in the group at the moment.  We will close it when we hit 10-15 folks.  Enjoy new years day.

2011-01-01 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3256830

New user

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
I would like to to join your group.

Name: mlkma1/Mike Klonsky. Live in Lynnfield, MA 15 miles north of Boston.

Story: Competitive swimmer and runner in college. Just turned 49. Way out of shape several years ago and was asked by my wife to run the falmouth road race to raise money for cancer (lymphoma) after she was diagnosed. Got me back out on the road but was not consistent. Joined a gym and became friendly with a group of people who are into working out a year ago and have been there 5-7 days per week at 5AM since. One of my friends competed in a sprint triathalon last year in NH and challenged me to compete in 2011. Will miss falmouth this year to as the triathalon one week later. 

Family Status: Married with 2 children, 10 & 8.

Current Training: Weights 4-5 times per week. Walking on the treadmill, elliptical and running outdoors.

2011 races: August 21, 2011 Timberman.

Weightloss: Needed. At 225-230 currently want to be at 200-205 range.

Health issues: Dealing with plantar fasciitis, very painful at times.

Look forward to being part of the group.
2011-01-01 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3256830

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Tulsa, OK
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
rTSS: 161
IF: .95

Jeff, I see this on your training log. What is rTSS and IF?
2011-01-01 12:11 PM
in reply to: #3256830

User image

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
I would love to join the group as well!

Name: melkat (short for Melissa Kathryn). I live in Sarasota also.

Story: Back-of-the-pack runner, I have completed 1 full marathon, 15 half marathons and assorted shorter distance races. I'm registered for 4 more halfs in the next 4 months, then the Florida International Triathlon (just the sprint distance) in May. I have completed two duathlons, but the swim training has eluded me thus far. 

Family Status: Married with 2 children, 18 & 8.

Current Training: running 3 days weekly, biking 1 - 2 days weekly typically, though I'm recovering from illness and injury so trying to get back into it.

2011 races: Disney Half Jan 8
    Disney Princess Half Feb 27
    FL Beach Half March 20
   IronGirl Half Clearwater April 10
    FL International Triathlon Sprint Distance May 14
   Women's Half Marathon November something

Weightloss: Need to lose about 30lbs

Health issues: Feet. I have a tarsal coalition in my left foot that I was likely born with. Two bones are tethered together with no cushion in the joint space. I do pretty well, but once the long runs hit 8 miles or more, I feel it the next day.

I've been contemplating the tri for a couple years, but swim training has been difficult to schedule. I hope that actually registering for a race will help with motivation.
2011-01-01 3:07 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - Open
I'd really like to join your mentor group - we've got a similar history around weight & exercise, although I've been off the couch since 2007.

Name: barbsduck (Barbara K) - I live in Decatur, Georgia (a suburb of Atlanta)

Story: I've never done an endurance sport and this would be my first tri.  In the past, I've done 2-day and 3-day breast cancer walks (30-60 miles over 2-3 days), and every fall, I volunteer for bike crew for the Atlanta 2-day breast cancer walk.  I really like exercise and go to the gym regularly (or did before the holiday season!) -- I really love cardio (biking, hiking, step classes, kickboxing, dancing) and do some strength training, but haven't done any jogging or lap swimming in 30 years.  I can handle spinning classes (1 hour - 20 miles) quite well.  I was a very strong swimmer in my twenties.  So, I feel comfortable with the cycling and swimming, but NOT the running!

Family Status:  I'm 52 years old and in a committed relationship with my domestic partner.  No human children -- have two dogs who are my furbabies!

Weightloss:  I've had a lifelong struggle with overeating and body image issues.  In 2007, I lost 65 pounds, and got to a maintenance weight of 155-160.  I maintained it for a couple of years, but have put about 20 pounds back on that I am committed to taking off. 

Training:  I want to do an irongirl sprint tri on May 15th (1/3 swim, 18 bike, 3 run). I need advice on which training plan to follow.  I'm definitely not on the couch, but can't run nonstop.  I'm thinking maybe I should adapt the basic 13-week plan or the 16-week,3x-balanced plan, so that I start out "wogging" and incrementally increase the running time over the first 4-6 weeks.  Would love input on this, because I want to start on Monday!

2011 races:  Definitely the May 15th Irongirl in Gainesville, GA, at Lake Lanier.  If that is a good experience, then I'll do another one in the fall!
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