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2011-01-01 9:27 PM

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
 Chaderbox/Chad and aquagirl/ Helen
STORY: Aquagirl's"story: I decided to get in shape about 4 years ago. Years of shiftwork had taken its toll on my health. I joined a gym, and soon got the silly idea that I could do a tri. I started with a "try a tri" in the summer of '07 and progressed from there. My longest race was a half iron in '09. Despite my silly username, I am NOT the best swimmer in the pool! Strongest sport would probably be cycling. 
FAMILY STATUS: Married, two awesome kids
CURRENT TRAINING: Well......currently I am recovering from knee surgery....which means of course that I will have LOTS of time to mentor!!
THIS YEAR'S RACES: This year was a wash out in terms of racing......I had to wait many months to get my surgery. Hope to get up and running again this year!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: Well obviously the FIRST thing that you need to be a good mentor is time. This I have. I have some experience, up to the half iron level, but I have not been doing this soooo long that I have forgotten what its like to be brand new at this. 
Which brings me to this point: Chad and I would prefer this mentor group be reserved for TRUE NEWBIES. We want to get you up and running, so to speak. 
So if you have never done a tri before, or perhaps just did one for the first time last year.....then we would love nothing more than to offer you all the support and encouragement that we can.
Come on in!!

Please number yourself accordingly  once you join ok?

Edited by aquagirl 2011-01-15 5:14 PM

2011-01-02 10:17 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group !

Name - Chad

Story - Once upon a time, I played football (or hand-egg to you non-US football people) in college.  When I quit playing, I didn't quit eating like a 300 pound footbally guy eats.  So I gained lots of weight, 347 was my highest.  I've been up and down lots since then with my weight.  As low as 237, and back as high as 299.  I started tri training in March of 2009, at 297 pounds, and in the summer of 2010 was at my lowest of 237.  I've put some of that back on with injury but am back to taking it off again.  I am probably the exact opposite of Helen.  Mainly because she's a lean girl, and I'm a pudgy guy.  But also because her strongest thing, cycling, is my weakest.  I'm not a great swimmer, but it's generally my favourite part of the race.  In terms of my races, I've done a few 5k's an 8k, a mud run, an indoor tri (1st overall), a few sprints, and a Half-Iron in Nov, 2010.

Family status - Married, with a 2yo son
Current Training - I'm currently training for a half marathon in March
This year's races - I don't have any tri's planned yet, due to a recent income change.  If we add more salary back, I'll add more races. 

Weightloss - always my goal.  I'm much better at giving great advice than taking my own though.  I think that's the case for most of us though.  That being said, I have lost 100+ pounds and do know a thing or two about it.

What will make me a good mentor - Like Helen, I have lots of time currently.  But I'm also still a new enough tri person to remember what being a new person is like.  I have managed to pick up lots of info, and have a long history of playing sport at a semi-high level to draw from.  And even though I look horrid in a short skirt, I'm a great cheer-leader and will be sure you know you can make the goals you set because you're ready to.  Also, I like to make sure people remember that triathlon is a hobby, and a fun one at that.  I'll do my best to help with the tough times, and let you know it's ok to look like a sausage person with all that spandex on race day.

2011-01-12 12:16 PM
in reply to: #3271854


Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group !
Would love to join your group!  I am completely new to triathlons, so I think I would fit in great.
Here's some info about me:
Name: srja/Sara

Story: I started running and doing strength training about a year and a half ago simply because I wanted to stay healthy and start doing some 5K races with my husband.  Last year I ran some 5K races and did my first 1/2 marathon.  I have a close friend who is a great runner and who also used to do triathlons before she had kids.  She always talks about how fun they were.  So I thought I should give it a shot.  I went out and bought my very first road bike this fall and joined a gym with a pool this month.  So here I am, ready to train!

Family Status:  Married, no kids unless you want to count my two dogs.

Current Training:  I am doing a little bit of everything right now, just trying to find a good routine and schedule that will work with me.  Hopefully I will have it figured out soon.  I am just a little overwhelmed with trying to balance everything out.  I go from only running to now trying to fit in swimming and biking.

Races:  I don't have a specific tri picked out for this spring/summer but I have a couple in mind.  June is when they mostly begin in my area.  I will probably do a small local one first then possibly one of the women's only tri's involving open water such as the Trek, Danskin, or Irongirl.

2011-01-12 1:11 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group !
Welcome Sara!
2011-01-12 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group !
OK folks....Sara is number ONE. 

I think that in order to  be able to give lots of attention, lets limit this group to 10 people.

If you decide to join, could you please finish your post with "I am number xx"?
Then when we get to 10 we will be closed.

I have a busy day today, since its my son's may not be online when we reach the magic number........
2011-01-12 5:53 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
Yes, welcome Sara. 

And Happy Birthday aqua-son.

2011-01-12 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3271854

Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
I'm sure that since my big brother loves me so much and loves answering all of my training questions, he'll love having me in his mentor group, too, right Chad?

Name: cbredderman/Corey

Story: I started running in June 2010 for three reasons.  1, I needed to lose weight. 2, Running a 5k was on my list (my 101 things to do in 1001 days list).  3, If my brother can do it, so can I.  I've completed four 5K's, and my New Year's resolution is to complete a race every month in 2011.  Since I started running, I've lost about 30 pounds, but still have some weight to go.

Family Status:
  Just me and my boyfriend

Current Training:
  Just joined a local YMCA, and have been really good this week about making it to a class or getting in my own cardio and weights workout every day.  Just got myself a new swim suit, so I'll be adding some pool time to my workouts, too.  I'm not nearly as good at going out to run, but I'm getting better.

  5k in Feb, indoor tri and half marathon in March, duathlon in May, Triathlon and Warrior Dash in August.  Still working on filling in the other months.

And I guess this makes me number 2.
2011-01-12 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
Hi Corey!
2011-01-13 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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New user

Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
I would love to join your group! 
I am new to triathlons, basically I am new to consistent exercise in general, but I am more committed than your average new years resolutionist .

Here's some info about me:

: DoubleBee/Bobby

Story: I am 32 and I've been running/walking about 15 miles/week not consistently and not really serious until the last few weeks. 

I woke up one day and realized I should be in my prime health, instead I'm wasting away and I made a lot of changes, then I lost steam and now I'm back with a better understanding of why the changes I made were so important and why I must continue no matter what.   My goal, I guess you could say my driving force, is to dance with my daughters at their wedding.  My Mother died at 53 of a heart attack after struggling most of her life with dieting and never got the chance to dance with me at my wedding nor meet my beautiful girls, I don't want to follow in her foot steps.

So far I quit smoking about 2 years ago, and started running...  back in school which seems like forever ago, I used to love running... I remember running a mile in 5:35 and how awesome it was.... why I am here? I have a co-worker who's name was picked in the lottery to compete in the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon, after hearing her explain what it was, knowing she's 10 years older than me, I read all about it and it sounds like one of the most exciting things I could do and I want to get there at some point.

Family Status:  Married, with 3 and 4 year old girls and 1 lab.

Current Training: I have a gym membership and I've been jogging outside or on the treadmill depending on temperature and mild weight training.. I have access to a pool but have not swam like an adult in years so I'm totally interested in how to start there.  I don't have a bike and to be honest I'd swim in shark infested waters but bike riding seems totally frightening to me.

Races:  I have a 5K in March I'm planning on running in as I've never competed in any sort of race before and its for a good cause.  My Team at work (I work for a defense contractor) runs in the Marine Corps Marathon each year and no less than 1 week after moving to this team I was informed I'd be running as well, so that's the major race this year.  There's a 70.3 in Galveston in spring, I'd like to complete that in 2012 and the Austin 70.3 in October 2012 and longer term goals.   I'm also curious about the muddy buddy races and obstacle course stuff.
2011-01-13 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
Welcome to both Corey and Bobby.

That makes Bobby #3.

And yes, we'll love having you around, Corey.  Just no whining like you were so good at as a kid, please. 
2011-01-13 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
Hi Chad and Helen,

I would like to join your mentor group.  I am new to triathlon, having not completed one yet.  I will post my information in the requested format tonight.



2011-01-13 1:10 PM
in reply to: #3271854


Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
Hey Corey I'm signed up for a Warrior Dash this year too!  Did one last year and it was a BLAST!  You will love it if you've never done one.

Bobby-  I am with you about the bike riding too.  I have mountain biked for a few years (nothing extreme, just fun stuff) and I am totally comfortable on that bike and riding trails.  Now, my road bike is a totally different story.  I am scared to death of that thing!  I have only had a chance to get out on it a hand full of times before the weather turned here.  It really is a lot to get comfortable with but I found that each time I went out it got easier.   Also, wanted to mention that I am looking into doing a muddy buddy race this year as well!
2011-01-13 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
And Noel makes #4.

Welcome Bobby and Noel!
We are glad to have you on board! 
2011-01-13 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3296607

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
doublebee - 2011-01-13 9:23 AM I would love to join your group! 
I am new to triathlons, basically I am new to consistent exercise in general, but I am more committed than your average new years resolutionist .

Here's some info about me:

: DoubleBee/Bobby

Story: I am 32 and I've been running/walking about 15 miles/week not consistently and not really serious until the last few weeks. 

I woke up one day and realized I should be in my prime health, instead I'm wasting away and I made a lot of changes, then I lost steam and now I'm back with a better understanding of why the changes I made were so important and why I must continue no matter what.   My goal, I guess you could say my driving force, is to dance with my daughters at their wedding.  My Mother died at 53 of a heart attack after struggling most of her life with dieting and never got the chance to dance with me at my wedding nor meet my beautiful girls, I don't want to follow in her foot steps.

So far I quit smoking about 2 years ago, and started running...  back in school which seems like forever ago, I used to love running... I remember running a mile in 5:35 and how awesome it was.... why I am here? I have a co-worker who's name was picked in the lottery to compete in the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon, after hearing her explain what it was, knowing she's 10 years older than me, I read all about it and it sounds like one of the most exciting things I could do and I want to get there at some point.

Family Status:  Married, with 3 and 4 year old girls and 1 lab.

Current Training: I have a gym membership and I've been jogging outside or on the treadmill depending on temperature and mild weight training.. I have access to a pool but have not swam like an adult in years so I'm totally interested in how to start there.  I don't have a bike and to be honest I'd swim in shark infested waters but bike riding seems totally frightening to me.

Races:  I have a 5K in March I'm planning on running in as I've never competed in any sort of race before and its for a good cause.  My Team at work (I work for a defense contractor) runs in the Marine Corps Marathon each year and no less than 1 week after moving to this team I was informed I'd be running as well, so that's the major race this year.  There's a 70.3 in Galveston in spring, I'd like to complete that in 2012 and the Austin 70.3 in October 2012 and longer term goals.   I'm also curious about the muddy buddy races and obstacle course stuff.

Ah Bobby........I will turn you into a bike riding fiend!
I am seriously in love with riding. Love everything about it. I shall go on and on about it until you have no choice but to fall in love with it too!   
2011-01-13 2:45 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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New user

Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
That's why I am here, so I can get out of my comfort zone.  I live in Austin, TX and the bike community here is insane... its almost intimidating and I can't believe the roads they ride on.  Speed limit is 65 cars are whizzing past at 70MPH, but some of the scenery is pretty awesome.

I'm here to make permanent changes so I look forward to it.

I also signed up with a Master's Swimming group and will swim Sunday at 5:30AM in 30 degree weather... what my suit will look like has me more worried than the biking at the moment

2011-01-13 3:32 PM
in reply to: #3297854

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN

Bobby, don't worry about what your suit looks like, unless it's actually see-through.  One thing you'll find in this odd sport is that all body types, sizes, looks, and anything else you can think of all wrap themselves up in spandex and prance about.  I've been at races with 350 pound guys in a speedo brief.  You'll be fine.

2011-01-13 4:10 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
Here is my bio as promised.

NAME: Nmroach/ Noel (pronounced Noll)

 I am an ex-football player that got into running after college and some weight gain.  I ran lots of races including 5ks and 10ks, half-marathons and 3 marathons during this time.  Law School and family put a halt to most of my activity over the last 7 or 8 years and I picked up the weight that I had lost when I was running consistently.  I have dabled with exercise over the past 3 years but nothing too consistent.  Like most of us on this site I have had triathlon aspirations for years.  I have decided that this is the year for me to get in shape and complete my first, hopefully of many, triathlon.  I am a very slow swimmer and recently broke out of my 50 meter rut.  I will be needing some lessons soon.  I'm okay on the bike and running, but I believe that losing weight and consistent training will help me improve in these areas. To assist me in my goals and force me to run more consistently, I registered for the 2011 Pittsburgh Marathon.

 Married with a 7 year old son and 5 year old daughter

 I am currently in the beginning portion of my marathon training, which has me running 4 days a week.  I also complete two Spin Classes per week and will be trying to get in a weekend ride on a recently purchased bike trainer.  I try to swim two days a week.

2011 RACES: 

Upper Mainline Triathlon (Sprint) - April 17, 2011:  This would be my first triathlon and I like the fact that the swim is in a pool.

Pittsburgh Marathon - May 15, 2011: This would be my first marathon since 2003.

MS150 Escape to the Lake (Charity Bike Ride) - June 11 & 12, 2011: I'm hoping to do the Century option on the first day.

Tour de Cure (Charity Bike Ride for Diabetes) - June 26, 2011: 50 miler.

Pittsburgh Triathlon (Olympic) - August 2011:  If schedule permits and swimming improves.

Rev3 Cedar Point (half) or Syracuse 70.3 - September 2011:  Completing a Half Ironman is an outside goal for this year if, and only if my swimming improves.

I would also like to complete a fall marathon, maybe Richmond.

This is probably a little agressive, but I think it will help keep me on task.

 Definitely.  I'm not setting a drop-dead goal but would like to lose at least 50 lbs by the end of the year.  This should be easily doable with consistent training. 

Edited by nmroach 2011-01-13 4:14 PM
2011-01-13 7:38 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
Noel, good luck on the 50 pound weight loss.  One thing to keep in mind is that you aren't training to eat, but eating to train.  Sure with bigger workouts, you'll burn more calories, but you need to be smart about how many you take in.  You need to be able to be recovered for your next workout, but not blowing up your calorie deficit.

It's easy to think "I'm working out TONS, I can have one extra cheat meal this week/day/whatever".  That one turns into a lot more pretty easily.  Or, it can for me.
2011-01-14 12:59 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
Number 5 here.

NAME: r1237h/Ron

STORY: About 23 years ago I hurt my back in the army, and was told no more exercise allowed. A few years ago I was told that the attitude had changed, and exercise was now allowed, but now I had over 20 years to make up for. So I decided to start running, karate, kickboxing, biking, hiking.... and tore my miniscus (it seems that my knee did not appreciate 240 pounds landing on it...). Had the operation about 2 months ago, and have started to walk again, swim a bit (not enough) and this week, have been ok'ed to ride.

By the way, Tuesday I decided to walk to the pool, swim, and walk back, which was almost 12 km, and today I walked to the store and back (I felt like buying a melon), which was about 9 km (I didn't think about it beforehand, but after shopping, I was walking home with an extra 20-25 lbs. in my backpack. Not too bright). For someone who couldn't walk more then 12 minutes for the past year and a half, this is GREAT!

Why am I doing this? I like biking, used to run as a form of transportation, and while I find swimming boring, hope that my waterproof case for the ipod will help. I have three kids, and plan to play with them for many years to come. For that, and for the great feeling I remember having when in good shape, I am doing this.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, three kids.

CURRENT TRAINING: Well, like aquagirl, I am recovering from knee surgery. Walking, going to start biking, and plan to swim at least three times a week.

How about I get to the stage where I can run first?

WEIGHTLOSS: Oh yeah. I am at 112 kg, and plan to get as close as I can to 80.

Edited by r1237h 2011-01-14 1:02 AM
2011-01-14 6:46 AM
in reply to: #3298445

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
Chaderbox - 2011-01-13 7:38 PM Noel, good luck on the 50 pound weight loss.  One thing to keep in mind is that you aren't training to eat, but eating to train.  Sure with bigger workouts, you'll burn more calories, but you need to be smart about how many you take in.  You need to be able to be recovered for your next workout, but not blowing up your calorie deficit.

It's easy to think "I'm working out TONS, I can have one extra cheat meal this week/day/whatever".  That one turns into a lot more pretty easily.  Or, it can for me.

Thanks Chad.  That is something I've been playing around with over the last few weeks, especially with my increased running.  I'm trying to reduce calories while having enough to energize my workouts.  It's still a work in progress.
2011-01-14 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3298786

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
Welcome, Ron.

I can't speak for how well a waterproof iPod case works, but there are specific underwater MP3 player you can find.  SwiMP3 is one of them.  A quick google button pressing can show you lots of them.

2011-01-14 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
Hi Ron!
You found us!  

We can recover together ok?

I guess Ron is #5. 
2011-01-14 12:59 PM
in reply to: #3299012

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
aquagirl - 2011-01-14 8:52 AM Hi Ron!
You found us!  

We can recover together ok?

I guess Ron is #5. 

You know, he did say that, AG.    If I didn't know better, I'd say you were just bumping us.  Sort of like I'm doing now.

I hope everyone is having fun so far, and getting in some consistant training.
2011-01-14 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3299909

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
Chaderbox - 2011-01-14 1:59 PM
aquagirl - 2011-01-14 8:52 AM Hi Ron!
You found us!  

We can recover together ok?

I guess Ron is #5. 

You know, he did say that, AG.    If I didn't know better, I'd say you were just bumping us.  Sort of like I'm doing now.

I hope everyone is having fun so far, and getting in some consistant training.

Me? Bump us? Would I DO such a thing?? 
2011-01-14 2:45 PM
in reply to: #3300152

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! OPEN
aquagirl - 2011-01-14 12:39 PM
Chaderbox - 2011-01-14 1:59 PM
aquagirl - 2011-01-14 8:52 AM Hi Ron!
You found us!  

We can recover together ok?

I guess Ron is #5. 

You know, he did say that, AG.    If I didn't know better, I'd say you were just bumping us.  Sort of like I'm doing now.

I hope everyone is having fun so far, and getting in some consistant training.

Me? Bump us? Would I DO such a thing?? 

Obviously a delusion from training too hard.
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