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2011-01-11 7:04 AM

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL

NAME: hlipusch/Heather Lipusch

STORY: My first triathlon was in 2004. I was hooked from the first one. I've completed 4 marathons countless triathlons and my most recent success was completion of Ironman Wisconsin. I'm hooked on the longer distance events. I will be participating in Ironman Wisconsin again this year. I gained 75lbs each time I was pregnant (twice) and I credit losing the weight to the rigid training programs I follow.

FAMILY STATUS: I am a married mom of 2 plus 1 stepdaughter. My stepdaughter is 16, my son is 7 and my daughter is 3

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently training for the Petit InStep Gold Medal Challenge. The event is on January 22nd and 23rd. It's a half marathon on the 22nd followed by a full marathon on the 23rd. Beginning in February my focus will be back on triathlon as I prepare for Ironman Wisconsin in September.

2011 RACES: Some races I will be doing this year are the GMC mentioned above, Elkhart Lake - Olympic, Trailbreaker - 1/2 marathon, Racine - Half Ironman, Race the Lake Winnebago - 90 mile bike race, Ironman Wisconsin and a few sprint distance triathlons sprinkled in.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I'm very passionate about triathlon. I am a certified personal trainer. I aim to coach one day. I am a stay at home mom who has enough free time to keep tabs on my mentees and answer questions swiftly.

Let's get to training and have some fun in the process!!

Edited by hlipusch 2011-01-24 3:10 PM

2011-01-11 11:33 PM
in reply to: #3291778

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Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - Open
Hi Heather, awesome intro.  A HM followed by a full marathon, wow that is impressive.  I just completed my first HM this past Saturday. My time was 2:18.  I was pretty happy with that and it felt great.  I am now going to start training for my first TRI in April here in Las Vegas.  It's the Iron Girl.  Im excited.  I am already in a mentor group but would love to chime in and be involved in your group as well if that's ok.

Im married, 2 boys, 15 and 16.  Im 40 and my goal is to complete my first tri when I am 40.

My first focus is swimming since that is what I will need the most training in to complete.  I got the running down.  I am comfortable on the bike although I have been riding a mountain bike.  I have a deposit down on a road bike so hope to have that paid off by mid Feb.

I struggle with the nutrition big time.  I just don't know what plan to follow.  What do you do for your nutrition plan?

Well there's a little bit about me.  Look forward to getting and giving some support.
2011-01-20 10:14 PM
in reply to: #3291778

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - Open
Hi - I'm brand new to any kind of endurance sport, but I'm on week 5 of the C25K program. Mostly running on a treadmill as it is just too freaking cold outside in Minnesota right now.

Are you still accepting mentees?

-50 year old, total newbie. I used to be a pretty good swimmer in my youth, and I often ride my bike to work. No kids, just dogs.

2011-01-21 12:17 PM
in reply to: #3291778


Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - Open
I am a complete newbie as well. I am a 23 year old mom (9 mo. old daughter). I am training with a friend to participate in a sprint-distance race in July. I ran mid-distance in high school and briefly in college, have always been a strong swimmer, and recreational biker. Right now, a triathlon just seems impossible, but if I can actually do it...well, it makes ANYTHING seem possibleLaughing
2011-01-23 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3291778

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - Open


If you still have room in your group I would love to join. 

My name is Gloria I am 49 yrs old. I work full time as an accountant, mother of four grown children with 4 grandchildren and recently divorced.  Finding myself in my late 40's and overweight which has been a lifelong battle for me I decieded to do something about it and this time be sucessful ! I started training for 5k's and did any I could find locally, having done that I was encouraged by a friend to do a triathlon. 3 years ago I did my first sprint and was hooked . I have joined Weight Watchers and lost half the weight I need to so far 70 pounds and working hard on the rest. 

Two different knee injuries in the last year that required surgery have slowed me down somewhat I did not race last season at all but I am motivated and ready to go this season !!

2011-01-23 12:40 PM
in reply to: #3291778

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - Open

I'd like to join!

My name is Megan, I live in NY, 33. I've done a few indoor triathlons, but this year I want to see how far I can go. I also want to do my first half marathon at the minumum. The big goal is a half iron man in fall.  I'm not the fastest at biking or swiming, but have pretty good indurance. The run is going to be the big thing for me, that and not getting hurt (bit of a clutz).

I have 15 years in the air guard/reserves, finishing up a divorce, and working on my old farm house I bought. Would love to have a group to talk with, question, and have some fun seeing how far everyone goes.

Other goals this summer:
Bike boarder to boarder from my house. PA to Canada and back on route 5. (its about 100 mi)
AF half marathon
Dont know what HIM to do if I get that far.

2011-01-23 5:33 PM
in reply to: #3291778


Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - Open
Hi Heather,I'd love to join your group, if it's still open. I am due with my third child in two weeks so can't begin training until the start of April but I am determined and raring to go. Ive registered for a spri t triatholon in September so my first goal of training is to be ready to compete in that. I was a very good swimmer way back in the day (Im 32 now) and I have some intermittent experience running and compteting in a few 5k's but I don't think I've ridden a bike since I was 14! I'm psyched to have a plan and get moving toward my first goal and I would love to have the benefit of guidance and experience along the way.Thank you for your time,Samantha
2011-01-23 6:14 PM
in reply to: #3291778

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - Open

Hi Heather - I see that  now why you have not posted for the past couple of days... you are running that crazy back to back race TODAY. Yikes! I hope it went really well.


2011-01-23 7:41 PM
in reply to: #3293871


Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - Open
Hey Heather! This sounds like the group for me. I am 41 and have run 3 half-marathons. I have always been pretty athletic growing up.  I swam competitively most of my childhood as well as being an avid runner. Although I WAS a swimmer, I am certainly not in that shape now.  I know it is a completely different cardiovascular workout.  I work part-time, but my 3 kids doesn't allow me tons of extra time for training. I look foward to your tips and motivation.

Edited by fitintn 2011-01-23 8:13 PM
2011-01-23 8:47 PM
in reply to: #3291778


Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - Open
I'm a mom of 6 turning 40 this year, and was hoping to set a goal of accomplishing a mini-marathon this year!  Would appreciate advice!  Thanks!
2011-01-23 11:23 PM
in reply to: #3291778

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Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - Open

I would love to join, I am new to triathlons but have always loved cycling, swimming, but not such a fan of running.

I am training for my first triathlon in March, and then I plan on doing another 4-5 sprints this season plus possibly a olympic at the end of the season.

I am looking forward to a women only group.


Edited by jaclynembry 2011-01-23 11:24 PM

2011-01-24 1:29 AM
in reply to: #3291778


Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - Open

I would love to join this group!  My first triathlon will take place in August and I've never done one before, so I need all of the help I can get .  I've never been much of an athlete, so I've been following the "couch to triathlon" training program.  I look forward to learning and training with all of you!
2011-01-24 7:22 AM
in reply to: #3291778


Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - Open
Hi - I'm new to competing in any sport.  My younger sister told me at Christmas that she was doing a sprint triathlon in June and it really got me motivated to try it myself!  I'm 46 and although I've always done some kind of working out, I've found that in the past year I'm just not having much fun in my workouts - I need a goal!  I've talked several friends into joining me to do a triathlon in July.  So, we are just getting started.  I'm looking for all the help and advice I can getSmile.  I would love to join this group!
2011-01-24 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3291778

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - Open
Wow! We have a great big group here! I had a busy weekend. Saturday I ran a half marathon and Sunday a full marathon. It was all part of our indoor gold medal challenge at the Petit National Ice Center. :-)

Now about our group. Please make sure you update your logs so I can see what you are doing each day for your training. This is a crucial tool for you to use! I will try and check logs at least once/week and I will check our thread here at a minimum once/day to answer your questions. If you need immediate help with something send me a private message because I see those immediately in my email.

I'm looking forward to helping all of you experience the joy of training and racing!

2011-01-24 11:19 AM
in reply to: #3291778

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New user

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - Open
Hi Heather,

I'm looking to do my first triathlon this summer to celebrate turning 40! I'm married and mother of three (11,8 & 5). We live in a rural area and keep pretty busy with homeschooling and farm chores. I've done a lot of mountain bike riding and have recently started running and am a terrible swimmer... a challenge ahead of me to say the least. Doing P90X workouts to stay in shape but need to flip to triathlon training. Using this site for a training schedule and will start beginning of next week.

Looking fwd to training with you all!!
2011-01-24 3:25 PM
in reply to: #3291778

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
We have quite a big group here! That's great! I just went through all of your training logs and for the most part only 1 of you is consistently logging your workouts. It is a fantastic tool so please use it. You will see your progress over time and I can check in on you to be sure you're doing your training which may help motivate you to do it! Our group is full now and we have 12 women.


2011-01-24 4:11 PM
in reply to: #3291778

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Hi everyone,
I'm Mary - the 50 year old dog owner - and I just started week 6 of the c25K program that I had found on iTunes. I think it's a bit different from the couch to 5 k on this site - as it is only 9 weeks long. It seems to be working out OK for me now - and I'm super happy to have made it all the way to week 6.

My Y is having an indoor triathlon with a mini-sprint distance (400 yd swim, 8 mile bike and 1 mile run) which might be a good introduction to the whole concept. Not having really any previous racing experience, I'm sort of curious about... but if I do that I'm confronted with my first major question about actually racing... what ever shall I wear?

I've been reading a bunch of stuff on line and since I'm new and don't want to spend the money right now on a tri suit, I was thinking I would just wear a bathing suit, but then I need some kind of .. you know... support. I'm a C cup - but my running bra is lightly padded and I'm afraid it would get too wet and never dry... what type of running bra would you wear under a swimming suit?

2011-01-24 6:22 PM
in reply to: #3318966

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Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Sounds like you are off to a great start, a one piece with bike shorts over for the bike portion should work but it will effect your transition times, which you may or may not be concerned at your first tri. Or if you want to get a actual tri suit check out eBay, I was able to pick up a brand new tri suit for 75% off of retail which made it totally worth it. Keep up the hard work!
2011-01-24 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3291778

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL

I'm a B/C cup, I bought a two peice tri swim suit, and haven't had a problem with the girls. I've only done indoor sprints so far, but shorts and a tee shirt on top of the suit worked well.

2011-01-25 4:30 PM
in reply to: #3318966

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
bakerswife - 2011-01-24 4:11 PM

Hi everyone,
I'm Mary - the 50 year old dog owner - and I just started week 6 of the c25K program that I had found on iTunes. I think it's a bit different from the couch to 5 k on this site - as it is only 9 weeks long. It seems to be working out OK for me now - and I'm super happy to have made it all the way to week 6.

My Y is having an indoor triathlon with a mini-sprint distance (400 yd swim, 8 mile bike and 1 mile run) which might be a good introduction to the whole concept. Not having really any previous racing experience, I'm sort of curious about... but if I do that I'm confronted with my first major question about actually racing... what ever shall I wear?

I've been reading a bunch of stuff on line and since I'm new and don't want to spend the money right now on a tri suit, I was thinking I would just wear a bathing suit, but then I need some kind of .. you know... support. I'm a C cup - but my running bra is lightly padded and I'm afraid it would get too wet and never dry... what type of running bra would you wear under a swimming suit?


Hi Mary,
Since this is your first triathlon DO NOT worry about your transition times (the time in between each event). If your biggest concern is your comfort and you don't want to spend money on new triathlon gear then just wear your normal suit and towel off in the locker room and make a quick change into your biking/running clothes. Not sure if they're using computrainers for the bike portion or spin bikes with computers but an 8 mile ride won't have you in the bike saddle for very long and you should be okay without bike shorts. If you'd rather wear bike shorts then go right ahead and put those on after the swim. If they are lightly padded you could get by wearing them in the pool but they will stay wet for the duration of the event (which really shouldn't matter at all). You really have a lot of options and you may want to practice what you're going to do/wear for the event. An indoor mini-sprint is definitely a great jumping off point for you! By the way, when is the event?
2011-01-25 6:31 PM
in reply to: #3291778

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Thanks everyone for the feedback. There is a mini sprint on Feb 13 and another one on April 3rd. I wasn't sure which one to try- afraid that the feb one might be too soon.

I just finished a 20 minute continuous swim ( absolutely no idea of distance - I cannot count and exercise at the same time - do you have a good way to mark your laps?). and tomorrow is Day 2 of Week 6 of the C25k (9 week program).

I am really concerned that I not injure myself - since that has killed every previous attempt to learn to run in the past - although I'm already farther along now then I have ever been in the past.

I like the idea of just try to make do with my current array of clothing, so I'll give it a try later this week with the sports bra.

This is really great -by the way - to be able to ask questions and get answers! thanks!


2011-01-25 9:33 PM
in reply to: #3291778

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
calf raises are great to prevent shin splints. I do a few hundred a day (sets of 25 or 50) while standing at work or inline. one leg and two. just hold on to something when balancing on one leg.

good luck.

ps. try only counting laps (down and back as one) I just keep repeating in my head the lap number till I finish that lap.
2011-01-26 11:20 AM
in reply to: #3291778

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Hey there is there still room in this mentor group. I'm a 29 year old(well 29 tomorrow)  mother of a four month old. I completed two tat's in 2009 and well last year i was prego and exercised but did not race as somebody came at the end of the season( does that count as a marathon). This year I have set up the lofty  goal of completing an olympic tri in wasaga beach in sept. Currently Im in the shape of a beginner again since well I havent managed combine motherhood effectively yet, go for a walk daily.
2011-01-26 3:06 PM
in reply to: #3291778

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Good news! My leave request were accepted! I now have off for my two indoor tri's in Feb and March.

happy happy joy joy!
2011-01-26 3:07 PM
in reply to: #3323144

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
megan_four - 2011-01-26 3:06 PM

Good news! My leave request were accepted! I now have off for my two indoor tri's in Feb and March.

happy happy joy joy!

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