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2005-09-23 10:57 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Ohio
Subject: Christmas Tree Decorating Competition
This is so dorky. I can't believe I'm going to post this, but I need all the help that I can get.

The "society ladies" in my town put on a big fund raiser each November called the "Festival of Trees". It lasts all weekend and earns a lot of money for various children's charities, so that's all good. But, at the heart of it all, are these FABULOUSLY decorated Christmas trees with various "themes" that they auction off for big bucks. There is a certain amount of bragging rights that go to the women who decorate the trees that go for the biggest $$.

So--for the first time ever, a society lady asked if I would be a "decorator". For some stupid reason, I said, "yes". Let's just say that tree decorating is not one of my skills (I have many other wonderful skills, but that is not one of them! want to see me twirl my baton? ha!) But, I am rather competitive, and I would LOVE for my tree to go for big money at auction. (as a majorette, I really perfected "the strut" and would like to be able to strut around after my tree goes for big money for the charity at auction.)

But here's the "catch" (which you will soon realize is a pun). The "theme" of my tree is fishing and has the name "Catch the Christmas Spirit". I am supposed to decorate a tree (so that it will appeal to a man that is being dragged to this event by his wife) with a fishing theme. Maybe using bobbers and various lures as decorations?? Ay yi yi! I think it's a conspiracy! I don't even fish! (I wonder which one of those society women that I pissed off? I don't think I was flirting with anyone's husband....)

So--I'm planning a trip to Cabellas to check out their fishing gear and see if I'm inspired by something?? (I told you this was dorky). I was wondering if any of you creative types had some clever ideas for me? Would you be willing to come to northwest Ohio and help me out? ha.

Any and all decorating ideas will be welcome. If you are so inspired....

Thank you!!!

2005-09-24 7:28 AM
in reply to: #252740

Subject: RE: Christmas Tree Decorating Competition
Hmmm...I guess besides filling the christmas tree with fishing lures, you could add a few of these as well:





Then you also have the ubiquitous "Boogie Bass"...not an ornament, but sure to please!


But, all in all, I can't see any of this appealing to men in general, unless it's some poor soul that happens to be with his brand new wife / girlfriend / significant other and is willing to do just about anything to ensure that he might really get what he's looking for later on...not that it has ever happend to me, you understand!

LOL...this does seem like a wacky project that would be a lot more fun for two of you...perhaps even doing it whilst under the influence might even be more enjoyable and would take the silliness of it to a whole new level.

Anyway, good luck and take a picture of it when you're done!

2005-09-24 8:43 AM
in reply to: #252740

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Got Wahoo?
San Antonio
Subject: RE: Christmas Tree Decorating Competition
You could recreate a fishing villiage, with docks, boats, little fishermen, general sortes, market stalls, mountain streams (with blue/white tensile and if done right, the water/stream can circle the tree many times stopping at little fishing towns, bait and tackle shops.... you could but in little train tracks that circle the tree to give it a mountain villiage feel.... pretty detailed, and you would have to provide some continuity from sceene to sceen....
2005-09-24 11:23 AM
in reply to: #252740

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Ohio
Subject: RE: Christmas Tree Decorating Competition
Wow! Max and Welshy, you guys actually gave me some good inspiration! Thank you! Who would have thought that there would be fish ornaments---Some of those are actually "tasteful"....

And yes, I think I will recruit a friend to help me with this. There is too much laughter to be shared over this project. Of course, I'm going to have to teach her how to strut for when we "win"!

And yes, I'll take pictures.

Thank you!
2005-09-26 4:08 AM
in reply to: #252740

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2005-09-26 8:57 PM
in reply to: #252740

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Christmas Tree Decorating Competition
Hmm I think I would rather decorate a treee with a fishing theme than a victorian theme, but that's just me. Okay so you could get a bunch of bobbers and put the light bulbs in the bobbers so they light up. Instead of tinsel or garland you could use fishing net, maybe cut into strips. Of course you can hang the orndaments with hooks. You could also use fish net as a tree "skirt". Maybe some wading boots under the tree like santas boots. Oh and instead of a star for the top of the tree you could use a bouy! Do they provide a tree for you? If not you could make a tree with fishing pools.

Good luck with it! And post pictures.

2005-09-26 9:04 PM
in reply to: #252740

Extreme Veteran
Northwest Ohio
Subject: RE: Christmas Tree Decorating Competition
More good ideas! Thank you!

They provide us with a pre-lighted tree and then we have a budget for what we can spend on decorations. They want us to "be creative"....So it's a challenge!

I was at my son's football game on Saturday and I was sharing my dilemma with some of the other moms. They said, "Who did you tick off to get stuck with that?" Which cracked me up.

I decided that my best strategy might be to find some competitive guys at the gala and say, "Hey Bob, Joe said you're too cheap to bid on that fishing tree." and then go to Joe and say, "Bob said you're too cheap to bid on my tree." And see if I can start a bidding war! It's all for charity......
2005-09-27 10:10 AM
in reply to: #252740

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2005-11-28 7:51 AM
in reply to: #252740

Extreme Veteran
Northwest Ohio
Subject: RE: Christmas Tree Decorating Competition
This is the final result. I was disappointed because it only brought $350 at auction (some trees went for as much as $1,500 at the gala!) They did not auction my tree at the gala where the big shots were spending money. They auctioned it at another event---at tailgate party---and that crowd did not open their wallets as much... Oh well. It was fun and I would do it again.

(tree topper.jpg)


(tree 2.jpg)

tree topper.jpg (41KB - 10 downloads)
gala.jpg (44KB - 12 downloads)
tree 2.jpg (31KB - 12 downloads)
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Other Resources My Cup of Joe » Christmas Tree Decorating Competition Rss Feed