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2003-10-10 2:14 PM

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Gold member
Subject: winter training.
its least for many of us...any plans?  what needs the most work?  would u like to see any topics written by bt to help out this winter?

2003-10-10 6:30 PM
in reply to: #1145

Subject: RE: winter training.
I would love to see some topics on winter training. Winter always makes me want to get off my training and lay around. But winter could be the best time to train. The only bad part is now I am stuck doing stationary biking. It's so boring!!
2003-10-11 12:33 PM
in reply to: #1148

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: winter training.
If you are stuck doing indoor training, try to find a spinning class that will take some of the boredom out of the training. I use spinervals videos and watch movies when I am on the trianer so that seems to help. There is still nothing fun about the indoors, you can gain alot of mental toughness by training when it is such boring circumstances.

Still Tri'n
2003-10-16 5:01 AM
in reply to: #1145

Rutland Ohio (South Eastern Ohio)
Subject: RE: winter training.
I have an idea about how to keep motivated for winter training. I live alone, so this may not work for people that live in a house with others. Ok here is it.....

I am planning on dropping my thermostat down 10-15 degrees before I go to work every morning and in turn will be encouraged to cycle on the trainer every day first thing when I get home from work. I have been thinking that the I should be able to generate between 200 and 250 watts output to the trainer which has to be disappated into the environment. In addition to the 200 watts wheel output there is the heat that my body produces to generate that much energy. I am taking a shot in the dark here, but I figure since I'm not that efficient it will be an additional 300-400 watts. This plan will work two fold, it will save energy ( and a very little off the heating bill) while also providing a cooler environment to ride in.

I know this is a bit nutty, but anything that helps keep me on a consistent training schedule helps.
2003-10-16 5:27 AM
in reply to: #1145

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, Zurich
Subject: RE: winter training.
It's a cold weather paradise here in Switzerland...hiking, ski touring (climb up a mountain in the backcountry with skis, then ride down), trail running and MTB There's no excuse for me...

Back in Ohio though, it was a bit tougher although almost never an excuse to run: darkness, cold, snow is no reason to not run. The exception is ice.

Something for the indoor workouts is to get a group together with bike trainers at the gym, community center, church hall, university fitness center, etc...and play training videos on a common tv in the middle of the room.

Also a perfect time to join a masters swim group. If you go just before or just after work, you're more likely to go as well as likely to finish the whole workout which I do have trouble with from time to time when nobody is watching!
2003-10-16 9:26 AM
in reply to: #1145

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