General Discussion Triathlon Talk » What do you Call a Hard, Average, Easy Tri? Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2003-10-11 3:59 AM


Subject: What do you Call a Hard, Average, Easy Tri?
I'm doing this Tri for the first time... Its a 1.5km swim, 40k bike, 10k run. I was told this was not a difficult Tri but now that I'm looking through the web-sites its starts to appear monlithic....!!!!!!Tell me is this an "average" tri (I realise there's probably no such thing but on a general rating scale?). Is it pure folly for a first timer to try and do it?

Edited by flipper 2003-10-11 3:59 AM

2003-10-11 5:11 AM
in reply to: #1150

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Gold member
Subject: they r all the same.

only based on your ability at the moment.  of course, a big factor is the course.  if it says anything about the 'lovely rolling hills of ____"  then u are gonna have A LOT OF FUN!!!!

if u have been training for the olympic distance (which this is) then go for it and RUN YOUR OWN RACE!  walk if u need to, bike slower if needed.  we r all in way over our heads for our first tri.

we wann hear that RR too!!!

good luck!

2003-10-11 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1150

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: What do you Call a Hard, Average, Easy Tri?
Follow your training schedule faithfully and you will be prepared. Ron said it when he said "race your own race". Do what you have to finish, and you will get the greatest feeling of accomplishment when you finish that first tri. But you have to remember one thing-------------don't blame your friends or the folks here at BT for being hooked on a great sport!

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