Subject: RE: Swimming Goggles Causing Bags Under the EyesI have that same issue, I think. I normally get lines around my eyes, which take about an hour or two to go away. However, the other day my friend emailed me some pics from a night out and I realized that I had circles around my eyes that weren't quite the same color as the rest of my face. No one has ever commented on it nor have I ever noticed it in the mirror, but it did kind of freak me out when I saw the pics. I'm not sure if it's related or not.
I don't really get any bruising, just massive lines. But I get lines very easily - no matter what's touching what part of my body. I do wear my goggles a little on the tight side, though, because I wear contacts and I have this fear of a flood rushing into my goggles and wiping the contacts out of my eye...or ruining them or giving me an infection.
Let me know if you find a solution!  |