General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Hi! Just started training for my first sprint Rss Feed  
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2006-04-26 11:01 PM

New user

Subject: Hi! Just started training for my first sprint
Hi everyone! My name is Karen. I'm turning 40 in September and to celebrate I'm going to participate in my first Sprint. I'm so glad I found this site-it has some great training programs! I had started on my own by walking. I'm up to six miles three days a week and two miles two days a week. This weekend I'm adding in jogging (ha ha ha-something I've never done!) I'm waiting to recieve a Cannondale bike that I won on ebay-used, but in great shape, and this weekend I'm joining a local gym that has an olympic size pool to begin my swimming. Any advice you would like to share with a beginner is welcome!

My mom and dad and a couple co-workers don't think I can do it (I'm about 40 pounds overweight and suffer from hypothyroidism) but I don't care! I have a great friend that does 5k's on a regular basis and 100 mile bike rides-she's my inspiration and my workout partner.

So glad to be here!

2006-04-26 11:17 PM
in reply to: #407767

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Subject: RE: Hi! Just started training for my first sprint

You can do it.  I love the nay sayers becuase it makes us work harder.  Listen to the people on this site.  They have been at the same place you have.  They will help you get to your goals.

2006-04-27 12:19 AM
in reply to: #407767

New user

Subject: RE: Hi! Just started training for my first sprint

Congratulations on your beginning.  I wanted to ask you how did you win a Cannondale on ebay?  Bikes are so expensive, I just don't see myself by one for a really long time.

 Good luck and thanks for sharing.



2006-04-27 12:53 PM
in reply to: #407767

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Hi! Just started training for my first sprint
Welcome to the group Karen.

Since you know you have a medical condition, make sure your doctor agrees with your training plans, and ask him/her what things to look for if things start going wrong.

There are lots of people on this site who are losing weight, have lost weight, or want to lose weight. (There are a few who actually want to gain weight too, but we don't pay much attention to them You might want to take body measurements (chest, waist, hips, thighs) rather than rely on the scale to tell you how you are doing. (Also, the way your clothes fit.) You might see pretty dramatic changes in your shape without any change in the scale reading (fat has lower density than muscle).

A workout partner (especially someone who will also hold you accountable for your diet) is HUGE! Take care of that relationship! (Just the simple things, like showing up ready to work out at the appointed time, calling as early as possible if you can't make something, a heartfelt "Thank You" occasionally). If your parents or co-workers don't want to support your lifestyle changes, minimize the time you spend with them. You can't afford to have their negative thoughts wearing you down.

Starting small/slow is the right approach. No reason to go all-out, get sore (or hurt) to where you want to quit altogether. You're doing all the right things so far.
2006-04-27 1:09 PM
in reply to: #407767

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Spring Hill, FL
Subject: RE: Hi! Just started training for my first sprint

I have faith in you, go kick some booty, definitely consult you medical practioner prior to begining. Otherwise you can do it. I'm in my 1st week of official training, with only two weeks of minor base training. Good luck and you Go Girl!

God's Speed

2006-04-27 2:07 PM
in reply to: #407784

New user

Subject: RE: Hi! Just started training for my first sprint
Hi, it took a while and some luck, but I got it for just $350! Like I said, it isn't new, but it looks like it is in pretty good shape. It should be here in a week or so-I'm so excited!

2006-05-02 4:30 PM
in reply to: #408339

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Jackson, TN
Subject: RE: Hi! Just started training for my first sprint
Hey, good luck. There's always going to be naysayers, even after you finish your first Tri. Except, then they'll say stuff like, "Oh, you're just doing another sprint." Of course, that's as they eat their donut.

2006-05-02 5:31 PM
in reply to: #407767

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New user
Subject: RE: Hi! Just started training for my first sprint
Hi Karen, I'm a newbie as well - and loving it. I know the family/co-worker's thing is difficult at times - but the difference is that you KNOW you can do it.

2006-05-02 5:49 PM
in reply to: #407767

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searching for the elusive runner's high!
Subject: RE: Hi! Just started training for my first sprint
Congratulations on your decision to tri! It is great that you have a motivational workout partner (that will definitely come in handy). Start slow and build into it and make sure you keep your goals in front of you. Don't worry about your family...once they see your determination and the progress you will make they will become you most loyal cheerleaders!

Good luck and welcome to BT (from a fellow beginner).
2006-05-04 9:55 AM
in reply to: #407767

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Subject: RE: Hi! Just started training for my first sprint

You can do it Karen.

I highly recommend reading the book Total Immersion Swimming and from what I've heard the dvd is great!

Good Luck!


2006-05-04 11:35 AM
in reply to: #407767

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Hi! Just started training for my first sprint
Welcome and good luck in your first and many tris to come.

2006-05-04 5:27 PM
in reply to: #407767

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Hi! Just started training for my first sprint

Of course you can do it.  You will do great at your first sprint.  Use that Oly sized pool!  That's the best advice I can give.

Good luck!

2006-05-04 10:08 PM
in reply to: #407767

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Tulsa, Oklahoma
Subject: RE: Hi! Just started training for my first sprint
Hey Karen ~

Boo to those who say you can't do it! You can do it - sounds like you have a great attitude! I think it is awesome - Surround yourself with positive, encouraging people......

Ask lots of questions on here - you will find lots of support - Train hard, have fun and enjoy the "new" you. Use the Training log it will be really beneficial to you to see the progress you make.

Good Luck

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General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Hi! Just started training for my first sprint Rss Feed