BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-12-18 8:22 PM

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

WHEN CAN YOU START MENTORING CONSISTENTLY:  I can start now and will begin my own training on January 2nd

NAME: stevepiv  / Steven

STORY: In the spring of ’09 I started getting depressed about the fact that I was going to be turning 40 in September. I committed to myself that I would be in the best shape of my life for that birthday and signed up for a sprint triathlon.  It worked!  I trained my heart out, got into great shape, had a really good first race (Sprint in Long Branch, NJ Sep ’09) and am now totally hooked on the sport and am proud to officially be an Ironman!

FAMILY STATUS: I live in Middlesex County New Jersey, have been married for 20 years and have 2 girls ages 18 and 12.  This hobby would not be possible without their support. Now that I've completed a full Ironman and going for #2 I hope they put up with another year.  I do try for training not to get in the way of too many things.  Yes that means less late night TV and early rises before the family and work day begins. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I've taken it really easy since November's NYC Marathon.  Its been a much needed break.  I officially start training again on January 2nd. I’ll be training for the inaugural Ironman New York City taking place in August.  I’ll be doing several other tri’s and running races leading up to that as well.


In addition to other running events these are were the big ones I completed in 2011:

  • Black Bear Olympic Tri
  • Tinman Half Ironman @ Tupper Lake NY
  • Ironman Lake Placid
  • Ironman 70.3 Pocono Mountains
  • New York City Marathon

2012 RACES

The main races for 2012 are going to be:

  • Columbia Olympic Distance Tri
  • Ironman New York City
  • Ironman 70.3 Poconos

I'm sure I'll sign up for several more as the season unfolds. Oh yeah, need to squeeze in a Mt. Rainier Summit that I'm signed up for in June.

WEIGHTLOSS: I’ve gained a little over 10 pounds since Ironman in July when I was 192.  Being over 200 is driving me nuts. I want to get down to 185 before IMNYC.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I try to be an inspiration to others and based on feedback it’s working.  I love giving advice to others when asked for it.  I surprise myself with the useful information I provide on this sport and hope to continue that in this forum. I’ve learned a ton about this sport since Sep ’09 and love to share with anyone that wants to take on this journey.  I’m no expert but will definitely advise based on my many experiences.  I will try to point you in the right direction if I don’t have an answer and I will be as motivational as possible.  Check out my Ironman race report... 

If you’re joining this group I will ask you to post a weekly summary of your training.  Simple stats like “Bike: 20 miles-2 hrs, Swim: 400 yards-3 hrs, Run 10 miles-1.5 hrs.”  I will post the group’s totals in a report once a week.  I found this to be very motivational in this past year’s group.  From a totally selfish perspective it got me out of bed in the morning to train because I knew I would need to post my numbers for the week along with the rest.


Big Steve's Group (Year Two)”

Edited by stevepiv 2011-12-30 12:51 PM

2011-12-23 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3943299

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN

Hi Steven, I would love to join your group.

NAME: Mountaindan / Dan

STORY: I went to watch a local Tri and thought that it would be fun to give it a go. I joined my local Tri club and fell in love with the sport mostly because of the people. I did my first Sprint in '10, I really struggled with the run but figured the best way to overcome that was to sign up for a HIM in 2011. I started training consistently w/ BT's 20week HIM program, however a few weeks before the race I had some back problems that limited me to the aquabike, a few weeks later back surgery ended this season before it really got started. Now I am back to running and plan on spending most of my time on that this winter trying desperately to drop 30#.

FAMILY STATUS: 49 YO male, married for 20 yrs, 4 kids 30, 27 and 16 YO twin daughter I Live in Kennebunkport Maine. Tris are my way of staying in shape enough to keep the boys away for the time being and to keep my boys from beating on me to bad when they visit.

CURRENT TRAINING:Working on my running, that seems to be the best way for me to lose weight and has been my weakest sport recently plus I have no problem going out for a run in any condition, I would rather do pretty much anything other than run on a treadmill!


Patriot HIM was to be the kick off for a great year, but back surgery ended that. Heal and reload for 2012

2012 RACES

I was hoping for a rematch with the Patriot, but my son is getting married the same weekend in California so I will be setting my sights on some races at the beginning of the year.



WEIGHTLOSS: Something that will be my primary focus this coming year. I really need to drop about 30 pounds, would love to get back to 205, I'm 6'3" and currently 235


p.s. Good Luck with Mt Rainier, I love Rainier. I did a winter trip up there in '03 didn't make the summit due to a 5 day blizzard, but had a great time just the same.

2011-12-23 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3951404

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN

Welcome aboard Dan!   I hear you about the treadmill, I used to hate it as well until I got one that works with which is integrated with Google maps.  I still prefer to run outside but the seeing the visual of the path you choose on iFit is awesome.

Good luck with the back recovery and lets see what we can do to keep you on the weight loss track.  Glad to have you in the group. 


2011-12-25 6:43 PM
in reply to: #3943299


Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN

Hi Steve, I hope to join your group!


STORY: I have always watched the Kona World Champion Triathlon and wonder if this is something I could do.  In 2003 I was the race director for the St Louis Race for the Cure (over 50,000 participants) and I figured if I was going to design a race route I better learn a thing or two about races so I started running.  Since that time I have completed numerous 5 and 10ks, 9 half marathons and 2 marathons.  In 2008 I did my first sprint triathlon and after finishing I said I would never do that again.  I completed another sprint in 2010.  In 2011 I completed 2 olympic distance and the Augusta 70.3 as I work towards my way to getting that Ironman tattoo.  It doesn't look like 2012 will my be year but 2013 I will be competing in an Ironman race somewhere.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 18 years to a wonderful supporting husband, and a black lab.   After completing my half Ironman my husband decided to get off the couch and is currently training for a half marathon.   

Even though my husband is very supportive he doesn't want my training to interrupt our plans or disrupt our lives.  Which means lots of every morning training for me.

We currently live in Georgia and we have our house for sale as we are wanting to move to South Carolina.

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now I am training for the 26.2 Marathon with Donna in Jacksonville, FL in February.


  • West Point Olympic Triathlon
  • Tri the Park Olympic Triathlon
  • Augusta 70.3
  • Athens, GA half marathon

2012 RACES

  • 26.2 Marathon with Donna
  • Yuengling Sharmrock Half Marathon
  • Augusta 70.3

I will need to sign up for some training triathlons working my way up to Augusta again.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am down to my college weight of 150.  I wasn't even trying to lose the weight.  If I could I would like to lose another 5 pounds plus what I am putting on over the holidays.

2011-12-25 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3953526

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN

Sorry about this but I wanted to change my user name. 

I am no longer kthuneman but krazytallchick.  Sorry for the confusion.

2011-12-26 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3953528

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN
"Race Director" - very cool goal! I keep flirting with that idea for a kids triathlon in my neighborhood. Welcome to the group, good to have you.

2011-12-26 3:15 PM
in reply to: #3953810


Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN
2011-12-26 3:15 PM
in reply to: #3953810


Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN
2011-12-26 3:18 PM
in reply to: #3953810


Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN


I'm new here on this forum and I'd like to start with triathlon. I'm 21 years old and a few friends are doing triathlon. Last year i trained sometimes with them and now I want to train better and have more condition.

I don't know if you could help me? I go for swimming 1 times in a week (now a month ago) and I mountainbike a lot. Running is a problem (blessed) and don't know how to heal it.

I'm from Belgium and sorry for my bad english.

2011-12-26 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3943299

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN

 Hi Steven, I'd like to join your group!

NAME:  PrivateIdaho / Ron

STORY: In 2009, I watched my brother-in-law's best friend do Ironman Coeur d'Alene.  At the time, I knew nothing about triathlon and, even though I was born and raised in Cd'A, I had no prior interest. 

Watching the race, I was intrigued by all the gear and complexity involved in something I had thought was a simple swim/bike/run race.  Watching the finishers come down the last half mile with screaming crowds I began to realize what an unbelievable accomplishment it was and began to wonder how someone goes about doing something that is seemingly so  impossible. 

I started poking around the web and found BT and discovered you don't start with an Ironman and that there was something relatively doable called a Sprint.  So, at age 51, I made up my mind that, instead of a girlfriend or Corvette, my midlife crisis would be "triathlon" (I think the girlfriend or Corvette would have been cheaper and less painful).

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 21 years to a wonderful wife with a terrifically intelligent/athletic/talented 12 year-old son.  We also have a black lab and temperamental tabby cat here at our house over-looking a small mountain lake in North Idaho.

My wife and son are very supportive and I am grateful that they actually enjoy coming and watching me race, even though triathlon is not the most spectator-friendly sport.  After my final tri of the season, they decided to get in on the action and ran the 5k at a half marathon I did later in the fall.  Shockingly, even though he had never ran farther than a mile, my son took fourth in the 5k!

CURRENT TRAINING: I've been running around 15 to 20 miles a week since my half marathon in September.  In December, I put the bike on a trainer and have been doing TrainerRoad workouts a couple of times a week.  I plan on hitting the pool again this week after a four month layoff from the swim.  After New Years, I plan on stepping up the prep work to be ready to launch a 70.3 training plan mid-February.


  • Radiant Lake Sprint Triathlon
  • Hayden Sprint Triathlon
  • Race the River Sprint Triathlon
  • Coeur d'Alene Olympic Triathlon
  • Sandpoint Scenic Half Marathon

2012 RACES

  • Radiant Lake Sprint Triathlon
  • Ironman 70.3 Lake Stevens
  • Race the River Sprint Triathlon
  • Coeur d'Alene Olympic Triathlon
  • Sandpoint Scenic Half Marathon

WEIGHTLOSS: When I got off the couch a year ago, I was 185 (I'm 6' tall).  At my Oly in August I was 158 and am currently at 165.  I don't seem to have any issues with controlling the weight when I'm following the training plan, my only problem is convincing my wife and relatives that I'm not "too skinny".

I'm hoping your experience at the longer distances, along with others in this group that have completed HIM and IM distances, will help get me prepared for my first attempt at a 70.3 in July.

2011-12-26 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3954221

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN
Hello Brechtiej and welcome to the group. Don't worry about your English. Our common language is triathlon here! Have you signed up for a Sprint triathlon yet? That and picking a sprint training plan here on this site would be my first suggestion. Let me know if you need any help picking a plan.

2011-12-26 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3954263

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN
Hi Ron, sounds like you have a great support team in place. This sport in almost impossible without one. I hear you on the mid life crisis decision! There'll be plenty of time for those other things after we get you through a 70.3 :-). Welcome to the group!
2011-12-26 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3943299

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN
Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! I cant wait till January 2nd for my official training plan to begin. I got off the couch again last week when the UPS guy showed up with my P90X2 order. Wow is alli can say! I didn't think the program could get any more intense. This sequel is amazing. I won't be doing the full 90 days but will definitely throw in a DVD once or twice a week to break up the monotony of biking/swimming/running everyday.
2011-12-26 10:19 PM
in reply to: #3943299

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Smithfield, VA
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN


I hope you have room for me in your group.

This will be my 4th year in triathlon, having been bitten by the bug shortly before my 40th birthday.  I'd been a 240lb+ guy for most of my adult life.    After my 39th birthday, (and somewhat inspired by the biggest loser TV show) I started running with a group in my office.  I managed to get my weight down to about 185ish, until some ITBand issues (developed in training for the 2009 Richmond Marathon) derailed my running routine for a while.

I've been inconsistant with my training and diet ever since, with my weight hovering between 210 around 220 for the last two years. 

I would really prefer to be in a group that will hold me accountable for consistant training, and to bounce a few questions/opinions off of over the course of the year.

My major races for 2012 are:

  1. Shamrock Marathon: March (second)
  2. Tour de Cure Century: April (first)
  3. White Lake HIM: May (first)
  4. Patriot's HIM: September (optional  tune-up event)
  5. IMAZ: November (first)

I'm registered for all but the Sept HIM.  I'll probably do several other smaller Sprints and 5-10k events over the course of the year, so long as they offer a beer or two at the finish line.

My logs are mostly up to date, so you can definately see how inconsistant I've been over the past couple of years. 

Brief personal bio, married with 3 daughters age 18, 7, and 4.  Due to small kids, a good amount of my training is done on a treadmill and bike trainer.

Anyway, I'm able to post regularly, and am looking forward to a great 2012 season.

Thank you,

Michael (mandsberry)

Edited by mandsberry 2011-12-26 10:22 PM
2011-12-26 10:22 PM
in reply to: #3954579

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN

stevepiv - 2011-12-26 7:26 PM Hi Ron, sounds like you have a great support team in place. This sport in almost impossible without one. I hear you on the mid life crisis decision! There'll be plenty of time for those other things after we get you through a 70.3 :-). Welcome to the group!

Thanks... and best of luck on that Mt. Ranier thing!  I lived in the Seattle area for 7 years under the shadow of that mountain/volcano - not many more imposing and impressive sights in the country.  Hope you hit it on a cloudless day... the view will be incredible.

2011-12-27 12:35 AM
in reply to: #3954568


Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN

stevepiv - 2011-12-27 4:20 PM Hello Brechtiej and welcome to the group. Don't worry about your English. Our common language is triathlon here! Have you signed up for a Sprint triathlon yet? That and picking a sprint training plan here on this site would be my first suggestion. Let me know if you need any help picking a plan.

I don't have signed up because I'm a beginner and first I want to train because now it would be very hard to do a sprint triahtlon. Normally is there a 1/4 triathlon in september, so I have plenty of time ( I think ? )

You may always help me with a plan. I'm a student so now i have examens, but in the evening I have time. This evening I will go for a swim.

2011-12-27 8:56 AM
in reply to: #3954643

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN
mandsberry - 2011-12-26 11:19 PM


I hope you have room for me in your group.

This will be my 4th year in triathlon, having been bitten by the bug shortly before my 40th birthday.  I'd been a 240lb+ guy for most of my adult life.... 

240 down to 185, thats impressive!  We'll hold you accountable for sure.  Where do you live Michael?

Edited by stevepiv 2011-12-27 8:56 AM
2011-12-27 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3954967

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Smithfield, VA
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN
stevepiv - 2011-12-27 9:56 AM
mandsberry - 2011-12-26 11:19 PM


I hope you have room for me in your group.

This will be my 4th year in triathlon, having been bitten by the bug shortly before my 40th birthday.  I'd been a 240lb+ guy for most of my adult life.... 

240 down to 185, thats impressive!  We'll hold you accountable for sure.  Where do you live Michael?

The 185 is a bit frustrating, as those clothes are still hanging in my closet, but I haven't been able to wear them in over a year now.  Having done it once, I know it's doable again.    

I live in a Smithfield, VA, which is just outside of the Norfolk/Va Beach area of Virginia.  It's nice in that I'm out in the country and have easy access to quiet roads to bike on; however, I'm a bit too far to participate in either of the two active Triathlon clubs that are in this area.

Again, I'm looking forward to a great season.

2011-12-27 9:10 AM
in reply to: #3943299

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN

This is an example of a weekly summary that I'll post for the group  (data is from my group last year).  I found this to be a great way to hold everyone accountable and motivated to getting their training in.


   Total ------- SWIM ------- ------ BIKE ------- ------ RUN ------ Strength ---- OTHER -----
useridName Time TimeYards TimeMiles TimeMiles Time TimeDetails
stevepivSteven 6:46:48 0:56:232625 3:15:2555.24 2:05:0013 0:30:00   
Northern ivyJames 6:31:00 3:14:186899 3:16:4258.74        
Muskwa2Maureen 5:05:00 1:30:00750 0:45:00  0:40:003.5 0:40:00 1:30:00Step Aerobics
GrauchGrant 3:57:00 1:00:002200 1:05:0020 1:52:0011.89     
myred86Rob 5:35:00 2:45:005500 2:30:0045    0:20:00   
roberto24Rob 3:38:01 2:00:004850 1:00:0115.45 0:38:003.6     
OspreyTriAhtleteMike 8:33:00 3:23:005400 1:55:0017.73 0:30:002.4 1:00:00 1:45:00Basketball
Totals  40:05:49 14:48:4128224 13:47:08212.16 5:45:0034.39 2:30:00 3:15:00 


I haven't officially started my training plan but my numbers for last week were:

Swim: 0

Bike: 2:30  42 miles.

Run: 0

Strength: 1 hr


How did you guys do last week?  What was good/bad??

Edited by stevepiv 2011-12-27 9:14 AM
2011-12-27 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3943299


Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN


Last saterday I did 53 kilometers on the mountainbike. This evening I'm going to swim (first time in a big month, so it will take it easy today)

Few goals for 2012 :
- In May we go with our club to Wolfsdonck (a village in Belgium) for a mountainbikeday. There are every year a 1800 bikers and you could chose you're distance. In 2011 I did the 75 kilometers, this year i want to do 110 kilomters (don't know if it's possible and I don't know how to train for it)

- In the summer I want to do some runraces, but I have to built running up from zere (injured and I have to start training slowly because I think the injury would otherwise come back)

- September there's a 1/4 triathlon, I will train for that but don't know if I'm gonna make it (only 9 months for training)

I hope that I could learn here a lot and that you could help me. Plans or tips are welcome

2011-12-27 12:28 PM
in reply to: #3943299

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Smithfield, VA
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN

For me, week 12/19 - 12/25 = a big FAT 0 in all categories.

Planned training for the current week is Run=5:30, Bike=4.00, Swim=0.00, Other=0.00.

I doubt I'll hit the pool until late January/early February as my first swim event won't be until 3/31/12, and it is only 300m at that. 

Bike riding this week will all primarily be more of a cross-train (base) nature as an offset to running.  I'm 12 weeks out from spring Marathon, so it's buckle-down time for that right now.

2011-12-27 1:02 PM
in reply to: #3951404

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN

Hi Steven, I would love to join your group if its notto late

NAME: Garrunning/ Jarrod

STORY: I have always been active with my mainchoices being Basketball and liftingweights. I had ankle surgery 4 years ago and lost the drive to play Basketball anymore. I didn't have time to hit the gym and would stay ative raing Motorcyle's. I found a new job 3 years ago and it gave me the hance to get back to the gym. I was suprised to find out I was 260# That motivated my to get bk into shape. I hit the weights and went to my first spin class. I noticed a bunch of fit people running around the track on Mondays and looked into what they were doing. It ended up being a runners Bootcamp. I decided to join them and was asked to set a running goal. I was never a runner so I set the goal small, and ran a 10k with a friend aouple months later. So I changed my goal to a half marathon but ended upswitching to a full. Within the first year at the gym I ran a 10 k and Martathon along with lots of training miles. I have always loved the Ironman and allways wanted to do one. But I didn't run and couldn't swim. Well I ran a marathon so I figured if i could run why can't I swim. So I began swimming, Long stary short this last year I did my first Tri, it was an Olympic. I did one sprint and decided to goo big and did my first HIM. Now I am adicted and love this sport.

FAMILY STATUS: 35 YO male Married with two kids

CURRENT TRAINING:I have been swithing it up alot lately working on a little bit of everything. I get in at least 3 spin classes, 3200 to 4800m swimming, and 5 to 10 miles running with a little weight trainging per week.


3 5k's

Ogden Half Marathon

Tour de cure century ride

Willard bay Olympic tri

Logan Sprint

Bear Lake Brawl HIM

Red Rock Relay

2012 RACES

I plan on a sprint in May, running relay in August, HIM in september and haven't figured out the rest yet, I am planning on two to three more tri's. Along with a couple century's



WEIGHTLOSS: This part went well at first I went from 260 to 225 for my Marathon. I decided to focus on weight traing and gained alot more muscle then I planned. I am at 240 right now and about 16% BF I would like to get to 225 to 230 for the upcoming races but I am happy with were I am.


My main goal with this years races and training is to get me ready for IMSG in 2013, I live in Utah so it is kinda a home race for me.

2011-12-27 1:10 PM
in reply to: #3943299

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN

My last week was 6 miles running, 3200 m swimming, 3 hours of spinning, 2 hours weight training.

I am getting a trainer this week which will make it safer to ride my bike without going outside in the cold and dark during the winter. I hoping to make 2012 a great year leading up to 2013!!

2011-12-27 1:38 PM
in reply to: #3955656

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN
garrunning - 2011-12-27 2:02 PM

Hi Steven, I would love to join your group if its notto late

NAME: Garrunning/ Jarrod

Not too late at all.  Looks like you have a solid foundation to build from.  Should be a great year.  Welcome to the group!

2011-12-27 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3943299

Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - OPEN

Hi Steven, I would love to join your group if its not to late as well!

NAME: tmoran07/ Todd

STORY: I've been active in endurance sports since I was in the 5th grade and ran through high school and planned on college but after a few problems with complications from a past surgery took care of that. I got my personal training cert in 2004 and have been primarily into Lifting/Crossfit for the last 5 years. I "rediscovered" triathlons 3 years ago and am now completely addicted.

FAMILY STATUS: 29, married with an 8 month old.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been lifting for a base since mid way through November. I'll do at least 1 20+ miler each week and fit in whatever running I can.


Los Alamitos Race on the Base Reverse Sprint

San Bernardino TinMan Reverse Sprint

Apple Valley Reverse Sprint

Fearless Tri

Veterans Day 11k

2012 RACES

Race on the Base - Feb

Pasadena Sprint - March (Maybe)

Fearless Tri - April

Vineman Full Iron Distance - July (If I can find 1 more person to buy the buy 2 get 1 free deal)

Las Vegas Oly or Half - October 


WEIGHTLOSS: Since I started lifting I put on a good 20-30 lbs of muscle that I have been slowly get rid of to be lighter and faster. Cool thing is I've been able to keep alot of the strength so I can't complain. I am currently between 210 and 215 depending on the day. I would love to get to 190. That would be awesome. 

I've wanted to race an Iron distance race since seeing the coverage on TV when I was in high school. I really stepped up my riding this year from years prior and it payed big time. I saw my overall fitness increase and my speed not only on the bike but on the run. My wife was an all american swimmer in college so I have a pretty good coach there and she has helped me immensely. My goal for this year is to be competitive in my age group in all the races do this year. I am motivated and have the time to kick it into high gear as well as great training partners that are always pushing me. So If you have a spot I'd love to get even more motivated with some fellow BTers!

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