BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Scott's Mentor Group-Closed for training. Rss Feed  
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2012-04-04 7:08 AM

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed for training.

I can start mentoring immediately if needed.

NAME: Rsmoylan/R. Scott Moylan

STORY: I am a licensed acupuncturist & herbalist and have always been involved in fitness.  I ran track and cross country in high school focusing mostly on middle distance.  In my 20's I studied martial arts and trained with weights consistently.  When I was 36 I caught the bug and wanted to race again.  I have been racing year round for about 3 years now.  I have been focusing on 5k, sprint & olympic distance triathlon.  I would love the opportunity to share what I have learned as well as help keep people motivated for this wonderful sport.
FAMILY STATUS: I am married with a 6 year old daughter.  
CURRENT TRAINING: Most weeks I train 7 days, occasionally I will take a day off when needed.  I am currently bike focused because I am recovering from an achilles injury.  
THIS YEAR'S RACES: My last two races were great successes.  I qualified for AG nationals.  One was a 1st place AG win, the other was a 3rd place.   
2012 RACES:  My goals for this year are to stay injury free and continue to get faster.  If my achilles allows I will try to tackle my first Half Iron distance race.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am looking to drop about 4 lbs. to reach my race weight for the coming year.  

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I am looking forward to this opportunity.  I know what it is like to be starting out in this sometimes confusing sport.  It was not that long ago that I had the same questions.  I am on BT almost daily so if I can help out in any way I would be happy to do that.  BT has been a wonderful resource for me and I would appreciate the chance to give back a little.  

Edited by rsmoylan 2012-04-18 7:38 PM

2012-04-10 12:14 PM
in reply to: #4128934

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN
Hello everyone.  Time to get this season going.  Looking forward to a strong year of training and racing.  Looking forward to meeting some new folks and friends along the way.  
2012-04-10 2:18 PM
in reply to: #4128934

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN

Name: Nicole

Story: I'm 37.  I'm a Respiratory Therapist. I've completed 3 1/2 marathons and 2 duathlons (the second was supposed to be a triathlon). I have yet to complete a Triathlon. Hopefully this is my year.

Current training: My next half mary is in 2 weeks so that has been my focus for the last several months along with maintaining my swim fitness. I have no bike trainer and I live in the Northeast so I have only been out on my bike once since the weather broke and that was over a week ago (I am currently recovering from bronchitis). My focus for the spring/summer is to increase run speed, build bike and swim endurance and perhaps add some swimming speed.

Races: A 1/2 marathon on April 22 and another on September 23. also hoping to fit in a sprint Tri at the end of July.

Weightloss: I am also trying to reduce body fat-I don't know what my ideal weight will be so the goal is a bit non-specific at this point. 

2012-04-10 2:37 PM
in reply to: #4128934

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN

Hi Scott,


I am newbie and looking for some help.  My experience is limited in racing but I swam competitively as a kid, ran a couple marathons in my 20's and started biking...well a few weeks ago.

My schedule is free and 4 weeks ago I decided to do a sprint tri.  So I had a little base as I did 30 minutes 3 times a week on treadmill and skied a couple days a week.

My current work outs are about 1,000 yards swimming, 3-4 mile run adn a 10-15 mile bike.  This is done 4 days a week and then I work on track or bike speed another two days and then take a day off.

By the way, I am 45, 230 (jsut lost 10 lbs) and I want to place in the Clydesdale division.

Last week did a practice tri:

- 8 minute swim (.25)

- 30.35 bike (10M)

- 27 m run (5k)

My goal is sub 1:05 with a stretch of 1:02.


Week 6 and I am doing an hour and 30 minutes a day and starting to race this weeking - 5k but looking to work on speed 21-22 - have been training at 24 since my tri time.


I have 4 weeks left......any suggestions?







2012-04-10 3:37 PM
in reply to: #4141476

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN
jwmorrill - 2012-04-10 3:37 PM

Hi Scott,


I am newbie and looking for some help.  My experience is limited in racing but I swam competitively as a kid, ran a couple marathons in my 20's and started biking...well a few weeks ago.

My schedule is free and 4 weeks ago I decided to do a sprint tri.  So I had a little base as I did 30 minutes 3 times a week on treadmill and skied a couple days a week.

My current work outs are about 1,000 yards swimming, 3-4 mile run adn a 10-15 mile bike.  This is done 4 days a week and then I work on track or bike speed another two days and then take a day off.

By the way, I am 45, 230 (jsut lost 10 lbs) and I want to place in the Clydesdale division.

Last week did a practice tri:

- 8 minute swim (.25)

- 30.35 bike (10M)

- 27 m run (5k)

My goal is sub 1:05 with a stretch of 1:02.


Week 6 and I am doing an hour and 30 minutes a day and starting to race this weeking - 5k but looking to work on speed 21-22 - have been training at 24 since my tri time.


I have 4 weeks left......any suggestions?







Hi Jeff.  That's some great stuff right there.  Congratulations on the weight loss.  A few questions for you.

1.  What is the race distance that you are doing in a few weeks?

2.  With regards to your swim:  Are you swimming 1000 yds straight or including intervals?  

3.  How long have you been running currently?

With having just started biking I would focus a bit of time there, as it sounds like you are doing.  Ride the bike hard and often, and when you finish that ride more.Wink

Looking forward to having you be a part of the group.  I will think of some other possibilities when I see your answers.  

2012-04-10 6:08 PM
in reply to: #4128934

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN


Thanks - here are responses to your questions:

1. What is the race distance that you are doing in a few weeks?

- doing two 5k runs to work on speed - will do a 2 mile warm up prior to race to get more mileage in on that day - want to do 22 - 22:30 - faster than I have done recently - I use to do 6:30 - 7 min miles - but that was 25 pounds ago.......


I will race the new england season opener sprint so .25, 10 and 5k on 5/13 in hopkington.

2.  With regards to your swim:  Are you swimming 1000 yds straight or including intervals? 

- swim is a variety of distances - most oftern 5 x 100s (1:50 pace), 2x200s (3:50 pace) and two 50s at 40 seconds

3.  How long have you been running currently?

- running 4 weeks - can do 3 miles at 8 min easy and have been doing some track work - quarts at 93 sec,93.95 and 1:40

- I don't have the distance base so I am focusing on speed and increasing VO2 threshold


Bike - I hear you loud and clear - I have been doing several miles in my rides st 2:40 - 3 mins a mile.  I have also done 1 ride a week at 30 min for 10 miles.

I have time and think I should focus on intensity levels but that is why I am here!



2012-04-10 7:39 PM
in reply to: #4128934

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN

Jeff,  I hear ya about the glory days of running.  In high school I ran sub 17 5k's.  Am working myself back there as well.  There is another guy in this group, Troy, who is our group's running guru.  He will probably echo my thoughts on the track work.  Be careful with doing too much intensity too quickly.  A lot of running folks here teach that running lots, mostly easy, sometimes hard is safer way to go.  Run most of your miles so that when you get done, you feel like you could go right back out there and do it again.  This way we can develop consistency and run more often.  These are just some thoughts.  Sounds like you are headed in the right direction.  

With the bike, I would certainly focus on harder intervals.  You should be able to do 10 miles without a problem.  Doing the intervals will help make you faster.  You also check out  It is a website that makes trainer rides infinitely more enjoyable.  There are some plans there created by a brilliant coach Jorge Martinez.  It is a 7 week plan to help increase your critical power.  This is loosely associated with how much power you can put out over an hour.  

Feel free to post your daily training and ask any questions that you have.   

2012-04-11 12:02 AM
in reply to: #4142092

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN

My name is Craig.

I've been a part of Scott's mentor group since January.  Being a part this group has been the single best thing I've done to help achieve my triathlon goals and is probably the reason I'm still training and haven't given up when at times I've felt like it.  
For those of you lurking, let me tell you the mentor program works.  It's a safe place to tell others your successes, your struggles and get your questions answered by a group that "get's it" even when your friends and relatives have "heard enough".
My story: I have family that has been competing in IM for many years.  The last two years I've gone to Kona for the IM World Championships (watching not competing).  Well I've decided that this is the year I'm going to start training and do a some sprints and Oly's.  I've been a mountain biker for the last five years or so and have always been a natural swimmer.  Running, not so much.  It's been slow building my endurance and dare I say it "speed" (well it's speedy for me).
Goals for 2012: My first Olympic distance triathlon was scheduled for a few weeks ago and was changed to a 5K run due to the gale force winds and dangerous ocean conditions.  My next Olympic is April 21st in Las Vegas.  I'm getting very excited. 
Family: Married for 18 years, 15 yo daughter and 12 yo son.  Very involved in the kids athletics.
Weightloss: I figure the tri training should take care of the extra few pounds.
CURRENT TRAINING: Started the BT 20 week oly schedule in January.  My work travel and family schedule has caused me to alter the training schedule a lot to fit my schedule personal and work schedule.  However, I'm still getting in 5 to 6 days of training each week, usually about an hour at a time.
Today I managed a 1 hour bike ride in the hotel gym.
Jeff, welcome aboard.  Glad to have you here.
2012-04-11 8:31 AM
in reply to: #4142459

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN

Good morning, all.

My name is Ashley Hutson and I am in Lexington, KY. I have been a part of Scott's group since January 1 and I cannot put into words what this site has done for me. The people in this group and the tools on the BT site have been a giant part of my success. In January, I could not run a mile or swim more than a few laps. I have been a mountain biker my whole life and started cycling last summer. I got hooked on cycling and then in the fall met somebody training for an Ironman. My imagination started wandering....

I got on this site and met people just like me. Some had experience and others none- but they had the desire to do more. People share their strengths and weaknesses and success and failure. You can turn to people with lots of experience in anything you need. This group will offer you the support and encouragement you need. We are always here to listen when nobody else will. We understand what you are going through and want to be there to help.

Training: I now try to train 6 days a week as a goal and take Sundays off. Biking is my strength. Running is getting better. My swimming needs the most work. My average training now consists of a 4 mile run (avge 8:15 mile), 1600 meter swim (avg 1:45 100 yd), and 20+ mile ride (avg. 16-17mph). I try to increase a little each week.

Goals: I have one sprint triathlon and a 5k under my belt. I have 3-4 more sprints planned for the summer with an Olympic at the end. Kona is 4 years away!

Family: I am married with a 21 month old son and a set of twins, boy and girl, due for arrival around 8/19.

Weightloss: It happened but I had no goal. I have dropped 15 lbs and feel amazing. I could rop more but I love to eat. I changed my eating habits, cut back the beer, and have never felt better.

Jeff, if you want to train and have friends to support you, you have come to the right place. We are spread out across the country and across the pond but you can't go wrong with this group.

Yesterday, I hit the pool for a 800 yd swim that was part of a 2000 yarder that got cut short. I finished in 15:14 which is right on pace for me. I was happy. I also hit the road for a 4.4 mile run. Finished with in 38:12 which is a 8:40 pace. It was a relaxing run so I'm not disappointed.

I have a 25-30 mile bike ride planned for today. Hope everyone has a great day. Train smart!

2012-04-11 10:05 AM
in reply to: #4128934

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN

Hello all! I'm re-joining the group. As Craig mentions above, I find the accountability and the camaraderie to be a significant motivator for me. 


NAME: Troy Headrick

STORY: I'm a lifelong runner who caught the tri bug last summer while volunteering at the Age Group Nationals here in Burlington, Vermont. At the time, I was dealing with an injury (plantar fasciitis) and had just purchased my first road bike in 25 years. I instantly recalled how much I absolutely loved time in the saddle from when I was in High School and College ... the last time I did any serious riding. Soon enough I was convinced to join a local Masters Swim program and have been enjoying that learning curve a lot. I work at the University of Vermont in Student Conduct work.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to an amazingly supportive partner who is also a runner, but not into triathlons (yet). I've got two daughters from my previous marriage ... one lives with us full time and is 17. My older daughter is now a college student and also a runner. Because she attends UVM, we still get to see her very frequently and she will be moving home in a few weeks. She and I will be running the Phialdelphia Marathon together this fall (her first). We have two dogs ... a St. Bernard and a Newfoundland, both rescued from St. Bernard Rescue of New England.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've been averaging 9-10 hours per week between the three disciplines. I'm very run focused right now until I get through my Spring race schedule, so time in the saddle has taken a hit. I try to swim at least 3 times per week and average around 2600yds per session (1 hour).

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I've got a Half Marathon in 3 days as of the writing of this bio and I'll be attempting a PR (1:27:52). Then I've got a marathon at the end of may where I'll also be attempting a PR by going sub 3:10. Then, my first tri will be at the end of June. I'll race as many tris as I can this summer, will volunteer at Iron Man Lake Placid, and then register the following day for IMLP 2013. I also run a weekly 5k trail series all summer long that I'm hoping to see Scott at.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm currently still losing the weight I gained from my non-running time last summer/fall. Ideally, I'd like to still lose 7-10 lbs.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MEMBER: I come with a lot of running knowledge that I love to share. 



All that being said, I'm likely to be a bit absent for a few days. I'm getting absolutely crushed at work and will try to get a bunch done prior to my HM on Saturday ... and then will be heading down to Boston for the weekend to watch a bunch of friends run the marathon.  

2012-04-11 10:17 AM
in reply to: #4128934

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN
Troy,  Good luck on Saturday.  I hope you crush it.  Safe travels as well.  

2012-04-11 1:49 PM
in reply to: #4128934

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN

Hi, Everyone! I got my first run in today since getting sick. It was only a mile and I coughed a lot and wasn't very fast but I feel better having done it. I REALLY HATE this inactivity. It's making me moody.

Troy, which 1/2 are you doing? I've always wanted to do the Race Vermont Half Unplugged but it's so close to the Plattsburgh 1/2 in my hometown.

I too have found participation in the group to be really motivating. It gives me a reason to post here and keeps me honest. Also, everyone is supportive of each other. Welcome, Jeff!

2012-04-11 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4128934

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New user

Baltimore, MD
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN

Sign me up for the group as well. Here is my brief story:

Name: Aaron Tripp

Story: I am a full-time health policy analyst and part-time Ph.D. student. On the side, my interest is in an active lifestyle for enjoyment and health. Recently, over the last 18 months or so, I have become a pretty regular runner and continuing to improve my times. I have raced as short as the 5K and up to marathon distance. In college, I swam at a small DIII school and after having some of my old teammates notice some of my running results suggested I was only a bike a way from triathlon. Purchased my first road bike back last fall and am training for my first triathlon in late May. With my work and school schedule I have been managing to get in about 8 hours of training time a week.

Family status: Recently engaged to a supportive lady who also runs and occasionally will cycle.

Currently training: As I mentioned training time is about 8 hours a week since the beginning of this year, typically 1-2 swims (about 2000 yds per), 3-4 bike rides (anywhere from a 17 mile round trip commute to work up to my longest ride recently of 50 miles) and 3-4 runs (with one night a week at the track and usually a long run).

This year's races so far: I have run 5 races so far this year, highlighted by two PRs, a 19:48 5K and 1:08:45 10-miler.

2012 upcoming: On the schedule right now, I have a road mile next week, the Pittsburgh Half Marathon and Columbia Triathlon (Olympic Distance and my debut) in May, the Boilermaker 15K in July and the Baltimore Marathon Relay in October. Looking over the calendar I am hoping to get in 2 or 3 more Olympic tris over the summer and will likely add in some road races for running. In the fall I hope to try out cyclocross as well.

Weightloss: My weight has been pretty steady for a while but I would like to eventually work down to about 10 pounds lighter but more focused on eating a cleaner diet and reducing my meat intake.

Goals: I want to get my feet wet in triathlon this year, get a sense of where I am at and how to improve. For the first few years I want to stick to sprint and olympic distances.

Looking forward to sharing my journey with folks and having some people to get advice from.


2012-04-11 3:39 PM
in reply to: #4128934

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN
Aaron,  Welcome to the group.  It sure sounds like you are well on your way.  Please feel free to check in with the group often to share your training or anything else that you feel, questions, etc.  With a run like that and the swimming background, it shouldn't take too long to start ripping up those courses.  Looking forward to a great year!
2012-04-11 6:37 PM
in reply to: #4128934

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Southern Saratoga County, NY
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN

Please sign me up!


I did 1 Sprint outside last year, been doing this indoor swim,11mile bike, 5k run at my Y for several years.  I just signed up again - and I need to get serious. 

I rode most of the winter- run alot (I've done our local marathon 4 times) and need to focus on swim and Transitions.

Looking forward to some good news from my eye doc that sidelined me last year.  I Tri for weight loss and avoid over doing the running.  I go from about 205 to 185.  Currently - in the low 190's. 


Between my wife, 2 kids, a real job, and other obligations - fitting 3 sports in is a challenge - but I do it to stay sane and somewhat trim.



2012-04-11 7:10 PM
in reply to: #4143846

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN
nicoleg - 2012-04-11 2:49 PM

Troy, which 1/2 are you doing? I've always wanted to do the Race Vermont Half Unplugged but it's so close to the Plattsburgh 1/2 in my hometown.

yup ... doing the Unplugged. I LOVE this race, but have only done it once, as it is too close to Boston. I'm not running Boston this year, so I get to do it. It's situated perfectly from the Vermont City Marathon ... so it's a great benchmark for seeing where my marathon fitness is. I've backed off on the training a bit this week so I could go in with the freshest legs possible. 

2012-04-11 7:50 PM
in reply to: #4144504

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN
benjaminjacobso - 2012-04-11 7:37 PM

Please sign me up!


I did 1 Sprint outside last year, been doing this indoor swim,11mile bike, 5k run at my Y for several years.  I just signed up again - and I need to get serious. 

I rode most of the winter- run alot (I've done our local marathon 4 times) and need to focus on swim and Transitions.

Looking forward to some good news from my eye doc that sidelined me last year.  I Tri for weight loss and avoid over doing the running.  I go from about 205 to 185.  Currently - in the low 190's. 


Between my wife, 2 kids, a real job, and other obligations - fitting 3 sports in is a challenge - but I do it to stay sane and somewhat trim.



Hi Ben,  Consider yourself signed up.  A bunch of us know what it is like to juggle all of those things.  Welcome to the madness.  Congratulations on the weight loss.  No small feat.  Feel free to post your workouts and ask any questions that you have.  There are some fantastic and generous people in this group.  

2012-04-11 11:12 PM
in reply to: #4144628

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN

Ben and Aaron,

Welcome to the team.  We're glad to have you.

Troy, in case you don't check in the next couple of day, I wish you great speed and and a following wind on your 1/2 M this weekend.  When you get done, send me some of your extra speed for my race the week after next.

As for me today: hit the hotel gym for a treadmill run.  Legs felt strong but think I ate something for lunch that didn't agree with me so I shut it down after 35 minutes.  BTW: I hate treadmill runs.  I even had some inspirational race videos on my iPhone to watch.  I just like being outside a lot better.  Oh well, at least I got some in.

Keep pushing,


2012-04-12 5:33 AM
in reply to: #4128934

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN

Welcome, Ben and Aaron!

Troy, Good luck this weekend. I read it's a flat course so hopefully will be fast!

I'm hoping to get in some yoga this weekend, a short bike ride and a run. After being sick I am actually in a taper week. I'm not sure if that's a great thing but I guess taking it easy coming back can't hurt. I was supposed to run 4 on Sunday. I think that might be doable.

2012-04-12 6:44 AM
in reply to: #4128934

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN
I've had a couple of great runs.  "Great", in the sense that I've had zero pain lately.  I was feeling pretty achey in the achilles after last week's workouts and I rediscovered my foam roller with amazing results.  I had 1/2 hour last night and this morning with no ill effects.  I'll be on the trainer for an hour this evening.  What does everyone else have planned?
2012-04-12 7:13 AM
in reply to: #4128934

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN

Wow - This is great.  Just reading some of the other stories has me ready to go today.  I sat on a plane alot yesterday as I had flight issues - Bos 6am, charlotte, Nashville to Memphis - a several hour meeting and back via charlotte. A day off and can't wait to get going.


So what are peoples thoughts about doing a sprint as part of training?  My goal is to keep bringing times down and habe the brick built in?



2012-04-12 7:55 AM
in reply to: #4145127

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN
jwmorrill - 2012-04-12 8:13 AM


So what are peoples thoughts about doing a sprint as part of training?  My goal is to keep bringing times down and habe the brick built in?

I have quite a few sprints this year are part of my training plan leading into my "A" race this year.  As far as bricks go there are different opinions on how effective they are.  I believe them to be very beneficial to the mental aspect, and getting used to the feeling of running on tired legs.  I also believe that most of run training should be done apart from cycling in order to build up proper form and run fitness.  But we also need to manage our time.  So if running after bike is all one can do than that is better than nothing.  Clear as mud right?

2012-04-12 8:29 AM
in reply to: #4145208

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN
rsmoylan - 2012-04-12 8:55 AM
jwmorrill - 2012-04-12 8:13 AM


So what are peoples thoughts about doing a sprint as part of training?  My goal is to keep bringing times down and habe the brick built in?

I have quite a few sprints this year are part of my training plan leading into my "A" race this year.  As far as bricks go there are different opinions on how effective they are.  I believe them to be very beneficial to the mental aspect, and getting used to the feeling of running on tired legs.  I also believe that most of run training should be done apart from cycling in order to build up proper form and run fitness.  But we also need to manage our time.  So if running after bike is all one can do than that is better than nothing.  Clear as mud right?

Personally, I found that doing a lot of bike/run bricks over the course of last summer seemed to make my overall run times slower (although, some of that could be attributed to the heat). I don't plan to do a lot of bricks this summer but I may do separate workouts on the same day. I just felt that it wasn't helpful in recruiting faster muscle. This summer, I have some speedwork built into my plans. Just my opinion, though....

2012-04-12 8:37 AM
in reply to: #4145092

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New user

Baltimore, MD
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN

rsmoylan: What does everyone else have planned?

Wet weather, sunk my group ride last night, so I ran instead. Hopefully, I will get in around 2 hours on the bike tonight. And today is a swim at lunch time. The outdoor pool has opened which is nice to get to swim long course for now until they change the lane lines but outdoor swims at 50 degrees air temps are not the most fun.

Interesting to see a few people from NY's Capital District in this group. That was my last stop before coming to Baltimore.

2012-04-12 12:46 PM
in reply to: #4128934

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New user

Lebanon, OH
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-OPEN

NAME: Caleb Jones

STORY: I am new to training for tri’s and looking for some help and guidance along the way. I am 25 years old and a middle school intervention teacher in Ohio. I coach 3 sports after school so that keeps me busy football, wrestling & track. In college I played football at Mount Union 04-07. I was a defensive end all four years, while there we won 2 Division III National Championships. I know that I don’t have the ideal body type for this sport (6’ 2”, 230). It is a tough transition to the tri scene from football. But I’m looking forward to the challenge!  

FAMILY: Just got married in January!

CURRENT TRAINING: I am training 6 days a week. I started my program Mid-December, I’m down to 13 weeks till the big race day. I use a variation of the workouts posted on BT and other half ironman training pages. I am open to anyone’s suggestions for help.  

RACES: I am signed up to race at Muncie 70.3 on July 7th. I am thinking of doing an Olympic distance tri about a month before Muncie. Deer Creek June 3rd. I have done 3 sprint tri’s over the past 2 years but they didn’t involve swimming it was canoeing!

WEIGHTLOSS: Looking to lose a couple pounds before race day.


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