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2012-10-28 8:36 AM

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Alexandria, MN
Subject: 2 week vs. 3 week IM taper

What factors come into play when considering a two week taper or a three week taper before Ironman?  My BT plan calls for a 3 week taper, but I've read of others here using a 2 week taper instead.  I've also read, and maybe it's a myth, that results from individual workouts are realized about two weeks after.

Any thoughts?

2012-10-28 8:56 AM
in reply to: #4472311

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Harrison, Oh
Subject: RE: 2 week vs. 3 week IM taper

I've done both.  

Although, I can't really argue for one or the other.  There were/are SO many other variables in choosing your taper.  I did a 2 week taper for IMFL and a 3 week taper for IMLOU & IMLP.  It MAY of had to do with the time of the year.  FL is a fall race, cooler weather toward the end of training and I felt like a 2 week taper was enough.  For both LOU & LP, heat of the summer training, and I was exhausted and felt like I really needed a longer taper.

My FL time was the best of the three, but definitely an "easier" course (and cooler weather) than the other two.

2012-10-28 9:28 AM
in reply to: #4472311

Subject: RE: 2 week vs. 3 week IM taper
Interesting thread. Have my first full distance December 1st and my body feels very broke down. My RPE has gone up just trying to hold similar speeds on the run and bike from a couple of weeks ago. I'm afraid I may have over trained by adding extra peak weeks to finks plan. I think I will opt for the 3 week taper and really let my body heal.
2012-10-28 9:40 AM
in reply to: #4472311

Northern IL
Subject: RE: 2 week vs. 3 week IM taper
The taper shouldn't be thought of in a vacuum. They have to be considered with the training load and the individual athlete. Generally, the higher the training load relative to one's ability, the more of a taper one will need. Some do better with more of the load still there, others need to bring it down a bit more so they are fresher. Knowing which takes experience. What have previous races (of any distance) told you about this? 
2012-10-28 10:25 AM
in reply to: #4472311

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: 2 week vs. 3 week IM taper

There's nothing wrong with following the plan. You have, mostly, -ish Stock plans are just that: stock. They'll do the job but if you're looking for an ideal taper, it really is dependent on so many factors, including you as an individual. The number of days or weeks is just one. I can see from your logs what you've been doing, but not how well you feel you've responded to it, and how you feel now. (And those are only three more factors among many).

Also, ideally, you'd have somewhat different tapers, consisting of different workouts with respect to both volume and intensity for run, bike, and swim.

Training adaptations (let's say the beneficial ones of the kind you're looking for) can occur anywhere between a few days to a few weeks after X.

Here are my vague thoughts (definitely worth what you paid) with regards to you: if at this point you're asking about a two or three week taper, you're probably not so blown out from accumulated training that you'd be asking (you'd just be thanking God and the BT plan for a three-week taper).

If anything, you've gone slightly under what your plan calls for (I'm hoping you didn't all out race-race that little race you did today, congrats btw). That would incline me to a somewhat shorter taper, since you don't need all that recovery time. Looks like you've (recently) done nearly equal amounts of cycling and running; that would incline me towards continuing to peak out cycling until about 10-12 days out from the IM (meaning you haven't done a lot of cycling--relatively speaking--and you still can). You're a strong swimmer; do whatever you want there. You don't need any kind of a swim taper. You really haven't done enough swimming to warrant it (whether you're a strong swimmer or not). Running I might do whatever's on the plan, or if you're feeling just awesome, you could do another long run (15-16mi, figure pulled from thin air) next weekend (two weeks out).

Remember that during taper you're (generally--there are all kinds of tapers) reducing volume, but intensity should be around race pace. Which, for a first IM, is still not particularly fast, so possibly closer to your LT paces if you know what those are.

Again, most of this is a shot in the dark ... it's just random thoughts about taper and you.

2012-10-28 11:06 PM
in reply to: #4472311

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: 2 week vs. 3 week IM taper

In a nutshell, if you are doing tons of volume, go with a 3 week taper.  If you're doing what 85% of those out there are (and they think it's high volume), go with a 2 week taper. 

The 3 week taper was brought from marathoners that went into taper over-trained so they needed the 3 weeks.  Unless you are doing basically 20+ hr weeks, then you're 'probably' good with a 2 week taper. 

And for the record, if you're doing 20+ hr weeks and not a pro, then you're doing it wrong.  (MY Personal Opinion).

The biggest mistake I've seen with people tapering is that they reduce the volume AND intensity.  Reduce the volume but maintain the intensity.  That's how you stay sharp and reduce your fatigue levels.

Good luck!

2012-10-29 7:03 PM
in reply to: #4472311

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Extreme Veteran
Brambleton, VA
Subject: RE: 2 week vs. 3 week IM taper
I find a 3 week taper is too much for me. I end up feeling flat come race day.

FWIW - For my long rides I'll bike 200Km 3 weeks out, 180km 2 weeks out and 100km-ish one week out. Not much change in the swimming program.
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