Hi there I live in Danbury so not too far away. have you looked at East Essex tri club they do a lot of stuff around Basildon and are an excellent club. I belong to Blackwater myself based in Maldon but to be honest have been lacking in my training recently.
Thanks for that. Yeah I'm aware of them but have never really enjoyed the clubs in most sports. Don't know why. Just wanted to find someone near to share ideas, train etc. I think in a club environment you end up getting too many opinions and confused lol.
I know what you mean. have to admit though the tri clubs seem to be more interested in just encouraging rather than being pushy or cliquey at all. Am training for the PARAS 10 in March myself and then will focus on the bike as I hope to get in the ride London100 in August. Might try and fit a couple of olympic tris in June or July as well. If I am aiming out your way on the bike I will let you know in advance if you want to join me.