Other Resources Challenge Me! » Handstand challenge, 1 month Rss Feed  
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2013-05-08 10:58 AM

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Queen BTich
Subject: Handstand challenge, 1 month

Great idea, Switch! 

Let's see. I think it should be a 'daily practice' challenge, time up to the individual? I think the progress, or final outcome, should be decided based on time: 

1. longest freestand hold

2. longest wall supported hold

3. most improved in each category. 

What do yall think? For me, doing them a couple times a week, mine have improved tremendously. I think doing it every day for a month will be excellent.

I'm not good at making those spreadsheets/documents/etc. I'm ok with people just posting their before/after numbers, with the improvements at the end of the months

Open to any other ideas or anyone wanting to take over a spreadsheet. 

How about we start on Friday the 10th or Monday the 13th?

Edited by Comet 2013-05-08 11:01 AM


8699880857_7cac41e4a7.jpg (175KB - 39 downloads)

2013-05-08 11:03 AM
in reply to: #4733116

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month
You could NEVER get me to do that.  You upper-body strong people are unreal.
2013-05-08 11:07 AM
in reply to: #4733135

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2013-05-08 11:12 AM
in reply to: #4733151

Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month

Teejaay - 2013-05-08 12:07 PM I'm in. My BT goal tracker tells me I've got 1 HSPU (hand stand push up) to accomplish by May31!!!

You could push it back to Jun 10 or 13th, depending on when we start/end the challenge!

2013-05-08 11:49 AM
in reply to: #4733116

Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month


OK, I'm in, but I'm gonna need some guidance as I haven't done a challenge here and I'm not sure how that works, exactly.

The categories look good, and I'm cool with starting whenever it works for everyone else.

Comet, were you able to hold your freestand right away?

2013-05-08 11:49 AM
in reply to: #4733151

Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month

Teejaay - 2013-05-08 11:07 AM I'm in. My BT goal tracker tells me I've got 1 HSPU (hand stand push up) to accomplish by May31!!!

Ack!  What is a handstand push-up?

Is this another cross-fit thing? :)

2013-05-08 3:54 PM
in reply to: #4733250

Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month
switch - 2013-05-08 12:49 PM

Teejaay - 2013-05-08 11:07 AM I'm in. My BT goal tracker tells me I've got 1 HSPU (hand stand push up) to accomplish by May31!!!

Ack!  What is a handstand push-up?

Is this another cross-fit thing?

Well, all challenges are different. This was just my idea on how to get everyone to work on them. Some challenges are 'x' number of swim-bike-run miles, or strength, or whatever. 

So, maybe the challenge is a minimum of practice a day (based on individual) and progress is documented at the end. 

Handstand Pushup.  I guess you could say it's a CF thing, but I know gymnasts do them too. Bodyweight strength: it's a wonderful thing! There's also a kipping version, where you use your core and legs to help propel you up, allowing for many reps quickly. I have a video of myself doing them, but I don't think I can upload it here. 

2013-05-08 10:32 PM
in reply to: #4733135

Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month
1stTimeTri - 2013-05-08 12:03 PM

You could NEVER get me to do that.  You upper-body strong people are unreal.

In my case, it's more like: You upper-body strong coordinated people are unreal. I'd be falling all over the place, and probably breaking my nose.

2013-05-09 7:24 AM
in reply to: #4733759

Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month

So I tried some last night, just to see where I would be.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.

Against a wall--g2g, Against a wall w/ a push-up, not pretty but I think I can refine that, away from the wall free standing 3 sec, but with lots--I meant LOTS--of failed attempts and some really awesome dork-outs. I was so worried with going too far over, that I was often failing to commit enough to get all the way up.

My girls (8 and 6) are very excited about this and are going to do it with me.  Cool.

Thanks for the inspiration Comet!

2013-05-09 8:41 AM
in reply to: #4734473

Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month
switch - 2013-05-09 8:24 AM

So I tried some last night, just to see where I would be.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.

Against a wall--g2g, Against a wall w/ a push-up, not pretty but I think I can refine that, away from the wall free standing 3 sec, but with lots--I meant LOTS--of failed attempts and some really awesome dork-outs. I was so worried with going too far over, that I was often failing to commit enough to get all the way up.

My girls (8 and 6) are very excited about this and are going to do it with me.  Cool.

Thanks for the inspiration Comet!

Great job! Cool about your girls!

There are progressions on the HSPU (handstand pushup). Use a couch pillow, abmat, etc and it lessens the distance to the floor, and is a soft cushion! 

I've never fallen completely over, or backwards, while doing them on the driveway. Once in the grass. Yes, I started out more 'cautious' and had lots of side bail-outs or didn't kick up hard enough. The beauty is, the more you practice, the more you'll learn to control your strength. And yes, start with the wall. Kick up and as you get stronger you'll not need the wall, then move to freestanding.

 SO, do we want to start tomorrow or Monday?!?!

2013-05-09 8:53 AM
in reply to: #4734593

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2013-05-09 9:25 AM
in reply to: #4734619

Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month
Teejaay - 2013-05-09 8:53 AM
Comet - 2013-05-09 6:41 AM
switch - 2013-05-09 8:24 AM

So I tried some last night, just to see where I would be.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.

Against a wall--g2g, Against a wall w/ a push-up, not pretty but I think I can refine that, away from the wall free standing 3 sec, but with lots--I meant LOTS--of failed attempts and some really awesome dork-outs. I was so worried with going too far over, that I was often failing to commit enough to get all the way up.

My girls (8 and 6) are very excited about this and are going to do it with me.  Cool.

Thanks for the inspiration Comet!

Great job! Cool about your girls!

There are progressions on the HSPU (handstand pushup). Use a couch pillow, abmat, etc and it lessens the distance to the floor, and is a soft cushion! 

I've never fallen completely over, or backwards, while doing them on the driveway. Once in the grass. Yes, I started out more 'cautious' and had lots of side bail-outs or didn't kick up hard enough. The beauty is, the more you practice, the more you'll learn to control your strength. And yes, start with the wall. Kick up and as you get stronger you'll not need the wall, then move to freestanding.

 SO, do we want to start tomorrow or Monday?!?!

Yes! Lets! I can't kick up with any sort of consistency (stupid weak left side issues cuz of stupid hip)..even against the wall. However, last night I discovered i can hold the handstand IF someone helps me up into it. If they let go ... I can hold it. At least I know I can do that and i wont crash lnto my face BUT.. that doesn't count!!!!. Soooo....I need to really work on this ...gonna try the kicking up part a lot while in a headstand. See if I can get that left leg to cooperate. It's like dead weight!!!!!! Lol.

I vote for tomorrow...why not?

Hey Teejay--In yoga we go from a wide-legged straddle to a head stand without a kick-up and the key for me is abs, abs, abs.  There is a more advanced move that does it to a handstand which I, obviously, can't do, but my teacher insists it's abs and a kegel like tightening that helps pull you up, rather than kick up. I don't know if you've tried thinking "abs" when kicking up, but maybe that might help? :)


2013-05-09 11:12 AM
in reply to: #4734685

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2013-05-09 7:06 PM
in reply to: #4733116

Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month

Ok, starting tomorrow! Is there only 3 of us? 

My goals: 

1. 15-20sec freestand handstand

2. 1.5+min wall handstand

3. ONE ARM wall-supported handstand 
(tutorial HERE.)

Apparently, to get to #3, I need to have less arching in my back and more of a straight line & shoulder strength. Apparently that and shoulder mobility are the limiters. So, I shall work on that for the month!

This is not me, but what it looks like. I don't know if it's possible in a month, but I shall practice and do shoulder mobility:

one arm

2013-05-10 7:08 AM
in reply to: #4735761

Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month

OK, that chic ^ has ex-gymnast written all over her.  One handed hand stand?  Jeez, Comet, you are really upping the ante

OK, my goals are:

1) 10 sec freestanding handstand

2) 1.5 minute wallstand

3) "try" a one handed handstand with a big, big cushion under my head

I'll get a baseline tonight and post it.

I'm going to be doing these at night.  It will be interesting to see how different my results are after big swim set days. I have been swimming 5d/week lately and my shoulders and back have just gotten huge.  Adding in the handstand work may mean getting new shirts.

2013-05-10 9:34 PM
in reply to: #4736143

Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month

Baseline report:

Handstand against a wall: 1:03

Fresstanding Handstand: 4

One handed-- could lift my hand but barely, but  I think if I practice I might be able to do it in a month.

So slightly adjusted goals:

1) 10 sec freestand

2) 1.5 minute wallstand

3) Do a one handed handstand (my husband did it first try, so now I have to get it-ha!)

4)  I'd like to try to walk some steps--maybe 5? We'll see

Decided to get a baseline form shot, as I wonder if like so many things there's some technique thing and my form is way off.  I'll be curious to see it in a month.

2013-05-11 9:04 AM
in reply to: #4737388

Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month
switch - 2013-05-10 10:34 PM

Baseline report:

Handstand against a wall: 1:03

Fresstanding Handstand: 4

One handed-- could lift my hand but barely, but  I think if I practice I might be able to do it in a month.

So slightly adjusted goals:

1) 10 sec freestand

2) 1.5 minute wallstand

3) Do a one handed handstand (my husband did it first try, so now I have to get it-ha!)

4)  I'd like to try to walk some steps--maybe 5? We'll see

Decided to get a baseline form shot, as I wonder if like so many things there's some technique thing and my form is way off.  I'll be curious to see it in a month.

Great job and good goals!

The only thing I'd suggest is a side angle shot for your form. All angles look great, but to best correct form for a freestand is a side. I think for a one-arm, a shot of this angle is better.

2013-05-11 9:54 AM
in reply to: #4737661

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2013-05-11 5:27 PM
in reply to: #4737691

Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month

Teejaay - 2013-05-11 9:54 AM Aww ... I'm jealous of your handstands.  I'll post my HEADstand. LOL!  I'm just hoping to get to where youse are now by the end of the challenge!  I'll leave the walking and one handed stuff to you pros!  :)

Yeah--I want a pic Teejay :)

Just to clarify, my one handed attempts will most definitely be with a wall at my butt.  I don't understand how the freestanding one handed is possible.  In doing a little research, I came across this little gem:

In all white even.  Very nice.

2013-05-12 8:03 PM
in reply to: #4737388

Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month
A couple days late, but here!

Baseline report:

Handstand against a wall: :55 (could have gone longer. Wasn't close to passing out. Got lazy I guess)

Freestanding: 5 sec. Usually a solid 4, occasionally a 5. 

Walking: 4 'steps'. 


End of Month Goals:

1) 10 sec freestand

2) 2 minute wallstand

3) Do a one handed handstand, against a wall.

4) Walking steps: 8-10? Maybe? More than 4 is the official goal.

2013-05-12 8:31 PM
in reply to: #4739006

Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month

Nice goals Comet.  2 minute wallstand?  You're my hero.  Are you trying any handstand presses/pushes?  I didn't put those in my goals, but I'm gonna add that.  I'd like to be able to do at least one of those.

One of the teenagers at our campout last night is a gymnast.  I asked him for the handstand 411.  He gave me a few good tips (and a fabulous demo):

  • He said that practicing with your abs against the wall is preferable to the butt against the wall way, as it helps you get the right form. 
  • He said pushing through the shoulders and locking the arms right away (on the wall) will help reduce fatigue and the pass-out feeling--totally counter intuitive for me. (If I stand and lock my knees that is a recipe for lights-out.)
  • Apparently I need to work on my shoulder mobility.  Shocker.;P  This challenge is going to be good for so many reasons.
  • He said squeezing the butt helps.  I said, "That doesn't just happen out of fear of falling?"  Kind of an awkward conversation to be having with a 16yo boy.

Hopefully that will help everyone :)


2013-05-12 9:00 PM
in reply to: #4733116

Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month

My shoulder/arm is feeling better, not 100%, but better. I will see how attempting a wall handstand feels this week.

I have a question though, if you put your abs against a wall how do you get in that position? Walk your feet up the wall? When I do the but against wall all I do is do it, not the case if you put abs against the wall right?

Here is a short clip of me, I think this is early 2013?? Can't remember, sorry.


Edited by DoinWork 2013-05-12 9:08 PM
2013-05-12 9:12 PM
in reply to: #4739063

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2013-05-12 9:21 PM
in reply to: #4739032

Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month
switch - 2013-05-12 9:31 PM

 Are you trying any handstand presses/pushes? 

I can do those already. They're called handstand pushups. I can do several 'strict' and a lot of "kipping".  That is just an example. By no means a 'showcase' for them.  


One of the teenagers at our campout last night is a gymnast.  I asked him for the handstand 411.  He gave me a few good tips (and a fabulous demo):

  • He said that practicing with your abs against the wall is preferable to the butt against the wall way, as it helps you get the right form. 

Interesting. I'll have to try that. And yes, walk up into it from the ground.

  • He said pushing through the shoulders and locking the arms right away (on the wall) will help reduce fatigue and the pass-out feeling--totally counter intuitive for me. (If I stand and lock my knees that is a recipe for lights-out.)
  • Apparently I need to work on my shoulder mobility.  Shocker.;P  

Yes, the lock out is important and I've been working on that as well. My mobility is cr*p too, I definitely need to work on this if I want to be successful with one-arm.

  • He said squeezing the butt helps.  I said, "That doesn't just happen out of fear of falling?"  Kind of an awkward conversation to be having with a 16yo boy. 

Oh yes, tight butt, abs, the works!

Edited by Comet 2013-05-12 9:21 PM
2013-05-13 7:07 AM
in reply to: #4739063

Subject: RE: Handstand challenge, 1 month
DoinWork - 2013-05-12 9:00 PM

My shoulder/arm is feeling better, not 100%, but better. I will see how attempting a wall handstand feels this week.

I have a question though, if you put your abs against a wall how do you get in that position? Walk your feet up the wall? When I do the but against wall all I do is do it, not the case if you put abs against the wall right?

Here is a short clip of me, I think this is early 2013?? Can't remember, sorry.


It would be fun to have you join us, but only if your arm is g2g. You'd be our token male!  I think you get bonus points for that.

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