BT Development NOT Bugs, Enhancements » Suggestion - user-configurable right side items Rss Feed  
Moderators: alicefoeller Reply
2013-05-19 9:48 AM

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: Suggestion - user-configurable right side items
I understand that this suggestion is likely beyond the scope of the current update, but I'll throw it out there anyway:

Maybe the right side of My Log can be user configurable? Meaning - I want to see Friends, Equipment, Upcoming Races and Totals. Perhaps someone else doesn't care about Friends, but really wants to see their volume graph instead. And maybe another person would like to see a list of all the threads they are currently following.

Perhaps make it so that users can select what they want to see? It seems to me that a number of complaints center on the idea of "I used to be able to see on my training log and now I have to click to another page". this might be a way around it. The view would be set for a user and that's how that user would view everyone's training log (i.e. someone visiting my log would not necessarily see "Friends, Equipment, Upcoming Races and Totals").

2013-05-19 5:04 PM
in reply to: StartingToTri

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Subject: RE: Suggestion - user-configurable right side items
I second this one. I personally don't like the graphs at all and would like the option to shut that off.
2013-05-20 11:33 PM
in reply to: cathyd

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Subject: RE: Suggestion - user-configurable right side items

I didn't know where best to put this suggestion but this looked as good as any.

I would like to see the Body Metrics and Health combined. I generally ck my RHR BP and weight in the am, it would be nice to just click on one field instead of two,,,, Yeah, I know, I'm a lazy sob.

I'm guessing a lot of this was done to help the growing mobile app use. I think it's a big plus on the mobile, for the most part I think the only negative is just re-learning how to navigate through BT on the puter. BIG Plus on the Reply feature in the forums, it's easy to see who someone is replying to and what they are replying to.

Another thing I would like, would be to see would be the number of S. B. or R. that I have done in a Week, Month or the Year.

While I'm at it, having a feature to show the longest 10 Swim Bike or Runs would be kinda cool.

Good job guys.

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BT Development NOT Bugs, Enhancements » Suggestion - user-configurable right side items Rss Feed  

Nutrition log - delete meal/items?

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Views: 891 Posts: 2

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