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Lowcountry Splash - Swim

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Mt Pleasant, South Carolina
United States
Lowcountry Splash
77F / 25C
Total Time = 57m 36s
Overall Rank = 278/389
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 9/
Pre-race routine:

Coffee and a half of a PBJ. I brought along a banana, too, because we were leaving at 5:30, 2 hours before start time. I figured that I might need a little extra something before the swim. My husband drove me to Patriots Point and let me out so that I could catch the shuttle from there. I got marked and boarded the shuttle. There, I already met up with a few people from our swim class, and we went over some of our plans for the swim.

All in all, I felt significantly more nerves before this swim than before pretty much any event that I can remember. Maybe not as much as for my marathon last fall, but I was pretty anxious about it.

At the start site at Hobcaw, crowds started to gather. We were on one of the first shuttles, and we met up with more and more people, listened to the music, walked around and watched the sun rise. There were tables with many jars of vaseline, and people were applying it liberally. Even though I hate the stuff, and couldn't stand the thought of getting it in my hair or touching my stuff with it on my hands, I followed their example and put it on my legs, arms and where the swim suit straps go over my shoulders. After that, I went ahead and turned in my bag to the bag drop.

The race director gave a briefing about some important instructions - buoys on the right every 1/4 mile, boats on the left between those buoys. You can hang onto the boats or buoys. Keep as far toward the buoys as possible to maximize the effect of the current. Don't touch any piers or stationary objects in the water (barnacles) and keep in the middle of the pilings under the bridge or risk getting pulled off course by eddies in the current there. Angle in toward the aircraft carrier as soon as you pass through the bridge and shoot for the boats just past it. If you are too far out, the current will make it difficult to get in to the finish chute.
Event warmup:

We jumped in off the dock, two by two as we were counted off. We all swam over to the boats and buoys that made up the starting line and just tread water waiting for everyone to get in. Finally, the start sounded and we took off!
  • 57m 36s
  • 4224 yards
  • 01m 22s / 100 yards

Huge mass start, so there was quite a bit of touching, swimming over and bumping people. I tried to watch for the open spots, kept moving and didn't let it bother me. Finally got free of the crowd and just found a bit of rhythm.

My goggles started to get foggy and siting was difficult, so I cleared them once or twice in the first 200 yards or so, but after that - no problems.

Bilateral breathing was very helpful, just to give me a balanced feeling in both arms. I did get some bright sunlight breathing to the left, so I tended to site only when I was breathing right. No big deal, though, because the water was calm.

At first, I just sited from one buoy to the next until we passed around the tip of land and started heading toward the bridge. Even from far away, I started trying to site and situate myself well for being in the middle of the span we were swimming through. My focus was on gliding, long strokes all the way through from catch to my leg.

I tried to get a look at the Mt. Pleasant pier as we got close, but the sun was too bright on that side. Finally reached the bridge and went under it - what a weird sensation! Once we got under it, I looked back and up to see if there were any pedestrians on the bridge. There were a few and I tried waving, but I didn't think they could tell. Plus, I didn't want any of the kayakers to get the impression that I was waving for help, so I just kept swimming.

Now this last 3/4 of a mile is a long one. The water over here was definitely choppier. I kept a steady effort and also tried to add a bit more length to my stroke. I figured, no worries about getting too tired any more, it's almost over. I could finally make out the pink buoy at the finish chute and started to work harder. By the time I got there, I was really looking forward to getting out! But that wasn't where you got out - there was still a pier to swim along and then around the corner before you could get out using the ladders. We stood around a while because they had to individually check us all out by number before we could leave. We rinsed off using hoses on the docks and then walked up to meet our families.
What would you do differently?:

Well, first time, so I was happy with my training. I never got winded - maybe I should have tried harder for a better time. Next time.
Post race
Warm down:

Drank some water, got toweled off and put on my t-shirt/shorts to walk over to the after-party area. Ate a bunch and even had 2 beers :-) We stuck around for the awards and listened to the band for a while before heading home.

Oh, I saw all of my coaches from the swim class and several people from the class. What nice people - I hope to see them at the triathlons and will definitely take this class next year again!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Nerves, inexperience. I thought it would be better to keep a very easy pace. It was like a fast walk effort. Maybe next time, I will try for a slow jog effort :-)

Event comments:

A fantastic event for a great cause. I recommend it!

Last updated: 2013-06-02 12:00 AM
00:57:36 | 4224 yards | 01m 22s / 100yards
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/389
Performance: Good
Course: 2.4 miles from Hobcaw to Patriots Point
Start type: Deep Water Plus:
Water temp: 78F / 26C Current: Low
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting:
Waves: Navigation:
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 2
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2013-06-02 12:32 PM

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Subject: Lowcountry Splash

2013-06-03 8:12 AM
in reply to: #4764056

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Subject: RE: Lowcountry Splash
Awesome job Melissa!
2013-06-03 2:25 PM
in reply to: #4764056

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New user
Subject: RE: Lowcountry Splash
Man, after the measely 750 meters I did so terribly yesterday, I am truly inspired to try again and look into some type of swim class. I found it hard to swim out there in the middle of the lake, because all my life whenever we went to the lakes to go skiing, my mom and dad would always say we needed to stay close to the shore unless we had a life jacket on. To just head out to some buoy way out in the middle of the lake seemed so wrong. I probably should have taken your advice to do the OWS event they had before the race, but it was just a few days after I got hit by that baseball and my shoulder was still a bit sore, that I wimped out. Live and learn, huh?
Great job and thanks for posting you race report.
2013-06-03 5:02 PM
in reply to: themomma03

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Subject: RE: Lowcountry Splash
Well, let me tell you, it is so much easier to swim with the current pushing you along! That, in combination with salt water because it practically floats you without hardly any effort.

You probably did the right thing to skip that, actually, to rest that shoulder injury before the tri. That first triathlon is stressful, so don't sweat it if you feel you didn't do well! You've got all summer to get back in the water.

I look forward to reading your race report!
2013-06-03 7:21 PM
in reply to: melanfi

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Subject: RE: Lowcountry Splash
Sounds like a great event. I would say your pace is rocking!
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