General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Hot spots on outside of foot Rss Feed  
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2013-06-10 9:31 AM

Subject: Hot spots on outside of foot
The last couple of rides/runs I have had a hot spot on the outside of my right foot. It is on the outside of my left foot as well, but not nearly as bad.

I seem to remember it coming on after a VO2max trainer ride that I did. The following weekend I did a 6 mile run followed by a 10 miler the next day. The foot doesn't hurt worse on the runs, but I can definitely feel the soreness. I did another 60 mile ride this weekend and by the end of the ride my right foot was so sore that the last couple of miles were pretty brutal. The day after this ride I did another 10 mile run and didn't have any foot issues. A relative of mine, who is an RN, said that it might be a stress fracture, but I am not very convinced of that as I think the impact of running would aggravate a stress fracture pretty bad.

The pain basically is noticeable if I supinate my foot and I start to feel it when it rolls over onto the wide spot in my foot (maybe a little behind the widest spot.

I am a month out from my HIM, so I highly doubt I am going to take any time off as it doesn't necessarily seem to be getting worse. Just looking for advice on how to maybe alleviate it somewhat. The only other thing I can think of that correlates with the pain is that I just got a quarq which changed me from 175 to 170mm cranks and the cranks were also changed from what I had on my bike previously. What are the chances that the new crank set will require a different cleat position? I did get hot spots here when I first started riding, but they had since gone away and I have done multiple 80+ mile rides with no pain.

I also tried rolling on a frozen water bottle and that didn't seem to do much for the pain. The pain would subside for a bit, but I think it was more that my foot would go numb while on the ice and then the pain would come back after 10-15 minutes of the foot warming up.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Hot spots on outside of foot Rss Feed  

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2005-03-02 7:56 AM silent
date : December 18, 2012
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
I expected to hurt after the marathon, and I did but there was nothing that I was immediately alarmed about. Since then, the foot pain that popped up after the marathon has not really gone away.
date : September 21, 2012
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
My foot is now in a tremendous amount of pain, it is swollen, and I can barely walk on it at all, it hurts so much. I am still putting the gel on, taking anti inflammatories, and icing. Help!
date : August 24, 2009
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
I sometimes have severe pains on the top of my left foot. It feels like a knife is stabbing my inner foot on the outer portion of my foot. These pains happen mainly at night but not while riding.
date : February 11, 2009
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
I have a pain on the far left side of my left foot, all the way to the left and a little in front of the heel. It hurts after I run for 45 minutes or so. It hurts pretty badly for the next 48 hours.
date : January 5, 2009
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
I have a pain deep in my calf about five inches below the knee. A sports doctor did not feel anything wrong in the muscle, and there was no bruising. The tender spot can still be felt on massage.
date : May 12, 2008
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
Ever since running that marathon I have been experiencing stiffness and discomfort in my left foot, from the fourth and fifth metatarsals to about my mid foot.
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author : AMSSM
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What would cause my foot to fall asleep after running about 3 miles and then have a numb spot on the top of my instep?
date : July 30, 2006
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
I started riding this spring with the Carnac shoes on Look pedals (with plenty of float). About five minutes into a ride I get sharp pain on the outer edge of my feet, just behind the pedal.