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2014-01-10 4:30 PM

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Manhattan, Ks
Subject: Microfracture surgery of the knee
Has anyone on here had it and been able to return to running? I'm 5 weeks post op and have 3 more weeks of non weight bearing to go. I have been told that running is out.

2014-01-13 5:03 AM
in reply to: motoxmom1

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: Microfracture surgery of the knee
I did. It was about a year, but I did resume running...although I moved to fewer days per week.
2014-01-15 2:19 PM
in reply to: mmrocker13

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Manhattan, Ks
Subject: RE: Microfracture surgery of the knee
Curious about your recovery and PT. I'm still non weight bearing, doing isometric stretches, stationary bike with zero resistance and water walking in the diving well. I'm 6 weeks post op. My "bad spot" still swells up. No pain to speak of really. It sometimes feels like it pulls when stretching/biking/pool. I haven't met or spoke to anyone that has had the procedure and would appreciate whatever insight you could give me. I'm encouraged to hear that you are able to run. Both my Dr. & PT have said it's not a good idea.Thanks you for replying!
2014-01-16 5:48 AM
in reply to: motoxmom1

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: Microfracture surgery of the knee
Oh, I didn't say they thought it was a good idea :p

Actually, docs said that if I were going to run, to limit the volume and frequency, and to give it at least six months, better 12, before starting back.

I went 8 weeks NWB, transitioning to TTWB. Probably 12 weeks total? As far as pt, I was mostly where you are water walking, as I didn't have pool access. It was about 12 months before I tried run/ walking. My first season of tri training was all run/walk. Swelling lasted a long time--6 weeks isn't odd, I don't think.

My prognosis was guarded, as I was also missing most (now all) of my lateral meniscus, and my lesions were right on the border of "too large" for MFX.
2014-01-18 10:26 AM
in reply to: mmrocker13

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Manhattan, Ks
Subject: RE: Microfracture surgery of the knee
Were you a cyclist prior to the surgery? Unclipping with my bad knee had become excruciating so I am concerned that I will have trouble with that when I am released to ride again. I have been doing research as to which clipless pedals are easiest on the knees. I have even considered switching that side to a toe cage until my knee gets stronger.
2014-01-19 7:03 PM
in reply to: motoxmom1

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: Microfracture surgery of the knee
No...I was a runner. I took up cycling after my MFX, as a way to keep active.

Clipping in and out has never bothered me, even at my knee's worst (which was long after my mfx)I use spd mtb pedals. Don't know if that's useful to you at all.

2014-02-03 1:39 PM
in reply to: motoxmom1

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Subject: RE: Microfracture surgery of the knee
Is your lesion that was treated patellofemoral in origin or at the weightbearing surface of the tibiofemoral joint? If the latter, you might want to consider running in a customized unloader brace, if you want to try it. If your lesion was at the patellofemoral joint, the brace won't protect you.
2014-02-06 8:34 PM
in reply to: ccarlsonin

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Manhattan, Ks
Subject: RE: Microfracture surgery of the knee
It was the weight bearing tibiofemoral joint. I have come to accept that running may no longer be something that I can enjoy. I hope I'm at least able to run short distances playing with my Grand Kids! I'm 9 weeks post op today. Have been slowly adding weight for 2 weeks now and still not able to walk full weight bearing. About 75% walking but can do 100% standing still. When I try to walk full weight bearing I have pain in my "bad" spot. I am somewhat discouraged but my PT says it's still early. Spinning with zero resistance and water jogging are getting real old! Have been working on getting my flutter kick back so I can get back to swimming laps. I REALLY want back on my bike! I need to sweat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My patience is wearing thin.
2014-02-07 5:33 AM
in reply to: motoxmom1

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: Microfracture surgery of the knee
It is REALLY early. Give it a good long recovery, accept that you will have some pain for awhile (from he procedure/healing, and the residual stiffness scarring, etc.). It might be 12 months before you're able to try running again.

And there are next line therapies, too. An unloader is great. If t works, look into HTO.

I've been there (well, other side...laterally), but I know how slow it seems sometimes.
2014-02-15 8:46 AM
in reply to: mmrocker13

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Manhattan, Ks
Subject: RE: Microfracture surgery of the knee
I got to full weight bearing Monday. The first three days were good. I was walking with a proper gait with little to no pain, just some pulling. Thursday it all started going downhill. I'm swelling and no longer walking with a proper gait as the knee won't fully extended when I walking. It hurts to walk. I can stand full weight bearing with no pain and still doing my stretches and exercise, just not able to walk properly and pain free. I saw my PT on Thursday which was my first bad day. He asked if I had done anything out of the ordinary and I hadn't. He seemed worried. I hate to see his reaction on Tuesday if this doesn't turn around by then. My bad spot is on the bottom inside of my knee was the only place I would have swelling before, I now have swelling at the top of my knee and feel it into my thigh. I'm frustrated and worried.
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