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2014-09-05 12:39 PM

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Subject: Harry's razors
Anyone try these yet? I see their ads all over the place and was curious if the BT community had any input on the quality of their products. Of course this thread will probably devolve into a twigs and berries/leg shaving debate.

2014-09-06 10:32 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Harry's razors
I've never tried them but did find this - lots of good info in the comments section.

2014-09-10 8:42 AM
in reply to: cnsegura

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Subject: RE: Harry's razors
I just heard an add on the radio this morning. Sounds like a decent product, good reviews and such.

I also was search the web for easy ways to keep disposable razors sharper/longer, and what you can do it run the razor backwards up a pair of jeans, or even your forearm (harrier the better, sorry ladies). This will extend the life of a razor 2-3x times.
2014-09-10 4:36 PM
in reply to: deboerkj

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Subject: RE: Harry's razors
Originally posted by deboerkj

I just heard an add on the radio this morning. Sounds like a decent product, good reviews and such.

I also was search the web for easy ways to keep disposable razors sharper/longer, and what you can do it run the razor backwards up a pair of jeans, or even your forearm (harrier the better, sorry ladies). This will extend the life of a razor 2-3x times.

Supposedly they don't really dull, its just a accumulation of gunk and scale from water that makes them seem dull. I've read many solutions to the problem, I just haven't tried any of them. I found that rinsing well and then blowing water off the razor does extend the life for mine. So I guess the jeans trick would probably work like a honing strop does on a straight edge. Will try that tomorrow!
2014-09-14 5:03 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Harry's razors
I used to go through reams of Gillette Sensors and just rotate them out frequently because of assumptions.

However, I'm not sure which disposables I'm currently working, but I find that I can get 4 months plus out of them. I don't have a brillo pad quality beard, so that may help. You may just want try extending your standard disposable a bit longer. We don't buy new steak knives every week, right?

I had read this in some money saving book once and it resonated, the difference goes into the 401K.

2014-09-14 6:57 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Harry's razors

Is that the Facebook Ad that talks about "his" and "her" razors and they are the same? What is the appeal?

2014-09-15 8:40 AM
in reply to: lkct01234

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Subject: RE: Harry's razors
I use a Gillette Fusion on my face, I really like and need the back edge single blade for detail maintenance. One of my employees just kicked me down a handful of Gillette Body razors since he moonlights for some endurance promotion company. Haven't used them yet, but yeah, they're a chick razor. Gillette just changed the color of the plastic going into the injection molder...
2014-09-15 5:48 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Straight outta Compton
Subject: RE: Harry's razors
I did learn that the company that makes the Dollar Shave Club razors is called Dorco. You can buy them for a fraction of what DSC charges, but you need to get them in bulk- Google them and you go right to their website to buy directly. I still think the Gillette Fusion are worth the extra $, but I'm kind of a prima donna when it comes to shaving.
2014-09-16 3:45 PM
in reply to: mcgilmartin

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Subject: RE: Harry's razors
Originally posted by mcgilmartin

I did learn that the company that makes the Dollar Shave Club razors is called Dorco. You can buy them for a fraction of what DSC charges, but you need to get them in bulk- Google them and you go right to their website to buy directly. I still think the Gillette Fusion are worth the extra $, but I'm kind of a prima donna when it comes to shaving.

Was going to include Dorco in my OP, as Ive heard their name quite a bit on local radio. I think I will just stick with my Fuions too. 40 bucks for the mega pack at Costco and I'm good for almost a year.
2014-10-08 10:12 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Harry's razors
Currently on about my 2nd week of using it. Pretty pleased over all. You'll go through their gel pretty quickly though. Was using a Gillete Power Fusion but wanted to see what these were all about.
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