Other Resources Challenge Me! » June Bike Challenge Rss Feed  
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2016-06-01 5:14 AM

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2016-06-03 6:20 AM
in reply to: chr15

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2016-06-05 7:28 PM
in reply to: #5184781

Subject: RE: June Bike Challenge
My goal is the same as it is every month. I try to ride a 100 miles. I make it more often than not. I think I've made it 3 of five months so far this year.

J White
2016-06-06 4:51 AM
in reply to: Jwse30

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2016-06-06 4:55 AM
in reply to: Jwse30

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2016-06-09 2:03 PM
in reply to: chr15

Subject: RE: June Bike Challenge
My bike goal for the month of June is to ride a total of 380 miles. I've logged 125 so far. So right on track. This is my first month back on the bike since the end of 2010. So feeling good about things

2016-06-10 6:55 AM
in reply to: Jwse30

Subject: RE: June Bike Challenge
So far I am a 34 miles for the month. That includes a few miles for the bike portion of a brick workout I did last week. I'm trying to decide if it is going to rain this morning or not before I head out and get a few more...

J White
2016-06-10 7:06 AM
in reply to: MelFord444

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2016-06-10 10:44 AM
in reply to: Jwse30

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2016-06-12 8:20 PM
in reply to: chr15

Subject: RE: June Bike Challenge
I'll ride my Schwinn in the rain, though I'd rather not. The Trek has too skinny of tires without a lot of tread for my liking in the rain. Last year I probably rode the Schwinn 10 miles for every mile I ride the Trek. This season it's totally reversed. I probably have less than 50 miles on the Schwinn this year. Basically it gets ridden if I am with my daughter (she's only 10; we average about 9 minutes a mile) or if I am going somewhere to pick something up or drop something off. It's got a rear cargo rack that makes it a better choice if I am hauling something.

I'm up to about 62 miles for the month already. I recently got laid off so I have more time to spend on the trails.

J White
2016-06-13 2:54 AM
in reply to: chr15

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2016-06-13 3:00 AM
in reply to: Jwse30

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2016-06-13 3:34 AM
in reply to: Jwse30

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2016-06-13 1:15 PM
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Subject: RE: June Bike Challenge
Originally posted by chr15

It won't be long before your daughter is beating you

What started all this triathlon stuff with me was a conversation I had with a guy after a swim meet (a Masters meet for the team associated with my daughter's age group team).

A few months ago I swam in a Master's meet and one of the events I swam was the 200m free. It's the only event that my daughter had swam that I also swam that day. My time was less than a second faster than hers. Well 2 weeks ago she swam the 200m free again and shave nearly 30 seconds off her time. For those keeping score at home, that means she shaved about 29 seconds off my time. I've got another meet in August I hope (the school is having some bad pool issues, so we may not have a venue this summer...) so I've got some work to do.

Regarding the job; I work construction so it's the nature of the industry. We are the only workers that try to put ourselves out of work.

J White

Edited by Jwse30 2016-06-13 1:16 PM
2016-06-14 4:02 AM
in reply to: Jwse30

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2016-06-15 2:59 PM
in reply to: MelFord444

Subject: RE: June Bike Challenge
Up to 214 miles now shooting for 380. I'm not going to lie my legs are TIRED! No riding at all for me tomorrow hoping that will give them the break they need!

2016-06-15 5:37 PM
in reply to: MelFord444

Subject: RE: June Bike Challenge
Enjoy the rest. I think 214 is close to my mileage on my best month last year, and you're only half way through the month.

J White
2016-06-18 9:20 PM
in reply to: Jwse30

Subject: RE: June Bike Challenge
Today I did a brick that consisted of a 12.5 mile ride and a 1.2 mile run. That ride brought me over the 100 mile mark for the month. My other goal for the month was to run 30 miles. I am currently at 18 I think, so I am right on track for that one too. (I've got no goal for swimming, but I've put in more yardage this month than I have in the past 25 years)

J White
2016-06-20 3:32 AM
in reply to: MelFord444

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2016-06-20 3:34 AM
in reply to: Jwse30

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2016-06-20 3:39 AM
in reply to: chr15

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2016-06-20 10:11 AM
in reply to: chr15

Subject: RE: June Bike Challenge
Only 50 or so to go! Keep up the good work!

J White
2016-06-21 8:31 AM
in reply to: Jwse30

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2016-06-22 4:55 PM
in reply to: chr15

Subject: RE: June Bike Challenge
Originally posted by chr15

Originally posted by MelFord444

Up to 214 miles now shooting for 380. I'm not going to lie my legs are TIRED! No riding at all for me tomorrow hoping that will give them the break they need!

That's fantastic. A week and half to go for the month, do you have a plan to get you there?

Ben trying to get at least 10 miles in on each week day then 20-30 miles on Saturday and Sunday. Currently at 318 miles now so if I keep it up I will nail it! Hoping to have 380 by the end of Sunday!
2016-06-22 4:57 PM
in reply to: Jwse30

Subject: RE: June Bike Challenge
Originally posted by Jwse30

Today I did a brick that consisted of a 12.5 mile ride and a 1.2 mile run. That ride brought me over the 100 mile mark for the month. My other goal for the month was to run 30 miles. I am currently at 18 I think, so I am right on track for that one too. (I've got no goal for swimming, but I've put in more yardage this month than I have in the past 25 years)

J White

That is Awesome! Way to keep at it. I haven't done a brick in ages but I might have to try one soon, thanks for the inspiration!
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Other Resources Challenge Me! » June Bike Challenge Rss Feed  
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