Subject: Creaking Pain above my Left Heel Not too long ago, I recently had a bunion removal on my right foot back in the beginning of May. Doctor says its fine to walk on it and stuff now, so here it is July and Im now working out mildly and stuff mainly upper body and walking around outside. Recently I'm now feeling this pain in my left foot now it feels like a creaking or stretching of I think a tendon. Id say its a few inches above the heel. I'm not sure if its tendonitis, or something else similar. I think its mainly me being on bedrest for month not excersicies one bit till now recently, but its really bothering me . Only when I bend or move my ankle is when I feel it. My gf says its nothing to worry about and laughs but Id rather hear from others first . Not sure if height or weight may be a factor or not but Im 6'5" weighing about 190. My weight goal is 210. Im 23 years old