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Ironman Wisconsin - Triathlon

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Madison, Wisconsin
United States
World Triathlon Corporation
70F / 21C
Total Time = 13h 23m 2s
Overall Rank = 1039/2881
Age Group = 50-54
Age Group Rank = 16/88
Pre-race routine:

I didn't have quite the build I had scheduled this year due to 1) stupid elimination diet that I chose to follow during OS which put my training in the toilet and 2) a concussion in CO instead of an awesome bike volume bump that punched a 2 week hole into my training. I was very ---meh leading into the race with some steady runs, but nothing fast. My confidence was better than IMCHOO, but not by much. My stomach issues showed again before race day: lots bloating, some pain, gas. Took some baby coke, ginger chew and rolaids to settle. Legs felt heavy and hr was elevated on brick run Friday. Had gf pasta the night before in the hotel with the ATCK gang, Naked Juice protein drink, 90c cherrios, half a banana, coffee, gel 1ish before swim.
Event warmup:

no bike riding once in Madison...that was new. Just one swim (felt AWESOME) and one shorty brick run (NOT AWESOME...elevated HR once again for pace)

Race morning...just some armswings, a couple swings of the hips, then swam out to left of the ski launch to clear water to wait for the cannon.
  • 1h 12m 20s
  • 4224 yards
  • 01m 43s / 100 yards

It's a mass start and I started with Taylor K to the left of the ski ramp. Got a bit crowded just before the cannon. Went out moderately hard for a buoy or two, but it was pretty much a washing machine for at least 400M. I kept trying to find a little clear water to swim in which was working ok. Total cluster at the first turn buoy as expected. I heard mooing as is the tradition, but I mooed underwater. :D I got punched in the chest, chin and eye. I also got cut on my left hand by a woman's fingernail! The back half seemed a little better for finding pockets of clear water to swim. I got hit/tugged/pulled on the most on this leg. It was choppy on the back half and final leg. The last bit is where I got to actually swim with minimal contact as most folks were being pushed off course toward shore by the current/wind Happy to see 1:12:xx on the clock when I exited the lake, because while I have been feeling awesome and fast of late, this swim felt slow and flat. Peed twice while swimming.
What would you do differently?:

Swim more! I really have not been consistent until recently on the swim. I think I can get to sub 1:10 if I just keep working on my stroke and don't take six-nine months off!
Transition 1
  • 09m 40s

Helix was a tough jog! I trotted along not knowing how far (didn't walk it before hand) , got my bag quickly and into the room. My volunteer unrolled my sleeves which I didn't want, but otherwise it was fine. Toweled off, put socks on, envelope in my jersey because it was chilly, then ran in socks all the way to my bike. Found out my watch never started and messed with that, put shoes on when they grabbed Fiona and trotted to mount line, started 520 and down the helix I went.
What would you do differently?:

I really didn't have a rock solid plan for the weather and helix. If I do the race again I will be better prepared to move more efficiently since I have actually run threw all the spaces now.

Also, to save more time, practice using triathlon mode on the watch!!!

  • 6h 36m 9s
  • 112 miles
  • 16.96 mile/hr

Gut was off and HR was very high for the first 1.5 hours vs. the first 20' after swim. I tried to back off and ride smart to settle the gut and bring hr into line. Tough to do with the layout of the course. Launched my nutrition bottle twice in the first couple miles and had to retrieve it since I used concentrated Infinite this time round. Just changed out my saddle mid August and still had some discomfort on my right side. Glutes were fiery and angry for the first time this year, including camp here, but not sure why? Was stupid and rode all the way up Barlow. HR spiked to 177 and power was in mid 300's. Not my smartest idea, but I was in the middle of the lane and not really clear to just stop. It was fantastic to see Terry at Midtown, Coach R and Mariah at Mt. Horab, ride with SS for a bit, see Bobby, Michelle, Taylor. The crowds on Midtown were awesome! I heard the Buchers, Jen and Julie yelling! That was cool! On loop two I hit 49.9 on a down hill...that's a pr! I had to stop and use a porta-pot at mile 50 as I still can't pee on the bike. Stopped at SN's too and saw Cujo who I gave my crackers too and grabbed my rolaid and had a sip of coke hoping to settle the gut. Somewhere in there my glutes got grumpy. I should have taken tylenol out there...I did on the run and it helped.

Over all I did ok, but was hoping for about a 6:20-6:25.
What would you do differently?:

Really should have walked up half of Barlow. Spiked my hr and watts. My VI was stupid high. I really worked on that at the local metro park, but clearly did not a) have the watts to be more consistent b) coasted more than I should have.

Prep for LP, while the course is laid out very differently, will continue to focus on FTP improvement and smoother VI riding on all long rides.

I will also have to figure out the nutrition issue. I really thought I had a program, but clearly, that is not the case. I also hope more consistent training eliminates or limits the erratic higher heart rate I've experienced off and on over the last couple years.
Transition 2
  • 06m 47s

Dismount went fine, trotted into the bag area, got my gear and headed to room. Was surprised to have my roomie from Boone Rachael help me! Such a boost to see her! She got my go bag and rolaids for me, I got my socks off, put on fresh ones,pulled on the shoes and headed out. I needed to hit the port-pot so I did that, and did my go bag stuff too. Just stayed a little long waiting for some thing to happen to relieve cramps but no. Terry A gave me a monster hug and told me Bobby was just up ahead! That was awesome!
What would you do differently?:

Do the go bag on the run, not in the loo. LUBE THE CRAP OUT OF MY FEET!!! Otherwise, not much.
  • 5h 18m 6s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 12m 08s  min/mile

Started with stomach cramps and walked at miles and aid stations with Bob for a couple miles (past Camp Randall) Staying with him and walking more in the beginning I know this helped me run stronger when it cooled down a bit and the belly finally settled. Got blisters in there somewhere again on my right foot. I also took tylenol some where out there and it worked well. Should have started that on the bike when the glutes decided to talk to me for the first time all season! Got tums and biofreeze at SN's and used the biofreeze right away on the glutes, which helped a bit. Saw a lot of folks out there...Michelle, Bob,,Johnny Scribby, Potter, Corey, Taylor, Laura, Wardo, Raul, Ian, Lindsey,Teri, Scott, SS, and lots more EN'rs. It was great seeing Suzy and getting a hug, and my friends who worked Aid #2 Kimm and KL, Julie, Jen, Kathy and Deanna and Loren too! The town really is out there cheering for all the IM nerds. Great energy, costumes and vibes! Base Salt crew rocked it too out on the path where it wasn't quite as populated as in town. Nice. I did not know the aids were not on or near the mile markers which had me walking more early on the run, but unless it was a hill, I didn't walk on the second half. A big highlight was running holding hands with Mariah...she was great..I complained (blisters, tummy, everything hurts boo hoo) and she just was all smiles and positivity and goodness. Loved that! Saw Rachael the Giraffe again and focused really hard the last 3 miles into town (after a good mojo dog pet!) and brought it home. I was so happy to see the shoot and finish this thing!
What would you do differently?:

Not stop to chatter so much with Kimm and KL second time through...they were heading out and I was too chatty. Take tylenol sooner. Find that mental focus sooner. Log more training runs over 13 miles!
Post race
Warm down:

Hung out with Coach R for a bit in the catching area, and just chilled. Then got chocolate milk with Patrick and Cujo from the wonderful Deanna, then head back to clean up. I headed back to the finish to see Bob, Johnny, Taylor and Lindsey finish and party in the power hour!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Lack of longer run training, once again the darn nutrition thing. I may invest in a nutritional consult or plan since I am back on the the gut problems train. The stupid diet I chose to do early in the season, and the crash in early June. The plan is a SOLID build for IMLP and better execution on the day with NO GUT ISSUES!

Event comments:

IM Wisconsin lived up to all the hype. With one of the last mass starts, the epic climbing and support on the bike, and great run all through town and even into Camp Randall Stadium, it is a winner! I am so impressed by those who chose it as their first! (Over 800 of the 2800 this race!!!) Of course, racing with all my teammates local and EN, and friends always makes the day for me, no matter the outcome. I may come back to taste this beast again and see if I can do better!

Last updated: 2016-09-13 12:00 AM
01:12:20 | 4224 yards | 01m 43s / 100yards
Age Group: 7/88
Overall: 616/2881
Performance: Good
*thought* I started watch...did not. No Hr data for this one loop swim
Suit: Roka Maverick
Course: Basically a rectangle with buoys on left.
Start type: Deep Water Plus: Shot
Water temp: 74F / 23C Current: Medium
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Average Drafting: Average
Waves: Navigation: Average
Rounding: Average
Time: 09:40
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Average
06:36:09 | 112 miles | 16.96 mile/hr
Age Group: 13/88
Overall: 884/2881
Performance: Average
avg hr 141 avg p 120 NP 134 FHH 136 VI 1.13
Wind: Some
Course: Stick of 14 miles, Loop one with Barlow Hill, and Midtown Loop 2 with Midtown hill. Stick back to Madison Course was under construction so 2 of the sisters were not on the course, and Barlow replaced them on loop one
Road: Rough Dry Cadence: 83
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 06:47
Overall: Below average
Riding w/ feet on shoes Good
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
05:18:06 | 26.2 miles | 12m 08s  min/mile
Age Group: 26/88
Overall: 1039/2881
Performance: Average
avg hr 141
Course: 2 loops through DT Madison, on UofW campus
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2016-09-22 3:22 PM

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Subject: Ironman Wisconsin
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General Discussion Race Reports! » Ironman Wisconsin Rss Feed  

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2005-09-19 12:18 PM tnickerson
date : July 2, 2014
author : mikericci
comments : 0
I'm a fairly good climber but don't want to blow up on the run. I'm 60 and have a FTP of 230 watts. Any suggestions?
date : March 30, 2011
author : mikeinlaguna
comments : 6
I was in the moment, living a dream and on top of the whole world! Honestly, I wish everyone could experience that feeling because it truly cannot be described.
date : January 28, 2010
author : Coach AJ
comments : 0
Discussions on doing Ironman Wisconsin on a road bike and a training plan for back-to-back centuries.
date : November 16, 2009
author : FitWerx
comments : 1
Should I remove the PD Jammers bars and ride it as is, set-up for riding in the drops and hoods? Should I run my Easton Orion II wheels or my Hed Jet60 C2's for IMWI?
date : July 14, 2008
author : Birkierunner
comments : 2
Watch the highlights and tips of this years IMWI BT mini-camp put on by Birkierunner.
date : June 11, 2007
author : TriDDS
comments : 0
If you would have told me that I would want to train over ten hours a week for a race that can last up to 17 hours, I would have laughed. But somehow, my ACL injury has refocused my outlook on life.
date : July 5, 2005
author : dara
comments : 0
It makes no sense to train hard for a year to hone that aerobic system only to have all that training undermined by a few anaerobic bursts on race day. So, how do you go about it?
date : December 13, 2004
author : trilover
comments : 1
TriLover recently had the opportunity to interview Tim and Nicole. Read what the DeBooms had to say about triathlon, their support for each other and life.