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2003-12-15 5:31 AM

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Elite Veteran
Northern Va/Metro D.C.
Subject: powergels
just wanted to let everyone know that honey is equally effective as a powergel alternative, and much cheaper (according to an article i read in triathlete magazine).

2003-12-15 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2517

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Gold member
Subject: honey replacing powergels?
now that is interesting...makes sense though.  what flavor would u use?  maybe the orange blossom variety....or clover...
2003-12-16 4:55 AM
in reply to: #2525

Rutland Ohio (South Eastern Ohio)
Subject: RE: honey replacing powergels?
My brother must have read the same article last year sometime. He said that he used it in training and during the 1/2IM race we ran together. He put it into a small flask that was designed for shampoo that he picked up at walmart. Neither of us were very competitive, but we both finished. It was kind of a challenging situation for him because both he and I had the same beat each other. I ended up besting him by nearly an hour. I doubt if any of the performance (or lack there of) had to do with using honey.

Brotherly competition is always challenging, but someone has to come in second.

Edited by clightle 2003-12-16 4:56 AM
2003-12-16 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2567

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: yes
I have been using the honey packets from Starbucks coffee for a while. They are free and work well. You can fit them in your socks, shorts...
I do alternate them with clif-shots during races...
sometimes if I run low I get the honey packets at Kentucky fried chicken. They are not very natural, but once in a while they are OK and free too.

Any carb food that has a high glycemic index (quick to be processed by your body) works just as well.

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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » powergels Rss Feed