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2017-06-05 10:40 AM

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Subject: Political Quote of the day
Here is a thread to post your favorite political quote of the day.

Here is my submission:

"Like Inspector Javert or, perhaps more appropriately, Wile E. Coyote, the Democrats remain fixated on getting their man, Trump, and proving wrong the voters who elected him." - By Matt Latimer

Now that is funny IDC who you are! Javert is the inspector in Les Meserables in case you didn't know.

2017-06-14 6:20 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

Originally posted by Rogillio Here is a thread to post your favorite political quote of the day. Here is my submission: "Like Inspector Javert or, perhaps more appropriately, Wile E. Coyote, the Democrats remain fixated on getting their man, Trump, and proving wrong the voters who elected him." - By Matt Latimer Now that is funny IDC who you are! Javert is the inspector in Les Meserables in case you didn't know.

The longer they focus on imaginary things the longer they stay oblivious to reality that they have no platform and have given up the DNC to extremist nut jobs.  So, I'm kind of OK with them focusing on Russia.  

2017-06-23 10:18 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day
"Ronald Reagan’s favorite joke was about two young twin boys, one a congenital pessimist, the other a congenital optimist. Trying to cure them both, the father first took the pessimist into a room filled with every imaginable toy and game. The boy burst into tears: “I know you will take them all away from me, or they will break!” He then took the optimist to a room filled with horse manure and a shovel. The boy jumped on the manure and started to shovel away happily. The stunned father asked why. His son said, “There must be a pony in here somewhere!”"
2017-06-28 10:15 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day
"Sean Spicer, has kept the briefings basically intact but ordered live cameras and audio equipment turned off. Predictably, the press corps has reacted as though Trump has shredded the Constitution, burned the Declaration of Independence and peed in their beer." - Michael Goodwin, NY Post
2017-06-28 10:47 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

It's truly amazing to me how bad CNN has shredded any ounce of credibility they've had left throughout this election.  The other MSM outlets have done the same, but CNN has led the charge.
The Project Veritas Video yesterday was really bad and there's another one dropping today.

2017-06-28 11:12 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

Originally posted by tuwood

It's truly amazing to me how bad CNN has shredded any ounce of credibility they've had left throughout this election. 

They are racists, homophobes, and mysoginists.

2017-06-30 10:47 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day
"Co-host Mika Brzezinski is a feminist who lectures other women on the need to show firmness in a man’s world. Yet she spends most of the show acting like a prim, entitled Victorian-era dingbat on a fainting couch. She grips her chair for balance while she makes faux-terrified faces, then turns to “Joe” for guidance on how to address this or that Trump “outrage.” “Joe” is the vainglorious former Congressman Joe Scarborough. The two are engaged, but one suspects the relationship won’t last Trump’s two terms." - American Spectator 6/30/17
2017-06-30 11:02 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

Originally posted by Rogillio "Co-host Mika Brzezinski is a feminist who lectures other women on the need to show firmness in a man’s world. Yet she spends most of the show acting like a prim, entitled Victorian-era dingbat on a fainting couch. She grips her chair for balance while she makes faux-terrified faces, then turns to “Joe” for guidance on how to address this or that Trump “outrage.” “Joe” is the vainglorious former Congressman Joe Scarborough. The two are engaged, but one suspects the relationship won’t last Trump’s two terms." - American Spectator 6/30/17

One interesting thing about Trump's tweet.  She didn't have cosmetic surgery the last time they were at Trumps hotel.  She had it when they were both still married to other people.  So Trump was bringing up an illicit affair in addition to the other stuff.

Liberals are so funny when they get yelled at.  Equality, Equality, stop treating women differently.  OK, I'll criticize you like you criticize me... Oh how dare you.  I'm a frail woman who is in no way equal to a man and you must now be ridiculed for not treating me different because I'm a woman.  It's really hard to keep up. 

2017-07-03 5:18 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day
"Butt hurt, it's what's for dinner." Anon political blogger discussing Maryland Rep. Jamie Laskin's attempt to use the 25th Amendment to declare Trump incompetent.

Edited by mdg2003 2017-07-03 5:22 AM
2017-07-05 3:50 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day
"Keep up the good work Madcow. Every day that you continue to push the Russian narrative and there is no arrest, no indictment, no charges and no evidence, you dig yourself further into a credibility hole. Keep digging.....I enjoy watching you present your nonsense as if you just solved string theory but no one else gets it but you." - Mike Rogillio RE some Rachel Madcow Russian story.
2017-07-11 1:47 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day
"Anyway, Trump Jr. took the one-off meeting, and nothing happened. Is that not proof of non-collusion in and of itself? If you choose to believe otherwise, your disdain for President Trump is getting the best of you and you need help." - Ed Rogers WAPO

2017-07-11 7:11 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

, California
Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

Originally posted by Rogillio "Anyway, Trump Jr. took the one-off meeting, and nothing happened. Is that not proof of non-collusion in and of itself? If you choose to believe otherwise, your disdain for President Trump is getting the best of you and you need help." - Ed Rogers WAPO

There is *no* good reason for him to make his emails available in any fashion unless he's taking one for the team. 


2017-07-11 8:23 PM
in reply to: spudone

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by Rogillio "Anyway, Trump Jr. took the one-off meeting, and nothing happened. Is that not proof of non-collusion in and of itself? If you choose to believe otherwise, your disdain for President Trump is getting the best of you and you need help." - Ed Rogers WAPO

There is *no* good reason for him to make his emails available in any fashion unless he's taking one for the team.  

We'll all certainly get to watch it play out, but I've yet to see anything close to the level of breaking the law.  Obviously there could be more I'm missing.
I'd say a reason for releasing the email was simply that he didn't believe he did anything wrong and put all the evidence out there to let others decide for themselves.

The other irony of this is that information is surfacing that this attorney was a DNC plant.  So the speculation is now festering on why would the DNC plant a Russian attorney lying about being a part of the Russian government with nothing of value at all.  Check out when the FISA warrant was to spy on Trump, it wasn't very long after this meeting.  Want to spy on political opponent, so create your own "Russian" justification.  Admittedly, this is way out in the weeds but this story has a long ways to go and from what I'm seeing it's not going to go in a direction the DNC was hoping it would.

2017-07-11 10:59 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

What are we.....7 months into the "Russian Collusion by President Trump" investigation and NOT A SINGLE SHREAD OF EVIDENCE has been uncovered.  Donald Trump won the election against an opponent and party that was so smug they believed it was impossible to be beaten.  My god, the sitting President of the losing party knew about Russian meddling and didn't have a care about it with regard to losing the Office to Trump.  That's hysterical......really......laughable beyond anything that can ever be posted about it.

2017-07-12 8:51 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day
"In the daisy chain from Russian oligarch to singer to PR go-between to lawyer to Trump scion, which is more plausible? That Don Jr. was canny enough to coordinate a global plot to rig the election but not canny enough to notice that this plot was detailed in his personal emails? Or that some Russians took advantage of a political naif named Trump in an unsuccessful bid to undermine the Magnitsky law they hated?" - WSJ 7/12/17
2017-07-12 9:02 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day
Originally posted by Left Brain

What are we.....7 months into the "Russian Collusion by President Trump" investigation and NOT A SINGLE SHREAD OF EVIDENCE has been uncovered.  Donald Trump won the election against an opponent and party that was so smug they believed it was impossible to be beaten.  My god, the sitting President of the losing party knew about Russian meddling and didn't have a care about it with regard to losing the Office to Trump.  That's hysterical......really......laughable beyond anything that can ever be posted about it.

The investigation into the Russian hacking of the DNC server has been going on for 12 months. It was later added that somehow the Trump campaign must have colluded with the Russians on the hacking and release of emails.

What I'm trying to figure out is when/how will it all end? If this was during an election we know come election day it's pretty much over. Nobody seems to care much about the Clinton Foundation or the lost Clinton emails now. How long can the dems/media drag this out with no indictments? I guess eventually Mueller will conclude his investigation...which is apt to be as big a disappointment to the left as Comey saying Hillary would not be prosecuted was to the right.

My prediction: They will never find anything tied directly to Trump. If they find anything on anyone else, it's moot because Trump will just pardon them. They can spend 2 years building a case against Flinn and another 2 years prosecuting him...and with the stroke of a pen, Trump can pardon him....actually, I think he can pardon him even before they prosecute him.

2017-07-12 9:26 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

I almost feel sorry for the folks who follow liberal media because they keep getting their hopes up with these goofy stories.
A private russian citizen reaches out to the campaign with supposed incriminating info on Hillary and when they get there they immediately realize the lawyer is trying to sell them on some stupid russian adoption scam and walk out of the meeting.  No government ties or anything.  Yet CNN and the left wing media has already gotten the hopes of their followers up to believe Don Jr. is going to prison and an impeachment is imminent.

For comparison, the DNC sends operatives to the Ukrainian Embassy to coordinate dirt on Trump and that's totally fine and not even worthy of a news story.  You can't make this stuff up sometimes. 

2017-07-12 10:39 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

, California
Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

Originally posted by Left Brain

What are we.....7 months into the "Russian Collusion by President Trump" investigation and NOT A SINGLE SHREAD OF EVIDENCE has been uncovered.  Donald Trump won the election against an opponent and party that was so smug they believed it was impossible to be beaten.  My god, the sitting President of the losing party knew about Russian meddling and didn't have a care about it with regard to losing the Office to Trump.  That's hysterical......really......laughable beyond anything that can ever be posted about it.

You would be having a cow if this was the other party.  Seriously.

This latest thing with Trump Jr. isn't bad for him -- he doesn't really have an official role in the White House.  It's bad for Kushner.  Because Trump Jr.'s emails mentioned Kushner was in those meetings with the Russian lawyer and Kushner has security clearance.  So now there's yet another person (after Sessions and Flynn) who did not disclose these kinds of contacts before getting his clearance.

2017-07-12 10:40 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

, California
Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by Left Brain

What are we.....7 months into the "Russian Collusion by President Trump" investigation and NOT A SINGLE SHREAD OF EVIDENCE has been uncovered.  Donald Trump won the election against an opponent and party that was so smug they believed it was impossible to be beaten.  My god, the sitting President of the losing party knew about Russian meddling and didn't have a care about it with regard to losing the Office to Trump.  That's hysterical......really......laughable beyond anything that can ever be posted about it.

The investigation into the Russian hacking of the DNC server has been going on for 12 months. It was later added that somehow the Trump campaign must have colluded with the Russians on the hacking and release of emails. What I'm trying to figure out is when/how will it all end? If this was during an election we know come election day it's pretty much over. Nobody seems to care much about the Clinton Foundation or the lost Clinton emails now. How long can the dems/media drag this out with no indictments? I guess eventually Mueller will conclude his investigation...which is apt to be as big a disappointment to the left as Comey saying Hillary would not be prosecuted was to the right. My prediction: They will never find anything tied directly to Trump. If they find anything on anyone else, it's moot because Trump will just pardon them. They can spend 2 years building a case against Flinn and another 2 years prosecuting him...and with the stroke of a pen, Trump can pardon him....actually, I think he can pardon him even before they prosecute him.

You should be fine holding on for a few more months / years.  I mean how long were Republicans in Congress investigating Benghazi?

2017-07-12 10:55 AM
in reply to: spudone

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

This is a pretty good synopsis of the Don Jr. meeting.  The real scandal isn't that he took the meeting it's how the meeting was manufactured and how the Obama administration used it to spy on their political opponents.

2017-07-12 10:56 AM
in reply to: spudone

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Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by Left Brain

What are we.....7 months into the "Russian Collusion by President Trump" investigation and NOT A SINGLE SHREAD OF EVIDENCE has been uncovered.  Donald Trump won the election against an opponent and party that was so smug they believed it was impossible to be beaten.  My god, the sitting President of the losing party knew about Russian meddling and didn't have a care about it with regard to losing the Office to Trump.  That's hysterical......really......laughable beyond anything that can ever be posted about it.

You would be having a cow if this was the other party.  Seriously.

This latest thing with Trump Jr. isn't bad for him -- he doesn't really have an official role in the White House.  It's bad for Kushner.  Because Trump Jr.'s emails mentioned Kushner was in those meetings with the Russian lawyer and Kushner has security clearance.  So now there's yet another person (after Sessions and Flynn) who did not disclose these kinds of contacts before getting his clearance.

Bro - Seriously, no cow has ever been born to me over politics. LMAO

2017-07-12 11:06 AM
in reply to: 0

, California
Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

Let me add one more thing.  Even if we assume all these circumstantial things were totally innocent, the REASON to disclose foreign contacts is so the CIA can have due diligence and follow up.  Maybe she's "a private citizen, no government ties or anything" maybe not.  They have to let our agencies find out.  Otherwise we end up with people with high level security clearance who could be unwittingly helping spies.

/rant off

Edited by spudone 2017-07-12 11:07 AM
2017-07-12 11:14 AM
in reply to: 0

, California
Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

Originally posted by tuwood

This is a pretty good synopsis of the Don Jr. meeting.  The real scandal isn't that he took the meeting it's how the meeting was manufactured and how the Obama administration used it to spy on their political opponents.

Sorry I can't buy into the entrapment theory in that post.  If the president of the united states really wanted that to happen, he would've given her something big on Hillary's campaign, something the opposition couldn't resist.  And I think you'll all agree there was plenty of it.  Not to mention Obama could've done this at any time.  He had no great love of Hillary and could've sunk her campaign back when she was fighting Bernie if he was going to play dirty like that.  So why would Obama send this Russian lawyer into that kind of meeting with her hands empty?

And also that post mentions Trump Jr. turning it down.  Uh, not from anything I've read so far.  If anything, he sounded willing to listen but that she had nothing.

Edited by spudone 2017-07-12 11:15 AM
2017-07-12 11:47 AM
in reply to: spudone

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Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day

Originally posted by spudone

Let me add one more thing.  Even if we assume all these circumstantial things were totally innocent, the REASON to disclose foreign contacts is so the CIA can have due diligence and follow up.  Maybe she's "a private citizen, no government ties or anything" maybe not.  They have to let our agencies find out.  Otherwise we end up with people with high level security clearance who could be unwittingly helping spies.

/rant off

I don't think any of Don Jrs. meeting were innocent.  I think he was trying to get dirt on Hillary.....just like all politicians do, this is not news.  The other thing, and I'm pretty sure Jr. has admitted that's what he was trying to do......it's NOT illegal.  If it were, all politicians would be in jail.  You can argue all day about morality and ethics and probably get to some good points, but in the end it's nothing that is going to change this Presidency , or any other for that matter.

It's just time for the left to move on and try to win some seats back in '18.....and maybe the Presidency in '20.  But at this rate, they'll just keep blowing themselves up and end up right where they are now.  It's crazy......but great fun.

2017-07-12 12:19 PM
in reply to: spudone

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Subject: RE: Political Quote of the day
Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by tuwood

This is a pretty good synopsis of the Don Jr. meeting.  The real scandal isn't that he took the meeting it's how the meeting was manufactured and how the Obama administration used it to spy on their political opponents.

Sorry I can't buy into the entrapment theory in that post.  If the president of the united states really wanted that to happen, he would've given her something big on Hillary's campaign, something the opposition couldn't resist.  And I think you'll all agree there was plenty of it.  Not to mention Obama could've done this at any time.  He had no great love of Hillary and could've sunk her campaign back when she was fighting Bernie if he was going to play dirty like that.  So why would Obama send this Russian lawyer into that kind of meeting with her hands empty?

And also that post mentions Trump Jr. turning it down.  Uh, not from anything I've read so far.  If anything, he sounded willing to listen but that she had nothing.

I agree. I don't think it was a set-up. Although that would add to the drama! This thing reads like a spy novel and you never know what it going to happen next. Just when CNN thinks they have their Aha! moment and found the proverbial smoking gun....it turns out to be just political as usual.

You mentioned earlier the shoe being on the other foot......I remember the Whitewater scandal and time and again thinking, "this is it, no way are they getting round this" like when HRC made 100k in the futures market in 4 weeks.

All the side shows are meaningless anyway. Nothing to stop Trump from pardoning everyone.

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