General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Half Marathon Training Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2017-07-26 9:27 AM


Subject: Half Marathon Training
I recently completed my first 70.3 and am hooked/motivated to drastically improve my time (trained to just finish, ended up in bottom 10% of my age group). Not planning on racing in another one until next year, but would like to do a half marathon this fall.

I've previously done three half marathons, but this time around I want to both meet my goal in the half marathon (2 hours) while continuing to work in bike and swim workouts during my training to help me improve those areas for next summer. Any recommendations on a good half marathon training plan that incorporates more cycling or just scheduling/load tips for meeting those goals?

2017-07-26 10:37 AM
in reply to: benjico17

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Pfafftown, NC
Subject: RE: Half Marathon Training
If I was wanting to find my potential in the HM distance, I'd look at a plan that had me running a min. of 5X/wk......and topping out at about 40 mi./wk.

That's what "I" would do. I'd fit the other disciplines in where I could.
2017-07-26 4:18 PM
in reply to: benjico17

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Half Marathon Training
I am in a similar boat. I want to work on my triathlon training, but I also want to achieve something in other disciplines. What I usually do is doing the other ones past triathlon season. For example, my last triathlon happens at the end of August. I have marathon in November, followed by 50k in December. So September through December will be intense in running, but I will have swimming twice a week (for recovery and cross-training), and try to bike a bit once in a while. Beginning January I start my triathlon training of swimming/biking/running.

You said your HM is in the fall, and the TRI is next summer. Your fitness will not decrease significantly if you don't devote 100% of your training to S/B/R during fall.
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