Other Resources The Political Joe » Do you trust the intell community? Rss Feed  
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2017-09-20 8:56 AM

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Subject: Do you trust the intell community?
If the intel 'community' tells us the Russians "meddled" in the US election should we accept that at face value or asked to see the evidence?

Tucker Carlson made a good point last night when he said he did not question the intel on the Iraq WMD and wishes now he would have asked to see proof.

Maybe there was no FISA order because the FBI went rogue. Maybe they used the first order as a reason to start listening to Manafort after he was named to head the Trump campaign.

Can't trust the media.....can't trust FB....can't trust the government.....

2017-09-20 10:43 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Do you trust the intell community?
I trust they tell us what they want us to believe.
2017-09-20 11:20 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Do you trust the intell community?
Originally posted by tuwood

I trust they tell us what they want us to believe.

People can justify almost anything in their mind under the guise of "national security" as if that gives them carte blanche to lie under oath, lie to congress, leak information, bi-pass congressional oversight.

Here is a thought:

Knowledge is power.
Power corrupts.

If you have the ability to listen in on people's private conversations would you? If you thought you'd stop another 9/11 but didn't have the evidence to convince a FISA court, would you do it anyway? If you thought Trump was in bed with the Russians be just didn't have the hard evidence yet, would you decide the ends justify the means and that it is better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission?

Comey was put in a position where he had to chose the next president of the US! Think about that. All the arm-chair jurists aside, he could or could not have recommended the DOJ indict HRC. Even if DOJ with AG Lynch on the Clinton teams did not indict, the fact that the FBI recommended indictment would have swung the election at least 5 points.
2017-09-25 3:42 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Do you trust the intell community?

I don't trust anybody.

2017-09-25 3:59 PM
in reply to: Hook'em

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Do you trust the intell community?

Originally posted by Hook'em

I don't trust anybody.

2017-09-25 4:05 PM
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Subject: RE: Do you trust the intell community?

You can pretty much answer any question about anything, in any manner you wish,  without actually lying.  That becomes a very big deal to "intel types" as they go about their business.  As time goes on, that frequently becomes more important than the truth, especially in an ongoing investigation.  Personally, I don't put any stock in anything anyone says until someone is willing to stand up and give an actual account of what happened.  Then I'm good with about 33% of what they say being factual, 33% being perception based on personal bias, and 33% being just flat wrong based on faulty memory, bad view, etc.  The full truth resides somewhere in that  mess.

Edited by Left Brain 2017-09-25 4:06 PM

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Other Resources The Political Joe » Do you trust the intell community? Rss Feed  

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