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2018-07-02 1:44 PM

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Subject: Uncivil wars
RE the subject, as the old cliché goes, there is nothing civil about war.

So there seems to be multiple civil wars shaping up.....in the democrat party between the left and the far left/socialists.....the republican party between the ones willing to compromise and fix illegal immigration and the hard-liners who won't make any concessions.....those who want open borders and abolishing ICE to those who want to deport every illegal alien....the SCOTUS nominee....liberals vs conservatives....

People have suggested the 'divide' in this country is getting more and more polarized and we are heading towards another civil war. But the truth is, there will never be and Civil War. Times have changed. In the 1800s people owe allegiance to their state. Most had never left the state, or even the county they were born and raised in. There was a much stronger sense of community. Now, I only know the names of about 5% of my neighbors.

People talking about an armed conflict ala the US Civil War of the 1860s need to stop and think. We have the most powerful, best equipped military in the world. If fighting were to start it likely start with demonstrations and riots at which point the POTUS would declare Marshall Law. You can have your pitchforks and shotguns and event those 'scary assault weapons' but when an armed tank battalion of M1-A1 Abram tanks come rolling thru your 'hood, and Apache helicopters and drones fill the air and Marines are in full combat uniform armed to the tee equipped with night vision goggles.....you will retreat or die. Not to mention all the local law enforcement in riot gear and local hundreds of thousands of National Guard troops being activated. The federal, state and local government controls the power grid, water supply, sewer, trash collection, the airwaves, radio, television, cell phone, GPS satellites, internet, imports/exports, air travel, train travel, subway travel and could shut the country down to restore order. It's not to say we might not have widespread riots and fighting in the streets but it won't be left vs right, it will be looter/rioter vs the business owner or homeowner with a gun protecting their property. You might be a far left liberal but when someone tries to loot your home or business you will fight.

All that to say, an actual armed conflict civil war is never gonna happen. Not in this age. The 'civil war' will be fought and won/lost at the ballot box. If there is enough anger, dissent, resentment it will drive the 2/3rds of the country who never not to the polls and we will see where the country really stands on social and economic issues.

2018-07-02 1:57 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Uncivil wars

I think you  have part of it right.  We are likely headed for widespread "civil unrest" with rioting, etc.....but we still have a ways to go.  We haven't even gotten to the point where we were in the 60's yet.

And you are probably right that it won't be a true civil war.....just the govt. putting down unlawful riots.....and that's really easy stuff.  No matter how much the rioters think it'll look like a revolution,  it'll just be a bunch of knuckleheads getting their arses kicked.

There has to be a reckoning coming though.....the unrest and derangement can't keep ramping up....it will eventually boil over.  It's funny, because protests are supposed to be when the govt. is not functioning.  Our govt. is actually functioning fine, and our President is doing exactly what he told the people who voted him in he would do.  It's too bad that people can't get that through their heads.

2018-07-02 2:22 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Uncivil wars
What's up with only having a 30 minute statue of limitations to edit my posts?! After 30 minutes the electrons are frozen in time and set in concrete so my typos will live on for eternity. Some day my great-great-grandchildren will read some of my old posts and conclude "Great-Great-Grandpappy was nearly illiterate!"
2018-07-03 9:09 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Uncivil wars
Thats ok because its really hard to right in good american.

Edited by mdg2003 2018-07-03 9:10 AM
2018-07-03 9:22 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Uncivil wars

Originally posted by mdg2003 Thats ok because its really hard to right in good american.

I can tell you voted for Trump.

2018-07-03 9:27 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Uncivil wars
Originally posted by mdg2003
Wrong thread Kimosabi.

Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by mdg2003

Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by mdg2003

Ooooh looksy! ^^^^ We have new free speech censors! ^^^^^

Fixed that for ya. ;-)

I think we do a pretty good job of keeping things civil here and not going personal.

Says you, paleface…

"You speak pretty good American....for a Comanch!" - John Wayne, The Searchers

Guess I'm the low man on the totem pole so this pow-wow is over Chief!

Thats ok because its really hard to right in good american.

2018-07-03 9:29 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Uncivil wars
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by mdg2003 Thats ok because its really hard to right in good american.

I can tell you voted for Trump.

Mike's deplorability is showing.....
2018-07-03 11:19 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Uncivil wars
And so it begins.....

"Vandals threw a brick through the window of the Nebraska Republican Party’s headquarters in Lincoln, Nebraska, on Monday night, the party said Tuesday.

Republican staffers found a spray-painted message beneath the broken window: “ABOLISH ICE.”"

Libs are playing with fiah! Need to get Tony to look into this one since it's near his 'hood.
2018-07-03 11:22 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Uncivil wars
Off topic....

The other day I saw a headline that said "Fire ICE". So challenge: How can you make fire with ice? (If you've seen the movie, "The Edge" (which I highly recommend) you will know it.)
2018-07-03 12:14 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Uncivil wars
Originally posted by Rogillio

And so it begins.....

"Vandals threw a brick through the window of the Nebraska Republican Party’s headquarters in Lincoln, Nebraska, on Monday night, the party said Tuesday.

Republican staffers found a spray-painted message beneath the broken window: “ABOLISH ICE.”"

Libs are playing with fiah! Need to get Tony to look into this one since it's near his 'hood.

Three rocket surgeons tagged a couple of the mission here in SA with, "I don't care, do you?"

Those are protected sites with multiple camera angles recording all that occurs. All three have been arrested and charged. Apparently it is felony too!
2018-07-03 12:14 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Uncivil wars

Well I didn't see the movie, but I'm guessing by refracting sunlight through ice?

2018-07-03 12:16 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Uncivil wars

More  vandalism please!!  I'd like to pay cash for my new boat next Spring.

2018-07-03 12:20 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Uncivil wars
Originally posted by Left Brain

Well I didn't see the movie, but I'm guessing by refracting sunlight through ice?

Yes, form the ice into a lens with your hands. Good survival tip to know.

Rent "The Edge"! Pretty good movie and some gorgeous shots of the Alaska wilderness. It will make you want to book your next hunting or fishing trip to Alaska.....like to one of the log cabins shown in the movie that are off the grid and you can only get to by aqua-plane.
2018-07-03 8:37 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Uncivil wars

Originally posted by Rogillio And so it begins..... "Vandals threw a brick through the window of the Nebraska Republican Party’s headquarters in Lincoln, Nebraska, on Monday night, the party said Tuesday. Republican staffers found a spray-painted message beneath the broken window: “ABOLISH ICE.”" Libs are playing with fiah! Need to get Tony to look into this one since it's near his 'hood.

I'm seeing an opportunity to sell a camera system. 

I do have a lot of contacts with the state party, but I haven't talked to anyone about this particular incident.  It's of course on the news, but people don't realize how much this helps Trump.  I'm kind of the mindset of "bring it on" because to more radical and crazy the leftist commies get and the more the DNC embraces them the more seats the adults win in November.  If I were a betting man I'd bet on a super majority in the house and Senate.  There's no way the DNC picks up any seats and there's a ton of them falling fast in the Senate.

Remember, Generation Z is the most conservative young generation in our lifetimes.  They've seen what the millennial have created and they want no part of it.  Studies have shown that 83% of Millenials and 85% of Gen X stated their views as quite or very liberal, but 59% of Gen Z state their political views as conservative and moderate.  That's a monumental change.  Then throw that on top of the 10%+ increase in Hispanic support for Trump and the massive increase in the African American support there's simply no possible way the DNC can win a majority ever again in our lifetimes.  Then of course you have the complete radicalization of the Leftist ideology that's happening everywhere and many typical DNC supporters are seriously rethinking their support.  I'm not saying they're jumping on the Trump train but they're definitely #WalkingAway from the DNC.

We're seriously 5 months away from the midterm election.  Can anyone tell me the platform the DNC is running on?  Resist and impeachment isn't going to win anything. lol

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