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2018-07-16 2:10 PM

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Subject: Russian Summit
Libs/MSM is having a conniption fit over the Trump/Putin meeting. It defies logic to take the position that we should not meet with them...because their intel guys did exactly what intel guys do! Rand Paul cited a report this weekend stating that over the last 50 years the US interfered with 83 elections in foreign countries. Anyone remember the US embarrassment when it was learned that US intel had recorded Germany's Merkel's phone conversations under Obama? **GASP** Sorry, but this is what spooks do for a living. The faux indignation of the left is hilarious! It's ok for the US to spy on our allies but other countries had better not spy on us! Putin would have fired his intel guys if they didn't try to interfere with the US election! But you have to be weapon's grade stupid to think Putin is going to 'admit' on the world stage that they interfered. What's the old line, "The Secretary can neither confirm not deny...."

Also, you don't poke a world leader in the eye at a press conference! The left is saying that Trump needs to publically condemn Putin and call his out or publically shame him. Fortunately Trump understands powerful people. It would only serve to poison the relationship if Trump did what the 'experts' in the MSM are calling for. Brennan, quite ironically, called the summit 'treason and rises above high crimes'. That man is clearly in panic mode and is scared.

One thing I have not seen addressed by the press is ISS. No, not ISIS, ISS! The Russian Soyuz spacecraft is the only means we have for NASA astronauts and supplies have to get to/from the International Space Station. The Russians have made 35 or so trip to ISS ferrying our guys and supplies to/from ISS. Without them we'd have a $60 billion dollar piece of space debris orbiting the earth is a slowly deteriorating orbit. So it behooves us to maintain good relations with Russia.

2018-07-16 2:37 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Russian Summit

Liberal media headlines and Democrat dreams......"Oh, we got him now!!!"..............LMAO.......no.

It's a damn shame that the big topic of the meeting, and questions at press conference, appears to be about "Collusion" over the last election.  Ya'll happy now?? 

Let's get past this and on to the next comedy routine from the Left.  I'm getting bored.

Edited by Left Brain 2018-07-16 2:38 PM
2018-07-16 5:18 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Russian Summit
They talked about energy, nuclear proliferation, a non nuclear NK penninsula and all the media is talking about is the hacking....
2018-07-16 5:43 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Russian Summit
Well Putin said Russia didn’t interfere. So that’s settled. Now let’s move onto Putin punking Trump and a big chunk of the US with ,”yes I wanted Trump to win” along with the part most of the news skips, “he was talking about the normalization of relations “. I think before the meeting Putin asked his staff, what can I say that will really get everyone going. Easy - tell them you wanted Trump to win.
2018-07-16 7:59 PM
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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Russian Summit

Quote of the day

Edited by tuwood 2018-07-16 7:59 PM
2018-07-16 8:54 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Russian Summit

4.5% economic growth......that's all I care about.  The rest of this stuff takes care of itself......no matter who is President or how they deal with Russia.  The world is not ending.

2018-07-16 8:57 PM
in reply to: Goggles Pizzano

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Subject: RE: Russian Summit

Originally posted by Goggles Pizzano Well Putin said Russia didn’t interfere. So that’s settled. 

Meh....we have screwed with other country's elections since we have been a country......who cares?  Every country wants what they want......Russia didn't want Clinton.....I didn't either.

2018-07-16 11:55 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Russian Summit
Wow... you guys are something else. Had Russia influenced our election in Hillary's favor and she was groveling at Putin's feet I guarantee you guys would be singing a different tune. But since the shoe is on the other foot you are perfectly willing to justify another countries blatent meddling in our elections... with an excuse about intercepting a phone call from Germany and concern about the ISS? Please... the ISS isn't ours and it isn't Russia's, both countries need to cooperate for it to function. I'm sure they love receiving big fat American checks, and if they don't SpaceX is scheduled to have their crew capsule ready next year, the Russians will be paying us before long. It hasn't been addressed by the press because it's a non-issue.

This is bigger than Trump, we are setting a blatant example that so long as you meddle enough that your horse wins all will be forgiven and it will pay large political dividends. This is literally the definition of corruption, you guys aren't stupid or ignorant, but your complacency IS quite disturbing. Unless you really do think this is only about Trump, then maybe you really are stupid after all.
2018-07-17 7:54 AM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: Russian Summit
Originally posted by Synon

Wow... you guys are something else. Had Russia influenced our election in Hillary's favor and she was groveling at Putin's feet I guarantee you guys would be singing a different tune. But since the shoe is on the other foot you are perfectly willing to justify another countries blatent meddling in our elections... with an excuse about intercepting a phone call from Germany and concern about the ISS? Please... the ISS isn't ours and it isn't Russia's, both countries need to cooperate for it to function. I'm sure they love receiving big fat American checks, and if they don't SpaceX is scheduled to have their crew capsule ready next year, the Russians will be paying us before long. It hasn't been addressed by the press because it's a non-issue.

This is bigger than Trump, we are setting a blatant example that so long as you meddle enough that your horse wins all will be forgiven and it will pay large political dividends. This is literally the definition of corruption, you guys aren't stupid or ignorant, but your complacency IS quite disturbing. Unless you really do think this is only about Trump, then maybe you really are stupid after all.

First off, ISS is ours. We spend $56 billion dollars designing, integrating, building, testing and deploying it. And countless billions more operating and maintaining it. I worked on the ISS program for 12 years. 90% of it was built with US taxpayer dollars. We control it thru JSC in Houston, we maintain it and we supply it. We have many people on the ground still working that program to keep it in orbit. Yes there is a Japanese module and European module and a Canadian robotic arm but we own the power system, the cooling system, the navigation, guidance and control systems, the environmental control and life support systems, the computer systems, the vacuum system, the air control and intermodule ventilation systems, the EVA systems, the video system and every other system on board! Europe, Japan, Canada and Russians are guests! Make no mistake, the US funds, control and owns ISS.

RE Russia/Trump....so call my stupid then. Call me cynical. Call me a conspiracy theorist. Call me deplorable. Call me a white supremacist nationalist. I honestly don't care what you or anyone else calls me. I've been called so many things, I just don't care anymore. That's what happens when people continually label people with some derisive label in an attempt to demonize opposing opinions, the name-calling loses it's potency.

I think the entire Russian/Trump thing is total BS and was started by the Deep State as CYA. Everyone including Obama, Rice, Brennan, Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, McCabe, Strzok, Page, et al were doing whatever they could to get Obama a 3rd term via Hillary. Anyone with any sort of objectivity knows full well Hillary should have been indicted for using a private email server to conduct US State Department business. We all know WHY she did that and it was so that her pay-for-play activities via the Clinton Foundation could rake in tens of millions of dollars and there would be no official record of it. Thank God for Trey Gowdy and the Benghazi investigation or no one would have ever known. There is no other explanation for having a private email server other than to hide activities from the public. But the dems were too far along in the election to run a different candidate. Bernie would have lost in a landslide. So the only course of action they had was to somehow exonerate Hillary. It HAD to be done or Trump would be elected an destroy the Republic. I'm sure they actually felt like patriots defending America from itself.

The Clinton machine gave Lynch her marching orders on the tarmac thru Bill. She knew she had to let HRC off the hook. She told Comey not to call it an 'investigation'! Coincidently shortly after the tarmac meeting with Clinton, Lynch announced she would be keeping Lynch on as AG. Go figure. It was a totally corrupt investigation of Hillary, where they never even got the email server and she deleted evidence that was under FBI subpoena! But it didn't matter, soon she would be president and all of the corruption would be swept under the rug and all the corrupt players would be vying for new positions under the new Clinton administration and be rewarded for their work to let her off the hook and get her elected. But the American people said NO! And Trump was elected.

Now they are all in panic mode! Little by little, drip by drip, email by email, text by text the truth of the corruption is being exposed. Now they are in serious panic mode! Mueller is their Alamo! Only Mueller can save them by making it look like Trump is corrupt and the only reason the deplorable, stinking, Walmart-shopping, uneducated, racist, bigoted American people elected Trump was because Russia hacked the DNC mail server and exposed the foul play of the DNC. The emails show corrupt the DNC is and how they cheated Bernie out of a fail primary and showed their utter contempt they had for America voters. But nobody change their support of Trump or Hillary because of the DNC email. People had already made up their minds about Clinton.

I applaud Trump for meeting with Putin. Always better to talk than to fight. Always better to listen and reason with than to shun your adversaries. Always better to have world leaders who can actually have a civil discourse than to treat everyone like we are at war with them. The US has meddled in elections all around the world for 50 years! The US has spied on world leaders, hacked computer systems, imbedded spies into other countries, intercepted satellite communications, listened in on telecommunication networks, designed worms for cyber attacked and even assassinated people. That is what the CIA does for a living! To act shocked and appalled that the Russians do the same thing is disingenuous. The faux indignation is purely politics....it is McCarthyism run amok.

BTW, I watched Chris Mathews interview of Putin last night and I like Putin! He came across as leader who loves his country. Does liking Putin make me un-American? Does that mean I am not a patriot? According to the media it sure does! Does Putin do evil stuff? I'm sure he does. Is he the second most powerful person on the planet? I'm sure he is. Does it behoove the US to try to get along with Russia? Absolutely! Aside from the talking heads in the media, I can't imagine anyone would want us to demonize Russia and treat them like an evil empire. I've been to Russia and found the Russian people to be just like us. They go to work every day, they go to McDonalds for lunch, the sit in the park and watch their children playing on the monkey bars. I found the people to be friendly and polite. But the media wants us to believe Russian are evil and want to take over the world and destroy America.

I live by the motto, "Be kind to everyone but have a plan to kill everyone in the room should the need arise!" I think that is Trump's motto when it comes to international diplomacy.

Just remember it was Obama that told Putin he would "have more flexibility after the election" and then Obama/Clinton gave Putin 20% of the world's uranium production. More to come on this as it is an active FBI investigation.

2018-07-17 8:21 AM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: Russian Summit

Originally posted by Synon Wow... you guys are something else. Had Russia influenced our election in Hillary's favor and she was groveling at Putin's feet I guarantee you guys would be singing a different tune. But since the shoe is on the other foot you are perfectly willing to justify another countries blatent meddling in our elections... with an excuse about intercepting a phone call from Germany and concern about the ISS? Please... the ISS isn't ours and it isn't Russia's, both countries need to cooperate for it to function. I'm sure they love receiving big fat American checks, and if they don't SpaceX is scheduled to have their crew capsule ready next year, the Russians will be paying us before long. It hasn't been addressed by the press because it's a non-issue. This is bigger than Trump, we are setting a blatant example that so long as you meddle enough that your horse wins all will be forgiven and it will pay large political dividends. This is literally the definition of corruption, you guys aren't stupid or ignorant, but your complacency IS quite disturbing. Unless you really do think this is only about Trump, then maybe you really are stupid after all.

LMAO.....spare me the drama, would you?  Was it BLATENT when our country sent money to Netanyahu's opponent in Israel's election?  This isn't about meddling....no matter how the summit turned out the left would spin it to hammer Trump.  The Democrat's cards are all on the table....and they can't win with that hand.

The only reason this is an issue is because meddling comes behind collusion in the dictionary......it'll be something else tomorrow. LOL


2018-07-17 9:25 AM
in reply to: 0

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Russian Summit

Originally posted by Synon Wow... you guys are something else. Had Russia influenced our election in Hillary's favor and she was groveling at Putin's feet I guarantee you guys would be singing a different tune. But since the shoe is on the other foot you are perfectly willing to justify another countries blatent meddling in our elections... with an excuse about intercepting a phone call from Germany and concern about the ISS? Please... the ISS isn't ours and it isn't Russia's, both countries need to cooperate for it to function. I'm sure they love receiving big fat American checks, and if they don't SpaceX is scheduled to have their crew capsule ready next year, the Russians will be paying us before long. It hasn't been addressed by the press because it's a non-issue. This is bigger than Trump, we are setting a blatant example that so long as you meddle enough that your horse wins all will be forgiven and it will pay large political dividends. This is literally the definition of corruption, you guys aren't stupid or ignorant, but your complacency IS quite disturbing. Unless you really do think this is only about Trump, then maybe you really are stupid after all.

OK, I had to lol when I read your statements on the ISS because I knew Rog would be taking you to school soon.  (I see he's already done that)
Anyways, on Russia.  The whole meddling thing is a complete and utter fake to get people like you outraged and keep you outraged at Trump.  Every nation on earth tries to meddle in elections by influencing voters or spinning things to help out the person who is most likely to help them in the long run.  The US has done this for a very long time and Russia has done this for a very long time.  Here's a Time magazine cover where we were bragging about influencing the Russian election during the Clinton administration. 

It's seriously not a big deal in the least and has been happening for our entire life, yet the media is continuing to hype everyone up to divide us as a nation.  Seriously, the media and the liberals want us to be at war with Russia as long as it helps take down Trump.  You guys are seriously unstable. 

Here's something else on the "meddling".  The Russians allegedly hacked the HRC private email server when she was SoS.  OK, if that's the case, it had nothing to do with the election and only to do with taking advantage of a moron SoS who didn't take security seriously.  Ironically they refused to turn the server over to the FBI for investigation of the hacking.  This tells us it was either not hacked, or there was a lot that was very illegal going on with that server.  We deserved to be hacked, if I'm honest. 
The "hack" that actually did have an impact on the election was the Podesta and DNC emails that came out.  However, here's the rub.  They weren't on a private server at all, they were on gmail.  No server was hacked.  Assange claims that he was given the emails from an insider which seems far more plausible than a "russian hack" because there were a lot of Bernie supporters inside the DNC that saw the corruption and election rigging that WAS taking place to thwart the will of the people. These patriots likely were the ones who leaked the emails to expose the corruption.  Remember, the "hacks" are not what brought Hillary down, it was the truth that the emails revealed that exposed her and the DNC for what they are.
If you believe there was no corruption by the DNC then I have a nice red bridge in San Francisco to sell you.

To try and deflect from the corruption and election rigging that DID happen in side the DNC by blaming Russia for something that likely didn't happen and risk an all out war is pathetically desperate.  This is why us conservatives are loving every second of it.  The DNC and liberalism in general is going down faster than the Titanic and it's a joyous sight to watch.

Edited by tuwood 2018-07-17 9:26 AM

2018-07-17 10:09 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Russian Summit

This isn't my post, but it summarizes what's really going on fairly well.

2018-07-17 10:15 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Russian Summit

I had a thought.  Why does the media and establishment politicians hate Russia so much?
They hate Russia because Putin is very nationalistic and an enemy to the globalism goal of the left.  Russia cannot be manipulated by the globalist elites and if he teams up with Trump the globalism movement is dead.

2018-07-17 10:47 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Russian Summit
Originally posted by tuwood

The DNC and liberalism in general is going down faster than the Titanic and it's a joyous sight to watch.

Good analogy. The democrat ship is listing hard to the port side as it takes on water from the socialists and anti-ICE extremists. I don't think there is strong enough leaders at the top of the DNC to right the ship.

Speaking of ships....if you ever get a chance to visit Stockholm, do not miss the Vasa Museum. Her story is horrible and hilarious and when I head it, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!

"Vasa is a retired Swedish warship built between 1626 and 1628. The ship foundered after sailing about 1,300 m (1,400 yd) into its maiden voyage on 10 August 1628."

So they spend 2 years building this big beautiful ship that was to the pride of the Swedish Crown! Picture this.....hundreds or maybe thousand of people gathered on the shores for the celebration of ship's maiden voyage! She was loaded with cannons, supplies and crew. All her gun hatches were open and the crew was waving to those on shore. But she had some design flaws......she was top-heavy and some brainiac decided round ballast stones were a good idea. Also the lower gun doors were too close to the waterline. So she began to list....and when she did guess what happened? The ballast stones started to roll towards the listing side! Then, with the lower gun hatches all open she started taking on water.....and to the horror of the thrown and all those people waving and smiling.....she sank right in front of their eyes! It would be totally hilarious if not for the 15 or so people who died when she sank.

So as an analogy for the DNC, they are listing to the left, are top-heavy and have round ballast stones!

The good news is, the water is brackish and cold and so she was preserved for 400 years! She was raised and now sits in a museum. Very cool thing to see. It was my favorite things to see in all the Baltic Sea countries.

2018-07-17 3:02 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Russian Summit

See.....the President didn't mean what you thought he said anyway.....geez......relax. 

2018-07-17 4:43 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Russian Summit

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by tuwood The DNC and liberalism in general is going down faster than the Titanic and it's a joyous sight to watch.
Good analogy. The democrat ship is listing hard to the port side as it takes on water from the socialists and anti-ICE extremists. I don't think there is strong enough leaders at the top of the DNC to right the ship. Speaking of ships....if you ever get a chance to visit Stockholm, do not miss the Vasa Museum. Her story is horrible and hilarious and when I head it, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! "Vasa is a retired

"Retired" isn't quite the right word...

Swedish warship built between 1626 and 1628. The ship foundered after sailing about 1,300 m (1,400 yd) into its maiden voyage on 10 August 1628." So they spend 2 years building this big beautiful ship that was to the pride of the Swedish Crown! Picture this.....hundreds or maybe thousand of people gathered on the shores for the celebration of ship's maiden voyage! She was loaded with cannons, supplies and crew. All her gun hatches were open and the crew was waving to those on shore. But she had some design flaws......she was top-heavy and some brainiac decided round ballast stones were a good idea. Also the lower gun doors were too close to the waterline. So she began to list....and when she did guess what happened? The ballast stones started to roll towards the listing side! Then, with the lower gun hatches all open she started taking on water.....and to the horror of the thrown and all those people waving and smiling.....she sank right in front of their eyes! It would be totally hilarious if not for the 15 or so people who died when she sank. So as an analogy for the DNC, they are listing to the left, are top-heavy and have round ballast stones! The good news is, the water is brackish and cold and so she was preserved for 400 years! She was raised and now sits in a museum. Very cool thing to see. It was my favorite things to see in all the Baltic Sea countries.

Been there, but it's been a few years.  As I recall, the King OVERRULED the naval architects, insisting on an extra row of cannon in spite of the protests that it would make the ship top heavy.  In trying to make it work, the lowest row of cannon got "too close" to the waterline and Vasa sank in the harbor.  

2018-07-17 8:49 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Russian Summit
Ok, the US spent $56 billion, the contributions by all member nations was around $100 billion for the ISS, your 90% figure is debatable. You also ignored my point that SpaceX is alrealy poised to make the Soyuz obsolite in the very near future, if the government was desperate and needed to speed that process up it would not be difficult. Dragon test flights are launching this fall. Again, it is a non-issue.

Are we going to still be talking about Hillary's emails until the heat death of the universe? Its reminicent of the liberals who whined about Bush every time a poor decision about Obama arised, someone elses inadequecies is not an excuse for poor decisions by the current administration. Trump uses his personal cell phone to avoid official records, where are all the pitchforks hmmm? And yeah, thank god for Trey Gowdy (who I know you admire) who on Sunday said point blank that "Russia attacked this country in 2016", at least he and many others in the Republican party get it.

All I see is excuses about "but Hilllllarrryyy", and "everyone does it, no big deal". Is that how you raised your kids too? Everyone steals, no big deal, in fact let me reward you for getting away with it. Allowing other countries to influence our elections without recourse IS a big deal and should not be shrugged at, I'm sure the founding fathers would be appauled that we don't treat this with more seriousness.

"Does Putin do evil stuff? I'm sure he does. Does liking Putin make me un-American? Does that mean I am not a patriot?"

Dunno dude, but if you gotta ask the question perhaps you should think deeply about it. Is the ability of the American people to be able to choose their representatives and leaders without foreign state sponsored propaganda and influence from other countries important? Sounds like a resounding "No" from all of you... at least until things aren't going your way, then I'm sure it will become a huge deal all of a sudden. It's no surprise that no one wants to address this, just a lot of deflection and and misdirection.
2018-07-17 9:02 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Russian Summit

Why don't the Dems address it?  It happened on their watch.....AFTER Hillary made the uranium deal, WITH RUSSIA, and Obama gave the farm to Iran.  I'm sorry, but after 8 years of foreign policy disaster from the Democrats.....I'm good with where we're headed and glad the bozos are no longer giving our country away in the name of "globalism".

In fact,  if we get to pick teams in the world's current political climate .....I'll take Russia and Israel and you go ahead and take the EU. 

You do realize that most of the summit focused on Israel, Syria, and Iran with respect to Russia's influence/role in these current conflicts, right?  Israel is hailing the summit as good work by our President, and I agree......I like a strong Israel, because radical Muslims don't....and the EU is useless.

Economy growing at 4.5% and my retirement portfolio at an all-time high is good enough for me......and it's going to be good enough for most of the people you are counting to throw Trump out in two years as well.

And let it go.....Hillary was NEVER going to win....nobody had any influence over that except the American voters.  Dude......all of her Highness' horses and all of her men couldn't beat Donald Trump. LMAO   AND....it was YOUR President who said no right thinking person would ever believe an American election could be rigged....who am I gonna believe?  You, or him?? 

Edited by Left Brain 2018-07-17 9:10 PM
2018-07-17 10:23 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Russian Summit
Yes, they should have done more and Obama is well known for his endless process with zero outcome. His sanctions and expelling diplomats was ineffective. Both parties should figure something out something that IS effective to stop this from happening in the future.

Like I said, no surprise you didn't answer the question in bold, the whataboutisms are getting tiresome. It's a yes or no question. I have no doubt a "no" would have qualifiers, but man up and answer the question directly instead of trying to spin in all this other crap that has nothing to do with it. Is it important or not?
2018-07-17 10:25 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Russian Summit

Of course it is.....and we do.


How about let the man do his damn job without all the non-stop noise and bullchit.....we DID elect him. 

Surely you'd agree it's just as important to let a duly elected president do his job as it is to elect him without interference.....right?  (I won't bold it so you can blather on about how the Russians meddled since collusion is now out). 

Edited by Left Brain 2018-07-17 10:30 PM
2018-07-17 10:54 PM
in reply to: Synon

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Russian Summit
Originally posted by SynonYes, they should have done more and Obama is well known for his endless process with zero outcome. His sanctions and expelling diplomats was ineffective. Both parties should figure something out something that IS effective to stop this from happening in the future. Like I said, no surprise you didn't answer the question in bold, the whataboutisms are getting tiresome. It's a yes or no question. I have no doubt a "no" would have qualifiers, but man up and answer the question directly instead of trying to spin in all this other crap that has nothing to do with it. Is it important or not?
Do you seriously believe Trump voters are so stupid that they'll vote for Trump based on a Russian sponsored Facebook ad? Do you not want transparent campaigns that follow the rules? The DNC and HRC are corrupt and insider Patriots exposed the corruption. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you would prefer that their corruption would not have been exposed, so our elections were more "fair" (cough rigged)

2018-07-17 10:58 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Russian Summit

Wait.....Russia has a Facebook account??  Well, I take it back....I hate those bastards.

2018-07-18 7:04 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Russian Summit
Russia, Russia, Russia! (ala Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!) The media sounds like teenage girls constantly whining about Russia. I read one Senator's comment that the hacking of the emails impacting the election was like spitting in a turbulent ocean....or words to that effect. There was much more mud slung at Trump than there was about Hillary.

It will be interesting to see how the American people feel about Trump this November. My suspicion is to the vast majority of people who vote, all this is noise and only a few political junkies like us keep up with this stuff. The issue that people care about is the economy and jobs and their paycheck/taxes. Everything else is just politics. If the dems take either or both houses all we will have is complete and total gridlock for the next two years as there is no way dems will get enough seats to overrule a veto. My 401k is looking great and that is good enough reason to vote to 'stay the course' IMO.

I do think all the chicken-little hyperbole about Trump being a traitor and committing treason for meeting with the Russians has just the opposite effect as was intended. While it might make the ardent Trump haters on the far left happy most fair-minded people in middle America reject this kind of unfounded talk.

2018-07-18 7:14 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Russian Summit
Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by Synon

Wow... you guys are something else. Had Russia influenced our election in Hillary's favor and she was groveling at Putin's feet I guarantee you guys would be singing a different tune. But since the shoe is on the other foot you are perfectly willing to justify another countries blatent meddling in our elections... with an excuse about intercepting a phone call from Germany and concern about the ISS? Please... the ISS isn't ours and it isn't Russia's, both countries need to cooperate for it to function. I'm sure they love receiving big fat American checks, and if they don't SpaceX is scheduled to have their crew capsule ready next year, the Russians will be paying us before long. It hasn't been addressed by the press because it's a non-issue.

This is bigger than Trump, we are setting a blatant example that so long as you meddle enough that your horse wins all will be forgiven and it will pay large political dividends. This is literally the definition of corruption, you guys aren't stupid or ignorant, but your complacency IS quite disturbing. Unless you really do think this is only about Trump, then maybe you really are stupid after all.

First off, ISS is ours. We spend $56 billion dollars designing, integrating, building, testing and deploying it. And countless billions more operating and maintaining it. I worked on the ISS program for 12 years. 90% of it was built with US taxpayer dollars. We control it thru JSC in Houston, we maintain it and we supply it. We have many people on the ground still working that program to keep it in orbit. Yes there is a Japanese module and European module and a Canadian robotic arm but we own the power system, the cooling system, the navigation, guidance and control systems, the environmental control and life support systems, the computer systems, the vacuum system, the air control and intermodule ventilation systems, the EVA systems, the video system and every other system on board! Europe, Japan, Canada and Russians are guests! Make no mistake, the US funds, control and owns ISS.

RE Russia/Trump....so call my stupid then. Call me cynical. Call me a conspiracy theorist. Call me deplorable. Call me a white supremacist nationalist. I honestly don't care what you or anyone else calls me. I've been called so many things, I just don't care anymore. That's what happens when people continually label people with some derisive label in an attempt to demonize opposing opinions, the name-calling loses it's potency.

I think the entire Russian/Trump thing is total BS and was started by the Deep State as CYA. Everyone including Obama, Rice, Brennan, Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, McCabe, Strzok, Page, et al were doing whatever they could to get Obama a 3rd term via Hillary. Anyone with any sort of objectivity knows full well Hillary should have been indicted for using a private email server to conduct US State Department business. We all know WHY she did that and it was so that her pay-for-play activities via the Clinton Foundation could rake in tens of millions of dollars and there would be no official record of it. Thank God for Trey Gowdy and the Benghazi investigation or no one would have ever known. There is no other explanation for having a private email server other than to hide activities from the public. But the dems were too far along in the election to run a different candidate. Bernie would have lost in a landslide. So the only course of action they had was to somehow exonerate Hillary. It HAD to be done or Trump would be elected an destroy the Republic. I'm sure they actually felt like patriots defending America from itself.

The Clinton machine gave Lynch her marching orders on the tarmac thru Bill. She knew she had to let HRC off the hook. She told Comey not to call it an 'investigation'! Coincidently shortly after the tarmac meeting with Clinton, Lynch announced she would be keeping Lynch on as AG. Go figure. It was a totally corrupt investigation of Hillary, where they never even got the email server and she deleted evidence that was under FBI subpoena! But it didn't matter, soon she would be president and all of the corruption would be swept under the rug and all the corrupt players would be vying for new positions under the new Clinton administration and be rewarded for their work to let her off the hook and get her elected. But the American people said NO! And Trump was elected.

Now they are all in panic mode! Little by little, drip by drip, email by email, text by text the truth of the corruption is being exposed. Now they are in serious panic mode! Mueller is their Alamo! Only Mueller can save them by making it look like Trump is corrupt and the only reason the deplorable, stinking, Walmart-shopping, uneducated, racist, bigoted American people elected Trump was because Russia hacked the DNC mail server and exposed the foul play of the DNC. The emails show corrupt the DNC is and how they cheated Bernie out of a fail primary and showed their utter contempt they had for America voters. But nobody change their support of Trump or Hillary because of the DNC email. People had already made up their minds about Clinton.

I applaud Trump for meeting with Putin. Always better to talk than to fight. Always better to listen and reason with than to shun your adversaries. Always better to have world leaders who can actually have a civil discourse than to treat everyone like we are at war with them. The US has meddled in elections all around the world for 50 years! The US has spied on world leaders, hacked computer systems, imbedded spies into other countries, intercepted satellite communications, listened in on telecommunication networks, designed worms for cyber attacked and even assassinated people. That is what the CIA does for a living! To act shocked and appalled that the Russians do the same thing is disingenuous. The faux indignation is purely politics....it is McCarthyism run amok.

BTW, I watched Chris Mathews interview of Putin last night and I like Putin! He came across as leader who loves his country. Does liking Putin make me un-American? Does that mean I am not a patriot? According to the media it sure does! Does Putin do evil stuff? I'm sure he does. Is he the second most powerful person on the planet? I'm sure he is. Does it behoove the US to try to get along with Russia? Absolutely! Aside from the talking heads in the media, I can't imagine anyone would want us to demonize Russia and treat them like an evil empire. I've been to Russia and found the Russian people to be just like us. They go to work every day, they go to McDonalds for lunch, the sit in the park and watch their children playing on the monkey bars. I found the people to be friendly and polite. But the media wants us to believe Russian are evil and want to take over the world and destroy America.

I live by the motto, "Be kind to everyone but have a plan to kill everyone in the room should the need arise!" I think that is Trump's motto when it comes to international diplomacy.

Just remember it was Obama that told Putin he would "have more flexibility after the election" and then Obama/Clinton gave Putin 20% of the world's uranium production. More to come on this as it is an active FBI investigation.


"Russia's Not America's Friend, But It's Better to Talk Than Fight" - Pitt Post-Gazette

They stole my line!
2018-07-18 7:56 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Russian Summit

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by Synon Wow... you guys are something else. Had Russia influenced our election in Hillary's favor and she was groveling at Putin's feet I guarantee you guys would be singing a different tune. But since the shoe is on the other foot you are perfectly willing to justify another countries blatent meddling in our elections... with an excuse about intercepting a phone call from Germany and concern about the ISS? Please... the ISS isn't ours and it isn't Russia's, both countries need to cooperate for it to function. I'm sure they love receiving big fat American checks, and if they don't SpaceX is scheduled to have their crew capsule ready next year, the Russians will be paying us before long. It hasn't been addressed by the press because it's a non-issue. This is bigger than Trump, we are setting a blatant example that so long as you meddle enough that your horse wins all will be forgiven and it will pay large political dividends. This is literally the definition of corruption, you guys aren't stupid or ignorant, but your complacency IS quite disturbing. Unless you really do think this is only about Trump, then maybe you really are stupid after all.
First off, ISS is ours. We spend $56 billion dollars designing, integrating, building, testing and deploying it. And countless billions more operating and maintaining it. I worked on the ISS program for 12 years. 90% of it was built with US taxpayer dollars. We control it thru JSC in Houston, we maintain it and we supply it. We have many people on the ground still working that program to keep it in orbit. Yes there is a Japanese module and European module and a Canadian robotic arm but we own the power system, the cooling system, the navigation, guidance and control systems, the environmental control and life support systems, the computer systems, the vacuum system, the air control and intermodule ventilation systems, the EVA systems, the video system and every other system on board! Europe, Japan, Canada and Russians are guests! Make no mistake, the US funds, control and owns ISS. RE Russia/Trump....so call my stupid then. Call me cynical. Call me a conspiracy theorist. Call me deplorable. Call me a white supremacist nationalist. I honestly don't care what you or anyone else calls me. I've been called so many things, I just don't care anymore. That's what happens when people continually label people with some derisive label in an attempt to demonize opposing opinions, the name-calling loses it's potency. I think the entire Russian/Trump thing is total BS and was started by the Deep State as CYA. Everyone including Obama, Rice, Brennan, Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, McCabe, Strzok, Page, et al were doing whatever they could to get Obama a 3rd term via Hillary. Anyone with any sort of objectivity knows full well Hillary should have been indicted for using a private email server to conduct US State Department business. We all know WHY she did that and it was so that her pay-for-play activities via the Clinton Foundation could rake in tens of millions of dollars and there would be no official record of it. Thank God for Trey Gowdy and the Benghazi investigation or no one would have ever known. There is no other explanation for having a private email server other than to hide activities from the public. But the dems were too far along in the election to run a different candidate. Bernie would have lost in a landslide. So the only course of action they had was to somehow exonerate Hillary. It HAD to be done or Trump would be elected an destroy the Republic. I'm sure they actually felt like patriots defending America from itself. The Clinton machine gave Lynch her marching orders on the tarmac thru Bill. She knew she had to let HRC off the hook. She told Comey not to call it an 'investigation'! Coincidently shortly after the tarmac meeting with Clinton, Lynch announced she would be keeping Lynch on as AG. Go figure. It was a totally corrupt investigation of Hillary, where they never even got the email server and she deleted evidence that was under FBI subpoena! But it didn't matter, soon she would be president and all of the corruption would be swept under the rug and all the corrupt players would be vying for new positions under the new Clinton administration and be rewarded for their work to let her off the hook and get her elected. But the American people said NO! And Trump was elected. Now they are all in panic mode! Little by little, drip by drip, email by email, text by text the truth of the corruption is being exposed. Now they are in serious panic mode! Mueller is their Alamo! Only Mueller can save them by making it look like Trump is corrupt and the only reason the deplorable, stinking, Walmart-shopping, uneducated, racist, bigoted American people elected Trump was because Russia hacked the DNC mail server and exposed the foul play of the DNC. The emails show corrupt the DNC is and how they cheated Bernie out of a fail primary and showed their utter contempt they had for America voters. But nobody change their support of Trump or Hillary because of the DNC email. People had already made up their minds about Clinton. I applaud Trump for meeting with Putin. Always better to talk than to fight. Always better to listen and reason with than to shun your adversaries. Always better to have world leaders who can actually have a civil discourse than to treat everyone like we are at war with them. The US has meddled in elections all around the world for 50 years! The US has spied on world leaders, hacked computer systems, imbedded spies into other countries, intercepted satellite communications, listened in on telecommunication networks, designed worms for cyber attacked and even assassinated people. That is what the CIA does for a living! To act shocked and appalled that the Russians do the same thing is disingenuous. The faux indignation is purely politics....it is McCarthyism run amok. BTW, I watched Chris Mathews interview of Putin last night and I like Putin! He came across as leader who loves his country. Does liking Putin make me un-American? Does that mean I am not a patriot? According to the media it sure does! Does Putin do evil stuff? I'm sure he does. Is he the second most powerful person on the planet? I'm sure he is. Does it behoove the US to try to get along with Russia? Absolutely! Aside from the talking heads in the media, I can't imagine anyone would want us to demonize Russia and treat them like an evil empire. I've been to Russia and found the Russian people to be just like us. They go to work every day, they go to McDonalds for lunch, the sit in the park and watch their children playing on the monkey bars. I found the people to be friendly and polite. But the media wants us to believe Russian are evil and want to take over the world and destroy America. I live by the motto, "Be kind to everyone but have a plan to kill everyone in the room should the need arise!" I think that is Trump's motto when it comes to international diplomacy. Just remember it was Obama that told Putin he would "have more flexibility after the election" and then Obama/Clinton gave Putin 20% of the world's uranium production. More to come on this as it is an active FBI investigation.
http://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/editorials/2018/07/17/It-is-bet... "Russia's Not America's Friend, But It's Better to Talk Than Fight" - Pitt Post-Gazette They stole my line!

I'll get a little tinfoil hat here, but IMHO Russia and the US treat each other as "enemies" to justify spending gazillions of dollars on defense and keep their respective spy powers funded.  The big military and war mongers in the US are always the ones wanting to blow up Russia because their cronies who sell multi-million dollar missiles will get a big order when we do. As was mentioned earlier, Russians are no different than us and every "evil" thing that's been claimed Putin did has also been claimed of Obama and Trump.
Putin is fiercely loyal to Russia and has a 100% Russia first attitude when it comes to foreign policy.  Trump is 100% America first attitude when it comes to foreign policy.  They have a lot in common and I suspect will forge a relationship unlike any we've seen in our lifetimes.  Ironically Europe who relies on the fear mongering of "evil Russians" is going to be left behind.

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