Subject: A Democrat Party divided...
"A New York Times analysis found that one-third of Senate Democrats and more than half of House Democrats have endorsed Medicare-for-all proposals"
Seems to be growing divide within the democrat party. Somebody need to come in on a high white hoss and save the democrats from themselves. It does the dems no good to have a majority in the House if they are divided against themselves.
Imagine the senior leaders in the DNC watching O-C dominate the headlines for democrats. A 29 yo kid with zero experience in government waxing no-so eloquently her socialist ideas. There have always been socialist in the democrat party but they were shrewd enough to not state their ultimate objectives of socialism. Now O-C comes along and proudly proclaims they want government health care for all, free college tuition, guaranteed income, reparations, fix income equality (redistribution of wealth ), elimination of fossil fuels, etc.
My guess is within 6 months O-C will start to understand how government work. Just because you have a great idea and are passionate about it and have hundreds or thousands of supporters.....means NOTHING. For every idea she is adamant about there are people on the other side who are equally adamant about opposing. Someone needs to tell her, we are a represented Republic and you represent a very small fringe minority with your socialist views.
Should be another humorous year in politics.