Hi all,
I have a sleeveless Xterra wetsuit-pretty entry level. There are some great sales right now on some Roka wetsuits-primarily the Maverick series.
Has anyone gone from the Xterra to a Roka and was it worth it? Roka is expensive but the reviews sure are very impressive. Just looking for any feedback if I would notice a lot of difference.
There are lots of good wetsuits out there and if you are going with sleeveless higher quality isn't as important. Don't worry about the Xterra deal, they are always on sale 60%. I wrote some general wetsuit buying tips here if you are interested - I think they might help you.
I have a Roka Maverick Elite full sleeve and the range of motion is great. I don't feel restricted at all. I figured I'd own it for many years (got it in 2014) so it was worth the extra $$$ over other wetsuit IMO.