General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Hyperglycemic Saturday 2-15-20 Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2020-02-15 2:22 PM

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Subject: Hyperglycemic Saturday 2-15-20
Alright folks, admit ate way too much sugary candy yesterday!

Just kidding, Ive grown out of my sweet tooth and really don't like much in the way of candy except for some dark dark chocolate.

Anyways, 70 minutes on the bike trainer with 45 minutes of sweet spot training. Hopped off the bike for a 2 mile brick run. First brick of the year and it felt fine. Eyeing a sprint in June to kick off the season.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Edited by Parkland 2020-02-15 2:23 PM

2020-02-16 6:13 AM
in reply to: Parkland

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Hyperglycemic Saturday 2-15-20
I also had just over 70 minutes on the trainer yesterday. My pace was quick, my effort level was mid range. When I came up from the ride, two of my boys were eating frozen cookie dough. This morning is a trail half marathon, I haven't been running a lot so I have no expectations other than enjoying a day in the woods.
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